Instigator / Con

Should the death penalty be allowed


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 7 votes and with 40 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Pro

No information

Jumping joyful jubilations!

Utimately undone unexplainably.


You're alright, glad you're back. I'm willing to re-do this debate with you if wanted.

It’s okay


Very good argument though


I apologise I forgot about this


I see.
Guess it just sparked something.


Might have been the cause or just an amplifier.


Thank you for letting me know. I somewhat knew the idea but it's good to get a more approachable way to understand forfeits.

I think I understand what you mean. I guess I can start to understand why he doesn't vote for spelling, conduct, and sources. To fully understand, he doesn't like voting for the extras; not argument, because of the debate he "rewarded" you for?


Alright, I appreciate you taking the time to respond.
Though I don't necessarily agree, I do respect your decision.


Short version, grammar, conduct, and sources are problematic and only win/loss debates are justified in my mind. Long version,


If it’s one forfeit, it’s the loss of a conduct point. Two forfeits are usually a full concession.
I have a habit of forfeiting one round in most of my debates, so he was getting frustrated with me for not taking it seriously enough and he felt bad about rewarding me the victory in my debate with Mall.


I have a slight questions for you regarding your vote.

Based on some comments I have seen on other debates that you have commented on, you have stated something such as, "I regret rating them for spelling and grammar, conduct, better sources.." Why would you vote them as a tie on those sections (besides the argument section)? Im genuinely curious whats your reason behind voting like that, mainly because you have nothing to judge from the person who performed full forfeit.

Also, I am not saying your voting is right or wrong just genuinely curious.


Rating constantly fluctuates.

Only make a debate rated if you’re interested in the topic and you’re very familiar with the subject material.

But the drop in rating can be reversed easily.


"I'd suggest making the debate unrated..."

You know... I regret making all of my debates "rated" right now

I'll simply just bump this being an easy vote (ff).

Barney and Oromagi are currently the best debaters to learn from IMO.

When it comes to commentary criticism and getting feedback, I’d say WeaverofFate is the best to ask questions to.


I appreciate your advice.

Before taking this debate with Chloe I have already researched all of the debates (on DebateArt that circles around death penalty) including your tie with Austin. Though I give my thanks for mentioning it, I might have forgotten about it.


I would prefer "Should the death penalty be abolished," with you as CON and I as PRO, since usually policy debates use the term "abolished."


I'd suggest making the debate unrated if it's your first time debating on the subject, so it doesn't affect your rating.

You can also refer back to this second debate between me and Austin as a reference guide.:


Possibly. I have recognized your debate with RationalMadMan before I started this debate with Chloe_firm.
Seeing that he conceded to your argument makes me uneasy about possibly debating you.

When you say the same "topic" does this mean it consists of the same title, "Should death penalty to be allowed"?

I appreciate this invite.


Would you be willing to debate me on the same topic? I am strongly against the death penalty.

In the end of Argument A, it is supposed to state: "Living murders are not immobilized to continue crimes." I apologize for the misspelling.


I don't actually have an opinion but I can argue for it both ways


Under certain circumstances, yes. Personally, if I was convicted for life without parole and no hope of my conviction being overturned by new evidence (let's say I'm guilty with video evidence of the crime), then I would rather have the death sentence then spend decades in prison. There are a lot of problems with the US prison system in general, so if life in prison was improved from how it currently stands, then I would likely reconsider.

As it stands, there are fates worse than death that I would prefer to avoid if I have a choice.