Bernie bad Climate plan

Author: TheRealNihilist


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Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
Another funny George Carlin musing is the idea that the only evolutionary reason for humans to exist is to convert massive amounts of oil sludge into plastics for an as yet undefined species in the future. Much like how sand is/was created from marine animals. Imagine if that was our true cosmic rai·son d'ê·tre... lol!
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
It's a toss up between chance and purpose I suppose. But do I actually sense almost nervous laughter out loud.

Plastics is certainly material evolution in evidence, though my thoughts are that fully organic species have maybe got as good as they are going to get. They are far too fragile and require a very specific eco-bubble in which to survive. 

And of course we have to ask ourselves, why the sludge, why the plastic, why the intelligence?

Christen's avatar
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Christen's avatar
Here is my major problem with solar panels, and other forms of so-called "clean energy"

In 2018 I went with my family on a vacation to the country of Jamaica.

We stayed in this remote house for like a week, and it was GOD-AWFUL. This is because the entire house was powered by a big solar panel on the roof. The way this solar panel was designed was that it would absorb sunlight and then convert that sunlight energy into power, and then transfer it into a big battery. There, it would be stored as regular electricity and then later used to power the various electric stuff around the house. Pretty cool, right?

So what was the problem?

The problem was that the solar panel and battery were programmed to "prioritize" certain electrical appliances over others. In other words, once the battery's power went down to like 75%, it would stop giving power to the air conditioner, the surveillance cameras, and the Wi-Fi that allowed us to access the internet. It would do this in an attempt to conserve energy for the more "important" stuff like the TV and refrigerator. It's kind of like how when you are in a very cold area for too long, your fingers and toes become numb and your body stops providing heat to those body parts and instead focuses on vital organs.

I don't know if any of you have been to Jamaica, but the average temperature over there is at least 90 degrees ALL YEAR long, and on top of that, it never snows or gets cold, except during heavy rain. The temperature also often rises up to like 100 to 109 degrees.

So when the air conditioners shut down, it was a hot and miserable experience. Within minutes of sleeping, my bed was literally soaking in sweat. It also didn't help that I wouldn't always get sunlight to power up the house to above 75%, since it could be cloudy, dark at night, or raining, resulting in less power going to the solar panel.

I couldn't even open my windows to let some fresh air in and let the wind blow into my bedroom to cool me down, because scattered around the outer perimeter of the house were wasps, moths, flies, mosquitoes, flying cockroaches, and spiders, all of which wanted to come inside and harass me. The ones that sting are really dangerous, and even the ones that don't sting, and instead just fly around, tend to buzz and make noise. Imagine trying to sleep when you keep hearing this over and over.
My parents left their window open and a wasp came in and stung 'em while they were sleeping. One morning I left the bathroom window open and left the room, and when I came back, I KID YOU NOT, there were flies and ants trying to figure out how to operate the shower, toilet, and sink! I decided to teach them how to do so..... by washing them all down the drain! HAHAHAHA!

Just typing about these bugs alone makes my skin crawl and itch though, so I gotta stop...

But yeah, solar panels are simply unreliable energy sources. I could understand a third-world country like Africa using solar panels, since it's technically better to have unreliable energy than to have no energy, but in the United States, we have people in hospitals that need machines just to stay alive. Police, Paramedics, and Firefighters depend on their electronics in order to address emergencies. No way can they afford to utilize "clean energy" for their jobs, since doing so could end up putting lives in danger since their solar-powered electronics could fail when they need it most. If our military relies on unreliable energy sources, it could put our country at great risk, since they could fail when we need them most.

Clean energy is expensive, unrealistic, and unreliable.