Instigator / Pro

Naruto failed at his goal of becoming "the greatest Hokage".


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 1 vote and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Minimal rating
Contender / Con

No information

ROUND 3 Notes:

PRO gives his description of “greatest Hokage” which is combination of factor but admits that Naruto is likely “the most baddas or most powerful” .

PRO argues that CON still needs to prove Naruto is better Hokage than all of the others because right after Hashirama there’s Shikamaru and Minato who are way more intelligent than Naruto and thats one of the most important qualities.

PRO says he agreed that Naruto and Hashirama are generally similar regarding intelligent (creativity and tactics) and other characteristics (bc both are Ashuras reincarnation) but Naruto still appears dumber because of his “ADHD”

PRO states that Naruto only helped save the world not save it on his own and also that Hashirama couldve done it too.
And possibly argues that it doesn’t count because Naruto was not a Hokage yet?

PRO argues that establishing the Leaf was significant because it brought peace and that laid foundations for greater peace.

PRO admits that other clans being united and coming to Konoha is because it benefits them but that still doesn’t discredit Hashirama’s created peace.

PRO says that villages being united in Naruto’s time is because they were selfish and Naruto didn’t establish the peace.

PRO argues that Naruto “pussified” the chunin exams and Madara had a “raging boner when he was killing people” (???)

PRO states that even Naruto couldn’t talk no jutsu Madara and he was much different than anyone Naruto met

PRO gives psychological analysis of the people Naruto saved

PRO wants sources for “Meaning Hokage Naruto with 100% of his chakra could defeat Kagya”

CON gives an example of half powered Naruto and Sasuke defeating Momoshiki as an evidence that full strength Hokage Naruto could beat Kaguya on his own (sufficient example but still questionable because I didn’t see Kaguya=Momoshiki being firmly established anywhere, it is common knowledge that they’re pretty close tho)

CON shows that Naruto fits PRO’s definition of “greatest Hokage” better than Hashirama (which is technically the most important thing that matters)

CON argues that we should look at Naruto’s definition of “greatest Hokage” ( this is a new argument in the final round so I would count it ). If that was also the case why even ask for PRO’s definition.

CON argues that better decision making requires empathy which Naruto is better at, and not only intelligence.

CON argues that smart characters have done stupid things also (not necessarily at this point)

CON goes on to defend some of the claims PRO made like “Hashirama couldve done everything Naruto did” which is not necessarily to me since PRO never proved that in any way and its just assumptions based on an imaginary script.

CON gives another argument why creating Konoha is not as big of a deal
(or at least bigger achievement than saving the world)

CON gives examples of how Naruto maintained the peace

Debate Summary:
Both made good points, both made some contradictions, debate could’ve been way shorter (my notes too).
All that was needed was the definition for the “greatest Hokage” first. After PRO provided his description CON made better arguments that make Naruto fit the description better than Hashirama. CON identified Hashirama as the greatest Hokage so Naruto>Hashirama means Naruto=greatest Hokage. If greatest Hokage was defined as something specific and not overall combination of factors CON could’ve argued for someone else but that was not the definition he provided. CON admitted he thinks Hashirama is overall the best and his definition of greatest Hokage was whos the best overall. So overall both PRO and CON were right about some stuff, wrong about others but most importantly CON showed Naruto fits the description PRO gave better.

Round 2 Notes:

PRO states that Hashiramas feat (creating the Lead Village) should be counted because that’s what made him Hokage.

PRO argues that Narutos source of power is always from somewhere else and not his own (Kurama, SoSP…)

PRO does not accept the assertions that Hashirama didn’t have to deal with a lot of people (there were many fighting clans)

PRO argues that Hashirama would’ve been able to “talk no jutsu” too and Naruto didn’t do anything special

(*Some back and forth about diplomatics*)

PRO argues that CON’s powerscale is wrong because Naruto always had help defeating those Gods, Obita, Madara, etc

PRO argues that Madara’s and Obito’s new forms were weaker than their old forms??? (No back up given for this controversial claim)

PRO states that if they look only at “most powerful version of the character” in their life then Kakashi has the best form for a small amount of time.

PRO is questioning the validity of CONs claim that Naruto was still able to use SoSP when he was Hokage (sources need to be provided)

PRO argues for Hashirama’s social intelligence (empathy, etc..) by stating that he brought numerous clans together and made peace

CON requests a definition of “greatness Hokage”and points out that theres no point comparing to other Hokages since PRO already identified Hashirama as that and Naruto only needs to surpass him.

CON argues that saving the world is a bigger feat than creating the village.

CON argues that “Establishing the leaf village is not a very great feat. It was not that hard, not that big a deal, and not that positive. It's more important what Hashirama did after becoming Hokage.”

CON argues that Hashirama is not a great leader because failed to protect the village by putting it in danger from poor decisions.
CON also gives more reasons he thinks Hashirama was a bad leader and Naruto good.

(*Some back and forth about saving friends*)

CON defends his power scales successfully showing Naruto’s power is still greater on his own since he is able to fight gods alone or with just Sasuke (which means at least 50%)

CON shares a moment from the show as his evidence for Naruto using SoSP while Hokage (no links provided)

CON kinds of doesn’t deny that “Naruto would’ve been ass raped by Pain if it wasn’t for Minato or Kurama” but says that Naruto still did more dmg than Jiraya and rest of the village (which doesn’t help his case because the comparison is with Hashirama now)

CON argues that Hashirama is not vastly more powerful than Naruto without his boosts since Naruto is Uzumaki and Naruto was also able to fight Momoshiki in his base form.

CON argues that Hashiramas powers are also not his since he’s a reincarnation and all of chakra is Kaguya’s. (Not the same as what PRO argues for imo)

He also mentions that thats all irrelevant since the power still belongs to Naruto and can still be attributed to his feats. Even if it comes from Kurama or somewhere else.
CON also supports his claims that thats Narutos power now because he worked for it and earned it by taming Kurama, etc..
Which is more impressive than having a default power like Hashirama.

Both make good points, Naruto would’ve been indeed “ass raped” without Kurama but later on he becomes way more powerful and his base form is allowing him to go against Momoshiki who is kinda a god.
CON points out a lot of diplomatic issues with Hashirama.
There’s an argument about Naruto’s sources of power.

Round 1 Notes:

PRO argues that Hashirama is the greatest Hokage in general by pointing out that :

1.Hashirama is more powerful than Hokage Naruto who couldn’t use SoSP Mode
2. Hashirama already defeated Kurama with Madara’s Susanoo
3. Hashirama invented the Leaf Village and the “will of fire”
4. Hashirama had to do more for the peace and wasn’t lucky like Naruto to have friends in position of power

PRO also argues that the other Hokages also surpassed Naruto in different aspects such as:

1. Intelligence (all of them)
2. Inventions (Tobirama)
3. Strategy (Herozen)
4. Leadership / Medicine (Tsunade)

CON states that he only has to prove that Naruto is greater than Hashirama now since PRO identifies Hashirama as the greatest Hokage

CON points out that if SPSM doesn’t count as a feat for Naruto because he did not do it while being Hokage then Hashirama’s feat (creating the LV) doesn’t count as well.

CON argues that kid Naruto has not heard about who Hashirama was therefore did not copy his “will of fire” philosophy from him

CON gives a list of feats / achievements

CON argues that Hashirama actually had it way easier than Naruto when it comes to bringing peace because of less people to deal with and Hashirama’s failure to actually be at peace with Madara at the end. Naruto on the other hand made peace with multiple people.

CON argues that Naruto fought enemies much stronger than Hashirama, like Gods (later on even in his base form)

PRO and CON generally agree that H and N are on the same intelligence level

CON argues that N is more socially intelligent by giving examples of Naruto being able to figure out and connect with different people.

CON tries to argue that Naruto is wise by surrounding himself with intelligent people (Shikamaru) but sees it as a negative when pointing out that Hashirama counted on his more intelligent brother (Tobirama) for advises?

PRO makes some good points that H. Invented the Leaf Village, will of fire and overall his significance as the first Hokage is what makes him the greatest plus that he has beated versions of Kurama already.
CON replies successfully to most of this even tho he slightly contradicted himself imo.
CON examines the powerscales as evidence that Narutos power is tiers above what Hashirama faced in his time and makes good points about Naruto saving the World and bringing peace in a much more difficult situation.


Counterpoint, I am a European confused by British and American spelling. Color and Colour are both valid, so in my discombobulated mind, Genious sounds correct also. This must be remedied.




Another issue. You never established their administrative competancy. Like, you cite their intelligence and show feats of their battle intelligence, but those are not as important. Naruto's strenght makes him a better fighter than anyone who is not god level like he is, even if they had a gazillion IQ points. The only character you actually tried to argue had good political skills were tsunade, you said it was impressive she understood the assignment so quickly. But you never point out a single political decision any of the others made while acting as Hokage. Like, take Boby Fisher. You could make an argument like you did that he was smarter than all the presidents. But that genious has only ever expressed itself in chess. You can see he had some very bonkers political opinions. My point is that next time you want to make an argument about characters being good politicians, you have to back it up with political feats, not just statements about their general intelligence, book smarts or battle-prowess.

If you compare Teddy Roosevelt with another politician, but then you only talk about the other guy's badassery rather than his politics, Roosevelt will always come up on top in that comparison.

Ok you’re right, you can interpret greatest Hokage in many ways in a normal situation (I see that logic, thanks for asking) BUT not in a debate after you have already identified it and gave definition for it. Your definition of “greatest Hokage” is combination of all, not who leads the village intellectually. Which is good, this is the debate anyway. I know why you’re going back on it now but I think its kinda late. Different interpretations are not important anymore.

Also comparing Hokages and Mayors is fallacious. Just because Hokages have some of the job responsibilities that mayors have doesn’t mean mayors or the president can be a hokage. They are not the same, mayors dont have responsibilities like BEING ABLE TO PHYSICALLY PROTECT A VILLAGE FROM NINJAS WITH MAGIC. The job of the president doesn’t require for him to be able to fight at least decently.
Hokages are not only diplomatic figures like mayors from the real world. In the description of a greatest Hokage there is multiple criteria (like you said) so can’t take into account only intelligence or leadership.


The debate is about "greatest Hokage" and you can interpret that multiple ways. Hokage is a position similar to "mayor" or "president". You can look at it in a very broad general sense, or you can look at it in terms of what makes someone a better "mayor" specifically. Would you say that Teddy Roosevelt was the best president just because he was the most bad ass? Probably not, but maybe he was the greatest when you combine other factors. At the same time some nerdy, scrawny president would arguably be better because he was the smartest decision maker and making decisions is what the job is about.

If you pretend not to see the logic here, it's because you want me to lose and not because of the validity of the point itself.

Wait, so isn’t the title of the debate about ”the greatest Hokage” and not about “stuff that helps you lead a village”? You just said again basically “yea if you include everything (which is what you’re supposed to do) the “greatest” (debate title) is Hashirama BUT IF YOU ONLY LOOK AT who is more intelligent its someone else. In this case why both of you are debating and arguing about power, strength and other stuff? You made plenty of arguments outside of intelligence and leading a village didn’t you?


I'm saying that if you combine everything Hashirama is the greatest Hokage but if you only include stuff that helps you lead a village and not stuff that helps you fight or be respectable in general, then Shikamaru and Minato are the best a Hokages.

Either way you don't have to vote Con even if it turns out Naruto is better than Hashirama, and if you do it can only mean that you hate me and want me to kill myself.


So you would not say that Hashirama is the greatest Hokage of all time overall? In which way are you interpreting “greatness Hokage “ that Im missing? I thought you defined it as “combination of factors. This includes fighting ability, wisdom, intelligence, specific feats, and upholding the philosophy behind what it means to be Hokage.” This is what you described Hashirama as. Now are you saying Minato or someone else is better Hokage than Hashirama?


The fact remains that there is an alternate way to interpret what "greatest Hokage" is even if I didn't think about and use it enough in the debate.


Well I see a couple problems with what you just said, I might be wrong tho idk. So one of them is that you started the debate by stating that Hashirama is THE GREATEST in general Hokage of all time, named your reasons and then defined “greatest Hokage” as a combination of multiple different factors. That means that even if Minato was better politician or more intelligent you already knew that but placed him below Hashirama because of his other feats that mentioned and labeled as more significant.
Whatever the other Hokages strong sides are is irrelevant because you weighed them out for him and proclaimed Hashirama as the best of them overall. You didn’t just say Hashirama is better than Naruto (leaving you the door of later saying “well yea naruto is greater than hashirama but I didn’t say hashirama is the greatest so that doesn’t make naruto the greatest…etc..) , you said Hashirama is greatest, the biggest Hokages from all Hokages.. So… if Naruto replaces the Number 1 Hokage he becomes a what?


No, even if Naruto is greater than Hashirama con loses because Naruto is an inferior leader to every other Hokage. Naruto and Hashirama are actually the least intelligent Hokage and every other Hokage is a better decision maker. Think about it, would you choose someone to be a political leader based on how strong a fighter they are or how intelligent and politically-minded they are? Minato is the greatest Hokage if Hashirama isn't because Minato is as intelligent as Shikamaru and stronger than the other Hokage besides Naruto and Hashirama.

To me if CON proves Naruto is greater Hokage than Hashirama he wins since PRO already identified him as the greatest of all. So theres no point comparing with others, even if there are some aspects in which someone is better than Naruto, overall they (other Hokages) are not greater than Hashirama (from what PRO stated in round1).
So if Naruto is greater than Hashirama he is greater than all of the rest also.