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Grappling is more preferable than Striking in a 1v1 brawl.


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Grappling Styles: Kodokan Judo, Sumo, Brazilian Jujitsu, Chinese Shuai Chiao, Russsian Sambo, and the Western systems of Greco- Roman and Freestyle Wrestling.
Striking Styles: Karate, Boxing, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Kung Fu, Kickboxing, and Krav Maga.

Grappling- 1. Grappling, in hand-to-hand combat, describes sports that consist of gripping or seizing the opponent. 2. Engage in a close fight or struggle; wrestle.

Striking- To hit or attack someone or something forcefully or violently

Boxing- The art of attack and defense with the fists practiced as a sport.

Preferable- More desirable or suitable.

1v1- One versus one.

Brawl- To contend against in battle or physical combat.

1. On balance, BOP is shared.
2. No forfeits.
3. Anything in striking or grappling is fair game and can be used as a point of contention.
This also means blocks and non-boxing strikes extend to striking. (Striking.)
And choking, George Floyd Style, is also permissible in grappling. (Grappling.)


What exactly is it we are even debating?

I am not trolling you but this is so sketchy and voters in sketchy topics are... not that rational.

Preferable can mean ANYTHING. If I am a big man vs a small person of either gender, grappling inherently 100% is preferable to me. If I am the smaller individual, striking is 100% preferable to me. That much is obvious... Yet it also isn't.

If I one knocks over the opponent using their shorter height to its only advantage (superior center of gravity control) then strikes down on them and locks their legs via grappling technique punching them and kneeing them, did they win by striking or grappling and which was preferable?

If someone blocks, locks and utilises strikes when needed, are the locks inherently grappling? what is a block? Is that striking or grappling?


You got it, sir


Your current definition of striking makes it out to be the most brutal muay thai end of its spectrum and inherently implies it's nastier than grappling in the fight.

I would like you to make clear that choking, Chauvin-t-George-Floyd style, is included under what grappling entails because I can think of one way you're heading here and it is inherently deceptive.

I want this to be about on-foot brawling vs on-the-ground brawling.

I believe that grappling is only preferable if this certain factor is in play. that factor is clothing/ traditional gi from jiu-jitsu, due to the fact that multiple choke holds can be applied, but I believe in a UFC match usually the boxers are better.


I'll tweak the description with any of your suggestions to make it fair.


The only reason you've ruled out blocks and non-boxing strikes is to have a completely unfair edge here.

Both striking and grappling martial arts overlap in terms of locks but they differ in duration and purpose (grapplers enjoy locks, strikers use locks to assist/trap while further striking).

Striking is indispensible for street brawls! Imagine what you do when knives are involved, just grapple??? LOL!
^ You try wrestle this guy, fictional or not, if he were real. You aren't reaching his body to grapple with full consciousness LOL!


When you involve clothing, improvised weapons and improvised shields alike, suddenly you will realise why striking and the creativity and precision of it is more translatable to street brawl success than grappling. In grappling the heavier, bulkier one wins, no question. Striking is the one with the limitless skill ceiling. If you invade my home, I am sure you will win if you and I are wrestling it out, I am slim built and know my weaknesses. You are getting whipped and more before you touch me, I will turn my shirt into a whip and neck-choking rope if need be just like that. You dont understand how important striking skill is, I will lasso your wrist, yank it and disarm you before you can think what to do, if I kick your diaphragm and hand hard, then what?

This is not a threat, this is if someone broke into my home. I know my rooms better than they do, I can aim at them in the dark and trust me I would keep the lights off, flashing them if need be to leave you disoriented, I will do it until I blow the fuse. I know how real fights are won, the invader/assailant wont get to grapple me and if you do I go for neck or wrist hits and slices, this is not a threat it is a reality of what life, death, safety and getting messed up are differentiated by.

Grappling happen when idiots let each other get too close for striking to keep its power.


Only in a ring with rules. The rules are inherently grappling supremacist.


I agree that it's better to be a well rounded fighter. But grapplers with little to no striking consistently win fights against strikers with little to no grappling.


Its best to be good at both, it is very difficult to vs an adept striker and blocker.

Agreed. No question grappling is the most important thing to be good at for fighting.

If ruling out kicks, knees blocks, locks and elbows then yes.

If including them, striking is actually not that bad, MMA rules just make it appear so as killshots and bonebreakers are banned.


Really? There is a sport called "Grappling"?

The best way is to be able to adapt.

To be formless , shapeless ike water.
When the opponent expands, I contract.
When he contracts, I expand.



Same thing as a fight.

It can either refer to a bar brawl or a street fight.


What exactly is a brawl? In a street fight, boxing is better, while in an organized spar, grappling is better.