Instigator / Pro

black people should'nt be allowed to say ni*ga


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Time for argument
Two hours
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Voting period
One week
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No information

Round 1
I Don't think anyone should be allowed to say nigga because  it just brings back the meaning of the word and the history behind the word and I believe as a race if we have any hope to get ahead we cant have people getting mad over a word and continuing to give power. 
I Don't think anyone should be allowed to say nigga because  it just brings back the meaning of the word and the history behind the word and I believe as a race if we have any hope to get ahead we cant have people getting mad over a word and continuing to give power. 
I can see where you are coming from but:

So clearly the logic here is that by default no one and extending that to black people as well but I think a person's fundamental right to freedom of speech should precede this. I will note that I am getting more philosophical here as I am aware of hate speech laws and other restrictions on freedom of speech. Lassiez-faire freedom of speech is one of the positions I will take this round for four major reasons:

1.  Unrestricted freedom of speech creates an environment where diverse perspectives can be openly discussed and debated. This exchange of ideas is essential for the discovery of truth. As John Stuart Mill famously argued in his work "On Liberty," the clash of ideas allows for the strengthening of our understanding:

 The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.

2.  Unrestricted freedom of speech safeguards the rights of minority groups and marginalized individuals to express their views without fear of censorship or reprisal. In societies where speech is restricted, minority perspectives are often silenced, perpetuating inequality and hindering social progress. As stated by Nadine Strossen, former president of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), in her book "Hate: Why We Should Resist It with Free Speech, Not Censorship":

Freedom of speech, along with press, assembly, and petition freedoms, protects minority rights against majority oppression precisely because the majority is most likely to wield the powers of government against disfavored minorities.

3.  Unrestricted freedom of speech is essential for the functioning of democratic societies. It would enable all citizens- including black people- to engage in political discourse, criticize government policies, and hold public officials accountable.  Democratic systems become more responsive to the needs and concerns of the populace if we allow people to express themselves freely.

If my opponent is not convinced of the above, then consider this: 
If not the complete freedom of speech, then the idea of reclamation would be essential: The reclamation of words would be beneficial for marginalized communities. By taking ownership of terms historically used to oppress or marginalize them, these groups reclaim agency over their identities and narratives. This linguistic empowerment inherently would display solidarity and allows communities- in this case black people with the n-word- to resist discrimination and strengthen bonds of belonging. Moreover, contrary to the claims of my opponent. reclamation allows us to have crucial conversations about the power of language and educates society about the impact of words on social dynamics and perceptions. 

It is for all of these reasons that I negate
Round 2
the grounds on this argument are very strong but it is my belief that humans have never worked as a whole and in a ideal world i would absolutely agree with your statements although i strongly believe that the amount of prejudice that is held of both sides of this word and the absolute negation of double standards will prevent humans as a whole to grow beyond this and freedom of speech is enabling this word to continue to have power and i also believe that if the advertisement for this word could be annexed it would eventually diminished from the majority populations vocabulary and i truly believe that only from there will any real long term progress can be made 
Round 3
Round 4
the grounds on this argument are very strong but it is my belief that humans have never worked as a whole and in a ideal world i would absolutely agree with your statements although i strongly believe that the amount of prejudice that is held of both sides of this word and the absolute negation of double standards will prevent humans as a whole to grow beyond this and freedom of speech is enabling this word to continue to have power and i also believe that if the advertisement for this word could be annexed it would eventually diminished from the majority populations vocabulary and i truly believe that only from there will any real long term progress can be made 
My opponent makes good points. However, humans are inherently communal creatures, and the ideas of reclamation or lassiez-faire free speech will indeed subvert prejudice. (See points 2 and 2(b)) - absolute freedom of speech allows us to call out bad ideas but also respects a human's fundamental right to be able to say whatever they want. This underpins my opponent's case because through my line of reasoning: Unrestricted freedom of speech takes precedence over everything my opponent has thus far, and on-balance would improve the problems my opponent has with using the n-word. Also, I will extend my argument of reclamation down and reiterate that even if unrestricted freedom of speech isn't convincing then the idea of black people reclaiming the n-word is.
Round 5