Instigator / Pro

Summer is better than winter


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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After 1 vote and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
Two days
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Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
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Contender / Con

No information

Round 1
Good morning ,afternoon and evening ladies and gentlemen thank you for attending my point of view on this topic. The question? Is Summer is better than winter?   I think yes because:
1)Outdoor fun. Speaking of getting sunshine, summer is better than winter for the simple fact that you can spend more time outdoors. Obviously, winter comes with cold temps and sometimes even snow, which typically means more time cuddled up indoors.Taking advantage of the lighter evenings means that there is more time to spend with your loved ones or trying something new.
2)The enjoyment of the great outdoors. There is so much to explore when we get the chance to step outside and take in the summer sun.
3)While sunny skies and warm temperatures do more than make our environment a pleasant place. They also provide some very significant benefits to our health and wellbeing. Research indicates that you are less likely to die of a heart attack in the summer than in the winter.summer is better than winter because you can have more fun. You can do a million things but in winter just a few due to the cold weather and the length of daylight. We also think Summer is one of the best seasons out of all the seasons ( Autumn, Winter and Spring).
4)Warmth of the summer days creates lifelong conditions for animals and plants activities. Also be ready for the thunderstorms, because in the summer it is very important phenomenon. It helps nature to survive in this hot period, crops to grow better and later give harvest!
5)Mental affection, there are some real, scientific reasons why we feel better, mentally and physically, during the summer months: There's an undeniable connection between weather and mood. “Warmer months do tend to have an impact on our overall happiness and well-being,” says Helene D. Moore.
6)Winter typically has cold weather, little daylight, and limited plant growth. In spring, plants sprout, tree leaves unfurl, and flowers blossom. Summer is the warmest time of the year and has the most daylight, so plants grow quickly. In autumn, temperatures drop, and many trees lose their leaves.
Summer in better than winter because of it many beneficial provides
Thank you for spending ur time reading and I do aswell wish my opponent Good luck!!! May the best argument win...

Thanks, zing_book.

1. Interpretation

The topic is:
Summer is better than winter
In which no restrictions were being set on what summers must be compared with what winters(For example, we can limit it to only the US, excluding Alaska and Hawaii, and we can limit it to only the northern hemisphere). No, none at all. Not even "on balance"(if such a phrase is present, which it isn't, then the job is to prove that the net benefit on summers is more than the net benefit on winters).

With a lack of these phrases present, thus a lack of restrictions, what is actually meant by the topic would be that in all cases logically possible, summer is better than winter. As a result, if I prove, that in 1 case winter is better than summer in fact, the topic is toppled and Con takes the W. If Pro prove that in all measures logically possible that summer will always be better than winter, then Pro wins.

Also, this is a 1-rounded debate, and there is no set structure limited anywhere. As a result, there is nothing restricting me from having rebuttals in the first round argument here. (Tip: If you want to actually be able to respond to the opposing arguments, please make the debate more than 1 round.)

2. Local Counterexamples

Death Valley

The Death valley is a "rock-based park" which welcomes tourists. The place is famous for being hot. What is the hottest the place can get over the summer period?134F(Fahrenheit) or 57C(Celsius). There have been month-long periods where the temperatures all rise above 110F or 43C, arguably in the summer.[1]

What about in the winters, you ask? Then, the temperature in the day are 60-70F on average, or 15-21C. At night, the temperatures can drop to about 38F or 3C.[2] That is when it gets cold. However, we can always add clothing in winters to make ourselves warmer, whereas in the summertime, if the temperature gets so hot even if we wear a single tank top or bikini, it won't get any better unless we happen to hop in a room with fluoride-powered airconditioning, which definitely isn't everywhere.

On top of that, science agrees on that we feel best when it is approximately 70F[3]. What that means is that in Death Valley, California, it is very comfortable to go out on a hike in the winter time without the need of many clothing, whereas in the summer you probably feel too hot no matter what you wear

So there is 1 measure in which Winter is better than Summer: base outdoor comfort in Death Valley.

More examples
Shenzhen, China[4]. Daytime temperature is 32C or 89F in Summers and the air is extremely humid so you almost always feel like as if you are in a hot pot. In Winters, daytime temperature is 20C or 68F, which is better(and adding clothes is easier than whatever you do to decrease temperature), and the air isn't extremely humid like in the summers.

Honolulu, HI, USA[5]. Although the change isn't as drastic, note that in summers, the temperature is on average ALWAYS above 70F, whereas in winters, it is not that hot all the time as it can drop to for example 66F.

Quito, Ecuador[6]. While this isn't an example where the summers are inherently worse in any measure, mind you that this city is located on the equator, so the temperature and climate stays similar all year long. This is an example where the summers are as good as the winters, which still proves the topic wrong.

3. Counterarguments

1)Outdoor fun. Speaking of getting sunshine, summer is better than winter for the simple fact that you can spend more time outdoors. Obviously, winter comes with cold temps and sometimes even snow, which typically means more time cuddled up indoors.Taking advantage of the lighter evenings means that there is more time to spend with your loved ones or trying something new.
It goes without saying that looking up to the sun causes eye damage[7]. As of 2022, this year, 90% of the world has access to electricity[8]. What is powered by electricity, you say? Lightbulbs that do not just burn your eyes upon looking, while being able to light up the environment. So, on balance, the average person would likely be more prone to look around at daytime than night. What does winters have? Longer nights! This means there is more time you can enjoy without as much concern for eye damage. Also, you cannot easily play with snow at summer in most locations(especially in many places where you DO get snow in winters) so this is a real downside.

2)The enjoyment of the great outdoors. There is so much to explore when we get the chance to step outside and take in the summer sun.
Somehow, just somehow, you can't do that in winters? That is crazy. I can't believe it. If anything, you actually get MORE areas for exploration due to ponds, lakes, rivers, etc. being frozen, thus opening you to huge amounts of new entertainment, such as ice-fishing IN THE MIDDLE of the river, as well as skating on frozen ponds. The low temperature averages for winters makes this much easier. As for such as Kayaking etc, you can always go to such as Florida and California, where the coldest thing you get is a mild temperature with no snow, same for US southerners wanting to skate, etc, you can just go fly to Canada or something.

Not mentioning that the technique of warming a location up is much more widespread than say, making realistic snow(without making it look like a pile of sorry sugar, of course, you can't just pour baking soda and call it snow). AC is invented in 1902(and unregulated heaters by themselves likely much earlier)[9] whereas snowmaking techniques were invented in 1950[10]. It goes without saying that you can find AC's in almost all shopping malls and closed stadiums whereas snowmaking would have a narrower application.

The point made? Winters have more exclusive events for most people due to it is easier to replicate summer-exclusive events (Also that basically almost all water-related events related to Summer when added with winter Ice only makes it more exciting, such as ice-boating, even if large-scale replacement is difficult). Using the same thing you can switch summer and winter temperatures(that is what they use to keep fresh meat and vegetables fresh too), but you must get a machine arguably harder to get if you want to replicate snow, when snow regularly comes in most places only in Winters and occasionally in the border with fall and spring, almost never summer(unless it is scandinavia again or Canada etc., which is a different story)

As for northern countries such as Finland and Norway and Canada, these countries are all developed countries[11] and likely have enough electricity to keep the lights in the country going(they can shut it off too, but they can't effectively shut off the sun). The sun is always up during summer in these countries and what happens when there is no sunsets? People get bad sleep[12], which is concerning.

3)While sunny skies and warm temperatures do more than make our environment a pleasant place. They also provide some very significant benefits to our health and wellbeing. Research indicates that you are less likely to die of a heart attack in the summer than in the winter.summer is better than winter because you can have more fun. You can do a million things but in winter just a few due to the cold weather and the length of daylight. We also think Summer is one of the best seasons out of all the seasons ( Autumn, Winter and Spring).

What research? What health benefits? How does summer make the environment better when it makes you feel hot even if you wear close to nothing in many locations? The lack of sourcing and the blatant anecdotal evidence makes this point not very impactful, eh...

4)Warmth of the summer days creates lifelong conditions for animals and plants activities. Also be ready for the thunderstorms, because in the summer it is very important phenomenon. It helps nature to survive in this hot period, crops to grow better and later give harvest!
What lifelong conditions? What about people living in constant coldness such as in Norway, and what about people living in constant hotness like those in southern California? Such things should be explained but they never were.

I have no response good enough for the last two points made, but I believe this is enough. I have pointed out many cases in which Winter is better than Summer which on paper proves the topic itself wrong.

4. Conclusions
  • The topic is phrased in a way as such if in some cases Winter is better than Summer, the topic is proven wrong.
    • In places such as Death Valley and Shenzhen, Winter generally have more comfortable temperatures.
  • Lighting is not a problem for most of the world but too much sunlight is, as it could cause eye damage and a lack of good sleep.
  • It is generally harder to recreate winter environments such as snow than summer environments. The tech of Melting snow and ice appeared earlier than the tech of making snow and ice reliably in industrial-grade.
  • Opponent did not source many of the benefits Summer brings.
  • As a result, the topic is proven wrong. Vote CON.
5. Sources

I rest my case.