Instigator / Pro

God most definitely exists


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After 1 vote and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
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Contender / Con

I am Pro and I accept that God exists. He has to. There is no other logical explanation other than God for the universe to exist.


Yes I agree, people have an inate understanding of God when they are born, a study was actually done on this. If you left a child on an island with no knowledge his first response would be that there is a higher power


I think your goal his is to convert people. Most of your opponents will be atheists so just helping them find God might be the best path. After you prove God than defending your faith with theists and changing their mind might help the best.

I personally think people would be better off by presupposing a God exists, but the west is so fucked up, that we are basically presupposing the opposite.

I hope you'll find more people here who can at least consider your arguments as well.


Thank you very much, I appreciate it

Probably one of the first people since I joined this site that actually commended me


I think you did a great job defending your position in the debate and I would agree with you that not all perceived contradictions are actually contradictions.


If you compare the Quran with the Bible and co you can see the difference. Loads of books have no contradictions, correct. Loads of religious books and scriptures however? No, that is where it stops. Isn't explaining that something is not a contradiction the right thing to do? If the opponent accepts that explanation then job done right?

"4:82-Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah , they would have found within it much contradiction"

This is a silly statement. For two reasons. One is that contradiction doesn't mean it's from God. Lots of books have zero contradictions.

Another is that even if contradictions are pointed out than they'll just be explained away by apologists, typically in a stupid way that leaves some doubt as to whether it is contradictory, until a normal person applies Occam's Razor


First mover is a stronger argument than first cause. You should have stuck with that just FYI

I am going to vote on this


Why would his opponent not believing in the Koran, mean he can't use it in an argument?


God is the creator of the universe. The Islamic God is also the creator of the universe. Unless there is a different definition to God, I conclude that they are both the same.


Fact of the matter is that the Title of the Debate is does God exist, not the Islamic God, therefore any arguments pertaining to that are unusable.


The same way I used those arguments, is the same way the Quran argument is. The opponent does not need to believe in it for me to use it. That's like saying, he needs to believe in the Big Bang for me to use that.


BOP has to be shared and if your opponent does not believe that the Quran is legit, than you can't use that as proof.


If the debate was about the Quran, then yes you would be correct. But it had nothing to do with that topic.


My argument about the Quran was a fair one. Con wanted physical proof of God and the Quran is the physical proof. It is from God, that is my claim. If the Quran is from God, then God exists.

I'm an atheist;
Pro used every outdated (and long-being debunked) textbook argument for deism, then converted that to theism with a gross reinterpretation of the Koran.

But with my personal tenets aside, I don't think Con did a good enough job to convincingly refute Pro. Con did a better job representing his camp.

The concept of God came from the fact that all humans have fathers.


I just don't like things going off this platform into the public view etc, I don't know why it's just a preference for me. You do you, if my username is in it, it is what it is


Is this debate fine to have your username on YT?

Will probably vote on this in the coming days


That was quick