Instigator / Pro

Child marriage is disgusting and you chomos should stop doing it


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After 2 votes and with 2 points ahead, the winner is...

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One month
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Contender / Con

I am arguing against the legalization of child marriage. In Pakistan about 20% of females are married to hse pervets under 18 years of age.

Perverted Muslims are marrying up to 5% of those women under the age of 15 and many cases in Pakistan we discover that the ages go as low as 5 years old.

When officials try to create mi imum age laws for marriage, because Mualim clerics are perverts thy resit any attempt at a minimum age.

Further more Muslims defend Muhhamed's marriage to a 9 year old and argue she was an adult at that age because she could have a period. The official motto of Islam is "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed"

By their own logic they have justified marrying anyone who has had a period. There have been cases where an 11 month old baby has gad a period.

In Islam it is acceptable for a father to force his 9 year old into marriage with some perverted Muslim pedophile.

I will not be arguing that Islam supports child marriage it absolutely does. Sometimes Muslims will lie about this but in Muslim circles they readily admit this.

They also have other disgusting secrets like did you know the highest amount of inbred people on the planet are not in west Virginia? But in Muslim countries like Pakistan because in Islam it is okay to fuck your cousin. So essentially a very disgusting people but fucking family members can be forgiven if they are both consensual adults. However in Islam many of the child brides being fucked by grown men are their close blood relatives.

Only a disgusting Muslim who believes child marriage is acceptable can accept this debate. Nobody in this debate is allowed to rgue devils advocate. .

Con has to defend the concept of child marriage, while all I have to do is prove to the pervert that debates me, why fucking and marrying children is bad.

The dishonesty continues. A person can forfeit a debate and that means the person proved the other wrong says the fan club .


Okay, one of my debates finished.

If you wanna debate, I am available.


You got it, unless mall puts up a good fight


I just need:

1. About 10,000 characters per round

2. I need 5 rounds

3. I need topic which makes me defend child marriages in most cases or something like "Legalizing child marriages is beneficial for society".

One of my debates should end in the next few days, so I will be available.


I will see if tigerlord accepts this first and you let me know when you have the opportunity and I will change the rules to suit you


I dont lie, but if you want to debate me, we need to wait until one of my debates finishes.

I am at 10 active debates, so maximum number I can have at the time.


If you seriously put that much qork into it, I have no issue increasing rounds but don't lie to me please

Thats why I need at least 5 rounds.


I already have like 50,000 characters written about why child marriage should be legal.

I dont want to debate you because when we discussed penis length you refused to take it serious

Also, right now I am at max debates until one of my debates finishes, so dont count me yet.

I would accept, but I need 5 rounds. 3 isnt enough to make my case.