Mike Pence for President.

Author: Alec


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PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
When you examine every society that segregates and dehumanizes other human beings it starts by making them lesser than the rest of society
Precisely what you misogynists are demanding be done to women. No humans being killed again, just so you don't present that fantasy again. How many of these humans have you collected from abortion clinics and brought them up.

This is not true. You totally misrepresent me with this nonsense. Men and women have equal rights to do with their bodies as they so please as long as they do not endanger other innocent human beings. I do not justify giving the woman the right to determine who lives and who dies because she doesn't feel like raising the human life within her. In most cases, she chose to have sex. Now she does not want to take responsibility for her actions. 

1. From conception, a new entity starts living.
2. Since the male and female are human so is the offspring. 
3. Should all humans have intrinsic worth? If not, then why should you have worth?
4. Can you live with dehumanizing one class or group of humans? If you can you may be the next class or group they dehumanize and destroy. 
5. Throughout history groups or classes of people have been dehumanized and devalued to the point of justifying their death. 

The last underlined sentence of yours is another attempt to villainize me and put the onus of responsibility on me to look after what other people discard because of their lack of responsibility. What do you propose I do? Scrounge the garbage cans for dead bodies then take them home?  

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
Why do their rights only start at birth? What is the unborn? 

Is it a human being?

If it is not a human being then what kind of being is it?

If it is a human being then it is being discriminated against. So, it is a human being? THAT is the question.

If one kind of human being, say the unborn, is deemed less valuable than another, then can we discriminate against other classes of human beings, say white males? 

I don't think you are this stupid. Yes the unborn are less valuable then the living as the living are more valuable than the dead. Rights are the foundation of the United States and freedom. 
I did not realize that you were addressing my post. Please, would you use the reply button in the future so that I get a message?

How am I being stupid? If the unborn a living being? Yes or no? Are you suggesting the unborn is not living?

How about the rights of the unborn. Are not all humans created equal in the eyes of the Creator? At least that is what your Declaration of Independence states. Why are you not giving the unborn the same freedom you give the born? 

Are you saying the fetus is not living? What are you saying?
A fetus is unborn and living in the sense grandma on life support is. We are allowed to turn off grandma, a living person, aka the pregnant lady can't shut off her own life support which is her body? 
So, it is okay with you to kill a human being as long as it is not as valuable as another human being? Who determines its worth? This is exactly what Hitler did with the Jews. And then on top of that, you suggest that as long as the human being is within her body it is okay to kill it. You allow her to wash her hands of the responsibility of her actions.

Answer me this then, what is the difference between an unborn and a newborn, other than their environment, level of development, size, and level of dependency?

I think it is fairly easy to establish that the unborn is a human being medically and scientifically. Why should a woman be able to kill another human being unless her life is threatened by it (i.e., tubal pregnancy)?
Again we can shut off grandma, a women should be able to reclaim her own body. 

Even when there is another person involved that resides in her body? The unborn has everything needed to grow into a fully productive human being but you want to deny it that right. So, you are suggesting Granma is in a coma and brain dead I take it and has no hope of recovery, or do you want to euthanize all old people? How does that relate to the unborn who has its whole life ahead of it? 
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
If males were a protected class under current civil rights laws, they would have equal say and equal access to abortions. If the law gives advantages to women to compensate for their lack of fitness, then men should get the same deal for their lack of a womb.
TheDredPriateRoberts's avatar
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TheDredPriateRoberts's avatar
if the mother is carrying a boy child does that mean she how has a penis and male chromosomes?  I mean if it's her body and all.....
mustardness's avatar
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mustardness's avatar
Why can't you understand the simple principles of intrinsic value for all human beings?
Why cant you concede the not so simple circumstances of a;

1} non-breathing fetuse/baby organsim of a pregnant woman,

2} and a viable breathing independant individual that has been born out of a woman.?

From the moment of fertilization, we have the potential for a new independant individual human to be born-out from a woman.

Until the time of birth, the fetus is organism of womans body, NOT a born-out independant individual human.

Why do you insist on immorally stick your nose *v* into a pregnant womans body? A woman you do not know or have any relationship with? You are an immoral and sadistic human being.

Sad :--(
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar

if the mother is carrying a boy child does that mean she how has a penis and male chromosomes?  I mean if it's her body and all.....
So you mean it is not her body, because she doesn't have a penis. Yet you state she has a right to do with her body what she wants. Yes, her body, not the body of the unborn in her body. That is the distinction. 

She does not have a moral right to kill it because it is not her body that she is killing. Just because the government or those in power say it is right does not make it morally right. It just makes it permissible. Lots of things are done by governments that are not morally right. 
TheDredPriateRoberts's avatar
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read what I said again lol  are we to believe if the baby boy is part of her body then her body has magically grown a penis, male chromosomes etc, I'm just pointing out how absurd the argument that a baby boy with a penis and male chromosomes are also considered her body.  While the baby may be attached to her body that's not the same thing as calling it her body imo.
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
Why can't you understand the simple principles of intrinsic value for all human beings?
Why cant you concede the not so simple circumstances of a;

1} non-breathing fetuse/baby organsim of a pregnant woman,
Oh, I understand it. I understand it is morally wrong. You do not. 

The question is what the unborn is. Do you understand that? If it is a human being, no matter how undeveloped, it is a valuable being, as long as you give human beings intrinsic value. If you don't do that you are no better than Hitler or Stalin, or Mao, or Kim Jong-un. If one class or one group of human beings is less valuable than another class because you are making it so, then that group is devalued, dehumanized and so often destroyed. That is what you are giving your consent to when you support abortion. You are saying it is not as valuable and it is not to be treated with the same respect as every other human being. And you can get away with this kind of discrimination and devaluation UNTIL those values are placed on you and your group, then how do you feel? Do you still feel it is right (step this way please for a free complimentary community shower)?

2} and a viable breathing independant individual that has been born out of a woman.?

So, you are basing your distinction on its environment (the womb as opposed to the outside world) and its level of development, its size and its dependency on another, not on what it is, a human being. Those are the distinctions between the born and the unborn.

If I live in a different environment than you as a human being, say the Arctic as opposed to the tropics, does that give you the right to kill me?

If a girl is not as developed reproductively as a woman, does that give you the right to kill her?

If the unborn depends on the mother for its food and nourishment, but so does the newborn (just as helpless) does that mean you can kill the newborn too?

If I am bigger than you, just like the newborn is bigger than the unborn, does that give me the right to kill you?

That is how stupid these pro-life arguments are. 

From the moment of fertilization, we have the potential for a new independant individual human to be born-out from a woman.
It is not a potential human being. It is a human being. It can't be any other kind of being if it has human donors. Once the sperm penetrates the egg a new life begins. This is a scientifically verified fact that can be backed up. There is no potential about it. It is a human being. 

Until the time of birth, the fetus is organism of womans body, NOT a born-out independant individual human.
No, it is NOT part of the woman's body. It is in the environment of the woman's body, but it is a separate entity, not part of her body. If it was part of her body and had a male organ then the woman would have a penis. Does a woman have a penis? The newborn is just as dependent on the woman looking after it for its survival. If she neglects to feed it then it will die. It is just as much a dependent human being as the newborn. Its environment has changed. One minute before birth as opposed to one minute after is an environmental difference. Again, your logic is not sound. 

Why do you insist on immorally stick your nose *v* into a pregnant womans body? A woman you do not know or have any relationship with? You are an immoral and sadistic human being. 
What does that mean (*v*)? Why do you give the woman a right that you do not have? Are not human rights equal? I do not have the right to use my body to kill another human being, yet you give her this right if it is her whim. How sick is this???

It is not me who condones killing innocent human beings. What crime has the unborn committed? If pro-lifers treat it with such dispassion I hate to think who else they are capable of doing the same with since they devalue and dehumanize human life on the whim of the woman. Sick, sick, sick.  

Sad :--(

Yes, very sad for the unborn. 
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar

read what I said again lol  are we to believe if the baby boy is part of her body then her body has magically grown a penis, male chromosomes etc, I'm just pointing out how absurd the argument that a baby boy with a penis and male chromosomes are also considered her body.  While the baby may be attached to her body that's not the same thing as calling it her body imo
Sorry, I saw your language as very ambiguous. Here is what you said:

"if the mother is carrying a boy child does that mean she how has a penis and male chromosomes?  I mean if it's her body and all....."

That is all you left me to work with. 

When you say, "I mean if it is her body and all..."  I took it to mean you were including the child as part of her body. 

Glad you clarified it! Thanks.

Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
Abortion rates would plummet if one thing were made into law.

Require every abortion to have a public death certificate with the name of the known parents on it.
Alec's avatar
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Alec's avatar
Good idea.
disgusted's avatar
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disgusted's avatar
They aren't dead bodies they are living humans who have been removed from another human's body, collect them all, they need you to bring on their human development, they are humans after all. Can you not care for a human?
PGA2.0's avatar
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They aren't dead bodies they are living humans who have been removed from another human's body, collect them all, they need you to bring on their human development, they are humans after all. Can you not care for a human?
What kind of platform do I have? I'm not rich. What would happen if I got a passport and traveled to one of these abortion mills, claiming I want to save these babies. I would be locked up. The whole culture needs to change, IMO, but liberals will not listen to the logical arguments. They have a myopic vision that does not see anything by what they want to see. 

Since you admit they are human where is your compassion in all of this, or does it just apply to me, the labeled "villain" in your eyes who stands against such barbaric practices as abortion? Where is your voice in all of this? All I hear from you is your demonization of everything good and right. You seldom answer questions I ask but turn the tables to peddle this killing by women and doctors identifying THEM as the victims, not the innocent unborn or newborn who have done nothing wrong. Your views make no sense, IMO. None. 

disgusted's avatar
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disgusted's avatar
I don't say they are humans you do, so collect all these humans and look after them.
Your desire to force women to have less rights than you as a man demand is pure misogyny, You want women to be second class people just so that someone as inferior as you can feel inadequately superior.
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
[1] I don't say they are humans you do, so collect all these humans and look after them.
Your desire to force women to have less rights than you as a man demand is pure misogyny, [2] You want women to be second class people just so that someone as inferior as you can feel inadequately superior.

[1] Your argument is so pathetic in its implications. Of course, they are humans. What else could they be? (silence)

You are the one dehumanizing and devaluing them, not me, and you are the one protecting a woman's "right" in deciding to kill them - how compassionate and kind! Science recognizes the unborn as a human from conception. Anyone using reason understands them as human beings. So, it is you who are making the unborn second class and elevating a woman's "right" to kill for what would be considered a criminal act in most cases. If the unborn had not been so devalued and the public so brainwashed into groupthink it would be obvious what is happening. I do not believe you want to see. Thus, the same old talking points.

[2] I don't know what the underlined above has to do with the argument. Again, you are reading in that I feel superior by bashing women and labeling them "second class" when I am doing no such thing. You are attacking the man (me) once again instead of the argument. I am pointing out the wrong that people who support pro-choice do in killing the most helpless and innocent class of human being, the unborn.


Alec's avatar
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Alec's avatar
How about you guys debate this topic?
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
How about you guys debate this topic?
Do you mean a formal debate? 
Alec's avatar
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Alec's avatar
mustardness's avatar
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It is not a potential human being.
Read my lips/text, not your false projections of what Ive actually stated. Can any Trumpanzee do that? No? I didnt think so.

...From the moment of fertilization, we have the potential for a new independant individual human to be born-out from a woman"..

You Trumpanzees are so feeble minded, an immoral, we morals have to keep leading you by your nose *v* ---out of pregnant womens bodys---  back to truth of what is stated, not your repeated false Trumpanzee projections.   This is another reason Trumpanzees need to be Locked Away!

Please share when you can exhibit moral integrity by addressing my comments as stated and not using your false projections.  Otherwise take a hike to nearest prison cell. Bye PGA-2

Lock Immoral Trumpanzees Away Today!

Lock Immoral Trumpanzees Away Today!

Alec's avatar
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Alec's avatar
How about I challenge you to a formal abortion debate?  Would you approve of this?

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
I've tried before without success in challenging him to a debate. As you can see in his profile, he does not debate. 

mustardness's avatar
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mustardness's avatar
How about I challenge you to a formal abortion debate?  Would you approve of this?
I approve of no Trumpanzee "challenge". I doubt I approve of anything a Trumpanzees chooses to do  besides eating, sex, going to movies, watching tv, etc.

Idio-ump and most of the republicans I'm familiar with are Trumpanzees and should be locked away for their immoral behavior.

Some Trumpanzees have left office for the immoral actions.

Some Trumpanzees have been charged/indicted for their crimminal, civil immoral actions.

Some Trumpanzees  repeatedly create immoral false projections of what is stated by other moral posters.

Some Trumpanzees repeatedly deny and refuse to recognize truth - facts in addition to all of the above.

Could I go on and on? Yes I could.

You need to start by addressing my comments as stated, and not as false presented by other Trumpanzees in this forum or others. Please and thank you.

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
It is not a potential human being.
Read my lips/text, not your false projections of what Ive actually stated. Can any Trumpanzee do that? No? I didnt think so. 
I can't see your lips and how do you read lips. What words do lips have? As for your text, it is unclear and inexpressive to what you mean. 

...From the moment of fertilization, we have the potential for a new independant individual human to be born-out from a woman"..
From the moment of fertilization, we don't have a potential anything, but we have the start of a new individual human being. 

Definition of potential
 (Entry 1 of 2)
1existing in possibility: capable of development into actuality 
2expressing possibility specificallyof, relating to, or constituting a verb phrase expressing possibility, 

Definition of potential (Entry 2 of 2)
1asomething that can develop or become actual
2aany of various functions from which the intensity or the velocity at any point in a field may be readily calculated
bthe work required to move a unit positive charge from a reference point (as at infinity) to a point in question

At conception, a unique new ACTUAL individual is created, not a potential individual human being.

“Fertilization is the process by which male and female haploid gametes (sperm and egg) unite to produce a genetically distinct individual.”
Signorelli et al., Kinases, phosphatases and proteases during sperm capacitation, CELL TISSUE RES. 349(3):765 (Mar. 20, 2012)

The government’s own definition attests to the fact that life begins at fertilization. According to the National Institutes of Health, “fertilization” is the process of union of two gametes (i.e., ovum and sperm) “whereby the somatic chromosome number is restored and the development of a new individual is initiated.
Steven Ertelt”Undisputed Scientific Fact: Human Life Begins at Conception, or Fertilization” LifeNews.com 11/18/13

“Human life begins at fertilization, the process during which a male gamete or sperm (spermatozoo development) unites with a female gamete or oocyte (ovum) to form a single cell called a zygote. This highly specialized, totipotent cell marked the beginning of each of us as a unique individual.” “A zygote is the beginning of a new human being (i.e., an embryo).”
Keith L. Moore, The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 7th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 2003. pp. 16, 2.

“It is the penetration of the ovum by a sperm and the resulting mingling of nuclear material each brings to the union that constitutes the initiation of the life of a new individual.”
Clark Edward and  Corliss Patten’s Human Embryology, McGraw – Hill Inc., 30

There is no potential from conception onwards but actual.

You Trumpanzees are so feeble minded, an immoral, we morals have to keep leading you by your nose *v* ---out of pregnant womens bodys---  back to truth of what is stated, not your repeated false Trumpanzee projections.   This is another reason Trumpanzees need to be Locked Away!
Feeble minded? Why don't you attack the arguments, not the person making them? You keep making logical fallacies.

What does "an immoral" mean? What does "we morals" mean?

What does *v* --> "out of pregnant womens bodys" mean? Are you saying that *v* equals "out of pregnant women's bodies?" 

Please share when you can exhibit moral integrity by addressing my comments as stated and not using your false projections.  Otherwise take a hike to nearest prison cell. Bye PGA-2

Lock Immoral Trumpanzees Away Today!

Lock Immoral Trumpanzees Away Today!
More intolerant leftist language. Prove my views are immoral regarding abortion and quite slinging ad homs. 

TheDredPriateRoberts's avatar
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TheDredPriateRoberts's avatar
v is for vagina!!!  I think, he's a bot, troll at best, you'll soon see what I mean lol
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
v is for vagina!!!  I think, he's a bot, troll at best, you'll soon see what I mean lol
What does name calling have to do with the argument? IMO, your argument is so weak that all you can do is attack me rather than the argument. 
TheDredPriateRoberts's avatar
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TheDredPriateRoberts's avatar
lol guess you replied to the wrong person, it's cool
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
See what you mean.   (^8
mustardness's avatar
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mustardness's avatar
At conception, a unique new ACTUAL individual is created, not a potential individual human being.
"ACTUAL individual" is False.  You need to do another dictionary search for what independant and individual ---their synonyms dude--- mean exactly.

Read my lips/text for the umpteenth time;

1} The non-ferterlized egg is organaism of the woman as it is both produced by and and inside the woman, not inside a man,

2} the fertilized egg is an organism of the woman as it is produced by the woman and the mans gift of spermaoza to her,

3} the fertilzed egg is inside the woman, not the man,

4} the fertilzed egg is NOT and independant/individual, it is an organism ergo attached to the womans uterus/womb and receives all nutrients from the mother via its attachment to the woman,

5} the fertilized egg is inside the woman but falls freely through fallopian tubes for brief period of time --24hrs?--- before becoming attached to uterus/womb,

6} the fetus/baby is not a viable, independant/individual baby-only  until it has taken its first IN-spriration and its umbilical chord is detached from the mother,

7} what ever phase change transitions and classifications I left out consideration, but until the  phase 6 is completed we only have the potential the actual.
Read my lips/text, not your false projections of what Ive actually stated. Can any Trumpanzee do that? No? I didnt think so.

...From the moment of fertilization, we have the potential for a new independant individual human to be born-out from a woman"..

You Trumpanzees are so feeble minded, an immoral, we morals have to keep leading you by your nose *v* ---out of pregnant womens bodys---  back to truth of what is stated, not your repeated false Trumpanzee projections.   This is another reason Trumpanzees need to be Locked Away!

Please share when you can exhibit moral integrity by addressing my comments as stated and not using your false projections.  Otherwise take a hike to nearest prison cell. Bye PGA-2

Lock Immoral Trumpanzees Away Today!

Lock Immoral Trumpanzees Away Today!

Swagnarok's avatar
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Running for the highest office of this nation you have three options:
First, you can run as a Democrat. The media will fawn over you and everything you do, unless you're so far left as to credibly harm the interests of the big donors of the party and the media that gets their people elected.

Second, you can run as a RINO. The media will treat you the same way that it did GWB. They'll hate you, but there will be some upper limit on how much they hate you. Make no mistake: they will still ensure that when you leave office your approval rating will be in the gutter, and "presidential historians" (re: communists with PhDs) will look down on you as "among the worst presidents in history", but they won't falsely accuse you of treason, launch a giant phony investigation, arbitrarily arrest and detain your present and former associates, pressure them into confessing all kinds of nonsense about you in exchange for lighter prison sentences (none of which was deserved in the first place), and ultimately try to remove you from office and throw you and your family in jail. They'll simply tarnish your reputation in the normal sense. This compromise (being a Republican, and so you'll pursue some worthwhile policies, while at the same time not doing nearly enough of what could be done) is what most GOP politicians go for, because it's the most they're willing to endure. And they know that eventually their reputations will make a recovery, as happened with Bush. Ultimately they consider it a worthwhile price to pay for the chance to be President.

Third, you can be Donald J. Trump. He is a man who, after a lifetime of chasing after success in the business world and enjoying his riches, decided to devote his final years to a worthwhile cause: to take back the levers of power from an establishment which has used such for its own gain, power, and prestige at the expense of the best interests of the American people. He is the greatest man of our generation, while paradoxically also a spoiled billionaire playboy who initially had little idea of how a country is ran (and is still learning).
I don't know what's going to happen to Trump. Will he finish two terms as president? Will he lose re-election? Will he be impeached and removed from office? Nobody knows, because the future's yet to be written. But this is his story. The story of either his triumph or defeat. He's willing to brave defeat and total character assassination for a chance at triumph for himself and for the nation. This is his service to the American people, perhaps to make up for his non-participation in the Vietnam War (then again, with the way that liberals treated returning soldiers from such, do they have any right whatsoever to criticize him for that?).

In short, Mike Pence is unworthy because he is not Donald Trump. He falls comfortably within the second category. He's surely better than the first category, and it looks like personally he's an upstanding Christian, but so long as Donald Trump lives and is still eligible to be President nobody else ought to hold that office.

Re: To the mods, yes I am using a different device to access this Site right now. My laptop broke so I had to buy a new one.
disgusted's avatar
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disgusted's avatar
What are they putting in your cornflakes, I'd be hard pressed to find a diatribe as stupid as that.