Sounds like your boss had it rough.
Well he is a millionaire who apparently was okay losing over 150k a year not listening to me. Though to be fair once there was an armed robbery after I left, due to not following my security policies I wrote up, this whole thing was uncovered and they were fired anyway. He also lost money due to not being as responsive to health inspections. Just minor things beyond my control but could be fixed with his the rubber on the walk in not be affixed to the door properly.
Funny enough, what’s keeping me busy this time of year has nothing to do with either Christmas or Hanukkah - got my nephew’s bar mitzvah to attend.
Sounds fun. Never attended one. However I did watch Seinfeld and Elaine had sex with some kid at his Bar Mitzvah because he said he was dying and did not want to die a virgin and then it turned out he lied to her.