Instigator / Pro

The universe is made from only one particle


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 1 vote and with 2 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
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Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

The science community has created a gigantic fraud on society by creating a complicated universe. The universe can be describe in much simpler terms according to the principles of Occam's razor. (The simplest solution to a problem is most often the best and most correct solution.)


God forbid that the death penalty would be killing me!

I didn't know you were being a zombie. If you kill and eat a human being, I would want you to be tried for murder and given the death penalty for murder and cannibalism.


How will you punish a Zombie?

If you do, you will get severely punished.

I will eat you alive, no fucking doubt.


I am sure that both you and ramshutu could get real good roles in the Walking Dead Series............ as zombies. lol


My point is, you made me cry as real as I am trying out for a lead role in this 'movie'. It's not entirely false, and not entirely true.

Either the lead role, or an executive producer.


Am I trying out for a lead role in that movie?

I made you cry?


Just remember what happens to those that make the hero cry, as the story progresses.

And we have another competitor for the leading role in the new film: Captain Butthurt, and the tears of unfairness.


If you want to, you are blocked because you are a trash voter who is an immovable object.

If an enemy is both non-negotiable and non-defeatable, you either need to make it clear you disapprove, or make it blatant that you "approve" (depending how vengeful the being is).

Is that how I should view you blocking me too?


This guy blocked me to abuse weaker prey. I'm both happy I spoke how I did in this debate and proud to be feared by him/her all at once. Teach them that you can make then sadder and angrier than they make you. Until you become truly sadistic without losing yourself, you either end up a pussy or a bully in life. The balance is a rare thing that beasts like me found.

Yeah, I’m going to have to ask you to stop attacking me now.


You have turned this whole site into an anti-logic backwards thinking nincompoop site.

Quote -"The remainder of his opening round appears to be stating there is more than one particle in the universe, repeatedly using plurals, and saying that the universe has three particles. It was completely unclear throughout the specifics of what pro was arguing, leave alone what his justification was."

You can't read, you can't understand, you have no logic, no sense, no understanding, no memory. You are just a walking corpse of vitriolic nonsense.
You are a complete waste of valuable space. We should all declare a national holiday the day that you die as the world will be a much better place.


Vote report: Alec // Mod action: Removed
Score: 1 point to pro for conduct
RFD: RM said, "Occam's Razor slice your neck, boom dead bye.". This is poor conduct.

Reason: Citing one example of poor conduct isn't enough to vote soley on conduct in a non-FF debate.


I assume that is a compliment and not sarcasm.


You must be smart - alec. lol


RM is not a fool. I'll be surprised if you win.


I am glad I just cut and pasted my whole argument from a previous debate. I wouldn't want to waste one second of my time with a fool like you. lol


Genomes deals with cells and organisms half-wit. lol