Instigator / Pro

Black Lives Matter brainwashes peoples' minds to make them hate whites.


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After 4 votes and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
Three days
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Voting period
One week
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No information


>>Shut the fuck up

Thanks for proving my point which will remain true until you contend it..."Yet you have no evidence to prove it...typical libtard cant back up anything with facts"

>>That is not what I am saying.

You literally said "Most white people are racist. That's like explaining why the sky is blue and why the grass is green."

I responded by saying the exact opposite..."Well according to you I can just say a group is racist w/out any evidence and its a universal fact like green grass."

I am white.

How is Trump racist? Why would he give a 1 million dollar prize to a black? Why would he appoint multiple blacks do his cabinet? Why are his policies continuing to make black unemployment go down to record lows? Why has he made so many blacks off food stamps? Why do so many blacks support him? Because they know he isn't racist and Trump is helping, not hurting them.

Your continued lack of any evidence and resorting to insults prove my profile picture about many liberals..."Facts don't care about your feelings."


"Yet you have no evidence to prove it...typical libtard cant back up anything with facts"
Shut the fuck up

"Well according to you I can just say a group is racist w/out any evidence and its a universal fact like green grass."
That is not what I am saying.

So are you black or white? You said "You are actually being racist towards me by assuming I am privileged just by the melanin in my skin" which assumes that you are black and before that you said "Me nor any white person" assuming you are white

>>They are racist though

Yet you have no evidence to prove it...typical libtard cant back up anything with facts

>>Funniest thing I've ever heard.

Well according to you I can just say a group is racist w/out any evidence and its a universal fact like green grass.


"If he did, it was in the 1960's! Where the civil rights act had just been passed and there was a culture of that."
Not an excuse

"Then you can't prove most white people are racist."
They are racist though

"a very small minority though."

I assumed you were white from when you said "Me nor any white person I know"

When I said "or being called "dirty" because of your melanin." I just used it as an example for in general, I wasn't specifically targeting you. I'm saying white people like you don't have to worry about being called dirty because of your melanin (that you don't have)

"You are actually being racist towards me by assuming I am privileged just by the melanin in my skin." I guess you are black then? Oops. I wasn't trying to be racist. I am black. I was saying there was no privilege of having melanin since it gets made fun by white people.

"By the way there is systemic racism towards whites because most black people are racist" Funniest thing I've ever heard. Yes, white lives do matter. Black lives matter too. BLM movement means black lives matter too, not black lives matter only.


If he did, it was in the 1960's! Where the civil rights act had just been passed and there was a culture of that.

>>I don't need evidence.

Then you can't prove most white people are racist.

>> Stop living in delusion and stop acting innocent. Typical white privilege. You talk as if there is no racist white person. I've come across a lot of racist white people online and in real life. Absurd accusation? Oh please. You don't have to worry about being called monkeys or being called "dirty" because of your melanin.

Of course there are racist white people, a very small minority though. If you claim systemic racist you have to point to a specific institution that systemically oppresses blacks. You claimed most white people are racist, which you literally can't back up with any evidence whatsoever. You are actually being racist towards me by assuming I am privileged just by the melanin in my skin.

By the way there is systemic racism towards whites because most black people are racist. White lives matter!


I feel like using Speedrace cause he made a good argument. "Trump racially discriminated against black people in his apartment building."

I don't need evidence. Stop living in delusion and stop acting innocent. Typical white privilege. You talk as if there is no racist white person. I've come across a lot of racist white people online and in real life. Absurd accusation? Oh please. You don't have to worry about being called monkeys or being called "dirty" because of your melanin.

"We are passed the civil rights and slavery."
You don't have to get told to get over slavery. Classic case of white privilege.


Don't use another person's argument, think for yourself. Tell me something he did that's racist.

"It's quite obvious. But I won't entertain your nonsense. That's like explaining why the sky is blue and why the grass is green."

So you have no evidence of an institution that is racist and arbitrarily decide what is racist. Typical left, I'm not surprised. Me nor any white person I know is racist, and that is such an absurd accusation that you throw around. We are passed the civil rights and slavery.


"How is Trump racist?"
Look at Speedrace argument. Proof. I cuss, deal with it.

"How can you prove most white people are racist?"
It's quite obvious. But I won't entertain your nonsense. That's like explaining why the sky is blue and why the grass is green.


How is Trump racist? Why would he give a 1 million dollar prize to a black? Why would he appoint multiple blacks do his cabinet? Why are his policies continuing to make black unemployment go down to record lows? Why has he made so many blacks off food stamps? Why do so many blacks support him? Because they know he isn't racist and Trump is helping, not hurting them.


>>Fuck Trump, there is proof of him being racist to blacks. Look it up.

I see no evidence. Prove it. Cussing is not an argument.

>>Most white people.

Again this is not institutional racism. How can you prove most white people are racist?


Thank you, she is a bright woman and I thank you that you respect consverative blacks. A lot of times that doesn't happen. happy we could come on good terms.


I watched the video. She's a bright woman.




Also, democrats called Kanye a token negro


Because Democrats do not motivate blacks.


Why not


You should NOT.


Interesting. By the way I'm on the democratic side


Lets apply your logic

Fuck democrats, there are proof of them being racist.Look it up

See, if huge parties can change, I think ONE person can


There are countless of examples in my R2 in this debate. Check it out.


"Which white people? All white people? Systemic racism is institutional. What institution is racist?" Most white people.

Fuck Trump, there is proof of him being racist to blacks. Look it up.


Give me an example


>>White people. Did you not pay attention to the debate? The proof is in the pudding.

Which white people? All white people? Systemic racism is institutional. What institution is racist?

>>I do listen to my people, but I'm not sure if I can look into someone who supports Trump who is racist towards black people.

Trump's approval rating is 4 points higher than his election among blacks at 12%. It was higher than Romney's. So you only listen to people who agree with you. Can't say I'm surprised.

How is Trump racist? Why would he give a 1 million dollar prize to a black? Why would he appoint multiple blacks do his cabinet? Why are his policies continuing to make black unemployment go down to record lows? Why has he made so many blacks off food stamps? Why do so many blacks support him? Because they know he isn't racist and Trump is helping, not hurting them.


Because he/she generalized black people.




"Don't generalize a race"
Try telling Pro that.


"White people"

Nope, democrats. Not white people because Lincoln was white and republicans who were not the racist ones. Don't generalize a race.




I'm not playing the victim, this is definitely not a minute problem and I know exactly what to do for myself.

"Give me one example of a large group that systemically oppresses blacks."
White people. Did you not pay attention to the debate? The proof is in the pudding.

I don't need evidence for racism when it's still here today. If you want to live in delusion and claim racism is "not a big deal" then alright.

I do listen to my people, but I'm not sure if I can look into someone who supports Trump who is racist towards black people.
"Why are so many blacks for trump"
First off, it shouldn't be "so many" and if so, then that's sad. If they are somehow for him then, I don't know why, beats me.


>>1. Blacks are in fact victims.

You are playing the victim card and not thinking of what you can do for yourself rather than take the easy way out in an extremely minute problem.

>>2. There is no systematic racism? Haha....what planet are you from?

Give me one example of a large group that systemically oppresses blacks.

>>3. Racism is a tiny problem? Lmfao

Yes, America is barely a racist country. You have no evidence. Compared to all the black community problems, you choose to focus on a couple black on white shootings and use it for an example that blacks are SOOO oppressed.

>>4. Candace Owens....she's for Trump...she is against BLM...and is against Democratic're telling me to listen to someone like that? What a joke.

She was a democratic until she thought for herself a BLACK WOMEN instead of falling into the black victim cult. A black women highly against playing the victim, and provides much insight for blacks. Shouldn't you listen to your people? Why are so many blacks for Trump?


Well you should listen to Candace Owens, it was Democrats who had black unemployment at all-time high, but it was Republicans who had black unemployment at an all-time low.


1. Blacks are in fact victims.
2. There is no systematic racism? Haha....what planet are you from?
3. Racism is a tiny problem? Lmfao
4. Candace Owens....she's for Trump...she is against BLM...and is against Democratic're telling me to listen to someone like that? What a joke.


Was a national emergency declared at any republican-based group riot?

Typical leftists always claiming blacks are victims. There is no systemic racism. Stop playing the victim and figure you black problems out. Racism is such a tiny problem and you don't focus on the bigger problems within the black communities. Listen to Candace Owens.


>>Do you? You call 4 riots that took place anecdotes?

How many BLM protests have taken place? Find that number out then compare it to 4.

>>That shows your position. People murdered by blacks in revenge in mass numbers are anecdotes. But if a black man gets killed,it's somehow "police brutality".

Don't know what to call this. I'll go with an attack but more importantly added really nothing.


Do you? You call 4 riots that took place anecdotes? That shows your position. People murdered by blacks in revenge in mass numbers are anecdotes. But if a black man gets killed,it's somehow "police brutality".


>>If its a minority, WHY is that EVERYWHERE BLM goes, violence follows. It's not hard. Why is it not the same for other parties?

Do you have a source where they have analysed every single BLM protest and have found this to be the case or is this your opinion?


You must be Franklin from DDO. Interesting.


The Ferguson riots,Milwaukee riots,Chicago shootings were all peaceful? Yeah,right.

I am getting 4 anecdotes from this. Do you have actual evidence or is this it?


" But with the constant killings of blacks, a limit will be reached again and again. "

But why should it be like that? The entire history of black lynchings is six MONTHS of black on black crime. It hurts YOUR OWN PEOPLE. You guys are done because only 37% of blacks support BLM now.


I know, if the tea party was like this, oh boy get ready for the MSM storm. But no, because BLM is for a good cause. Get out of here. Enemy of the People


This Shaun King guy who is one of their leaders, isn't even black.

As I said If Black Lives Matter were conservative, it would already be one of the most discredited and despised movements in American history. Can you imagine the elite Left’s reaction to a conservative movement built on a founding lie that has incited riots, inspired shootings of police, and correlated with an astounding and deadly increase in violent crime in America’s major cities?


If its a minority, WHY is that EVERYWHERE BLM goes, violence follows. It's not hard. Why is it not the same for other parties?


I AGREE SO MUCH, it's not even funny. BLM is a hate organization. One of the founders is on the FBI's MOST WANTED terrorist LIST.

The Ferguson riots,Milwaukee riots,Chicago shootings were all peaceful? Yeah,right.


Basically said BLM commit vandalism disregarding the majority of peaceful protests.


What does that even mean?


Pretty much conflated the BLM movement being a vandalism group. Representatives don't advocate for that and cherry picking a select few BLM supporters as a gross generalization is the bad thing to do because they are not the majority in the group. Didn't you say cherry picking was a liberal thing?


Here you go.


Don't worry,I won't cherry-pick. I am not a liberal.