Instigator / Pro

Cannabis is not risk free, and isn’t especially medical applicable.


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After 2 votes and with 10 points ahead, the winner is...

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Two days
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Voting period
One month
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Contender / Con

I am a fan of cannabis, I am a fan of all drugs. I think all of them should be legalized. However I’ve noticed an issue in the cannabis crowd. They refuse to believe the facts surrounding the risks of cannabis use, and this making legalization harder. They beat the drums of safety and medical application, but there doesn’t seem to be much evidence that it especially useful outside a few niche situations. All drugs are like that.

Opioids are far more effective for cancer pains, cocaine is far more useful as a topical pain killer. However each drug has their own lists of medical applicability and one isn’t necessarily better than the other. Cannabis can’t treat ADHD near as well as amphetamines, it can’t treat depression as well as ketamine and psychedelics. It can’t treat obesity at all. It can’t treat narcolepsy at all. It can’t treat many things that other drugs can.

Medical potential should not be the focus of legalization of even an excuse to using cannabis. We shouldn’t need an excuse, we should be free to do any drug. However, lying and pushing straight up false hoods about cannabis makes that hope a much harder thing to conceive. It should be about freedom, not about safety or medical potential.

My point behind this debate is not bismirch cannabis or cannabis users, but rather to strengthen the argument of legalization by being honest and educating people.


Thank both of you guys. I wasn’t ever trying to sound like a know it all or anything, I just have a lot of confidence in my knowledge on this particular topic.

I’ll try and start another debate on a topic similar soon and I hope y’all are there to see it.


Do it again. You learned enough about formulating the resolution here to make it really hard to beat you as well as to make sure it stays on the topic you prefer.


For the record, I think you have a great knowledge base in these topics - just remember that the resolution is half of the debate.


Thanks for the vote, wasn’t trying to sound like a doctor or pharmacist. I have just dedicated many years of my life to studying pharmacology. I think my title being unclear messed up my argument pretty badly.


I'll take a look at it tonight.


Thank you.

Mind if I get a vote on the Nicolino Locche vs Floyd Mayweather debate?

I don’t expect you to vote immediately but when you have enough time, I’d appreciate it!


Thanks for the vote. If you ever need a fair vote for a debate, don't hesitate to tag me.


Looking forward to your vote.


Will vote on this after dinner.


Thx! Don't feel any pressure to do it if you're short on time.


I'll try when I get home from vacation if I don't have too much work for uni.


Still planning on voting?

Will vote on this soon


Sometimes you just gotta go to war man. Especially with people like RM

*Drops a friendly message asking for votes last night*

*Comes back to a warzone in the comments*

Yep, a normal day at DebateArt.

That’s a real mature way of handling this. Ignore my friendly messages, remove me from friends list, report votes for me, call said votes unfair, then block me because your claims don’t make any sense.

A- level debater right here folks.


You are irritating me with being like 20 out of the past 20something notifications I have had.

You are blocked for now, ty.


I’m not even mad about any of it at all. I just want you to stop acting like you’re a victim of unfair voting, when you’re just not well versed in this topic. It’s fine to not dedicate your life to studying pharmacology as I have. That’s no problem. It’s only a problem when you begin to act like an expert and blame everyone but yourself for not getting votes. If people come and vote for you, I will think they’re uneducated or don’t have deep insight on the topic, but I would never report the vote or complain about. That’s on you man.


Do you not find it strange I’ve had a very respectful debate with my opponent in this thread? We have messaged each other back and forth many times about the debate and about the approach to the debate.

But you ignore my friendly messages and evidence and expect people to side with you on a debate you know literally nothing about. So much so you couldn’t counter 1 single point I made the entire time. And kept bringing up points that let me know you’re entirely uneducated. Like “date rape drugs which are basically only used for kidnapping” you have 0 evidence for that. Date rape drugs aren’t a class of drugs. Are you talking about GHB? Which does the exact same thing to the brain as alcohol and Xanax? GHB, is used recreationally all the time and 99% of the users do not use it to rape other people. So that made no sense.

If you’re talking about drugs that can make you lose consciousness, then you’d have to call opioids, alcohol, Xanax, ketamine, PCP, etc all date rape drugs. Which you probably wouldn’t if you had half a brain. You just don’t know anything about this topic and then try to say to someone who has a formal education and years of research into the topic ignorant. It’s amazing how egotistical you are on a topic you clearly know nothing about.


I have no salt what so ever big guy. I showed you no I’ll will. As a matter of fact I sent you a friend request and friendly messages in between rounds trying to show you my evidence for my claims. You ignored them, and then removed me your friends list. That sounds much saltier than anything I’ve said to you at all. Also if you can’t see I’m just playing “mental warfare” which you claimed to be the master of, you’re not paying attention.
Also I’ve given you dozens of lines of evidence that drugs are not harmful 80-90% of the time. You just refuse to accept the data. You have brought forth 0 data to back up how harmful you claim drugs to be. That’s on you. You have done no real research on the topic of pharmacology and how drugs interact with societies at all. Your research starts and ends with simple google searches like “risks of heroin” and don’t dig any deeper. Again I gave you many sources to start doing true research on the topic, you ignored it and never presented any evidence that went against anything I was saying at all, again that’s on you.

It’s not my fault you can’t be objective in your approach on the topic of drugs. You also didn’t get “votebombed” someone actually read the debate and saw who had more evidence for their claims. That was a landslide in my direction.


The salt is primarily yours both while you were losing and even while winning. That is why you are talking about it everywhere and now assume I would grudge against you instead of the user that votebombed me in that debate.

I do not care about this discussion, I just find your understanding of revenge and feelings are rather low EQ. That translates into why you cannot comprehend how vile drugs are to communities and the emotional distress of it.


Rational madman is currently losing a debate against me and is very salty. I’d be very very surprised if he doesn’t give you every vote lol.


Care to drop a vote?





Extend all sources from previous rounds.


Addiction is a misnomer in my opinion. It also depends on what you mean by addiction. Ketamine can hardly be considered highly addictive. There’s evidence it can actually treat addiction. Also to be considered an addict and be diagnosed with substance use disorder, the use or activity must be disrupting your social life or professional life. If you’re saying they have higher dependence potential that would be true. However that isn’t the point of this debate. The point of this debate is to say that cannabis is nothing special, you can look at Mitragynine, which is an opioid, and it has the same addiction and dependence potential as cannabis because it is a partial agonist at the mu-opioid receptor as well as a few others. It has also been used to treat opioid addiction as well as other drugs that have similar pharmacological properties. There’s nothing especially addictive about the opioid system, there’s nothing especially non-addictive about the cannabinoid system. Drugs like AB-phubenica and K2 have shown that.

I like the recreational debate as well, I believe all drugs should be legal to use recreationally.


"It is also not more medically applicable than drugs like morphine, cocaine, heroin, ketamine, methamphetamine, etc. "
Those are some VERY strong drugs to be comparing it too, and those are highly addictive. I don't think anyone's arguing that cannabis is anywhere near the same ballpark, though to be fair, I've done little-to-no research on the supposed medical uses of cannabis.
I've always been more of a recreational use arguer anyways.


That's great to hear - I don't really spend a lot of time on soft sciences, since I plan to major in civil engineering someday. It's impressive you've managed to tackle such a thorny topic in your free time.

Anyway, ik my style of debating is a bit annoying - I do IRL debate, and focused on semantics and greater-impact arguments (the idea that I don't need to rebut your arguments if my argument's impact is overall greater). My knowledge of biochemistry is limited to basic biology and Wikipedia, so I needed to try a different route if I wanted to win this.

If you ever want to have a two-way discussion on legalization of cannabis (a topic I'm interested in), feel free to DM me - I'm pretty friendly outside of debate rounds.


It is a compliment you said that though. Thank you I spend hours of my life studying this stuff. I write as much as I read I’ve been working on a pharmacology and drug use guide of sorts for a couple years now.


I got over halfway done with a chemistry degree with a focus towards pharmacology, before my hatred for physics for scientists overcame me lol. Now I’m a geoscience major so I can still get good work. But I’m honestly mostly an autodidact on this topic. Just reads lots of pharmacology books and lots of neurochemsitry studies. There’s still a lot I don’t know and I wouldn’t consider myself a true expert, but I still plan on returning to become a pharmacologist once I get my Environmental career rolling.


Out of curiosity, did you major in biochemistry or a similar field? That's the sort of impression I get from reading your arguments.


No problem man, I have thick skin lmao. It’s partially my fault for not double checking what the title and stuff was before starting the debate. All good.


I apologize if my tone came off as a little bit condescending; it was simply annoying for me to accept a debate, only to realize that the topic you thought you were creating was different than the topic I thought I was accepting.










This should be classified as a hot debate


Omg Autin just accepted the challenge at the same time I tried to, Mps I would be down to do the same topic with you just send me a challenge