Instigator / Con

Marijuana Legalization vs Prohibition


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 3 votes and with 6 points ahead, the winner is...

whiteflame's avatar
27 debates / 196 votes
Melcharaz's avatar
6 debates / 45 votes
AustinL0926's avatar
33 debates / 25 votes
No vote
AleutianTexan's avatar
4 debates / 27 votes
Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Pro

BOP is shared.

Pro argues marijuana should be legalized in all 50 states of the US, Con argues that it should be illegal.

1. Winner is determined by whoever does the better job arguing and supporting their side.
2. BOP is shared.
3. Evidence can be used citing research from other countries.
4. One forfeit is the loss of a conduct point. Two are a concession.


Thanks for the vote!


Overall, this was a great debate. I apologize for voting late – it wouldn’t have changed anything, but still, it’s on me for not planning it into my after-school schedule.


This debate was definitely tricky to judge, since there were a lot of arguments, but the majority of them had little to no impact. I assumed roughly equal burdens for both sides, as they were arguing for the merits of opposing plans.

For CON, I wasn’t convinced by most of the arguments by the end of the debate. In particular, the racism and insanity plea arguments seemed to be particularly weak, as if they were just tacked on at the end for some extra fluff. His arguments about cost got turned around by the cost of current enforcement, while he failed to demonstrate any substantial, or concrete harms, for LEGALIZATION in particular – it's important to note that legalization won’t magically cause linearly increased harms, while prohibition won’t cause marijuana to disappear.

His first and second contentions were good, and I definitely weighed them substantially, as I buy that they go up linearly as marijuana use increases. The third and fourth go together, but were less convincing – people who are already addicted don’t care about whether marijuana is legal or not.

Meanwhile, PRO had some good sources and contentions, but he suffered from a lack of a focused structure. His contention about reducing overdoses from opioids was poorly supported and went nowhere. I did like some nice reversals and source contesting, it definitely mitigated CON’s case. On the other hand, the substantial whataboutism about other drugs, as well as some less relevant points, had little impact. However, there was an excellent contention about imprisonment, which was successful in mitigating CON’s societal harms.

In terms of rebuttals, CON did better in addressing all points, but did so in less depth. PRO dropped a few points, but he had strong rebuttals to many of CON’s main points. So both sides did decent here.

If both sides had fully proven their case was directly linked to the legalization (or prohibition) of marijuana, their impacts would be equal and I would probably leave it tied. However, there’s a crucial distinction here: PRO managed to use concrete data from the real world to demonstrate the effects of prohibition, while CON didn’t - all he did was cite harms of marijuana, and try to directly link them to legalization. However, without some sort of concrete number, or a case that the harms would be direct, and proportionate to the harms of not legalization marijuana, I don’t give it as much weight.

So all in all, arguments go to PRO, but it was a close one.


Both sides did their due diligence with sources, and I saw no glaring gaps or inaccuracies in terms of what the sources said, and what it was claimed to say.


Good by both sides.


Good by both sides – glad to see a minimum of ad hominems. Great sportsmanship by CON, offering to waive the “no forfeitures” rule, BTW.

Oh fuq, I had the Rfd written, but I forgot to post it. Very sorry and will post ASAP. It's good to see it didn't affect the result of the debate tho.


You seemed to reread it, but so it's more understandable, the tldr version is that if legalization makes people smoke less, then all the reasons marijuana is bad is reasons we should legalize it, that way less people actually smoke it.

In regard to the aggression thing, you should be playing terminal defense. In the wise words of Ray Liotta's character from Marriage Story, "If we start from a place of reasonable and they start from a place of crazy, when we settle we'll be somewhere between reasonable and crazy!"

Edit: Good example of this is me saying that gun control is good because all governments are good and citizens should never resist them.


You only have 12 hours left for your vote are you gonna be able to do it?


This was a very good debate, prolly the most interesting one I’ve had so far. As you can prolly tell cannabis is the one I’m used to debating the least, I’m usually discussing the “hard drugs” and their legalization and their pharmacology. Mainly because cannabis doesn’t interest me much, and it’s a pretty simple drug. I think it should be legalized but I also think the cannabis crowd is as annoying as the hippie psychedelic crowd so I try to engage in many discussions about because people only want to talk about how “healthy” it is. I still had a fun debate regardless.


You didn’t lol I’m joking


My bad, I didn’t mean it to come off that way.


I never had a problem with necessarily claiming that cannabis causes some people to be more aggressive. The claim I was trying to make is that the majority of cannabis users do not experience that. That is evident by the 20% statistic you cited.


Don’t patronize me lmao


Good job!


Nvm I read your vote more carefully.

Also post mortem blood tests are almost never useful which is why they’re usually pushed by people trying to push a certain rhetoric about drugs.


Hey, I may be misreading your vote, or misunderstanding, it seems you disagree with me. Is that is the case I just wanted to make sure you know I am Pro and Lancelot is Con. I disagree with some of what your vote said, however if you think Lancelot deserved your vote, which is what im getting from your reasoning, I wanted you to know that he is Con and I am pro so you can make sure you voted for the right person.

If you meant to give me the nod, maybe I misunderstood your vote or didn’t read it carefully enough.

Will be voting by end of today


Thanks for the vote!

Notes for Pro,
1. All the freedom stuff I said above.
2. Make sure to check your sources. The violence and aggression one sold you out, so read through an entire thing before you put it in.
3. Make sure you're answering the warrant Con says. If Con says that drivers self report, you need to talk about the unreliability of self-reporting, not post mortem analysis.

Notes for Con,
1. You get lost in the weeds of all the little points and missed the big picture. The legalization decreases use debate should have been a major place, not just you half-hearted questioning a source. There are certain arguments that are lynchpins and you have to check for that.
2. On the driving arguments, answer their post-mortem stuff, either by calling out the self-reporting for the judge or get in the mud about why post-mortem analysis good.
3. I don't really understand the racism argument. I think you need to flesh it way out for me to understand what exactly is going on here.

Really good job, if either side has any questions, feel free to reach out.


Very good debate, I vote Pro and here's why

1. I buy that mariujuana makes people more violent. The argument about endocannabinoid systems and a 20% increase in hostility through a study of 300k people won me over. The counter study that shows high doses suppress aggression even admit low doses increase aggression.

2. I buy that marijuana is a cause of psychosis. Even if there are other causes, this doesn't contest that marijuana is a cause.

3. I buy that marijuana causes higher accidents. Even if I whole heartedly buy Pro's argument about post-mortem being impossible to fully tell, Con sites 69% self-reporting to driving high.

4. In regard to the idea about motorcycles, nicotine, alcohol, etc. and other risky activities, I see this as a warrant for Pro's freedom claims. With that, I don't weigh this argument for three reasons.
A. I think Con makes the right argument when he says that freedom in a way that harms others is bad. Since they're winning aggression and driving, I think that they win freedom in this instance is bad.
B. Pro is not making freedom win anything. For example, should I have the freedom to murder people? We would say no because freedom in a vacuum isn't worth anything. Pro needs to be saying freedom, especially in this instance, is crucial to personal autonomy or quality of life and say that the negligible amount of deaths don't stack up to that. Freedom in a vacuum is less of a concern for me than deaths.
C. The other way Pro could have used this is ditch all the freedom stuff and say "alcohol, nicotine, and motorcycles make deaths on the road and through health issues and through aggression inevitable, even without marijuana. Since these are inevitable, it is only a question of the benefits from tax revenue" This means that, the idea of marijuana illegalization in a vacuum can't solve for the impacts of Con, but legalization lets you get your benefits. You didn't do any of this work, so I don't evaluate it.

5. I buy that cannabis is better than heroin and that heroin rates of addiction go down when cannabis rates go up. Con says that we shouldn't have addiction, but this doesn't seem responsive to Pro's argument.

6. I believe adolescent drug use and drug use goes down writ large with legalization. Con never answers when Pro says this. Simply restating statistics that show kids in the status quo use drugs doesn't prove anything if it is still less than 50 years ago. While the question of how "legal" drugs are due to state bans would have been a good answer, this is not brought up.

7. For the racism argument, Con falls into the trap of posting links but not doing the work in round. Outside of that, however, I buy that regulations make it hard for POC to get into the industry. Pro does bring up in the fourth round, that policing and jailing negatively affects them worse, as was jailing brought up earlier in the debate, so I feel ok evaluating this for Pro. If systemic racism impacts POC either way, it is better for them to be unable to own a business than go to jail.

8. I take the drug crime stuff as a wash. Both of yall gave one example of drugs getting someone off and drugs getting someone charged. Seems equal.

9. On the costs, I buy that legalization is expensive because of all the supporting costs.

10. People go to jail for simple possession.

11. Children of people in jail are more likely to go to jail.

In conclusion, either side could win the debate from the facts that have been set out before me. The issue is that neither side is saying "car accident deaths are worse than jail time" or vice versa in a way that can give me an easy out. However, my go to is to first way safety versus freedom, and I think I did that evaluation above with a notes. I prioritize safety because those are lives and I'm not given a reason to prefer freedom. With that, I then ask, does legalization decrease drug use, which I find it does. With that, not only does legalization stop jail time, but in a roundabout way, solves all of the violence of drugs.

Thx, whiteflame!


i will respond once ive looked over the sources and weighed the arguements. Got a week to vote.
ill probably respond tomorrow or friday


What are your personal thoughts on marijuana?


will be praying for you and the company and yalls families.


Wow… you have my condolences, that sounds awful. Generally, when the reason is good, I tend not to factor forfeits, even when it comes to conduct.


I’ll waive the forfeit rule. This will not count against you, given the circumstances.

You have my condolences.

Hey guys, i don’t want any sympathy votes or anything, so please stil vote objectively. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do the argument today, I’ll try not to forfeit. My company’s private plane went down and killed everyone on board today and I lost a buddy, and some other people I knew. So if I end up forfeiting that’s why, but I will try not to.


Thanks mate, I look forward to the final round.


Good response.

AleutianTexan, AustinL, and whiteflame will read through everything. I know that from previous votes.

I will be thoroughly impressed if the judges read all of this. I wouldn’t blame you if you guys closed your eyes and pressed random buttons lol


Well that’s good, your arguments are philosophically sound and coherent I just simply disagree with your stance. I also think your evidence leaves a lot to be desired most of it is assumptions based off of other assumptions


Hey guys, I’ll be at work until about 8:00 tonight. I may have time to respond during work but most likely not.

You have good arguments. I feel like the biggest issue here is simple philosophical disagreements. And that’s fine, I respect you for at least being educated and using evidence to support your beliefs. This next round will solely be dedicated to combatting your points, the final round will be solely dedicated to putting my points forward regardless of yours.

Good debate. I know we talk shit but I respect you more than most anti-drug advocates.


Ran out of characters again, 10,000 isn’t enough to discuss a topic this intricate. I have some sources for you guys

MPTP toxicity:

Cannabis use among high schooler trends:


Thanks for doing this debate honestly. I think you’re taking the wrong approach to it as a whole, but you seem to be well versed enough to st least give some reasons for your beliefs. I just think your beliefs on this topic are constructed by looking at these risks you put forward in the wrong way. You’re not uneducated on this topic. I just think you’re maybe using a little bit of confirmation bias at the least. I also think you’re seeing these issues as something solely brought on by cannabis, and not the social aspects of being a cannabis user, bad science surrounding cannabis use, and the lack of education surrounding the use of drugs in general. There is such thing as bad science, studies can be poorly conducted, data can be misinterpreted, etc. which is what I think you seem to be doing or at less the sources you are citing seem to be doing. Which is why the study i published presented an actual mechanism for aggression responses in cannabis users, where yours was based off of cases that could have many more variables integrated into the situation besides just cannabis use. That is where the issues of most social studies interpreting drug risks start to fail. They aren’t establishing a mechanism for their claim, for example, what exactly is happening in the brain to make people more aggressive? Or was cannabis the only factor in these cases of violence where cannabis was in the system? If not how did we rule out these other factors as possible causes for these 14 cases your study mentioned? It’s much more complicated than just looking at violent offenders who use cannabis and saying cannabis caused it.


I had a lot more to say, but I ran out of characters, my next argument will be less focused on your points and trying to convince the judges of my points.

You said a lot of good stuff, however I just think you approaching this issue and these statistics in the wrong way. I will show the judges and you, the way I approach the issues and risks of drug use, cannabis specifically in this debate, and see if I can convince people.

Good debate.

This seems like a good debate along with good judges.

I'm glad to be spectating.


That was just a practice debate for me. 😂
I spent too many debates defending socialism, so I needed to switch it up.

I have a strong opinion on this one, however, I seem to vote against my opinions all the time, so no bias. As a socialist, I just voted free market capitalism good, lol.

It's all good. Looking forward to a good debate. I do have an opinion on this one, but it's not a strong one and I think there are good cases to be made for both sides.


Glad to hear that.


As long as you get your response in before the 3-day round deadline, it doesn't affect things.


Just wanna let the judges know, I’m working 15 hours a day at an oil spill. I’m usually very good about responding quickly but I may be responding late at night for this entire debate.


Although I do have some personal bias, I promise that my vote will be fair and objective to the debate.


AleutianTexan and Whiteflame are the most objective voters I know.
Zero risk of bias corruption.


I accepted at the very least.


Gotcha, never done a debate like this.


What happens if the judges don’t accept here.


Bet, if I have time while I’m at work, which is doubtful I’ll try to get an argument done early. If not it’ll be a in about 8-10 hours from now.