Instigator / Pro

Human Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder


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con: beauty is most likely in the eye of the beholder and not very universal.
pro: beauty is most likely not in the eyes of the beholder and more universal.


My intention was never to argue beauty exists outside any observer. Simply that it is mostly innate, although as you already know I've not been motivated at all to do debates.


Because your eye sees it that way


Some things. I don't even deny that within my debate. We're strictly talking about genetic beauty for humans, even then both humans and animals agree on some things being beautiful (such as symmetry and health). Simplicity and averageness is always beautiful. Thats enough in my worldview to account for most of human "beauty" as you can have the best jawline but if its lopsided or one eye is on your forehead and the other on your nose, you're ugly no matter how nice your jaw.

Humans still have different beauty standards from other animals tho, so it's still eye of the beholder.


Some things may be conflated. Yet i hold true that its both inborn and universal that no one is turnt off by clear skin.

Universal and inborn appear to be conflated here.

very well.


I will defend in Round 2 the difference between something having basis in brain chemistry and most humans having trends and it being outside of the eye of the beholder. That expansion will become the crux of my case.

I already hinted at it so it won't be a brand new point.

On the ropes? You haven't even posted your argument. Although I love to lose debates, if you truly think you have positive and logical insight, I would love for you to make your argument.


And that right there reveals who is up against the ropes.

I'm not too sure. If you do post it, we will naturally debate it. If you don't, it will free up more of my time to have other debates. Its up to you really? If you're confident in your argument and do want to debate the topic, go for it. If not, i recommend you forfeit.


Do you think I should post the Round 1?

I've never seen rationalmadman take so long to make an argument. Hes on the ropes, he's crumbling under pressure.

i suppose thats true.


Lmao, imagine I hadn't blocked you and you could @ me with more of your nonsense. At least you didn't appear in my notifications.

I've come to learn that RM is a very emotionally fragile man who blocks people on the site over the most mundane things. I hope one day he learns he gives others power over him with his childish reactions. He becomes controlled by the person. He lets them dictate his emotional well-being and mental state.

We can agree status matters more if you have bountiful status, but most men don't and its statistically impossible for most men too. This then means your status is secondary for most men.


I did not ignore that critique cause over 90% of human beings who desire to procreate are heterosexual. Your point is an exception to the rule, one I care not about since it is outside the norm.

Look...the point of my comment was not about getting down to the nitty gritty of it all, it was purely on the basics of laws of attraction based in psychology. It begins with what was mentioned. First it is looks for men, and first it is stability and not looks for women. Seeing as we both agree on that salient point.


I'm not wrong, we agree. I agree women have a preference for status/wealth over looks. But a straight woman wouldn't date a billionaire woman if they acted like a man. You completely ignored that critique.

I can google dating statistics for men based on online dating, and im sure we will find a difference in average matches based solely just off a mans height. Showing women are PHYSICALLY attracted to a mans height. The halo effect exists, a woman will find you more assertive and dominant for being taller, keeping her finding you more interesting to talk too over text all other things equal.

Being wealthy can help you overcome your physical shortcomings as a man (sometimes and up to a limit) but most men cannot become rich its statistically impossible. Which means men must compete on other fronts such as personality and looks, this is the case for the vast majority of men. Not all of us can be economic/social outliers. How many men are so rich to the point their looks don't matter anymore? 0.5% of all men?


"Thats so bullshit i dont know where to begin. Yes, women put more pressure on social status and wealth as opposed to men but women do have physical preferences too, or all of them would be bisexual. Or would women be attracted to other women if they acted like a man? please."

>> What's bullshit about it? I mean really, you just admitted I was correct that women put more pressure on social status and wealth as opposed to men, and nowhere did I ever state women did not have some preference for physical attraction.

Your retort is purely sophomoric ignorance.

It is an affirmed psychological fact (studied relentlessly) that women look for stability before physical appearances. Yes, some women are mental and only go for the looks, and those women end up in horrible relationships, divorced, or victims of DV. That too has been studied and affirmed.

You're wrong. Again.


You will always be the second most handsome on the site RM, always one step behind my good looks.


I'm jon jones, you're lyoto machida with your wingchun


This is gonna become Mcgregor vs Khabib if you keep up the trash talk like that.


You're choking. 2 hours and still no argument produced, you're bamboozled and discombulated.


We'll see about that. Make your argument and we will see. I imagine i wont even disagree with you, we will agree and ill simply build upon it. I would agree beauty and sex aren't necessarily related. We will see if that detracts from me in any-way though.


It's amusing to me that the biggest flaw in your case was one you didn't think to put words into RM's mouth and say he'll say:

Wanting to fuck someone/something and finding him/her/them/it beautiful are not entirely related at all.

You can find the tiger in my image beautiful, doesn't mean you want to bang. You can find your grandmother beautiful...


Thats so bullshit i dont know where to begin. Yes, women put more pressure on social status and wealth as opposed to men but women do have physical preferences too, or all of them would be bisexual. Or would women be attracted to other women if they acted like a man? please.

This is a yes and no debate. Yes for men, no for women.
Men want looks in the female, and women want social status, strength, and stability ... not looks.

I need to make sure i get my titles and descriptions correct from now on as to not get caught half way through editing them!