Instigator / Pro

There exists no forensic evidence from an impartial/disinterested source that a single person was executed in a gas chamber in any of the internment camps of the Third Reich [conditions outlined]


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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After 1 vote and with 2 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
Six months
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

***debate recreated with amended character limit (was 10,000, now 30,000) after both contenders posted round 1 arguments. descriptions, title, debate settings and round 1 arguments copied from original as-is, apart from this note***

I am looking for irrefutable science-based evidence OF a gas-chamber death in any of the internment (AKA concentration) camps in the Third Reich during WW2. The evidence must be proven to have originated before the camp was captured and removed from German control. Please note conditions in the short description. Additionally: the evidence must be absolute (i.e. it cannot be 'possible' evidence of a gas-chamber death), it must be directed (i.e. not reversed, like "this proves that zero gas-chamber deaths is impossible), and it must be forensically sound.

The most irrefutable and solid forensic evidence I know of is a tear mark (e.g. when you tear a piece of paper, it is virtually impossible for any other tear to appear the same way under a microscope) -- this is far more reliable than bite marks, fingerprints, and it is more (not much more) reliable than DNA marker matching.

I hope it will be hard to find the evidence I ask for. But prove me wrong and present it to me! I hope I have outlined all the exclusions, but please allow me some leeway if I have not precisely specified the conditions.

Look at it this way: if you had that one piece of evidence, and nothing else, and the whole world believed there were zero gas-chamber deaths in the camps, could you turn the tables and convince 80% of the world that there was at least one death in a gas chamber at the camps?

***please note: I am not advocating hatred of any kind against any person or group of people, and I am exhibiting no political or racial opinion with regard to either my question/challenge or the context thereof - I understand the sensitive nature of the context so please can we keep this about the objective evidence and keep emotions out of this discussion***

Thank you and good luck!


I think it's way too big a topic for even 10 max-size debates - but I do have another idea related to this and I will post it soon. Cheers


You're welcome. I think you should retry the debate but put tho Holocaust on trial. If the Subject was that, you would have won


Thanks for voting. I thought the time would lapse with no votes.


it is so true that there have been laws put in place to arrest people if they even think about denying how true it is.

Chilling testimony from an Auschwitz inmate forced to help the Nazi murder squads has finally been deciphered, thanks to painstaking detective work and digital imaging.

On scraps of notepaper Marcel Nadjari, a Greek Jew, described how thousands of Jews were herded into the gas chambers daily. He saw them "packed in like sardines".

Definitely will vote on this one eventually. Glad to see a based topic like this.


thanks, no worries.


sorry Kritikal, missed one citation and reference:

for "This video (graphic) shows 'Footage of Dachau Nazi Concentration Camp victims ..."


oh yes, I see what you mean now. I will keep that in mind for future titles. thank you


Hi, sorry this is just a recreation to change the character limit, both Kritikal and I agreed to do the change and keep everything as-is, I will post my r2 within 2 days to keep with the original round time limits


I suggest changing the topic to "...source that ANYONE was executed in a gas chamber..." if you ever want to debate this topic again.

Again, this is too easy for a kritik. Obviously it isn't a single person, it's millions of people that died within gas chambers. They simply won't just open one for killing one person.