Instigator / Pro

All psychoactive substances should be legalized to be sold to adults as alcohol and nicotine are.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 1 vote and with 1 point ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con

No information


Thanks for the vote. I knew I was getting into an argument too much with him.


I'm on it.


Drop a vote please sir.


I apologize, but I don't yet meet the qualifications to vote for debates.


I wasn't sure if I was the only one unable to vote, as I am a relatively new user. I do appreciate your professionalism, it is hard to know what to expect from anonymous individuals, so forgive my lack of expectations.
Thank you.


Check out the "qualifications" tab on your profile. You have to have completed 3 debates before you can vote. Also, note that I haven't barred you from any activities on the site. If I had done that, I would at least have the decency to let you know that it had happened and why.


It shows me "You do not have a qualification to vote on debates". I'm unsure if this is a result of WhiteFlame or whether I just do not have the privilege as I am a relatively new user.


Remind me over the weekend.


you guys drop a vote on this one.


Yeah I’m down


Would you be interested in becoming a judge in my Tournament?

I realize you’ve turned down Voter requests in the past, but I think you’re really smart.

There are some subjects that will be within your domain (like science, chemistry, pharmacology.), most might be out of your depth. (Religion, history, politics.) But I believe that’s a semi-requirement for beginning judges because they may have less biases.


Or at least he knows nothing about this topic and tried to pretend he’s an expert, which is probably common practice from him.


He’s an idiot lmao.


Mall’s good, huh?

Mall and Mps just might be the funniest debate duo pair.


What do you think about this subject?


That is what I mean by “as alcohol and nicotine are” sold in the same fashion, regulated, controlled, and legal to posses, purchase and use. It has nothing to do with the differences in the drugs


I’m not even sure what you’re claiming or trying to say here.

Yes alcohol and nicotine are different drugs that act very differently in the brain. But are they sold differently? No. They’re sold in stores, the companies manufacturing and produces these drugs have to meet regulatory standards, Quality control requirements, etc.


Yeah, and what do you think "as alcohol and nicotine are" is possible when the two are entirely different? That is like saying "XXX brand should make cars that are like F1 cars and missile-carrying trucks". Does it even mean anything?


is alcohol really only sold in bars? I was unaware of that, I could’ve sworn I’ve purchased many alcoholic beverages from stores, that had cashiers, displays, and refrigerators. Maybe I’m just tripping though.

I’m not calling for bars, has nicotine every been sold to you in a bar? I’m calling for these drugs to be sold in regulated environment that has quality controlled standards, just like alcohol and nicotine. There should be dispensaries that sell a wide range of psychoactive substances. Why do people who use alcohol get to have the peace of mind of not facing jail time, having their kids taken away, having their drug of choice quality controlled, etc. but people who like ketamine, or oxycodone, or heroin not deserve that? Why should I have to face prison time because I enjoy taking oxycodone every now and then? Why should I have to worry about my drug being contaminated with more potent substances and no way to test for it? Fentanyl test strips themselves are illegal is the majority of US states. You should’ve taken the debate.

"As alcohol and nicotine are"

You aren't asking for pharmacies, you are asking for bars.