Instigator / Pro

Would socialism on a large scale be worse for society than America's current form of capitalism?


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One day
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
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Contender / Con

In this debate, socialism will be defined as a command economy in which all the means of production, distribution, and exchange are owned and regulated by the federal government and democratically elected officials.

Burden of proof is shared.

All arguments given MUST be at least 3,500 characters to prove that both participants are committed to the debate. Failure to adhere to this will result in a loss.

Forfeiting a round will result in a loss.

To clarify, the first person to forfeit or break the character rule loses immediately, after that the rules no longer apply.


The problem with claiming that his points applied to communism and not socialism was that you were still being too broad. What helped was when you were clear about what your position was and how, by taking that position, you circumvented his arguments. What you want to do when you’re faced with general arguments like this that are meant to address any case you could present is de-link to your case, specifically. It’s the reason I don’t like what I call “pre-rebuttals” where one side drafts arguments against a case they anticipate rather than one that is clear: if the other side plays their cards right, they can make all those arguments virtually worthless simply by presenting a case that doesn’t work with them.

All that being said, you have to thread a needle to do it, simultaneously recognizing the definition as laid out in the description and establishing those ways that it doesn’t limit your case. For example, owning and regulating the means of production, distribution and exchange doesn’t prevent the government from appointing private entities to run them. I think you understood that, since you said that they could innovate anyway, but you have to really spell it out and clarify how it would work. Pointing to Finland may be demonstrative of some benefits, but you have to point to the specific mechanisms in that system and how they relate to yours. Based on the definition, yours and their system could not have been identical, but there are still lessons you could take from it.


The topic is heavily one-sided, but I believe it’s still winnable by Con.


Thanks for input.
I must point out that I tried to indicate that pro comments on the "bad" things in socialism are applied only to communism not socialism as a whole - example is the intro "debunk" philosophies of karl marx which is explicitly communism as marx indixates socialism is a stepping stone for communism even though there is no explocit need to jump from one to the other.

Yes I understand my position may have seemed too generalized or jumped around. I was trying to prevent a single image of socialism. That single image would always be compared to communism or fascism in some way.

Otherwise thanks for pointing out weakpoints. I will reread and compare arguements. Thanks again.


Haven't read it yet, but I'll give you feedback.


Cool thanks. Is there anything specific you wanted to see in the debate but maybe was missing?


This is next for me. Just so we’re clear: the most I’d ever give for violating a rule like that 3,500 character minimum is a conduct violation, so it will not be enough by itself for me to vote either way.

Any comments on context would be helpful for those reading or voting


Push, only 5 days left. Should be easy given concession.

Push for votes


Plz vote! Only a week.


Yes but would love to watch


I've seen a lot of variations proposed which is why I was very specific in the description. What you're describing is technically still capitalism. The term democratic socialism is thrown around quite a bit, but it's actually what I described.

I would be if not the fact that your definition of socialism is one that is extreme (the workers control the entirety of the means of production, i.e. communism). There are more conservative versions of socialism which is basically just arguing for a heavily regulated economy but there is still a free (but highly limited) economy where anyone can found a business and where the means of production are not solely in the hands of the people.


Any of you interested?