Instigator / Con

is the name of "GOD" valid ?


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Contender / Pro

Did JESUS order the torture-beating-slashing-eye gouging-cut out tongue-smash hands-beheading-hanging-burning alive +++ countless other atrocities against.... humanity-animals-environment ? a simple YES or NO will do...

So why did the Roman Catholic Church do this ? for JESUS ? does JESUS approve the CHURCH MURDERING ?

How about JESUS neighbor GOD invention...ALLAH...600 years after the JEWS demanded ROME exterminate the FAKE JEWISH BOY MESSIAH ? in which ROME gladly complied in grand Roman of them !

Makes sense since the last days of JESUS were during the reign of TIBERIUS ...who himself was murdered by a relative....CALIGULA ! wow ...the CHRISTIANS must of had a field day when CALIGULA showed up..they learned well from his total PSYCHOTIC SEX and MURDER episodes....eventually leading to the creation of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH ! got to hand it to the ROMANS..they understand POWER and CONTROL strategy..

the lamb = JESUS...condemned by his own people as a FAKE MESSIAH...and demand his execution ! well ROME loves spectacle and what better show than to have the FAKE MESSIAH JEW BOY totally humiliated-whipped-beaten and nailed to a cross along with hundreds of others condemned as CRIMINALS crucified along the road to JESUS final spot to ROT.

and like something out of a Comic Book series...the JESUS BOY FAKE MSSIAH ...VANISHES ! but comes back as some phantom with messages for a select few to create a resurrection farce and elevate him to a GOD status !
Like the kid couldn't do it HIMSELF...let some lowly peasant clowns run around and spread the word !

To further kick the JEWS in the "GOD" ? crotch a NEW TESTAMENT was fabricated for the new boy GOD ! along with lots of totally PSYCHOTIC DOGMA to OBEY or be PUNISHED by ! better yet EXECUTED ! so ROMAN !...

Well after ROME murdered the fake JEW MESSIAH BOY...he was declared a "GOD" another kick in the JEW GOD
monotheistic play they did with their Moses GOD ! Emperor Constantine said so...he declared JESUS to be the only GOD ! these ROMANS ever give up on POWER ? no FCKG WAY ! 100 years after Constantine
some Church clown invents the word "GOD" from an Eastern Germanic language (now extinct !) while translating the Hebrew Bible and New testament into GOTHIC ! Comic Book Heaven for the CHURCH CLOWNS ! who were
obsessed with assimilating all of humanity into the CHURCH CULT...and did it with HORRIFIC..FEAR-INTIMIDATION
and VIOLENCE...all in JESUS name....

JUST LIKE JESUS WOULD DO if he was around to do it...NO WAY jesus said after he was murdered 400 years earlier..i'm getting the fck of this nightmare planet with these pathetic human mutation disasters...all they do is murder
each other over GODS !

Then 200 years after the Romans came up with the word "GOD" this Muhammad illiterate Arab guy meets his "GOD" in Moses like fashion...(another kick in the JEW crotch) and ALLAH is the new GOD in town ! and he also
got his own Comic Book VOMIT to assimilate and murder all who do not accept him...The KORAN ! ...

So now the Middle East as of the year 600 AD has 3 GODS..each with his own Comic Book to use as a tool to assimilate and enslave weak minded peasants into some PSYCHOTIC GOD CULT ! great just great...

All 3 GODS are guilty of ACCEPT ME or DIE....the psychotic hypnotized sheeple drones that serve these so called CLOWN GOD PLAYING PREACHERS actually do all the MURDER and DESTRUCTION...where is GOD ?

Point = no human EVER needs to be approved and validated to exist and DIE by some GOD playing Preacher clown in a Halloween Glory Gown...until some GOD actually shows up...the CHURCH-MOSQUE-TEMPLE followers are

GUILTY OF MURDER.....and using some invented GOD hoax is no EXCUSE...EVER...

To be perfectly clear: The voting standards still apply to one round debates.


>Reported Vote: Ramshutu // Mod action: Not Removed
>Points Awarded: 3 points to pro for arguments
>Reason for Mod Action: The vote was found to be sufficient per the standards


>Reported Vote: Whiteflame // Mod action: Not Removed
>Points Awarded: 3 points to pro for arguments
>Reason for Mod Action: The vote was found to be sufficient per the standards


>Reported Vote: Alec // Mod action: Removed
>Points Awarded: 3 points to con for arguments
>Reason for Decision: Con was hard to understand but I managed to see his argument. Pro I think went off topic and did not answer the question.
>Reason for Mod Action: (1) The voter does not survey the main arguments, analyze those arguments to determine who won each, or weigh the main arguments to determine a winner. In order to cast a sufficient ballot, the voter should do all of these things


I would actually say he is. Or maybe he is Omar234

RM, I said your opponent should be admitted to a psych ward. I did not say that YOU should be admitted to a psych ward. You misread my PM, and then overreacted for reasons wholly unknown to me.



In fact, if willing, you guys too please.


Would appreciate a vote here.

Due to the views and ideology* my auto-correct is to blame...


Are you backwarsden from DDO?