Middle East "GODS"= best HOAX ever !

Author: WisdomofAges


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keithprosser's avatar
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Why do you think God allows disease?
I don't think 'God allows disease'.  I think diseases happen because germs exist and bodies are complex machines that can go wrong.   That means we can eliminate diseases by eliminating germs and learning how to fix bodies.

It seems to me that in your scheme of things practicing medicine is impious!

ludofl3x's avatar
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Do you believe that there is Ultimate Reality?
Please differentiate your ultimate reality from regular reality. 

PGA2.0's avatar
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In your worldview, death is the final curtain. There is no fear of death for those who trust God. As I get older though I realize how fleeting life on earth is. It goes by quickly.
Yes 3.5 billion years of precedent proves that death is the final curtain. You fear death so much that you try desperately believe that it doesn't exist and the fantasy of a god is your support mechanism. Fantasies aren't real you know. And that life you have spent believing in fantasies to pacify your fears has been a waste, because it's all we get.
No, 3.5 billion years doesn't prove death is the final curtain. That is what you BELIEVE that it proves. 

That is what you are gambling on, that your small, limited, finite mind knows God does not exist, yet throughout human history, the vast, vast majority of humanity has believed in a greater Being, a necessary Being. You think it is your small minority that has the right view. Go ahead. Live your ultimately meaningless life in the grand scheme then. I'm not here to convince you, I'm just pointing out the inconsistencies of a worldview that denies God. It can't make sense of the universe, life, morality, truth, without borrowing from the Christian perspective (and it doesn't even realize it does this).

Then enjoy yourself. From an evolutionary perspective, nothing really/ultimately matters but you can make it matter for a while and deceive yourself. You continually borrow from my Christian worldview when you make it matter.
Giving life meaning is all we have, it's you who deceives himself. Evolution is a fact and pretending to yourself that it's not for the sole purpose of pacifying your abject fear of death is the behaviour of a child. You have absolutely nothing that I could possibly wish to borrow and that's just something else that frightens you.
Giving it meaning for what ultimate purpose? Macro-evolution is a paradigm, a way of looking at life on earth. It has many flaws to it. 

Whether or not I have anything you could wish to borrow is not the point. The point is that your worldview is self-destructive and can't make sense of itself. If you wish to live by it that is your choice. But when you come on a debate forum and start spewing forth this stuff I'm going to point out the flaws in your thinking. 

What you call good is not so with abortion. It's all based on feelings and preference for you can draw no reference to an absolute or ultimate standard. As you say, you make it up, and when your idea conflicts with someone else there is war, greed, strife as the greater imposes their "good" on the weaker. So, your standards are no better than Hitler's. 
I am the ultimate arbiter for what is good and your ultimate standard is a fictional character invented a couple of thousand years ago by IPSS, it just doesn't match up to mine. Now you need to cite how many wars I've started. Hitlers standards were your god's standards they both practiced genocide, your god was allegedly better at it. You have no authority over any woman's body.
No, you are not the ultimate arbiter for what is good, not even for yourself. If you were everyone would be living according to your agenda. I do not live according to your standards. IMO, they are extremely foolish shifting, relative, subjective standards.

No, Hitler's standards were what he imposed on others that did not match the biblical standards. Many people claim they are Christians but do not live according to the biblical standard. 

determining this without a necessary Being since standards shift and change.
The IPSS that you claim are an unchanging standard most definitely do change or you would be stoning non virgin wives.
You fail to understand the change in covenants and the purpose of the Old Covenant that showcased the holiness and purity of God and what living in relationship required. The Old Covenant showed how impossible it was for sinful humanity to live up to God's holiness. Thus Jesus fulfilled the Old Covenant and provided a better one. 

You deceive yourself by thinking a woman should have the right to kill another human being. What is good about that? It is a selfish thing to kill your own offspring. What if that human being were you, would you still feel the same?
All this time and you still lie about my argument, godists can't exist without habitual lying it's no wonder you're a dying breed. When you can start telling the truth come back, I'm sick of dealing with your pathetic lies.

Here you go with your charges and maligning of my character again. It is a typical ploy of a leftist liberal who doesn't have a sufficient answer so they vindictively attack the character of the person rather than the argument. It is done by Democrats in your country every day and it is pathetic. 
Mopac's avatar
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It is to distinguish between that which is relatively real or real in a sense with that is real absokutely and without contingency.

The Ultimate Reality.

It is real independent of perception or conception.

Television might be a reality, but it is not The Ultimate Reality.

Ultimate Reality is reality in the truest and most complete sense of what that means 

ludofl3x's avatar
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ludofl3x's avatar
It is to distinguish between that which is relatively real or real in a sense with that is real absokutely and without contingency.

The Ultimate Reality.

It is real independent of perception or conception.

Television might be a reality, but it is not The Ultimate Reality.

Ultimate Reality is reality in the truest and most complete sense of what that means 

My point exactly. This is meaningless word salad. There is no difference between 'truest an most complete sense' of reality, and reality. The term is all encompassing from the start. 
keithprosser's avatar
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I'd explain it this way: 2+2=4 is true, but it is only true because 'God exists' is true.  Without God, there would be nothing true: there would be no reality.   But God (or God exists) is the one truth that depends on no other truth - it is therefore the 'ultimate truth'.

ludofl3x's avatar
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I kinda figured it was headed that way, but that doesn't in any way demonstrate that an ultimate reality exists. It seems sort of special plead-y. There is literally no way to demonstrate that somehow without god 2 +2 would not still equal 4. It's certainly presuppositional, no?
keithprosser's avatar
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It's certainly presuppositional, no?
Ah, that you must take up with the real guru of ultimate reality - I am but Mopac's humble acolyte.

Mopac's avatar
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You are alive right now. You being alive is reality. After you die, you being alive will not be a reality. Before you were born, you being alive was not a reality.

The Ultimate Reality always was, always is, and forever will be The Ultimate Reality.

The distinction is not word salad. 

Mopac's avatar
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that doesn't in any way demonstrate that an ultimate reality exists. It seems sort of special plead-y. There is literally no way to demonstrate that somehow without god 2 +2 would not still equal 4. It's certainly presuppositional, no?

If there is no ultimate reality, that means that there isn't anything that is ultimately real.

If there isn't anything that is ultimately real, there is no such thing as reality.

If there is no such thing as reality, 2 + 2 = 4 cannot really be true.

And really, none of us would be here to discuss these things to begin with.

keithprosser's avatar
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keithprosser's avatar
If there is no ultimate reality, that means that there isn't anything that is ultimately real.
If there isn't anything that is ultimately real, there is no such thing as reality.
If there is no such thing as reality, 2 + 2 = 4 cannot really be true.
And really, none of us would be here to discuss these things to begin with.

If there is no reality, that means that there isn't anything that is real.
If there isn't anything that is real, there is no such thing as reality.
If there is no such thing as reality, 2 + 2 = 4 cannot really be true.
And really, none of us would be here to discuss these things to begin with.

Mopac's avatar
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Sure, but the destinction is not meaningless.

2+2=4 is a reality, but it is not The Ultimate Reality.

It doesn't account for everything. 

The distinction is not meaningless. We are not talking about a reality, but THE Reality.

disgusted's avatar
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Here you go with your charges and maligning of my character again. It is a typical ploy of a leftist liberal who doesn't have a sufficient answer so they vindictively attack the character of the person rather than the argument. It is done by Democrats in your country every day and it is pathetic. 
You are really pitiable.
The below is an absolute LIE.

You deceive yourself by thinking a woman should have the right to kill another human being.
Calling out your lies is not a personal attack it is a service to you, it gives you the chance to reevaluate your life choices and improve as a human being. Lying is required by god belief and I'm trying to get you to be honest.

You fail to understand the change in covenants and the purpose of the Old Covenant
Does your bible order that non virgin wives be stoned to death? Yes
Is that a biblical standard? Yes
Are you claiming that that standard has changed? Yes.
Do you claim that the standard for your morality (biblical standard) is unchanging? Yes
Without any personal attack I've proven conclusively that you lie.
disgusted's avatar
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disgusted's avatar
If you never existed would your ultimate reality exist and prove it.
PGA2.0's avatar
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Chance cannot reason yet if reason does not originate from a necessary Being it must originate through random (chance) processes. Demonstrate how. 

I'm not the one making a supernatural claim. But it looks like you're a presuppositionalist, is that fair?
Sure, I use both a presuppositional approach and an evidential one. The presuppositional approach gets to the heart of a worldview and questions its starting or foundational thoughts (what everything else rests up, or the cornerstones of the belief). 

Also, since there is no reason for the universe (reason requires reasoning being) why do we constantly find reason in the universe, precise reasoning that we use mathematical equations to explain? If there is no sense to the universe because it was not created by an omnipotent, reasoning, and logical Being, then why do we keep finding reason in everything we analyze? 
This is using the same word to mean different things. Reason FOR and reason IN are not the same. Reason FOR the first portion means something more akin to cause, but still is inexact, in that I'm not sure there needs to be a REASON for the universe. It just seems to be here, that's about all we know about it. Reason IN something. I think you're using that more like 'purpose.' There is no reason IN the universe, no purpose inherent. I mean unless you can demonstrate otherwise, right? I don't understand your assertion that we keep finding reason in everything we analyze. Let's demonstrate: what's the REASON (cause version) for the insurmountable distance between our sun and the next star? Gravitational attraction / particle mass distribution / initial dispersal of matter / couple of comet collisions, etc. Any of those is a feasible answer, because they obey the laws of nature and work with all known models. Now, what's the PURPOSE of the distance?  

First, the universe is unreasoning. Agreed?

Second, we are reasoning beings, so somehow reason is derived from the unreasoning (from something that is not reasoning). Is that reasonable to believe?

Third, the universe is unreasoning, yet through our reason, we find meaning IN the universe, in what exists. Why should we expect to find reasons in a universe that is devoid of reason, just events of happenstance? We DISCOVER laws of nature, laws that apply in describing things that are orderly or constant. These laws are so defined that we have precise mathematical formulas to express these laws and describing what happens. 

Fourth, if there is no reason for the universe there is no way of explaining why it is here. There is no "why." As you say, it just is and just came to be. Is that logical to believe? If it came to be then what is the cause? Logically, it can't self-create, can it? Surely, for something to create itself it would first have to be, or else you have something coming from nothing. Something from nothing is not something you witness, is it? It is a logical impossibility, is it not? How can you derive something from nothing? 

Why did the Big Bang happen (if that is your mode of the start of the universe), or what caused it?

Here is a simple explanation. It seems to be a non-answer.

At its simplest, it says the universe as we know it started with a small singularity, then inflated over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we know today.

How did we get this "singularity?"
Where did it come from?

Why do we have gravity and gravitational pull?

Why does the earth revolve around the sun at the precise distance? 

We have reasons for these things taking place, a reason we can sometimes express in mathematical formulas. We don't invent them, we discover them. Why would we find reasons for/in them? These laws are independent of you thinking them, yet we are able to reason them out from the universe. 

The Christian explanation, and it is a reasonable one, is that we discover these laws because there is a Lawgiver that has crafted the universe. Mathematics is a conceptual science. We are able to explain how things in the universe work because there is a Mind behind the universe, not just random chance happenstance.


PGA2.0's avatar
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Truth value requires conscious, reasoning beings and yet you keep finding truths about the supposed chance universe. As many have pointed out, it is almost like we are thinking Someone else's thoughts after Him!
Truth does not require conscious, reasoning beings at all. If, for example, humanity was wiped off the face of the planet tomorrow by some horrible disease or cataclysm, that the sun would still rise in the east the next day would still be true. 
What is "truth value" since you used the phrase in Post # 19 first, to my recollection?
Is it the state of how things actually are? I don't think so. That would be true but not necessarily truth value as I understand it.

Truth value must be a qualitative value that we conceive and it requires consciousness for it to have meaning, just not your consciousness for its existence. But without consciousness, it MEANS nothing. Truth value is a mindful thing, a concept of the mind because any value is a mindful weighing. A rock does not know the truth value about anything. There is no meaning of what is true to a rock. So, even though it does not require your mind nor my mind it still requires Mind for the existence of a truth value.

How do you know that the sun would still rise the next day if there was no mind to perceive it? I can do it three ways that the sun will most likely, through deduction and through scientific discovery and by the revelation of a greater Being. I can conclude based on previous experience of not only me but other before me. I can also refer to science. Then is God has revealed I can have the surest way on knowing. 

BUT, how do I know something is good or better or best in regards to values and morals? Only if there is a necessary Being who has revealed this to humanity, otherwise I'm in your boat, just making it up based on my preference. BUT, how does preference make anything good or better or best? It just makes it desirable, thus Hitler's Germany is no better than Obama's USA. They just have different preferences regards particular classes of human beings, and they can even degrade one class to the point of dehumanizing them and destroying them. What makes that bad if morals are relative and shifting? Nothing. Thus, you cross over to my worldview in making sense of morality.  

But the question is how do reasoning beings come from chance happenstance? 
Questions answered by evolution, and, I might point out, even if for no reason other than an abundance of magnanimity, I granted that your assertion here, the answer "Super Being" would not in any way mean it was the god described in the bible.
Evolution answers nothing. Humans with presuppositions (God or materialism) and a bent to one or the other worldview answer questions. They carry bias that tends to funnel everything through that bias in answering the question. 

Which god is God can be narrowed down later. One makes sense since they are all contradictory if you listen to their adherents. 

It seems you think as humans we have the market cornered on reasoning by way of your version of god endowing us with the same. Would it be reasonable to say we understand the laws of gravity through reasoning? If so, can dogs also reason? Because they understand that gravity exists without any semblance of scientific theory.
Yes, it is reasonable to say we understand them through reason and logic. 

Our thinking and reasoning are so much more advanced than a dog or chimpanzee. I do not believe they contemplate gravity whereas we do. 

Laws? How do we have laws if there is no lawgiver? If the universe is a chance happenstance then why should things remain constant? There is no reason they would or should, yet they do. What should that tell you? So why do you have these laws of nature without conscious agency and intent is not logical, is it? It does not compute. 
The laws of nature a descriptive, not prescriptive. You know that this word, laws, also has numerous meanings and connotations. They describe and quantify what we observe. Again, you're trying to imbue purpose by calling it REASON. You're mixing the meanings. Can you demonstrate the conscious agency that said "And I'm going to make a hole in the universe so large that the people who observe it literally will not be able to accurately imagine how big it is? (Bootes void)" If not, then why appeal to it as it comes to the laws of nature? 
Yes, they are descriptive - so what? The question is why they operate as they do, why they remain constant that we can predict and calculate.

Sure, laws of nature describe in principle how nature works. Why would there be any rhyme or reason to discover in a random chance happenstance universe. The fact remains that we can explain these principles through mathematical formulas. These principles or laws are used to describe something that is, not something we invent. Why would we be able to express them in a mathematical formula which is a logical process? 


PGA2.0's avatar
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And how do you get a "best" without an absolute, unchanging, objective standard or reference point? Why is your relative standard any better than any other relative standard? 
Not this tired canard. Please. I didn't say there was a 'best,' nor did I say there needed to be. My standard is based entirely on how my actions affect the rest of my species, and my surroundings, just like yours.
Here is the rest of the context and it is to do with morality:

Morality has been answered repeatedly, it's evolutionarily hard wired into any social creature. 
It is not explained. If we are just biological functions and our "behavior" is governed by our genetics and the environment, then why should what I do be good or bad? It is just what has been determined by my genetic make-up and when a person murders another person all that is happening is a response to the specific genetic make-up. Why is the good or bad? Where is the free will here?

And how do you get a "best" without an absolute, unchanging, objective standard or reference point? Why is your relative standard any better than any other relative standard? 
So, it is in relation to morality

No, I'm speaking of a qualitative best, not a quantitative best. How do you measure a qualitative good or better without a fixed standard (a best) that can be appealed to and measured against? My standard for a value is based on a necessary being who has revealed what is good. As you expressed above, how do you get prescriptive from a descriptive, or Humes dilemma?

If my actions were repeatedly and demonstrably detrimental to society, I'd be removed from it in one way or another, and it's much, much harder to function and reproduce that way, when you're cast out.
What is wrong with that? It is just a preference unless you can supply a suitable standard that is fixed. With quantitative measures, there is a fixed measure. What is the measure you use with qualitative values?

Natural selection takes over from there, and whatever it is in my genetic makeup that caused me to act that way, that is not continued into the next generation. It's really simple, it's how every successful species of pack animal develops. I am not sure there is free will, but in your scenario, there isn't free will either (unless you think god can be surprised somehow).
Again, somehow you are deriving the prescriptive from the descriptive. How do you get prescriptive from the descriptive? And, what makes your values any better than anyone else? If values are changing, with no fixed reference, nothing, or can you explain how?

There is no intent to natural selection. Things just happen. What makes that good or bad, better or best? Again, nothing. 

If there is no volition to choose by us, nothing but what is determined by your genetic make-up and environment, how can anything be wrong? It is just what you do or I do or what happens. If your body, your genetic structure has an inclination to kill someone, then what is wrong with that? Things happen.

Your 'best' standard has pronouncements in its books about stoning gay people, right?
What makes you think it was best? Practicing homosexuality, like adultery, was decreed by God as a wrong, not best but a sin. God told Adam and Eve to procreate. Homosexuality does not allow procreation. God also gave Adam and Eve the mandate to marry and unite, an intimate relationship with two people for life - male and female. Humans failed to follow this command. Thus, cheating, sexual immorality, unwanted pregnancies, incest, rape, and adultery, homosexuality, and everything is dishonoring this commandment and also a spouse as defined by the Bible.

About genocides endorsed by an all powerful god who would be able to simply delete any offending individuals, right? About plundering neighboring tribes and raping women, right? Honestly though, if you're going to go with "Why should I be good if there's not Jesus? Without him, I'd be out pillaging til the cows come home," then please, by all means, continue believing whatever is keeping you from doing so.

Do you believe you'd be able to convince a Hindu that your standard is better than theirs?
Probably not. 

Have you ever?
A Hindu? No. Not to my knowledge.

I have found that you can't convince someone who does not want to believe you, no matter how reasonable and logical an argument is. Their worldview presuppositional core beliefs that everything else rests on (or they would not believe what they do) get in the way. Those core beliefs are hard to jettison. People have invested their life on them. 

Or even closer: do you think you could convince Mopac that what he believes is wrong and he's therefore likely bound to hell, or that he could convince you of the same?
I do not decide who goes to hell. I could only reason from the Bible with him if I believed what he did was wrong. What he or you believe are between the individual and God. All I can do is try to show you the reasonableness of the Christian worldview and answer objections and teachings I believe go against that revelation with reference to that revelation.  

Both of you think you're right, and the other one's wrong, and yet both believe in the same deity. If the answer is "It doesn't matter," then why do people choose denominations? 

There are essential beliefs that if either one of us were to deny we would not be a follower of Jesus Christ. It is that simple. The rest are in-house debates that do not invalidate our salvation to my reasoning at least. The Bible is the standard that we use to make our case. If either of us makes an argument that can be proven to go against biblical teaching, it should not be believed. 

PGA2.0's avatar
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No, I have hope and I can offer it. I am being honest. What is your standard for honesty? Your worldview can't offer hope for someone dying of cancer without lying to them. You borrow from the Christian standard to comfort them. There is no compassion in an evolutionary process.

You admit you cannot offer such a person hope. It just shows the grim reality of hopelessness and despair from your worldview.

How does "Got cancer?
What does this mean? It is not framed in a way I can understand it. 

Aw, well at least you're probably going to heaven" in any way offer honest comfort?
How is this a question? Do you mean "How does the hope of heaven" give comfort? It relies on the testimony of One greater than us to reassure us by His word which He demonstrates is true and reasonable in various ways, such as prophecy. 

It's a pacifier for a baby. Yeah, reality can be grim. Hiding from it doesn't change it. Compassion is an necessary element in the evolution of successful pack species: the ability to consider the consequences and how they effect the other pack members. If you don't have it, you act inappropriately and eventually your genetic material is weeded out. I don't feel hopeless and I don't walk around in despair. I just had a cousin lose his dad to cancer, should I have told hmi "Well, God did that, you should feel great?" or should I say "I'm so so sorry that you lost your dad. What can I do to help you get through this difficult time?" Should I say "I have an idea, let's sit here and think about why this was really a great thing in the grand scheme of things. You know, thank Jesus that your son never got to know his grandfather"? Sorry man, but the world can be a grim place, it's our responsibility to make it better. 
According to evolutionary theory, only the strong survive and there is no rhyme nor reason for it to be this way. They survive, period, thus they are seen as the strong. So, if it is beneficial to be compassionate to others you survive, and if it is not in your interests because you will not survive then you will be ruthless, as is the witness of history way too often. I'm sure I can provide you with countless examples where compassion is not the criterion or what you call the necessary element of survival in the evolutionary process. 

Death, and back to the meaninglessness of the universe is your worldview outcome, not mine. That is not my hope, but yours, and it is not hopeful but despairing. Your whole existence is for nothing in the grand scheme. You borrow from the Christian worldview when you make it count. 

Again, you use a qualitative term - better - in relation to what? What is the standard that you measure better by and why SHOULD it be mine? Is it personal preference unless you can establish a fixed and best reference point, a final measure that others are compared to. If you can't do that you violate the laws of logic, the Law of Identity and the Law of Noncontradiction. The value "A" can mean anything depending on who holds it unless the value is fixed, absolute, unchanging. Can you demonstrate you have such a value that you use to define and compare "better" by? If not I do not accept your OPINION, because that would be all it is, a preference held by you.

Also, don't you only offer hope for Christians? Like if you met a Muslim, a devout Muslim, as sure as you are about your faith, dying of cancer, would you tell him he was going to hell for not accepting Jesus? Want to guess what an atheist would tell a Muslim? It's not hard. It's the same as what I'd tell my cousin. 

Where he goes is not determined by me but I can offer him hope for the future and explain to him why it is the necessary hope.

If you examine world religions they are based on what the person does to achieve their salvation. It is based on their merit. Christianity is based on what Another has done on our behalf. So, granted that God is holy, pure, and just, without sin, how do you or how does anyone else measure up to His perfect standard and His commandments such as the Ten Commandments? If you have stolen, lied, murdered, coveted, committed adultery, worshiped false idols crafted by your hands or your mind, or not given God the worship He deserves, you have not met His standard, which means separation from His holy presence. Thus, the Muslim is in as much need of the Savior and faith in what He has done on behalf of those who will believe as the atheist or Christian. 

ludofl3x's avatar
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First, the universe is unreasoning. Agreed?
I can't see any reason to disagree with this. 

We are reasoning beings, so somehow reason is derived from the unreasoning (from something that is not reasoning). Is that reasonable to believe?

I think "has resulted from" is more accurate than "is derived from."

Third, the universe is unreasoning, yet through our reason, we find meaning IN the universe, in what exists. Why should we expect to find reasons in a universe that is devoid of reason, just events of happenstance?
We don't find it there. We PUT it there. We assign it. This is where we differ. And I think you're mixing meanings again. Can you give me a reason, for example, for all these exoplanets we keep finding? Can you give me a reason in the Bootes Void? I can give you reasons FOR both, but reason IN neither.  

Fourth, if there is no reason for the universe there is no way of explaining why it is here. There is no "why." As you say, it just is and just came to be. Is that logical to believe?
Yup, because there's nothing so far that points us in any direction otherwise. And it doesn't matter any further than because it's here, we're here. 

If it came to be then what is the cause? Logically, it can't self-create, can it? Surely, for something to create itself it would first have to be, or else you have something coming from nothing. Something from nothing is not something you witness, is it? It is a logical impossibility, is it not? How can you derive something from nothing? 
Don't go down the "everything that exists has a cause" CALAM stuff, because you know that just leads to well what created whatever you think created the universe? I don't know what caused it. I don't know if something can come from nothing, but we certainly haven't witnessed that process. I don't know how it happened, but neither do you. I'm just stopping at I don't know. You're taking an unearned step (two, at least): well I don't know, so it must be someone! This is an argument from ignorance. 

Why did the Big Bang happen (if that is your mode of the start of the universe), or what caused it? 
Don't know and makes no difference. It happened. 

How did we get this "singularity?"
Where did it come from?
Don't know, not sure that it matters. But I'm sure you're not going to say Jesus put it there, otherwise why leave it out of the bible?

Why do we have gravity and gravitational pull? 
Why does the earth revolve around the sun at the precise distance? 

These are easily answered scientific questions. Appealing to the supernatural to explain them is your job, not the job of someone who just says "The math works out that way."

The Christian explanation, and it is a reasonable one, is that we discover these laws because there is a Lawgiver that has crafted the universe. Mathematics is a conceptual science. We are able to explain how things in the universe work because there is a Mind behind the universe, not just random chance happenstance.
This last bit proves you don't care about any of the other bits at all, gravity, the big bang, etc. No matter what the scientific explanation is, you just move god one step further back: well, gravity exists because of matter's density in relation to spacetime, and gravity behaves in such and such a way that comports with these models, but that is just how God set it up! And he WANTED us to discover it eventually! It's special pleading (uncaused cause) + god of the gaps. I'll give you that it IS difficult to penetrate using reason and logic, but the flaws in it are glaring. If the universe began to exist, then it had a cause. That cause = God. What caused God to exist? Oh, he always existed! Well then why can't the universe in one form or another have always existed? You're starting with an end answer and trying to make the problem fit, rather than look at the problem and find the answer. In rough mathematical terms, you have an equation with a string of like 14,000 variables all undefined, but the equals sign is followed by the number 9852349572112359. You're insisting you know each variable because you presuppose the answer, the problem is that with ONLY variables on one side of the equation, you cannot have a numerical answer, and the more you add to the equation, the more difficult it gets to arrive at an answer. Example:

X + Y =35. How can you solve for X or Y without one of them ending up on the wrong side of the equals sign? How many different answers are there? How do you know if X is 30 and Y is 5, or X is 16 and Y is 19? You can't. You're insisting you do. Now, what if that equation because X + Y + Z = 100? See the problem? These cannot be solved in a way that does not ALSO move a variable to the wrong side of the equals. 

You suppose (as presuppositionalists do) that not only is there a lawgiver, but that it's YOUR VERSION of that lawgiver. I would point you to another topic if you want to answer this: in the history of mankind, let's call it 200,000 years, folks like you are always quick to point out there have been FAR more people who believe in "something did this" than there are people like me, who say there's no reason to believe that's the case and ask why you do. Somehow, you think this supports the truth of there being something else out there. One of the many problems with this argument is plain: there have also been FAR MORE, FAR FAR MORE, people that never ever ever believed anything remotely close to what you CURRENTLY believe. Yet you are certain you're right and you use the belief in ANYTHING as support for believing in your specific thing. 
ludofl3x's avatar
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For the sake of space, in morality terms there is almost never a 'best', and I can change "better" to "more beneficial to the species" and the argument stands. I don't care if you adopt my standard for morality, until such time as it interferes with me, then we have an issue. If you, like so many other religious people, want to argue that without GOd and his prescriptive morality we'd all be raping and killing each other, then by all means, please stay loyal to Jesus. I've raped and killed the exact number of people I have ever wanted to rape or kill. Zero. Without Jesus. Or the threat of hell, or expecting a reward. 

How is this a question? Do you mean "How does the hope of heaven" give comfort? It relies on the testimony of One greater than us to reassure us by His word which He demonstrates is true and reasonable in various ways, such as prophecy. 
How does the idea that Adam ate an apple, that was put there by your god, according to the myth, and therefore your two year old has leukemia, comforting? How do you tell the grieving mother, sorry, this is justice! Be glad they're in heaven. And it only works your way if you're a christian who believes. If you find this same mother as a muslim with a dead baby, you can comfort her by saying what exactly? 

According to evolutionary theory, only the strong survive and there is no rhyme nor reason for it to be this way. They survive, period, thus they are seen as the strong. So, if it is beneficial to be compassionate to others you survive, and if it is not in your interests because you will not survive then you will be ruthless, as is the witness of history way too often. I'm sure I can provide you with countless examples where compassion is not the criterion or what you call the necessary element of survival in the evolutionary process.
This is another problem with language: to survive they aren't seen as STRONG. They're seen as most beneficial to reproduction. It's a far less pithy saying to say "Survival of the ones who did the best at reproducing" than it is to say "Survival of the fittest." Yes, if my survival is threatened, I'll ruthlessly defend it. I didn't call compassion THE necessary element. It's A necessary element for genetic continuation in pack animals. 
PGA2.0's avatar
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[3] There is a reason for cancer, for death and decay. It is called sin, rebellion from God. It is the consequence of humans rejecting God and His guidance. It is humanity thinking they know better than God (and what a mess). And the inhumanity of human against human, how do you explain this moral evil if it is just our biological make-up working in whatever way they are programmed to work? What makes that evil or bad or wrong? Nothing. What makes the genocide of Stalin, or Mao wrong? What makes the suppression of Kim Jong-un on his people wrong? He is doing what he deems necessary for his survival and for a luxurious survival at that. 

What death does is it makes us think about our temporary existence and the MEANING of life. Since the Fall we have thought about this meaning. We see meaning in everything we do and all that is around us yet you refuse to acknowledge why there is this meaning that our consciousness seeks out. 

Ultimate, your worldview has no meaning to life. You are just a biological accident, and you just make up something because you like it, then you are gone, and no one cares (two generations down the line) about you. 
[3] So when a mother is cradling the body of her dead six month old after succumbing to pediatric leukemia, your "comfort" to this person is "Too bad Adam and Eve ate that apple, that's why your baby is dead."
Death is explained by the one sin, for that is when death entered into the world, a separation from God for the unbeliever. But the hope is explained by the One Person - Jesus Christ. For those not yet accountable for their actions, those who have not done sin, I am thoroughly convinced that Jesus died for that person, the six-month-old. So, there is a comfort for those who survive the death of their loved ones and comfort for the survivors if they put their hope and trust in Jesus for rejoicing with their loved ones. In your worldview, death is the final curtain. 

Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned—

Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the offense of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come.

For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.

She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”

He WILL save His people, all those He died for; all those who are accountable to God and who put their faith and trust in Him and His merit, not their own. 

This is not difficult: if you are violating a thinking being's free will (or illusion thereof), if you are causing bodily harm for the exercise of your own power, if you are without reason infringing on the life or wellbeing of the people around you, it's wrong. Now, there are tons and tons of conditions and issues and nuances there, but this is boiling it down to the very simple: huriting others when it's not necessary for your own survival or for the continue flourishing of our society and species is wrong, and knowing that doesn't require any thinking agent lving in another dimension to be real.
Well then explain that to others who do not live by these principles, and there are countless examples every day in our world. So, you again borrow and share from the Christian worldview that says it is wrong. The problem with your worldview is that it does not explain why they should be wrong with anything other than by someone's preference. If preference made things good or bad, right or wrong, then Hitler's Germany or Kim Jong-un's North Korea could be justified as good or better than your current thinking. Either way, it is based on shifting standards. The Bible gives reason for an absolute, objective, eternal, unchanging, final reference and measure. 

Since you have such a sure handle on it, what IS the meaning of this life? Specifically, what's the meaning of this life for a non-Christian?
The meaning of life is to know and love God and to enjoy Him forever in His unceasing revelation and wonders in store for the Christian. 

For the unbeliever, the meaning is fleeting and whatever they make it. Meaning holds no ultimate significance in the unbelieving worldview for the universe is meaningless and the unbeliever supposedly returns to this meaninglessness at death. 

You're almost right about meaning in my worldview. It's not there is NO meaning. It's there's no INHERENT, PREDETERMINED meaning. I have to make that on my own, and live with the consequences until I'm dead and eventually, yes, forgotten like the thousands of generations before me. I don't need to tell myself I'm anything more inherently special than anyone else, that something different is going to happen to me when I die than is going to happen to my friend Ibrahim or Sanjay, and unless I do something REALLY SUPER with my life, yeah, I'm just going to be forgotten. I don't know why that's so awful, I won't be around to care, I'll be dead. 

So, your life, in the big picture is meaningless, yet you borrow from the Christian worldview that says there is meaning, or at least we make it, and we SHOULD treat life as meaningful (or else we have despair like so many do who question the ultimate point of life and believe there is none).

Why SHOULD I treat life as meaningful if there is no ultimate point to it? 

We find meaning and the source of all meaning when we find God, the true God. Other than that, you live a delusion of meaning for why what you 

ludofl3x's avatar
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I have no reason to believe the bible is in any way a historically reliable document. Can you convince me to believe in the bible? Do you believe in a LITERAL Adam and Eve?

You say death is the final curtain as if it's a bad thing, like I should make an argument about it. 

The Bible gives reason for an absolute, objective, eternal, unchanging, final reference and measure. 
And yet every day, so many Christians are convicted of crimes. Crimes often against OTHER Christians, even. Vexing! In my worldview? Bad people do bad things. Your explanation?.

For the unbeliever, the meaning is fleeting and whatever they make it. Meaning holds no ultimate significance in the unbelieving worldview for the universe is meaningless and the unbeliever supposedly returns to this meaninglessness at death. So, your life, in the big picture is meaningless, yet you borrow from the Christian worldview that says there is meaning, or at least we make it, and we SHOULD treat life as meaningful (or else we have despair like so many do who question the ultimate point of life and believe there is none). 
How do I borrow from YOUR worldview at all? I don't say there IS meaning. I say I control what my life means, and when someday I take stock of it, I will hope I can be proud of what I'm leaving, but ultimately, it's just another of billions of lives. Yeah, my life is ultimately meaningless to anyone but me and my loved ones. What is the ULTIMATE SIGNIFICANCE in your life, exactly? I don't have despair because there's no ultimate point of life. It's an adventure and I'm the only being that will ever get to live this life, this way. What could be more thrilling or meaningful than that? 
PGA2.0's avatar
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I checked the link... you didn't quote the summary line:

• Fascism is the opposite of Socialism.

I am very aware of what 'nazi' means.   Names are, however, oft misleading!   North Korea is officially the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea".

Whether communism, fascism or socialism, none of these can be shown to be desirable nor shown to work well. They want everything to be for the collective good, as seen or thought those select few in power who decide what will be. All three are a loss of individual freedom, and this socialism is the path many in your country are pursuing at the expense of the greater good of the many, all the while offering their poisonous panacea (if you can picture such a thing) that, IMO, will bankrupt your country.  

Fascism has many similarities to socialism, one of which is a big/massive government that dictates what the life of its people will be using economic means, as a starter. It usually evolves into more hideous methods of control that could be considered fascist. There is little or no free enterprise with socialism, very little initiative, little motivation, just whatever is decreed by the government.

Fascism is also a big government that dictates and is controlled by a dictator and military in which every aspect of the life of the people is controlled by the government.  


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Here you go with your charges and maligning of my character again. It is a typical ploy of a leftist liberal who doesn't have a sufficient answer so they vindictively attack the character of the person rather than the argument. It is done by Democrats in your country every day and it is pathetic. 
You are really pitiable.
Thank you for your ad hom and highly significant opinion of me!

The below is an absolute LIE.

You deceive yourself by thinking a woman should have the right to kill another human being.
Calling out your lies is not a personal attack it is a service to you, it gives you the chance to reevaluate your life choices and improve as a human being. Lying is required by god belief and I'm trying to get you to be honest. 
So you are condoning the killing of human beings! Nice! How about you first?

So far, you have offered zilch, zero, nothing to back up your assertions that all the unborn is would be a blob of tissue or something not human. Before you call me a liar establish this scientifically. 

You fail to understand the change in covenants and the purpose of the Old Covenant
Does your bible order that non virgin wives be stoned to death? Yes
Is that a biblical standard? Yes
Since you are making these charges, give your Scriptural references so we can examine the passages. If you want to align my view support your charges. 

Are you claiming that that standard has changed? Yes.
The standard of the OT is different than that of the NT. The OT is a covenant of works of what a person does to obtain and it also showcases God's holiness and purity. The NT is a covenant of grace based not on what you do but on what Another has done in your stead to justify you before God as holy and righteous. A transaction has taken place in which God judges the life of Another and punishes the Other instead of you because He has agreed to take that punishment so we may have life!

Do you claim that the standard for your morality (biblical standard) is unchanging? Yes
Yes, my standard is the Lord Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit through the Word. My standard is God.

Some of the standards God put in place in the OT were in place to point us to Christ. They show how hard it is to live a holy life before God, and they show His provision in meeting that standard in the NT. 

Do you understand ANE culture and what were the standards of that time in which God was dealing with a specific Mosaic Covenant people? Do you understand that they apply to a MOSAIC Covenant people and were put in place for a purpose? Do you understand that they could not live by those holy standards and they were judged for not meeting the agreement they had sworn to meet? (Exodus 24:3, 7)

Without any personal attack I've proven conclusively that you lie.

 You have done no such thing, except convince yourself as if that makes it so. 
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First, the universe is unreasoning. Agreed?
I can't see any reason to disagree with this.

We are reasoning beings, so somehow reason is derived from the unreasoning (from something that is not reasoning). Is that reasonable to believe?

I think "has resulted from" is more accurate than "is derived from."
It has its derivative either in God (and through creation) or by chance happenstance - correct? IOW's, it results through either of these two options as the most reasonable choices (we can discuss others if you want to bring them up). 

Third, the universe is unreasoning, yet through our reason, we find meaning IN the universe, in what exists. Why should we expect to find reasons in a universe that is devoid of reason, just events of happenstance?
We don't find it there. We PUT it there. We assign it. This is where we differ. And I think you're mixing meanings again. Can you give me a reason, for example, for all these exoplanets we keep finding? Can you give me a reason in the Bootes Void? I can give you reasons FOR both, but reason IN neither. 
We do find reason displayed in the universe for why things are the way they are. We find laws of nature, laws of gravity, laws of thermodynamics, laws of physics, not invented by us, for why things act in the way they do. Without mindful being creating the meaning and reason please explain why we find reasons. We did not put the laws of nature, the laws of gravity, the laws of thermodynamics,etc.,  there. We discover them. This garbage that we PUT them there is not so. There are reasons there that we extrapolate upon. Things happen in a particular manner, not willy-nilly. The question is why do we find UNIFORMITY in nature? Why is the same thing (laws) repeated indefinitely, in a willy-nilly, chance happenstance universe?

What we would expect to see in such a universe is chaos and no reason for things continuing is the same manner they do. If I toss a coin once there is a 50/50 chance of head or tails flipping. If I roll it one billion times I do not expect it to toss every time a head unless the coin is fixed to flip this way. 

If I roll a dice one million times what is the chance of six being repeated every time by chance? You nor I have the time on earth to create such an experiment but the actual is not the same as the theoretical. Theoretically, we can express an infinity of numbers. In actuality, we can't demonstrate it in time. That is impossible. 

So, my question to you is how chance happenstance is capable of producing the same thing (like gravity or other laws) repeatedly with no intent involved??? 

We find a reason for our existence in everything we examine, like the distance from us to the sun being right to support life on our planet. These anthropic principles are everywhere around us. What is your explanation for them, and why can you explain the reason for them if there is nothing but chance happenstance as the result of our reasoning and finding reason in them?

Fourth, if there is no reason for the universe there is no way of explaining why it is here. There is no "why." As you say, it just is and just came to be. Is that logical to believe?
Yup, because there's nothing so far that points us in any direction otherwise. And it doesn't matter any further than because it's here, we're here.
So, your worldview cannot explain why we are here, why anything exists, other than through the tautology that it's here, therefore we are here.

It makes no sense because your worldview is incapable of making sense of the universe. Mine can and does. You CLAIM  you just don't know and that makes sense of nothing, ultimately. It gives us no reason for our existence, for why we SHOULD act a particular way. You constantly borrow from the Christian worldview in making sense of things. You can't explain why the universe came into being, how life results from non-life, how morality is meaningful other than by asserting your preferences by political or military power, which makes nothing good or right - just preferable to those in power.  

If it came to be then what is the cause? Logically, it can't self-create, can it? Surely, for something to create itself it would first have to be, or else you have something coming from nothing. Something from nothing is not something you witness, is it? It is a logical impossibility, is it not? How can you derive something from nothing? 
Don't go down the "everything that exists has a cause" CALAM stuff, because you know that just leads to well what created whatever you think created the universe? I don't know what caused it. I don't know if something can come from nothing, but we certainly haven't witnessed that process. I don't know how it happened, but neither do you. I'm just stopping at I don't know. You're taking an unearned step (two, at least): well I don't know, so it must be someone! This is an argument from ignorance. 
I am not going down that road. I'm going down the road that everything that BEGINS to exist must have a cause. If you think not then explain otherwise. Kalam, or Calam? 

I don't know how it happened, only if God does not exist and has not revealed Himself. That is your presupposition, not mine. 

Also, without God, there is no ultimate sense to be made of existence or the universe. Yet we keep finding meaning and purpose in what we see and understand. We are beings we seek MEANING and purpose. Why? Why if existence is ultimately pointless?

Why did the Big Bang happen (if that is your mode of the start of the universe), or what caused it? 
Don't know and makes no difference. It happened. 
It makes a difference if you did not get here the way you suppose you did. 

Again, your answer can't make sense of existence. Mine can!

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How did we get this "singularity?"
Where did it come from?
Don't know, not sure that it matters. But I'm sure you're not going to say Jesus put it there, otherwise why leave it out of the bible?
You don't know yet you eliminate the biblical God as a reasonable and logical explanation while you can offer none? 

Why do we have gravity and gravitational pull? 
Why does the earth revolve around the sun at the precise distance? 

These are easily answered scientific questions. Appealing to the supernatural to explain them is your job, not the job of someone who just says "The math works out that way."
It works out that way for no inherent reason, it just happens, according to your worldview, yet you continually give reasons for everything you believe without considering that God is reasoning with you by what is made.

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.  

The Christian explanation, and it is a reasonable one, is that we discover these laws because there is a Lawgiver that has crafted the universe. Mathematics is a conceptual science. We are able to explain how things in the universe work because there is a Mind behind the universe, not just random chance happenstance.
This last bit proves you don't care about any of the other bits at all, gravity, the big bang, etc. No matter what the scientific explanation is, you just move god one step further back: well, gravity exists because of matter's density in relation to spacetime, and gravity behaves in such and such a way that comports with these models, but that is just how God set it up! And he WANTED us to discover it eventually! It's special pleading (uncaused cause) + god of the gaps. I'll give you that it IS difficult to penetrate using reason and logic, but the flaws in it are glaring.
It is no more special pleading that you are doing via your scientific method. We start with one presupposition or the other, but which can make sense of anything?

You are saying that the present is the key to the past because we in the present are looking at the past and only have the present as the means to judge the past. You are saying that what we witness in the present is what happened in the past yet you do not know all the variables since none of us were there. Thus you INTERPRET the data according to your starting point. 

A Christian, on the other hand, looks at the universe and uses science to discover things about God's creation. When he/she correctly thinks God's thoughts after Him the Christian discovers another truth about how God did something. He/she discovers a unique mathematical formula that explains the principle or law. So we, through our minds and reason discover principles that are reasonable and logical. We don't PUT them there, as you mentioned in a previous post, we discover these principles. 

If the universe began to exist, then it had a cause. That cause = God. What caused God to exist? Oh, he always existed! Well then why can't the universe in one form or another have always existed?
If the universe always existed how do we ever get to the present? What is your evidence for discredited theories of an eternal universe (Such as the Steady State Theory)?

Something that is eternal does not have a cause. Something that is outside this space/time continuum would not necessarily need a beginning. How can Someone who is TIMELESS have a beginning? But science continues to express that the universe has a beginning and science gives many credible pieces of evidence for its beginning. 

You're starting with an end answer and trying to make the problem fit, rather than look at the problem and find the answer.
You are doing the same with your presuppositional starting point and you CAN'T make sense of it. The Christian worldview can. 

Starting from where you are you work yourself back to origins. It is exactly what you do. You use the chance-happenstance method of analysis. 

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In rough mathematical terms, you have an equation with a string of like 14,000 variables all undefined, but the equals sign is followed by the number 9852349572112359. You're insisting you know each variable because you presuppose the answer, the problem is that with ONLY variables on one side of the equation, you cannot have a numerical answer, and the more you add to the equation, the more difficult it gets to arrive at an answer. Example:

X + Y =35. How can you solve for X or Y without one of them ending up on the wrong side of the equals sign? How many different answers are there? How do you know if X is 30 and Y is 5, or X is 16 and Y is 19? You can't. You're insisting you do. Now, what if that equation because X + Y + Z = 100? See the problem? These cannot be solved in a way that does not ALSO move a variable to the wrong side of the equals.

Given God's existence, I have a value for X and Y (and Z). God has revealed it. You do not. In the example given even if I had the value for X, I could determine the value for Y if it equals 35. And mathematical principles are concepts of the mind. I discover specific principles for how things work. I did not put them there, as you charged a couple of posts ago. They were discovered. They have their origin outside of and apart from my mind or any human mind, but mathematics is a conceptual field that uses logic and mindful processes to prove some precise mathematical principle that is not from our minds. It existed before our minds.   

You suppose (as presuppositionalists do) that not only is there a lawgiver, but that it's YOUR VERSION of that lawgiver.
We all use presupposition as our starting point, either God or chance. That is our fundamental beginning. A Lawgiver explains why we have these laws that govern our universe and things within it. 

I would point you to another topic if you want to answer this: in the history of mankind, let's call it 200,000 years, folks like you are always quick to point out there have been FAR more people who believe in "something did this" than there are people like me, who say there's no reason to believe that's the case and ask why you do. Somehow, you think this supports the truth of there being something else out there. One of the many problems with this argument is plain: there have also been FAR MORE, FAR FAR MORE, people that never ever ever believed anything remotely close to what you CURRENTLY believe. Yet you are certain you're right and you use the belief in ANYTHING as support for believing in your specific thing. 
I look at what makes sense in life, of what is necessary to make sense of life and I can make sense of life. You, starting from chance happenstance, have no way of making sense of anything, ultimately. If you want to live that way it is your choice. The problem is that you CONTINUALLY borrow from the Christian worldview in making sense of things, and most of the time you don't even realize it. As the Bible explains to the Jews who tried to explain things outside of God's revelation, they are in the dark, there is no light in them, no understanding. And the reason why there is so much evil, which affects both of us, is that people live according to their own relative standards, not according to the light of life. 

WisdomofAges's avatar
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The ultimate REALITY is the ......ILLUSION BETWEEN YOUR EARS.......

Look in the mirror....you see the exterior of a human form...between your ears is a mass of fleshy material...
a mass that you cannot see....a mass that processes information....information that is also UNSEEN

Your thoughts do not have an actual physical form...they are projections in a mass of fleshy material
Your thoughts emerge from an unknown process...you have no clue where this information is located
and how it comes into an IMAGE and SOUND experience....

yet You act like you have answers to questions no human has an answer for...just an opinion...yet YOU
ACT like your opinion is irrefutable FACT....and that others must accept your perspective...this is the
epitome of INSANITY....the epitome of BRAINWASHING.....how pathetic....

You represent the DISEASE that permeates your neural network.....your body is an organic mobility and 
sensor device it does not have consciousness...it mat have a name or some idiotic label attached to it
but neither is valid..they are merely information tags....from infancy to old age and death your body is
in constant transformation...like all organics YOU COME and GO....sadly the mass between your ears
is just that..a mass of fleshy material....YOU ....actually the construct of YOU is an illusion...YOU have 
no form...imagine an orange ball suspended in total blackness...what is lighting the ball ?  more importantly
WHAT ? is observing the ball ?   whatever IT....IS ?  it is NOT YOU...IT has no form...IT does not have a 
location...IT...does not have a name....YOU are a construct built from information received throughout
YOUR EXISTENCE....this BELIEF in some Comic Book GOD hoax is also just information....a construct

POINT...you were a unique individual at one time..now you are a programmed sheeple slave drone that
serves Parasite Vampires of some idiotic Church invention...YOU do NOT EXIST....this Church is your
PRISON...a maze without an exit...a fabrication designed by clever MIND MOLESTERS....

Like the orange ball suspended in dark space...your GOD hoax is no different...this is YOUR ILLUSION
DELUSION...you drown in it...leave others to explore fro themselves this unique life experience..YOU
STEAL FROM THEM the opportunity to be curious...and explore without limitation...this is the effect of

PGA2.0's avatar
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For the sake of space, in morality terms there is almost never a 'best', and I can change "better" to "more beneficial to the species" and the argument stands.
More beneficial in whose mind? Why should it be beneficial to the species if it is preferable to those I like and hang around with? You throw around qualitative terms without anything other than preference in mind. Some people like to love their neighbors, others like to kill them. What is your preference? 

I don't care if you adopt my standard for morality, until such time as it interferes with me, then we have an issue.
That is precisely the point, isn't it? Most wars, the greed, the inhumane treatment of others are all based on the subjective whims of those who think they know better, so they perpetrate hateful crimes in achieving their goals. So what happened to the do unto others? It becomes a grab for power. "Do it my way or I will make you." The history of humanity. 

If you, like so many other religious people, want to argue that without GOd and his prescriptive morality we'd all be raping and killing each other, then by all means, please stay loyal to Jesus. I've raped and killed the exact number of people I have ever wanted to rape or kill. Zero. Without Jesus. Or the threat of hell, or expecting a reward. 
And you do so not based on your chance happenstance, willy-nilly worldview but based on the divine principles that you recognize, "Thou shall not kill."

Romans 2:12 For all who have sinned without the Law will also perish without the Law, and all who have sinned under the Law will be judged by the Law; 
13 for it is not the hearers of the Law who are 
just before God, but the
 of the Law will be justified.
 14 For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves, 15 in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, 16 on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus.

Again, and again, how do you get an ought from an is, a prescriptive from a descriptive? 

And, what are the bases of why things are right and wrong? You demonstrate about it is based on personal preference, not on a final or ultimate reference point. You don't have one. You just want to dictate what you prefer. What you prefer does not make something good, nor right, not wrong. It just makes it was is. 

How is this a question? Do you mean "How does the hope of heaven" give comfort? It relies on the testimony of One greater than us to reassure us by His word which He demonstrates is true and reasonable in various ways, such as prophecy. 
How does the idea that Adam ate an apple, that was put there by your god, according to the myth, and therefore your two year old has leukemia, comforting? How do you tell the grieving mother, sorry, this is justice! Be glad they're in heaven. And it only works your way if you're a christian who believes. If you find this same mother as a muslim with a dead baby, you can comfort her by saying what exactly? 
Adam represented the whole of humanity. He chose the course we would go down. God warned of the consequences. Adam acted on knowing what God had commanded what not to do and God warned him of the consequences. He did it anyway, just like you or I would. Instead of walking with God and getting to know God more intimately he chose to do his own thing. From that original sin, all others followed. From that sin, God judged us, for now, we as humanity are marred by our own relativism, inherited through Adam. That is why Jesus said we must be born again, renewed by God, given a new heart and new disposition to God, no longer hateful of Him. 

Human history is the example God has left us to what happens when humanity lives apart from God. Yet, His promise for a better life is there for those who will believe in His means to achieve this goal. 

I would comfort her by telling her that her baby is with God in a better place and experiencing joy beyond our earthly understanding. If she was willing I and open would tell her of the hope that Christians have in Jesus to one day be with her departed offspring. But I can leave it with the comfort of my first statement.

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According to evolutionary theory, only the strong survive and there is no rhyme nor reason for it to be this way. They survive, period, thus they are seen as the strong. So, if it is beneficial to be compassionate to others you survive, and if it is not in your interests because you will not survive then you will be ruthless, as is the witness of history way too often. I'm sure I can provide you with countless examples where compassion is not the criterion or what you call the necessary element of survival in the evolutionary process.
This is another problem with language: to survive they aren't seen as STRONG. They're seen as most beneficial to reproduction. It's a far less pithy saying to say "Survival of the ones who did the best at reproducing" than it is to say "Survival of the fittest." Yes, if my survival is threatened, I'll ruthlessly defend it. I didn't call compassion THE necessary element. It's A necessary element for genetic continuation in pack animals. 

Sure. Survivalists are labeled the "strong" or "fittest." The others are labeled the weak link for they can't propagate their progeny. They don't have the means. The strong or fit are those who survive. Thus, they are labeled beneficial. 

As a Christian, I believe I would give my physical life for others not because I HAD to and not necessarily for genetic reasons (but I would try to protect my family from harm), but because I recognize it as a blessing of selflessness to put others first, without human reward in sight.

That does not mean that I will roll over and hide the light of the Gospel under my bed or not stand up for those who are defenseless to expose the darkness and misunderstanding of others if I see such misunderstanding and understand the difference.