Instigator / Pro

Miracle claims are unlikely to be true.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 1 vote and with 5 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

PRO will defend the position that miracle claims are unlikely to be true.

CON will defend that at least one miracle claim is likely to be true.

Miracles = a Divine intervention in the natural world


Thank you for the debate! It was great getting to talk about the supernatural in a respectable dialogue.

I will consider who won because I need to try and understand where exactly the burden-of-proof line is for both.


On your browser, under settings there's usually a button to switch to desktop view on a phone browser btw.

Idk about voting on this, honestly I don't see how Con is even a winnable position because the very nature of miracles is that they are unlikely to be miracles (they are unlikely to be at all and if they occur it can easily be 'luck').

I also don't like how hard you went on 'logical fallacies' when Pro genuinely didn't appeal to authority, if anybody committed fallacy it was you and your reliance on hearsay and subjective perception of events.

I don't see any aggression from Pro though, to be clear I think aggression is necessary to debate well.


Thanks for voting whiteflame!! RM, are you still going to vote on this one?


And on Oromagi, I agree it is really painful on phone browser, considering 90% of the time I am on my phone browser I have to agree that, to respond to his debates, I have to wait until the next time I am home and on my computer.

Idk if bullet points inherently makes a person a bad debater. But I don't think that was your main point anyways.

Idk who Oromagi was on DDO, so I have no idea if he was always like that or not. But, I tend to find with him that, if I'm not careful, I am suddenly defending straw man positions of my own arguments and such.

Ya know what might be an interesting debate?

RESOLVED: Oromagi Would Beat Bluesteel In A DebateArt Rated Debate


Thanks for voting!


His style of presenting his arguments is so comical, I am surprised people don't get headaches from the unreadable bullet points on a phone browser that on computer view still are an eyesore.

He bullet points, LITERALLY, he doesn't form paragraphs, lmao! His winrate is impressive as is his rating but his eloquence is one of the worst of all debaters that are competent here. I am amazed at his success level here with that style.




I’ll try to get to this one next.


I think it is because our methodologies for a good debater are different is all.


We disagree on oromagi's skill level as a debater but sure, I will look and vote.


I understand your concern. I try to be as objective as possible when I vote. Even though Orimagi and I, for instance, disagree on things, I still recognize he is a great debater and has successfully won the debates he won.

If you think I lost, simply tell me what I could have done better. If you think I won, then great lol.

Everyone can always learn!


Potentially ill show the physicalists how miracles are possible at a later date.


I don't want drama. I refuse to vote unless you promise no revenge voting if I vote against.

I have honestly got little interest on this debate so I am neutral now, not having an agenda. If you ask me to vote, I will then do so and be frank.

I have had a miracle or two happen in my life, curse type things too. I am also sure some lie and exaggerate, so I am neutral on this.

I guess nobody wants to vote on this debate. Sigh.






Can it, though? Or is it simply an explanation we don't know yet? Or is that what you meant?

Also, what source states there are 37.2 trillion cells in the human body? I would like to read it to know their methodology and see if it is sound or not.

To me, be the very definition of the laws of this universe, including those found via quantum physics, everything has an explanation.

The Human body has 37.2 trillion cells. Sometimes this can cause unexplained phenomena.

Vote bump
Also, comment if you are going to vote, just so I know.

By definition, a scientist would say that miracles can't exist, that we live in a rules-based universe, not that they are unlikely. Any phenomena can be explained because we live in a causally determined universe to the best of our knowledge. Everything has a first cause. We're just still figuring some of them out ;)