Instigator / Pro

GOD is a 3 letter acronym = G- genius O- of D- deception the ultimate human fabricated scapegoat for CONTROL


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 2 votes and with the same amount of points on both sides...

It's a tie!
Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
One day
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con

G O D.....? no such word was used for 6,400 years....of human history.......

By using the HALAF Culture of Syria/Turkey/Iraq as a starting point on the HUMAN civilization timeline...of the 7 billion humans on EARTH NOW ? (who counted them) very few have ever heard or know of the HALAF Culture
and their DIVINE BEINGS....Beings depicted as human-animal-reptile-combination of them all each with a NAME
and description of powers....NONE had the TITLE of "GOD" the word did not exist...

Like all DIVINE BEINGS humans invent...they come and they go...does anyone accept, worship, and insist all humanity kneel and OBEY ZEUS ? ODIN? RA? APOLLO? ++++ NO not anymore..
They are now available in mythology books, movies, entertainment...nothing serious enough to MURDER and CONDEMN others to be PUNISHED and SUFFER over...and NO these BEINGS were NOT CALLED "GOD"

POINT = G O a human construct invented by CHURCH PARASITE VAMPIRES as a word TOOL ...

A ...TOOL ...expertly deployed as a HYPNOSIS trigger word...the Roman Church stole the Hebrew Bible stories and added their own spin to create a NEW TESTAMENT for their NEW boy toy "GOD" Jesus...

400 years earlier the JEWS demanded JESUS EXECUTION as a false MESSIAH and trouble maker ..and ROME gladly complied with a grand spectacle...Rome obviously had other plans for JESUS !

By mid..600 AD...the word "GOD" caught on..and all that was left in the middle East for DIVINE BEINGS were

1 = JEW "GOD" ...2 = "JESUS GOD" ....3 = ALLAH GOD" the word "GOD" was being used as a TOOL for assimilation by CHRISTIANS and MUSLIMS using FEAR-INTIMIDATION-VIOLENCE to force weak minded humans into their slave CULTS...

The JEWS kept to themselves...they did not promote their GOD ? or force assimilation in his name...because the Jews did not use their GOD's name...the JESUS and ALLAH parasite vampires conspired-murdered-raped-destroyed-millions of people and many Cultures...using their Genius Of Deception = GOD as a scapegoat TOOL...

"GOD" as a word =... worthless..... as a TOOL..... for DECEPTION = .....PRICELESS.......

The PARASITE VAMPIRES of CHURCH and MOSQUE have ravaged humanity with DEATH and DESTRUCTION using their "GOD" as a TOOL a SCAPEGOAT..

The ROMAN CHURCH invented the word "GOD" and they along with islamic PSYCHOPATHS obsessed with POWER and control use their "GOD" ...TOOL.... for anything but spirituality and enlightenment...

............G O D truly the "Genius Of Deception".. TOOL...a human invented construct...not DIVINE..never...

1 point(s)

This is not a troll vote... This is a genuine vote where I feel Con was just plain lazy overall. In fact, forfeiting is something I consistently don't comprehend as being bad conduct as it makes your opponent's life easier in the debate but what I do see on Con would make me tie the conduct and basically if this had been four-points debate I'd be giving S&G to Con (even though Con REALLY needs to learn to spell acronym, it is fine to be dyslexic but it is not fine to not compensate for it at all that many times when your entire R2 is one sentence and R3 is a troll-phrase.

Another reason I would give it a tie for conduct is that while Con was smarmy and lazy throughout, Pro didn't even remotely answer Con in R2. Pro was smart to use this method of scoring as Pro would be tying (3 for arg, 2+1 source and S&G to Con) had this been what I see as the superior debate-voting scoring system of the two that are currently available.

Now, the reason why Con loses is that Con assumes sourcing is everything. Let me explain something Con does wrong, Con's source is his grandma and joke or not, obvious or not, this kind of remark makes his source even less reliable than Pro's. At least Pro is here reasoning his own theory, where is Con's grandma to reason hers? Is she a renowned source of any kind? Con's source, while maybe somehow indirectly proving what he says as somewhat plausible, has headline about the raping done by Priests and basically supports Pro's case completely. While it was a better use of source than Pro's 0, this scoring system has no sources, it's winner-takes-all so... Sorry? You used the source very poorly in my eyes, Alec, please next time provide another source that would support the 'majority are good guys overall' part of your argument.

Now, I think we need to really think about Pro's argument to understand that, while terribly presented in an eyesore manner, it isn't really that flawed logically. As a Pagan, I actually do believe my God is indeed a genius of deception meaning both the best deceiver and hardest being to deceive. This is because I believe in quite a sinister God who is essentially 'natural selection' as a mentality among other things. I won't go into my god other than to say, no disrespect was meant by this, Fiora, I know you mean no harm it is just what naturally comes with progress.

Okay, so Pro's argument is that the GOD you believe in, and sneaky reason the name 'God' caught on in all religions, is that this being which you assume is the ultimate bringer of truth is actually the same being inside all religions ultimately and that is a genius of deception. It is never once refuted by Con other than to jokingly say 'well duh' in a few ways and sorry but that's not formal debating. If we don't punish this here, what then will we as a site allow in other debates as something an opponent can just go 'haha you madman, my grandma said the Earth is Round don't you know it's obvious? LOL!' and win. Forum debating surely would allow that, formal debating... The reason I pay for this site monthly and truly adore the mental-sport of debating, should never ever allow that as a valid argument even once. I don't care if Alec loses, I don't care if Alec begins to grudge-vote against me, this is a very significant moment for me in the site's history where I need to take a stand. This attitude is disgusting even more so as it's quite clear that Pro struggles with writing in a structured manner suitable for formal debate and all Alec is doing is toying with him, goading him... It's not funny, it's like bullying a child for being less able to fight back, we all hate it when it's sexual or violent but why not emotional or intellectual taunting of the less-well-developed too? We need to nurture noobs, train them well.

Pro's entire argument was actually well formed if he'd written it better. Pro is saying that all God is, is basically a scapegoat for one dynasty or regime to be barbaric to another in the name of their 'superior God' to the others'. Con NEVER EVER refutes this AT ALL. Con's argument is LITERALLY that his Grandmother told him and that not all Priests rape (or molest) children... This isn't really funny to me, and if you have the better reasoned argument that is left unattacked you DO NOT NEED a better source.

1 point(s)

At no point during pros rambling, incoherent response was he even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in reading this debate is now dumber for having read to it.

I award Pro no points, and may God have mercy on his soul.

Flipping that that was, Pro was rambling, incoherent and was entirely nonsensical. He didn’t offer any specific argument I can see, just a ranting word salad that made no sense, and cannot and should not be assessed as an attempt to engage in good faith debate.

Con wins this debate as he is the only individual who offered any form of understandable argument.