Instigator / Pro

Black Lives Matter brainwashes peoples' minds to make them hate whites.


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After 4 votes and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

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Yeah, it is really sad, what they have done.Cops are scared of doing their job now.


Also,he never talked about the Black Panthers when I mentioned them twice. Funny how the BLM brainwashes people.


Thats funny especially when he gets mad at you for "generalizing a race" but then turns around an says white people opress blacks. Even though it was white people who freed slaves


This guy I'm debating with tells me to "go and suck Trump's dick,you stupid bitch". And then he gets angry when I say that black people have lost their morals and destroying their character.


Those were the 4 major protests. You have to prove that a BLM protest was not violent. I have proved that the 4 major ones were.Your turn


>>You are white, so you are going to be bias for your race. I get it. You are gonna say there's NO racist white people. Ok I'm the liar!

I never said that. In fact, I did say there were some racist people, there are racist people of all races. However, it is a very small percentage and your claim of it being a majority without any evidence is absurd. You can't even back up your claim.


>>I have proved that Dallas, Ferguson, and Charlotte were violent.

There has only been 4 protests for the BLM? Is that your claim or do you actually realized you are painting an entire group based on 4 events?

>>So please try and name a major BLM protest where it wasn't violent

I am not playing along with shifting the burden of proof when I know the same courtesy is not shown to the person I am talking to. So are you actually going to prove me wrong and provide actual evidence for what you are claiming?


100th comment!, anyway Omar you are dumb. I have proved that Dallas, Ferguson, and Charlotte were violent. So please try and name a major BLM protest where it wasn't violent


You have provided anecdotes.
You have yet to provide how many BLM protests they were then said how many of them were violent then made an actual claim based on those findings. You have skipped the evidence and went straight to claiming things you have not provided evidence for.

One link about about one event and one state of emergency is not a representation of every BLM protest. Are you actually going to try to provide evidence?


I have presented evidence. All those events went violent.


Still no evidence. You have made a claim and provided no evidence. Call upon your messenger or lord all you want. Doesn't change you haven't brought evidence. Do you actually have any or am I supposed to accept your second hand anecdotes?


Jesus Christ Omar, Dallas turned violent. Charlotte turned violentFerguson, Baltimore, Salt-Lake City, Dallas,Milwaukee,Detroit,etc,etc. It's not a coincidence. Whenever this stupid narrative is pushed by Obama and MSM, violence happens right after. BLM is a hateful movement at heart. We have never seen this out of the KKK or other groups that are claimed to be violent. Other groups do not see the level of riots seen at BLM protests. Feminists don't burn down cities. If there was violence at every tea Party event, then the MSM would be ALL OVER the Tea Party.


>>every single BLM protest somehow turns violent. I wonder why. Its also promotes violence



Meh, I like King. I think he wont listen to what you have to say because you come off as rude. Calling him a libtard Just take a step back and youc an come to good terms like me and King did


The only thing you destroyed is your dignity.

You are white, so you are going to be bias for your race. I get it. You are gonna say there's NO racist white people. Ok I'm the liar!

If you don't think racism exists then hey thats your opinion keep living in delusion


>>No Im not closed minded like you

You can't provide any evidence for your claims. Saying the grass is green won't change my mind about racism when you don't have evidence. The only one closed-minded is the one who obviously gets owned but refuses to change his mind because he has no facts or logic. Oh, like you.


About what? Me destroying you?

>>And you did not change my mind I dont listen to lies

What was a lie? The only one lying is you claiming most white people are racist without a smidgen of evidence.


No Im not closed minded like you


More like translation: I don't give a fuck


There's no point in talking to King. He literally just admitted he is closed-minded and even if you completely destroy him he will refuse to accept it.


lmaoooo what contradictory statements.

>>No I'm open minded I just refuse to respond to any of your dumb arguments because you just dont get it. Its like talking to a rock

Translation: I just got completely destroyed and have literally no evidence to back up my arguments so I will refuse to engage in any further discussion because this is what the left does when conservatives beat them.

I don't get it? So apparently if I dismantle your argument and ask for evidence "I don't get it"?


Police Officers can not do their job because BLM will hunt them down and doxx them, call for their head and their firing. What about the ferguson effect after the Protests In Ferguson caused by the shooting of Michael Brown that August, his officers had been hesitant to enforce the law due to fears of being charged, and that "the criminal element is feeling empowered" as a result.


No I'm open minded I just refuse to respond to any of your dumb arguments because you just dont get it. Its like talking to a rock. And you did not change my mind I dont listen to lies


So you are just closed-minded? I clearly changed your mind and you literally can't and won't respond to any of my arguments. Is this what the left has become? And people get triggered when we call them "libtards." We do it for good reason.


every single BLM protest somehow turns violent. I wonder why. Its also promotes violence




So do you concede your awful arguments?


if anyone should apologize it should be you for your demonic behavior

The definition of BLM already explains police brutality and lives being lost by cops.

White people commit crimes too, you stupid bitch


Exactly,that's why I said black lives matter should change their name to black lives matter when they are lost by cop action. Since you don't care about those blacks who are dropping out of schools and committing crimes,it's obvious that all black lives do not matter to you. So,change your name,please.

I never lowered my statistics and I resent the accusation. I dare you to prove any one or take back your words and apologize for lying.


None of your arguments breakdown the race of BLM supporters.

>>BLM doesn't do anything to help fatherless children or stop the single motherhood rate or help black people who drop out of schools. They only raise slogans against police officers like a bunch of hypocrites.

What is BLM to you?


Lol ok

Let's say the definition of BLM again and analyze: "Black Lives Matter is an international activist movement, originating in the African-American community, that campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people. "

Note: violence AND systematic racism.

This has nothing to do with dropping out of school, single mothers, or growing up with no fathers. For the people who never had both parents growing up or is going through some things like that in life, then the proper step would be to go to counseling. BLM (an activist movement) has no say in things like that because that is not the purpose of BLM. Like I said what you are doing is pushing stereotypes, making black people look bad unnecessarily while at the same time making white people like yourself look good by lowering your numbers and statistics, which is not right because this shows the type of person you are


Yeah,sure. Read my arguments. BLM doesn't do anything to help fatherless children or stop the single motherhood rate or help black people who drop out of schools. They only raise slogans against police officers like a bunch of hypocrites.


>>Black lives matter doesn't matter to black lives matter...only those lives lost by cop action.

Do you have evidence for this?


>>it does help my point that BLM sucks

Not an argument.
Do you have numbers of how many BLM protests have occured and have you found out how many are violent?
It is really boring listening to comments that don't really help your case.


Black lives matter doesn't matter to black lives matter...only those lives lost by cop action.


it does help my point that BLM sucks


>>Was a national emergency declared at any republican-based group riot?

Even if there was it still wouldn't help your point so basically a non-sequitur even if I answer it.


Darth said " people are being judged by the content of their character......"

To which King replied "And why do you think that? It's racism."

Those were his EXACT words. So yes, you are saying MLK is racist because he judged people on content of character and not color of skin.


Really? Well,you don't have any facts in the first place. The only fact you have is the sky is blue,so whites are racist.

Also,you said that judging people by the content of their character is racist in argument 13 of round 2. That was said by Martin Luther King. So,common sense dictates that you are calling MLK a racist.


>>I do have facts in my argument.

Yet you just choose not to say them? You haven't had a fact in any of your arguments and are not responding to my comment because you know I'm right. No shame in admitting it,.


Stop spamming the same damn comment. Time for me to take your saying "Facts, don't care about your feelings"
I do have facts in my argument.

MLK is not racist do not twist my words


He actually said that judging people by the content of their character is racist......So,according to him,Martin Luther King was a racist.


ikr when u get to the core of these libtards they have no real argument and argue feelings over facts


BLM activist: White people are racist.
White man: How?
BLM activist: The sky is blue.


Is this the tolerant left? The "logical" ones? Ones without evidence and who resort to insults and giving up when their arguments lose grounds?

>>Shut the fuck up
Thanks for proving my point which will remain true until you contend it..."Yet you have no evidence to prove it...typical libtard cant back up anything with facts"
>>That is not what I am saying.
You literally said "Most white people are racist. That's like explaining why the sky is blue and why the grass is green."
I responded by saying the exact opposite..."Well according to you I can just say a group is racist w/out any evidence and its a universal fact like green grass."
I am white.
How is Trump racist? Why would he give a 1 million dollar prize to a black? Why would he appoint multiple blacks do his cabinet? Why are his policies continuing to make black unemployment go down to record lows? Why has he made so many blacks off food stamps? Why do so many blacks support him? Because they know he isn't racist and Trump is helping, not hurting them.
Your continued lack of any evidence and resorting to insults prove my profile picture about many liberals..."Facts don't care about your feelings."


Isn't it?




Yeah,yeah,yeah.....everyone's a racist. Anyone who doesn't agree with BLM is a racist. Save your hypocritical speech for the next time the BLM starts a riot.


He supports the Democratic Party,which went to war in support of slavery and founded the KKK,and he says Trump is a racist,LOL.


Mhm you are white. I get it now. No wonder! And why would you said "You are actually being racist towards me by assuming I am privileged just by the melanin in my skin" if you are white?

Fuck Trump he's still racist.

Btw nice profile picture.