
Author: RoderickSpode


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Yeah, huh? If only there was a way to tell which Christians had it right, from the ones who have it wrong. Is it the god hates fags Christians, the I'm so sad my kid is gay becuse they're going to burn in hell Christians, or the Christians who say not a big deal because god made them gay...hmmmm...well how do we know who's right? Can you help? And if you think THIS is annoying, imagine if I tried to write laws based on MY interpretation of the bible and said "This is what is in the bible according to me, so it's now law!" and you DIDN'T AGREE WITH MY INTERPRETATION. Wouldn't THAT be annoying? WHat if I decided I pay less
taxes than you because of my interpretation? Really annoying!
There are no U.S. laws based on scripture. None. Zero.  So what does people misinterpreting scripture have to do with American law?

Interesting. Does god know then that some people are going to be evil sinners forever? did he, for example, know from the beginning Adam would eat the apple? Or is that one of those bible stories I'm interpreting wrong (which seems to mean at times I'm reading the words that are there and then not searching for alternative meanings that explain it in the rest of the bible)?

Yes, God knew there would be unrepentant sinners, and that Adam and Eve would eat the fruit. But there is no such thing as a human incapable of receiving salvation. The unrepentant sinner can repent. He doesn't have predestination against him as a force that renders eternal separation inevitable.

What does this have to do with anything? 

Aren't you claiming that the Bible claims no one can receive knowledge of the Gospel unless they hear it from a human? And you wanted

What difference does it make? Every human is without excuse. No? You just said so yourself. How is sending either to hell for not accepting Jesus, knowing that god had foreknowledge of this person being born in a Muslim country to muslim parents and would never accept Jesus as a result of these circumstances, how does sending that muslim to Christian hell somehow qualify as perfect justice? If that's not what happens, to EITHER Muslim, please show me in the bible where it says regardless of faith or conviction, you can go to Christian heaven no matter what. I guess unless you're an atheist. 
Who preached the Gospel message of Jesus Christ to Abraham?
ludofl3x's avatar
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What difference does it make? Every human is without excuse. No? You just said so yourself. How is sending either to hell for not accepting Jesus, knowing that god had foreknowledge of this person being born in a Muslim country to muslim parents and would never accept Jesus as a result of these circumstances, how does sending that muslim to Christian hell somehow qualify as perfect justice? If that's not what happens, to EITHER Muslim, please show me in the bible where it says regardless of faith or conviction, you can go to Christian heaven no matter what. I guess unless you're an atheist. 
Who preached the Gospel message of Jesus Christ to Abraham?

Does the Muslim go the Christian heaven or not?

Aren't you claiming that the Bible claims no one can receive knowledge of the Gospel unless they hear it from a human?
Or read it, I suppose, what other way is there?

God knew there would be unrepentant sinners, 
In other words, god creates these people to live solely for their end to be torturing them forever. Cool justice!
RoderickSpode's avatar
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Well we could satisfy that in a number of ways, first consider that the soul existed prior to the physical body, this should be a no-brainer even in Christianity. If that soul inhabits a physical body once or a number of times either way it is a reincarnation because the soul exists apart from any forms. If you exist in an afterlife in another form that is reincarnation.... If you existed in a series of lives or are a new soul no matter how you look at it reincarnation is a reality, when you leave this world you still exist in another form and another world. Whether that's heaven or another shot at the physical world or one of the multiverses it's all reincarnation. Fundamentalist Christians don't like terms that are not generally accepted in their religions lol, but reincarnation at the basic definition is "the rebirth of a soul in a new body." That applies in many ways especially within spirituality, Christianity or whatever religious, spiritual path one pursues spirituality has the same objective for the individual. Also not everything and all knowledge is within the Bible, many other paths of spirituality have knowledge and insights about God and creation. God is not as rigid as some religions make that out to be.

I'd be interested in the other things you don't agree with I said...

Well, for now I'd prefer to focus on the reincarnation issue, and then possibly go from there because this is what stands out in my memory.

The reason I said "I don't believe in reincarnation, at least not in the traditional sense" is for the very reason you just brought up. (i.e., a believer receives a new resurrected body.....aka reicarnated new body).

If I'm a created being, then I have no reason to believe that the human body I now occupy isn't the very first form of life I've been given. That prior to this life, I just didn't exist until God breathed the breath of life in my current form.

I'll throw a strange question at you.

I'm a firm believer in the possibility (and impossibility) of time travel. In secular terms, time travel is possible in theory, but impossible in practicality. We just don't have the technology to even come close to such a notion.

From a more divine perspective, time travel is possible in similar fashion to how the construction of the Tower of Babel was possible. But it was rendered impossible by the restrictive hand of God. Same principle. Time travel is possible if we acquired the near to impossible technology, but I believe rendered impossible by the restrictive hand of God because God will not allow man to turn back the hand of time to right their wrongs. Man is judged  by what we do individually, and there's no chance of going back to change it. The only way out of our dilemma is to put our current lives in the hand of the savior.

So, I believe time travel, if God allowed, could cause an onteological problem. In other words, if God allowed a human to travel in the past, and rewrite history so to speak where he doesn't rob the bank, thus not subject to criminal justice, it would cause a problem in the day of judgment.

How would time travel, unless you think it's absolutely impossible in every way, or time is not really relative, affect reincarnation? Or would it? Could a human change their future reincarnated role if they went back in time, and changed portions of their lives that say, gave them negative karma effects?

EtrnlVw's avatar
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Well, for now I'd prefer to focus on the reincarnation issue, and then possibly go from there because this is what stands out in my memory.
The reason I said "I don't believe in reincarnation, at least not in the traditional sense" is for the very reason you just brought up. (i.e., a believer receives a new resurrected body.....aka reicarnated new body).
If I'm a created being, then I have no reason to believe that the human body I now occupy isn't the very first form of life I've been given. That prior to this life, I just didn't exist until God breathed the breath of life in my current form.
If you believe in the soul then you know God didn't breathe into your current form, the soul exists prior to the physical body period, I don't think there is any argument about that. If then it is true that you existed before the birth of the physical body then it is true you have a soul....which existed before the birth of the physical body, then it is true you reincarnated. You may not like that term but it is what it is.
I'll throw a strange question at you.
I'm a firm believer in the possibility (and impossibility) of time travel. In secular terms, time travel is possible in theory, but impossible in practicality. We just don't have the technology to even come close to such a notion.
You can't time travel but you can revisit experiences. While you can look back in time and revisit certain experiences you can't time travel in a way that it is reality, where you are creating things. The only time travel possible is that which has already happened, this can be revisited in the causal plane, the Akashic Records. Look up the Akashic Records.
From a more divine perspective, time travel is possible in similar fashion to how the construction of the Tower of Babel was possible. But it was rendered impossible by the restrictive hand of God. Same principle. Time travel is possible if we acquired the near to impossible technology, but I believe rendered impossible by the restrictive hand of God because God will not allow man to turn back the hand of time to right their wrongs. Man is judged  by what we do individually, and there's no chance of going back to change it. The only way out of our dilemma is to put our current lives in the hand of the savior.
Or in the hands of yourself. You are a savior, that's how cause and effect work. You are the living truth. 
So, I believe time travel, if God allowed, could cause an onteological problem. In other words, if God allowed a human to travel in the past, and rewrite history so to speak where he doesn't rob the bank, thus not subject to criminal justice, it would cause a problem in the day of judgment.
Not sure what point you're trying to make TBH, time travel is only possible through the causal plane. And even then you are dealing with things that already happened. That can't be changed. In true time travel circumstances can be changed, but once something has happened it can't be changed, only corrected. So if you were to make it in any travel of time you could only help not correct. 

How would time travel, unless you think it's absolutely impossible in every way, or time is not really relative, affect reincarnation? Or would it? Could a human change their future reincarnated role if they went back in time, and changed portions of their lives that say, gave them negative karma effects?
Reincarnation is based on what you do and the effects it has on creation, if you want to change something it must be done in the present.

EtrnlVw's avatar
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To make a long story short time travel would only be looking at what took place, kinda like the Christmas Carols where you can look back in time. You can't change anything of course but you can change the Karma of the individual by adjusting behavior and attitude in the now. 
ludofl3x's avatar
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That's....quite a trio of posts, men. Quite a trio. Wow. 

So, I believe time travel, if God allowed, could cause an onteological problem. In other words, if God allowed a human to travel in the past, and rewrite history so to speak where he doesn't rob the bank, thus not subject to criminal justice, it would cause a problem in the day of judgment.
The only time travel possible is that which has already happened, this can be revisited in the causal plane, the Akashic Records. Look up the Akashic Records.

To make a long story short time travel would only be looking at what took place, kinda like the Christmas Carols where you can look back in time.
Cue that theremin music....

Seriously my favorite one was the "to make a long story short, traveling back in time is totally possible." So matter of fact! Hilarious. 
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If you have a question let me know. 
ludofl3x's avatar
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ludofl3x's avatar
Can you demonstrate any of this?
EtrnlVw's avatar
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EtrnlVw's avatar
Can you be more precise please?
ludofl3x's avatar
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ludofl3x's avatar
Start with this one:

the soul exists prior to the physical body period, 

EtrnlVw's avatar
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How would you like me to confirm that? through the evidence that correlates with that nature or an explanation? which do you prefer?
EtrnlVw's avatar
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the soul exists prior to the physical body period,
Well for one I was addressing a believer, so the statement I made was one that should be obvious to a believer. To an atheist this requires much more attention so the answer would require much more details, which I'm willing to get into depending on what frame of mind you are in.

disgusted's avatar
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You mean you can't demonstrate your claim has validity so you will obfuscate. Still the same.

13 days later

RoderickSpode's avatar
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Yes, people have used the Bible to maintain slavery. I think that's a problem with humans, not the Bible.
Would leveraging the words of Jesus have been possible without the bible? I agree it's a human problem, one wherein humans used the bible to subjugate others by saying this is what Jesus said, if you deny it, you deny Jesus and hell's way worse than these cotton fields. Be mindful: the question is not would slavery have still existed, because slavery and subjugation predate the bible and ignore almost all cultural boundaries. The question is would the biblical message have been used as one of the tools to maintain the institution
I don't understand your question.

Clearly no, but if I were you I'd steer clear of making the comparison between religion and heroin: someone once called religion the opiate of the people, if I recall correctly, and the connotation of heroin addiction as compared to religious fervor is curious. 

You're trying to divert the question. You did give a short answer, but you're obviously trying to divert the issue which I believe is (without looking back), do you think the Bible and Christianity should be outlawed? Obviously you've run into a problem here, because you understand that heroine,

which like as you seem to think of the Bible, is a cancer of society.

And I won't hesitate for a second to make the comparison with heroine, as I couldn't care less about some silly quote some (pardon the pun) dope came up with.

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Any group in the bible judged by any group of Christians to be deserving of rebuke. For example, me! As an avowed blasphemer, unrepentant in my ways and telling others to turn away from god, the bible surely has passages about how I should be ignored or cast out or stoned or any number of tortures visited upon me. Or on people who aren't CHristians. I don't think it's likely in America, but I don't support anything that can be used to grant holy sanction to base discrimination. 

And you don't think the literature produced by atheist activist groups can cause discrimination?

The internet is revealing that a new generation of anti-religious nut-cases are being born.

That's basically the story. I stopped believing at 12, tried to keep believing, then couldn't make myself believe somethign that has no evidence and makes no sense. You can believe it or not, I don't care, it makes no difference to me. You're going to say I wasn't doing it sincerely or properly anyway, and I'm just going to say "according to you." 

Did you ignore this? BEcause no answer.
No. I'm going to say, as I have already a number of times, if you think God is evil, then it would kind of stand for reason that you would't experience
God the way you claim you sought for.

When did you come to the conclusion that the Biblical God is evil? (Supports genocide, slavery, infanticide, a misogynyst, etc.)

RoderickSpode's avatar
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Are you referring to a Muslim who's heard the Gospel message? Or a Muslim that never heard the Gospel?
What difference does it make? Every human is without excuse. No? You just said so yourself. How is sending either to hell for not accepting Jesus, knowing that god had foreknowledge of this person being born in a Muslim country to muslim parents and would never accept Jesus as a result of these circumstances, how does sending that muslim to Christian hell somehow qualify as perfect justice? If that's not what happens, to EITHER Muslim, please show me in the bible where it says regardless of faith or conviction, you can go to Christian heaven no matter what. I guess unless you're an atheist. 
Where does the muslim go?
Muslims receive Christ just like everyone else. Living in Egypt doesn't keep anyone from hearing the Gospel. A Muslim is not going to reject Jesus any differently than the many Americans that reject Jesus.

The same thing you're saying about Muslim countries is probably what was said about nations like China and Korea. These nations may become more Christian than the west the way things are looking. Who's to say this won't happen in the Muslim nations?

RoderickSpode's avatar
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RoderickSpode's avatar
What difference does it make? Every human is without excuse. No? You just said so yourself. How is sending either to hell for not accepting Jesus, knowing that god had foreknowledge of this person being born in a Muslim country to muslim parents and would never accept Jesus as a result of these circumstances, how does sending that muslim to Christian hell somehow qualify as perfect justice? If that's not what happens, to EITHER Muslim, please show me in the bible where it says regardless of faith or conviction, you can go to Christian heaven no matter what. I guess unless you're an atheist. 
Who preached the Gospel message of Jesus Christ to Abraham?

Does the Muslim go the Christian heaven or not?
Why did you ignore my question?

If a Muslim believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, he will go to (the Christian) heaven.

Aren't you claiming that the Bible claims no one can receive knowledge of the Gospel unless they hear it from a human?

Or read it, I suppose, what other way is there?
I'm quite certain I've given you this link. Probably more than once. I'll bet you didn't even look.

RoderickSpode's avatar
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RoderickSpode's avatar
God knew there would be unrepentant sinners,

In other words, god creates these people to live solely for their end to be torturing them forever. Cool justice!
If that were the case, they wouldn't have a chance to receive salvation.

Why would you bring a child into the world knowing he/she may become a criminal, end up in prison for life, or the gas chamber?

If you were drowning, you would gladly accept a rope or lifesaver. However, if you didn't think you were drowning, you wouldn't take it. If a drug addict understands his situation, he'll seek help. If he doesn't think he needs help, he won't accept it.

If you don't think you need salvation, then why worry? It's the people who realize they need it, that accept it.

RoderickSpode's avatar
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If I'm a created being, then I have no reason to believe that the human body I now occupy isn't the very first form of life I've been given. That prior to this life, I just didn't exist until God breathed the breath of life in my current form.
If you believe in the soul then you know God didn't breathe into your current form, the soul exists prior to the physical body period, I don't think there is any argument about that. If then it is true that you existed before the birth of the physical body then it is true you have a soul....which existed before the birth of the physical body, then it is true you reincarnated. You may not like that term but it is what it is.
Why would the soul have to exist before the physical body? Are you saying we never had a beginning? Or, we weren't created?

You can't time travel but you can revisit experiences. While you can look back in time and revisit certain experiences you can't time travel in a way that it is reality, where you are creating things. The only time travel possible is that which has already happened, this can be revisited in the causal plane, the Akashic Records. Look up the Akashic Records.
I think from a scientific perspective, we can. The only limitation I'm aware of is the lack of technology to do so.

Or in the hands of yourself. You are a savior, that's how cause and effect work. You are the living truth.   
I may not be a hundred percent clear on your meaning, but I would acknowledge that we do have a part to play.
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Not sure what point you're trying to make TBH, time travel is only possible through the causal plane. And even then you are dealing with things that already happened. That can't be changed. In true time travel circumstances can be changed, but once something has happened it can't be changed, only corrected. So if you were to make it in any travel of time you could only help not correct. 
I'm not sure if this is what you're referring to, but there is a theory that if someone went back in time, something they might try to change will only correct itself like GPS. Like if someone prevents a person from going to the race track where he lost all his money. So instead of losing it at the racetrack, he loses it in a bad investment.

The problem with this idea is that when he prevented the person from going to the track, there were a number of other dynamics that had to change. He would still kick that pebble out of place that could change the course of world history. So this intrusion into history would require an endless correcting of itself.

Reincarnation is based on what you do and the effects it has on creation,
if you want to change something it must be done in the present. 
I agree that we can only change something in the present. But I don't see any law, natural or spiritual that suggests that if the creator removed restraint on time travel, or gave us the ability to do so, the time traveler would exist in a very real setting whether traveling backward or forward. Why wouldn't it be real?
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To make a long story short time travel would only be looking at what took place, kinda like the Christmas Carols where you can look back in time. You can't change anything of course but you can change the Karma of the individual by adjusting behavior and attitude in the now. 
When we travel by plane we travel into the future, albeit only a fraction of a moment. not enough to notice, but during that fraction of a moment, it's a very real experience. We're not simply observing the moment from an observational point afar. I don't see why it would be any different if one were to travel the speed of light, and travel into the future.

EtrnlVw's avatar
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Why would the soul have to exist before the physical body?
That's obvious, the soul exists apart from the physical body as the physical body only prepared a vehicle for the soul to exist in this world. The soul is sent to inhabit the womb from birth to experience a new life but it was already in existence. Just as you entered into a physical development as a soul you will also exit it at death.
 Are you saying we never had a beginning?
All individual souls have a beginning and were sent into creation and duality, however just before that individualization the nature of the soul itself had no distinction from the Creator. Basically a soul is an expression of God, a soul comes out the heart of the Creator and this was always your first true origins not the physical body, not the material body your parents created for you.
Or, we weren't created?
Yes, as explained above. Only just before you were individualized and covered (with bodies or sheaths) you were one with God. Right now, you believe all you know is what you experienced at birth until present lol, dirty little trick but masterful also. The Creator is quite bad azz. The cool part is that every soul comes out from the Creator as a creative expression of God, this is what makes it so beautiful, what makes souls so unique and special in their own ways. The soul is given the freedom to become and think what it wants according to its own perception and experiences, and of course this is how you become an individual.

EtrnlVw's avatar
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When we travel by plane we travel into the future,
No, the soul is always present in the moment.... if you were to experience another plane it's not in the future but in the moment. The only difference being you are experiencing higher frequencies of existence. To soul travel or switch planes the soul is basically switching its attention, but it's still in the moment just like if you were to travel anywhere. This is also how spiritual experiences occur. 
 albeit only a fraction of a moment. not enough to notice, but during that fraction of a moment, it's a very real experience. We're not simply observing the moment from an observational point afar. I don't see why it would be any different if one were to travel the speed of light, and travel into the future.
I'm not going to say you can't travel into the future because the Akashic records include the future as well I believe, I just don't know how it could be done where you are present there. This technology is something I'm unaware of at the moment. 

EtrnlVw's avatar
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I agree that we can only change something in the present. But I don't see any law, natural or spiritual that suggests that if the creator removed restraint on time travel, or gave us the ability to do so, the time traveler would exist in a very real setting whether traveling backward or forward. Why wouldn't it be real?
I guess it would be real as long as it was present or in the moment, away from creation and into pure awareness time does not exist in the way we experience it anyways so the only thing we truly experience is what is in the "now". But, if we were to be revisiting the past per say, we would be present but what we witnessed of the past wouldn't be, it's simply revisiting energetic imprints that have already transpired. It would be more like the Christmas Carol movie I'm afraid, where you could see what was taking place but not able to interact with it. Beyond that I'm not really sure I could only speculate but good points. As we discussed though there could be loop holes with minimal abilities.

EtrnlVw's avatar
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EtrnlVw's avatar
Why would the soul have to exist before the physical body? Are you saying we never had a beginning? Or, we weren't created?

If the soul is distinct from the physical body, and God creates souls then the physical body had no part in the creation of a soul, it existed prior to that,  the material body only supplied a conduit for the soul to experience this world. When you exit the physical form you will be present in your astral body, which people call a spirit. However the true source and form of the soul has no embodiment, it is one with God again, it's only your bodies that confine your experiences to parts of creation. These "bodies" are what the soul enters into...
RoderickSpode's avatar
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No, the soul is always present in the moment.... if you were to experience another plane it's not in the future but in the moment. The only difference being you are experiencing higher frequencies of existence. To soul travel or switch planes the soul is basically switching its attention, but it's still in the moment just like if you were to travel anywhere. This is also how spiritual experiences occur.
I'm not really sure because some of your statements here cause me to wonder, you do know that I was referring to airplane travel, right?

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I guess it would be real as long as it was present or in the moment, away from creation and into pure awareness time does not exist in the way we experience it anyways so the only thing we truly experience is what is in the "now". But, if we were to be revisiting the past per say, we would be present but what we witnessed of the past wouldn't be, it's simply revisiting energetic imprints that have already transpired. It would be more like the Christmas Carol movie I'm afraid, where you could see what was taking place but not able to interact with it. Beyond that I'm not really sure I could only speculate but good points. As we discussed though there could be loop holes with minimal abilities.
I think what you're proposing is a possibility, but would have to be orchestrated by God.

But that's just a different type of time travel. Even in the Christmas Carol, Mr. Scrooge needed a guide to lead him into the past and future in a dimension or plane where no one could hear or see him. This type of time travel would be strictly of a divine nature.