Instigator / Pro

Causal Debate: It's better to be a night person than a morning person


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After 1 vote and with 4 points ahead, the winner is...

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Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two hours
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

I designed the debate this way because it's easier to commit to it with the other commitments I have outside of this site. I realized that I have a problem with actually engaging in the debates I join. Because I keep joining a debate knowing that I have other demanding activities throughout my day, I often end up forfeiting my rounds, which isn't fair to my opponents who take time out of their day to give an argument. So, to ensure that I'm able to fully commit, I've made the debate only three rounds and the time for argument two hours so it can go by quicker. This is a causal debate, so personal experiences and opinions are encouraged. Evidence, while it can strengthen the argument, is not required. The point is to just have fun with this. Whoever wants to accept this debate, please let me know in the comments before you do, and make sure to accept it in the afternoon, since that's when I can access my computer. I don't want to accidentally forfeit.

Here are the definitions used in this topic:

Morning Person (noun)
Definition: someone who feels awake and full of energy in the mornings

Night Person (noun)
Definition: a person who likes the night : person who has the most energy at night

Round 1
Morning Person (noun)
Definition: someone who feels awake and full of energy in the mornings

Night Person (noun)
Definition: a person who likes the night: person who has the most energy at night
To summarize both terms, a morning person is someone who has the most energy in the morning, while a night person is someone who has the most energy at night. While I'm aware that the lifestyle of a night or morning person varies per individual, I feel as though a night person is better because nighttime is a lot calmer and quieter, which allows a night person time to focus on themselves, the freedom to address their personal issues, and get enough rest for the next day. At night, you have more time to reflect on the day without any distractions. The morning time on the other hand is, for most days, just a small amount of time to relax before you have to jump into the day's long, busy schedule. And if your schedule consists of school or work, you would often have to push your personal feelings and thoughts aside for hours to focus on those tasks, which can be detrimental if those personal issues are severe enough to affect your overall wellbeing. Only when the day's tasks are finished can you deal with your personal issues. A night person would have more space to engage in self-care and work out their feelings and thoughts.  I know from experience how much more freedom you have at night to scream, cry or just... breathe, to work through stress after a long day of school. Having that time to myself gives me peace of mind and helps to keep me sane. Also, when you're a night person, instead of having to brace yourself for a busy day of tasks to do, you get to look forward to getting lots of sleep. Sleep is very important, as it gives you the boost of energy needed to get through the day. You might not have as much time or quiet in the morning as you would at night. Furthermore, being a night person because it's beneficial for your overall wellbeing.
Night owls will develop heart disease and diabetes, early birds are healthier and don't have health problems

Round 2
First, I would like to thank my opponent for accepting my debate.  

Night owls will develop heart disease and diabetes, early birds are healthier and don't have health problems.
Con brings up a good point about how some night owl habits can have a negative effect on a person's health, but that doesn't necessarily guarantee that an early bird will be healthier. There are other factors in a person's life that determine how likely someone is to develop health problems. For example, diabetes is a disease that people get from a combination of poor health choices, environmental factors, and genetics. It is possible for a morning person with healthy habits to still be at risk of diabetes if it runs in their family, their environment is unhealthy via air pollution, or they don't have access to healthier food options where they live. (Jones, 2023. VeryWell Health) Additionally, a person's health choices might also be impacted by emotional factors, including stress from work, school, or personal matters. Regardless of whether you're a morning or night person, if there are factors like stress/burnout, lack of access to health resources, pollution, and/or genetics at play, you're going to struggle to stay healthy. This affects sleep as well since if factors like stress are keeping you awake, then it will affect your performance during the day, making you less inclined to be active and healthy. The impact of these factors also varies from each individual, making it hard to really determine what exactly causes health problems. 

At night though, you're less exposed to some of these factors that affect your health, including pollution and outside stressors from work or school.  Since the day is over, a night person is able to focus more on relaxing instead of feeling pressure from either teachers or employers to complete tasks. They have the chance to engage in activities that bring them joy and peace of mind, including watching TV with friends and family, reading, journaling, or drawing. They also have more time to choose when to have their meals, and have the time choose whether the meal is healthy or not. Meanwhile, a morning person has to deal with prepping for all the tasks that are required of them during the day, exposure to potentially harmful weather and air just to commute to work or school, and as a result, might not have enough time to get a decide on getting a healthy breakfast. Overall, while the habits of an early bird vs a night owl can impact a person's health, other factors in their lives play a role in their wellbeing.

Now here's a question I have for Con: Are there other ways that being a morning can beneficial for your wellbeing? 

Round 3
Since Con used the term "extend" in the last round, I'm assuming it's a request for additional time to develop their argument. So instead of introducing new points, I will just wrap up what I've said so far. 

In conclusion, being a night person is better for a person's overall health, and emotional wellbeing.  At night, a person has more room to focus on themselves and their happiness. They can engage in activities they enjoy, including reading, TV, or drawing without any pressure from the outside to commit to any tasks. A night person is also given the opportunity to reduce the amount of factors that could hinder their health, include pollution and stress from a long schedule. Lastly, without a looming schedule ahead, a night person can just relax and get ready for bed, which is necessary to be able to perform well during the day. In contrast, a morning person has to combat lots of stressors from their environment just to get to work ir school, and thus, don't have as much time to focus on their wellbeing. Furthermore, striving to adjust some of our habits to that of a night person might prove to beneficial to us in the long run.

i appreciate pro for the courtesy of not bringing up new points, but they would of been void because technically neither of us can bring anything new to the last round. 
by extend, i was dragging my round 1 argument instead of bringing new arguments because even though pro mentions there are other factors for heart disease and diabetes, they agreed with me that being a night owl is a factor.

they do slightly say that being an early bird is no guarantee for health, but they never mention any consequences of being an early bird vs a night owl. therefore if you take two healthy people, but one is a night owl, and the other is an early bird, and they both lead similar lives and get an equal amount of exercise, follow the same diet. the early bird is expected to live longer because of the two previous symptoms i mentioned, the night owl is more prone to health issues.

so being a night owl comes with more risks than being an early bird. which means being an early bird is better than being a night owl