Instigator / Con



The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After not so many votes...

It's a tie!
Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Pro

Now I suppose a general description of the rules.

(1.) BOTH sides have a burden to prove their positions. (I have noticed this kind of burden swinging in far too many debates. It is a tactic to merely win a debate, not to find truth.)
(2.) Sources are NOT everything. (Something also misunderstood is the nature of facts. Facts are NOT automatic guarantees that what you say is true. Facts can be: 1. Wrong 2. Misinterpreted 3. Misapplied or irrelevant to your argument. Lastly you can have a fallacious argument, which is one consisting of logical fallacies, such as contradictions that are unable to be defended by mere facts)
(3.) Basic etiquette. (No character/ad hominum attacks, no topic critiques...etc)

In this debate I will be against Socialism. To clarify what Socialism is, I offer the following definition which I will include in my first post:
Socialism: “Political and economic theory advocating state ownership and control of the means of production, distribution, and exchange.” -Oxford English Dictionary

Weighing Mechanism: Individual vs Collective
Voters should weigh the arguments based on support for a more collectivized (for socialism) or Individualistic (against socialism) type of governance in a state.

Clarification of the burdens:
For side Pro (For Socialism): To support (build evidence on) and defend Socialism.
For side Con (Against Socialism): To support (build evidence on) and defend against Socialism.
We will have five rounds and 2 days each to post.

To Truth!


I think part of the problem is that issues and ideologies are vague, variable, and numerous in general,
Though people have aspects of issues, certain examples in mind,
When they say one is good or bad, wanted or unwanted.

I think it's also a problem when something specific and small is argued,
Such as Individual vs Collective,
I think that these small specific parts, again, easily find their ways into many definitions, issues, sides,
Even opposing issues, ideologies, sides.

I think,
You can't really have individual or state rights,
Unless there are mechanisms in place to place that.

I think that powerful nations 'require,
Some giving of 'some individual liberties, . . . Maybe.
Though which one's we ought keep, which give away, varies.
And some I 'greatly prefer to keep.
And maybe a strong nation needs some individual liberties,

I think that force and coercion can find various ways and methods,
It can be the state, it can be a company, it can be a group or an individual.


No worries.

It was my first debate on the website, so I should have asked the other person to specify the topic more clearly.

Sorry I don't have enough of a takeaway, for a vote,
Might just be me though, rather than the debate.

My take is, definitions used by both were confused and broad,
As well as too much responsibility to said definitions given to historical actions, by both debaters.


Hey Rational Madman,

To put it simply, I was arguing that taking the means of production by government, Socialism, is a worse form of governance than leaving the means of production to the individual and Sir Lancelot was arguing the opposite. I had two lines of argumentation to this end (It harms the most important value of the Individual and, as a result, it has caused great evils that would not have been possible without its implementation).

The debate is quite lengthy, so it may take a good 30min to read, but we go over these points in detail.

To Truth!


Logicae’s position: Socialism is evil.

Mine: Socialism is good for mankind.

Capitalism wasn’t really the focus here, as I’m the one who draws the comparison first to illustrate there are worse evils than the misdeeds invoked in the name of Socialism.

My quote: “It is this abusive treatment of the poor by the rich and wealthy that proves the need for socialism.”

But despite me referencing it several times, it isn’t very relevant to the debate.

Logicae: “While I do not defend capitalism explicitly in this debate, I will entertain this point.”

Logicae's quote on Socialism being anti-social.:
"Contention 1 Socialism is anti-social
The use of the word “social” in Socialism is disingenuous because it aims to sneak in the preconceived notion that we are all involved and have a say in its construction and implementation. But Socialism, despite euphemism in name, is far from social."

My response:
"Social Darwinism was a sociological theory that embraced the idea of “Survival of The Fittest” in society, allowing only wealthy people to triumph while completely disregarding those at the bottom of the hierarchy. This theory was used to enable rich industrialists taking advantage of poor people and even justify racism.

Socialism is the antithesis to Social Darwinism. Socialism is based on the idea that cooperation is more effective for long-term survival and balance than competition. In an ideal socialist world, everyone has value.

No more needs to be said."


In both of your opinions, what was this debate about?

Socialism is more X than Capitalism?

Socialism is X while Capitalism is Y?

Give me quotes from the debate supporting your idea of what the debate was. This isn't mandatory, it would just help me structure my vote. Currently, I cannot catch what you guys thought you were debating beyond some mention of a tyrant named Hitler.


Thank you and likewise!

This is a very fascinating thread.


Thank you very much for your great first speech!

To Truth!


Socialism existing? That is an easy Pro win.

Socialism doing X better than Capitalism? First define the latter and explain how pure vs reformed both systems of comparison are and the measures of success being contrasted.


Hello RationalMadman,

The topic is Socialism, which, as I provided in the description, is the "Political and economic theory advocating state ownership and control of the means of production, distribution, and exchange." Side Con (me) is against it and side Pro is for it. I also provided the weighing mechanism of Individual vs collective government to help judge each side.

I thought about limiting character size, but I would rather give each side as much room as possible to get their arguments through. Brevity is something I value, but I will let the other decide how he wishes to argue.

To Truth!


10 x 30k chars means we are expecting voters to vote from a 300k char read and downwards.

Aside from reducing either Rounds or chars, I'd appreciate this to be a topic. Socialism is not a debate resolution or topic, it has zero context as in what is it we are arguing?