Instigator / Pro

Humans suffer due to our birth


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After 1 vote and with the same amount of points on both sides...

It's a tie!
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Voting period
Six months
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Contender / Con

I will try to prove that without birth we won't suffer.

I'm new to debating and to this platform, point out any possible improvement.

I appreciate your time and effort.

Thank you.


Hey Intelligence_06,

It's my intention to put everything I know to the test so that I may remove false beliefs and accept new ones.

Thanks and thank you for the compliment.

This is a truism.

Here's a analysis of my contenders argument #6 for the purpose of understanding the argument.

I hope I successfully considered all my contender's arguments. I apologize if I didn't.

Point 1:

1: "The statement "Without birth, humans don't suffer" implies that suffering is a result of existence."

2: "But this assumption overlooks the fact that suffering is a experience of humans."

3: "People who were never born lack consciousness and subjective experiences."

4: "Without living, there can be no capacity for suffering."

5: "Suffering is a result of us facing challenges, pain, or emotional distress, which we need to be alive to happen."

Summarized as:
1: Omitted.
2: Suffering is an experience of humans.
3, 4, 5: Without life, no suffering.

Argued and more summarized as:
2: Discuss suffering as an experience while still keeping the fact that there is suffering.

3, 4, 5: Since without birth no life, no birth means no suffering.

Keeping: Proved my C2.

Point 2:

6: "We need meaning : Our existence involves seeking meaning and purpose in life."

7: "Suffering, even though it can be negative, can play a role in shaping individuals and societies, prompting empathy, and personal growth."

8: "Without the existence of people who have suffering, the opportunity for us to understand and empathize may disappear."

Summarized as:
6: We exist to seek meaning and purpose.

7: Suffering leads to change, growth, and empathy.

8: Without suffering we may not empathize, and understand.

Argued and more summarized as:
6, 7, 8: All discuss the advantages of suffering.

Keeping: There are advantages to suffering.

Point 3:

9: "The moral consequence: It is important to know that suffering is not solely a consequence of birth; it can come about from various things such as illness, poverty, or violence."

10: "Instead of focusing solely on preventing birth, we could be direct towards easing suffering through social, and medical advancements."

11: "Which we cannot solve if we confined ourselves to the idea that without birth we don't suffer."

12: "Addressing the root causes of suffering can lead to more meaningful and lasting improvements in human well-being."

Summarized as:
9: Many reasons for suffering including birth (... not solely a ...).
10: Can ease suffering.
11: Omitted.
12: Prevent suffering.

Argued and more summarized as:
9: Birth is a reason for suffering (Proving my C3).

10, 12: Since prevention is better than easing. Therefore the 12th summarization is kept.

Keeping: Prevent suffering.

Point 4:

13: "Hope in Eternal Life: As I am a Christian, I emphasize the hope of eternal life and the belief that the suffering in this world is temporary, compared to the glory that awaits us believers in the presence of God (2 Corinthians 4:17)."

14: "While birth introduces the possibility of suffering, it also opens the door to the hope of salvation and the promise of everlasting joy in God's presence."

Summarized as:
13: Suffering is temporary after which there's eternal glory.

14: Possibility of suffering. After death there's joy.

I like to point out that in 14th summarization,
My contender argues there's only a possibility of suffering. Meaning that there could be no suffering.

Argued and more summarized as:
13: There's suffering even temporarily.

14: There could be no suffering.
Since my contender argues after death, there is still suffering until death.

Keeping: There could be no suffering.


Hey, thank you for being my contender.

Generally you can think of any sufferings you like.

But as my source suggest it could be death, pain, loss, etc.

However I used death since it's seems solid and agreeable.

Which could also be physically and emotionally suffering.

Feel free to use anyway you like.

Thank you.

Thanks for reminding me, is this debate for physical or emotional suffering? Or both?

Well, the babies cry, so I am pretty syre humans suffer as they undergo birthing.

Hey I'm really new to this as well so I'll see how this goes. How do you post for the round?