I was mentioned so I thought I'd reply and give some insights. Catholic theology distinguishes between two interrelated but separate realities when it comes to sin and baptism: personal sin and original sin. Repentance properly applies to personal sin—those deliberate acts that each individual commits of their own free will. Infants, of course, have not yet reached the age of reason and thus are not personally culpable of sin in the same way an adult or older child would be.
Jesus was baptized when he was 30 years old. He was not an infant and so personal sin was applicable. So Jesus’s baptism has to be personal sin. Repentance properly applies to personal sin—those deliberate acts that each individual commits of their own free will.
Original sin would have applied to Jesus because Jesus claimed he was there before Abraham.
John 8:58 “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”
We know Jesus was a sinner who surrounded himself with men. One lied about him and the other betrayed him. Jesus was also crucified for blasphemy.
Jesus should have been baptized for original sin because he was born out of wedlock. Mary was betrothed to Joseph when she was impregnated by God. That was surely an act of sin.
So both baptism applied to Jesus personal sin and original sin. Which might explain why Jesus had such contempt for the religious order, they found he was above original sin despite the evidence from Mary.
What was Jesus’s last words to the Romans who went onto form the Roman Catholic Church?
Luke 23:34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”