Instigator / Con

All psychoactive substances should be legalized for adults to purchase and use, sold from dispensaries in a regulated fashion as we do with alcohol.


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After 4 votes and with 7 points ahead, the winner is...

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Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
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Contender / Pro

I contend that all drugs, from heroin to cannabis should be legalized and sold in dispensaries like alcohol and nicotine are today.

(Only Mps1213 can accept.)


The only debate I’m willing to have on here is really to do with drug prohibition. I am a geoscience major and have studied climate change and weather, but my area of expertise in this type of setting is certainly drugs and pharmacology.


Sure. I think we are on the same side of a few fences. Lets message and see what we can come up with.


Would you like to have a debate with me?


Sorry for the late response. I haven't actually seen much research on legalization, but it sounds interesting. Unfortunately, I'm on vacation and my internet is on and off. Once that gets sorted out, I'll take a look.


I am talking about legalization same way alcohol and cannabis are sold.


Are you referring to decriminalization or legalization? Those are different things.


That would actually be a REALLY fascinating debate. (Having witnessed both Savant and Mps's debates.)


Would you like to set up a debate between us? With the title and resolution of your choosing as long as it revolves around drug decriminalization?

I think it’s honestly much easier to argue for legalization of a drug like heroin for example than it is alcohol in terms of safety and pharmacology.


I'm referring to the more dangerous ones that are already illegal, not more common drugs like alcohol. I think it would be hard to give someone alcohol without them knowing, as it has a distinctive taste. Also, I'm not sure how commonly GHB and rohypnol are used ethically. (There are more ethical alternatives that achieve similar enjoyment.) A lot more people would miss alcohol if it was banned, so it's not an equal comparison.

You can make the case for legalizing them (they're used legally in other countries), but I think it's harder than the case for alcohol or marijuana.


Thanks for the vote, however even though you voted for me I must combat something you said. “Date rape drugs for example” alcohol is the most “dare rape” drug on earth. Date rape isn’t a class of drugs. What drugs are you talking about exactly? GHB? Xanax? GHB is made by our own bodies and is a wonderfully enjoyable drug. Xanax is used for many different things and is also very enjoyable. There is no such thing as a date rape drug. Benzodiazepines are the ones usually used for that type of behavior, outside of alcohol. But the vast, vast majority of people use those drugs to enjoy their night or life.


Thx for the vote!


I was thinking more about picking a particular substance, like ghb or rohypnol. Though I suppose mps could argue that there's no point in banning them so long as the other drugs you listed are still available to attackers.



Would you guys like to vote on this?

It's a medium to slightly long read.


Thanks for your vote, I have no issue with it.

But if I used the argument about date-rape drugs, Mps would have easily countered it because it's such a loose category that it could refer to any substance that makes you lose consciousness. For instance, ketamine, PCP, alcohol, Xanax, morphine, etc all considered date rape drugs.


I'll try to vote on this one if I have enough downtime.


Sure, I'll start working on one. Always interested in this topic.


Np homie


Thanks man.


I'll create 3 separate troll debates with 12 hours response time. As long as you don't forfeit for any of them, I can reinstate your voting privileges.

Even if you type one word response, it counts.


Drop a vote?

I used to be able to vote, then they made changes and I couldn't, haven't bothered to find out why, I have faith in Sir Lancelot to help me.

I have challenged a lot of people to debate but no takers. I think the genius thing scares them off :)


I'm pretty busy with work, I keep forfeiting because there isn't enough time, give me 24 hours next time so I don't miss it, thanks bud.


Check the qualifications. It specifically says no forfeited rounds in order to get voting rights, and you forfeited 2/3 debates.

^^^^^ "Finish 3 debates with an open voting system without forfeiting rounds."


Looks like I still can't vote


Thanks, guys!
I appreciate it


Can't promise but I'll give it a shot in the next week. I always enjoy reading your debates.


I will. I am making my way through it. BTW thanks for the vote, and you brought up a fair point with me saying cowardly. Point taken.


Would you guys like to vote?


Should be able to get to this this weekend.


This debate was much, much better from both people including myself. Give a vote on thi one too when you get the time.


Thanks for the discussion, Mps.

When I recreate this argument, I’ll be Pro this time and see if I can win against someone random by defending legalization.


The worst part is I typed out a full response lmao. Just got up to do something and didn’t come back in time.

Basically what you said about alcohol being safer and easier to manage isn’t true. Heroin is far safer toxicologically than alcohol. So is ketamine, LSD, Oxycodone, psilocybin, etc. so my response was basically just saying that.


All good bro.
Happens to me too. 😂


My bad man, totally forgot about this.


What are your opinions on the subject?


Absolutely, I'll read through the debate on completion and vote my decision.


Hopefully Lancelot debates me through the final round this time. I would appreciate it if you weigh in and judge the end the debate, after our conversations. If Lancelot actually comes with some ammunition on this one, everyone who reads the debate could learn a lot.


Go on ahead


I made myself Con.