Instigator / Con

Prove * GOD* exists.


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Disclaimer : Regardless of the setup for voting win or lose, The aim of this interaction, Is for those that view it, Learn and or take away anything that will amount to any constructive value ultimately. So that counts as anything that'll cause one to reconsider an idea, Understand a subject better, Help build a greater wealth of knowledge getting closer to truth. When either of us has accomplished that with any individual here, That's who the victor of the debate becomes.

Your burden is to prove that God exist. Keyword is GOD. I had this topic a time back and the opposing side I believe couldn't see apparently that proving GOD exist versus the existence of the word.

Apparently the voters couldn't tell the difference.

Prove God exist, not the word. We know the word exist because I able to form it. I'm able to arrange the letters together.

The opposing side on this topic before couldn't prove God existed so they moved the goalpost with saying the name exists specifically in the bible. That's not proving God exists.

First of all, who or what is God?
That's what you have to prove.

The definition of God is not a three letter word. God is a being, not a word. What is that name of that being? God.

The topic is not "Prove the name exists".

People are not really confused by that I don't think. But the low hanging fruit is there dangling too temptingly not to pick at it. So folks pull a cheap halfhearted shot like that.

So just fair warning. If that is tried again, I'm just going to call moving the goalpost which will be an automatic forfeit.

I say prove that car exists. You tell me I can read about it or I can spell it. You have failed to met your burden of proof. I need the evidence, to touch , to experience the actual tangible reality of such. If that BE a car, that's what to BE is. The existence of that physical reality of a thing. Not what's intangible such as language or word or words.

What is a car? What does exist mean?

That car whatever it is, is being what it is.

Prove the existence, the being of God or GOD BEING.

What,does that mean God being a name, prove that?

Does God mean name?

Serious intellectual honest folks please.

Just a small disclaimer in addition. These topics reflect nothing of my personal views .

Questions, concerns, drop those things in the comments. Peace be unto all .

Another point that was going to be submitted I'll add is about the different dimensions. This can possibly help the opposing side on this topic understand better and see where rules can't be hijacked and applied anywhere.

One instance is because the rules of perception are distinct from the 3rd and 2nd dimension , a 3D image doesn't have the complete empirical tangibility in a 2 dimensioned world or reality.

Of course all of these points are outside the ring but take it home for edification.

Prove the will, you prove God. Prove God you prove the will. No matter which way, you continue in circular reasoning. Given that someone has proven God to exist would prove the will, the desire, the decision to act in creating all things.

Why would there be a will? We have an effect of the will. Circular. Where did the will derive, why would there be one, why would it be acted on? We can go on and on, it's get circular. If the response is God, circular.
This is the distinction I wanted to make of personal cause or individual will and cause that is required to be which is the law of causality. The law is what has to be as opposed to personal cause/will that is not by a law but contingent on the individual entity which has yet to be empirically proven to exist overall.

I do want to highlight this point if I were to summarize everything I would have submitted if I didn't get distracted like I did.

The opposing side never proved the will, desire or thought of God existing.

The opposing side committed petitio principii. Now we went back and forth on the contradiction of causality not existing before it existed and that was going to be a lot of the circular points made .

That along with God having causality within is just circular as well because it points us back to just proving God again. With causality being in or of God and God being an immaterial intangible entity, all that's really being said is prove God.

Causality is a thing.
Being there's absolutely nothing before anything was including the "nothing", what is there to prove?

A decision made by the will of God. Prove the will, you prove God.

I totally forget to submit my points that I had ready to go in the preview stage. All had to do was submit it, just got too busy yesterday.

Everything was just getting circular anyway as often as these debates do.

Your initial statement was "I say prove that the car exists. You tell me I can read about it or spell it. You have failed to meet your burden of proof. I need evidence to touch and experience the tangible reality of it. If it is a car, then its existence is what it is. The physical reality of a thing is what constitutes its being, not intangible concepts such as language or words." While I understand the importance of tangible evidence, it's essential to acknowledge that intangible concepts like ideas, dreams, and strategies do exist and are real, even though they are formless and impossible to touch.

To prove the existence of God, we must first define the concept of God. In my understanding, God is omnipresent, timeless, and all-encompassing. Having been raised as a non-denominational Christian, I am familiar with the idea of God. However, I've come to realize that God's name or idea represents a collective representation of an idea or objective reality. There is a distinction between the physical realm, which is tangible and visible, and the metaphysical realm, which comprises intangible things such as dreams, thoughts, and ideas that are real and do exist.

Through this realization, I've come to understand that my definition of God is in alignment with naturalistic pantheism's view of the metaphysical realm. I believe that God represents the collective workings and ideas of the world we live in. Therefore, it's essential to have a clear definition of God before attempting to prove its existence.

The Bible provides examples that support my claims. The Israelites demonstrated my definition of God through their cyclical pattern of experiencing tragedy and good fortune. Whenever they faced tragedy, they attributed it to God punishing them, and whenever they experienced good fortune, they credited it to God blessing them. This recognition that God is the driving force behind everything that happens around us is the essence of my definition of God.

In conclusion, based on my understanding of Christianity and naturalistic pantheism, I believe that God represents the collective workings and ideas of the world we live in. A clear definition of God is essential before attempting to prove its existence.



I'll be honest, your last debate makes me angry in your stead. I believe in God, know some Theology, and would be interested in having an actual debate that tests my existing knowledge, and your own. Good luck. Oh, and what's your religious status, just so I know which point of view to put my argument's focus on?


If I go e you the phone number of so.eonr who believes they talked to God, does God exist?