I am pretty sure my theory on how genius's are made is correct

Author: crossed


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ebuc's avatar
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Einstein excelled in math.
Everything I stated in that post regarding math is true. Plenty of evidence for those who choose to know the truth. Nowhere did I say Einstein did not have mathmatical abilities.

This is gibberish.
I made two differrent statements;

1} regarded scientific evidence, ergo truth and fact,

......that you do not accept the #1 is you lack of knowledge. Drop the ego and search for truth.

2} the other involved speculations by McKenna

That you address #2 not as not seperate consideration from #1 more evidence your ego-protection mode kicking in. Sad :--(
drafterman's avatar
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Everything I stated in that post regarding math is true.
Sigh. Okay then.

1} Einstein was not that good with math,
Einstein was very good with math. Arguably, he was better at math than science.

ergo he got Riemann to help him with the complex trigonometric math.
That would be an interesting feat since Riemann died over a decade before Einstein was born.

2} Einsteins wife was probably better at math than him.
Maybe, since she also a mathematician, but there is no evidence to support this. Her contributions to Einstein's own work is disputed and she doesn't appear to have any of her own work that stands out.

I made two differrent statements;

1} regarded scientific evidence, ergo truth and fact,

......that you do not accept the #1 is you lack of knowledge. Drop the ego and search for truth.

2} the other involved speculations by McKenna

That you address #2 not as not seperate consideration from #1 more evidence your ego-protection mode kicking in. Sad :--(
I specifically an referring to statements like this:

"metaphysica-1, mind/intellect/concepts"

This is gibberish. I discern no meaning or sense from it.
PressF4Respect's avatar
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"metaphysica-1, mind/intellect/concepts"

This is gibberish. I discern no meaning or sense from it.


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Discipulus_Didicit's avatar
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This is gibberish.

It is literally a 50/50 shot as to whether he means hallucinogenic shrooms or actual literal magic. Honestly can't tell with this guy.
ebuc's avatar
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Einstein was very good with math. Arguably, he was better at math than science.
Not relative to the math he needed done to help with his gravity concerns and again, I said probably not as good as his wife.

That would be an interesting feat since Riemann died over a decade before Einstein was born.
That is the info I recall reading many years ago. I may have the name wrong.  took all of the info at face value when I read it. There were maths needed to complete his thoughts of gavity and curvature of spacetime that he did not have ability do. That is what I read then.  If I find time will try to find specific info for.

Maybe, since she also a mathematician, but there is no evidence to support this. Her contributions to Einstein's own work is disputed and she doesn't appear to have any of her own work that stands out.
I dont know for sure one way or other. Again I would have to find time to research that specific.  What I recall was it was someone --if not Riemann--, that he had to get to assist or do the more complex trigonometic maths.

I specifically an referring to statements like this: "metaphysica-1, mind/intellect/concepts" This is gibberish. I discern no meaning or sense from it.

1} so  you are not disputing the facts of magic mushrooms inducing the creation of new brain cells in adults, as I stated,

2} you need to reference a dictionary for all four words and instead of taking a snob stance.

....2a} metaphysical is in dictionary and meta = beyond........that you cannot grasp beyond the physical is your refusal to play fair --i.e. playing  snobbish mind game sad :--(

....2b}  using any enumberation  method is common in dictionaries and a method for makng clear distinction between multiple definitions, ergo that you pretend any enumeration that you do not approve of, is more evidence of unfair, snobbish mind game on your part,

3} use a few dictionarys and learn what mind is and know that,  you will find defintions that place mind outside of aka beyond the physical,

4} intellect is obviously associated with mind, and again, your refusal to accept these truths is just snobbish protection of your ego,

5} concepts are in dictionary, and that you cannot associate concepts with intellect, mind, and metaphysical, is more ego based snob speaking to protect acknowleding that, you do to know exactly what I mean, and that my phrasing is valid, contrary to your egos defense of self as a unspoken 'I know better than you' type attitude.

Like so many Ive met on line, it is far easier to protect the ego ---least amount of intellectual effort---  and label others with simple terms of 'giibberish', 'nonsense', or other so as to avoid the fair play of offerring any rational, logical common sense that adds to or invalidates my comments as presented.

We will not be hearing in rational, logical common sense from you, because, just as you can not acknowledge the facts regarding magic mushrooms, you also cannot and will not offer any other rational logical common sense, because you have none to offer in regards to my above. Sad :--( and lazy mind, controlled by an over protective ego.
drafterman's avatar
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Einstein was very good with math. Arguably, he was better at math than science.
Not relative to the math he needed done to help with his gravity concerns and again,

You said Einstein was not good at math. That is false.

I said probably not as good as his wife.
Which is either false or baseless. Your pick.

That would be an interesting feat since Riemann died over a decade before Einstein was born.
That is the info I recall reading many years ago. I may have the name wrong.  took all of the info at face value when I read it. There were maths needed to complete his thoughts of gavity and curvature of spacetime that he did not have ability do. That is what I read then.  If I find time will try to find specific info for.
Okay, so then it's false.

Maybe, since she also a mathematician, but there is no evidence to support this. Her contributions to Einstein's own work is disputed and she doesn't appear to have any of her own work that stands out.
I dont know for sure one way or other. Again I would have to find time to research that specific.  What I recall was it was someone --if not Riemann--, that he had to get to assist or do the more complex trigonometic maths.
So either false or baseless.

I specifically an referring to statements like this: "metaphysica-1, mind/intellect/concepts" This is gibberish. I discern no meaning or sense from it.

1} so  you are not disputing the facts of magic mushrooms inducing the creation of new brain cells in adults, as I stated,
I neither accept nor reject the assertion.

2} you need to reference a dictionary for all four words and instead of taking a snob stance.

....2a} metaphysical is in dictionary and meta = beyond........that you cannot grasp beyond the physical is your refusal to play fair --i.e. playing  snobbish mind game sad :--(

....2b}  using any enumberation  method is common in dictionaries and a method for makng clear distinction between multiple definitions, ergo that you pretend any enumeration that you do not approve of, is more evidence of unfair, snobbish mind game on your part,
Enumeration of definitions of an entry is common, yes. Embedding references to specific enumerations in normal text isn't common. Especially when you don't specific which dictionary you are referring to; different dictionaries order their entries differently.

3} use a few dictionarys and learn what mind is and know that,  you will find defintions that place mind outside of aka beyond the physical,

4} intellect is obviously associated with mind, and again, your refusal to accept these truths is just snobbish protection of your ego,

5} concepts are in dictionary, and that you cannot associate concepts with intellect, mind, and metaphysical, is more ego based snob speaking to protect acknowleding that, you do to know exactly what I mean, and that my phrasing is valid, contrary to your egos defense of self as a unspoken 'I know better than you' type attitude.
I know what the individual words mean. What I don't understand is what you mean when you jam them together with slashes and jam them into a sentence willy nilly. It is meaningless and nonsensical.

ebuc's avatar
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You said Einstein was not good at math. That is false.
FInd, my error of wording, so allow me clarification ....' not good enough to fufill/completed and/or convey his thoughts in a mathematical way.'......

Which is either false or baseless. Your pick.
Again, if find time to research I can better assertain my "probably" comment. I stated that because of stuff I read years ago, of those who felt her influence on his thoughts have not been given anough credit/credence.

Okay, so then it's false.
I do not yet concede that your suggestion above of "false", is correct,  since what I read may have actually been stating that what was needed by Einstien was maths that Riemann had already created and Einstien needed help in seeing if any those geometric maths  applied to his thoughts and theory his was attempting to develop.

So either false or baseless.
Again, I dont concede either of your suggestions without further research.

I neither accept nor reject the assertion.
But you do accept your "gibberish" comments were not in reference to what I stated regarding magic shrooms inducing new brain cells. Its old news now as of some 8 years or so.

Enumeration of definitions of an entry is common, yes.
Metaphysical-1 by me is what that is.

Embedding references to specific enumerations in normal text isn't common.
Huh?  Your playing mind games to protect your ego, "Metaphysical-1, " is referenced/associated/related to mind/intellect/concepts irrespective of whether I use any enumeration at all. Adding the #1 is for my purposes to make the distinction for people like you or others to see, I make at least four primary definitions.

Your spinning my comments as not common in no way detracts from my conveying a definitive meaning or that your playing a mind game by infering you have no idea what my context Metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts.  Please refuse your ego protection mind games. Makes you look like a snobbish fool. Your choice.

Especially when you don't specific which dictionary you are referring to; different dictionaries order their entries differently.
When I orginally began this enumeration and defintion process, ---early 90's--  I'm not sure there were any internet dictionaries or very rare if there were, ergo  was using dictionarys in my home at that time.

Are you really going to keep playing your inferred, ..'I have no idea what your saying'... mind game DM?  You do to know what my phrase/context means and you ego protection mind games is just snobbery. Plain and simple Spock.  Oh yeah, your no longer using the Spock profile.

Did Spock ever say he was sorry, mistaken or a snob?

I know what the individual words mean.
Metaphysical has multiple definitions and they vary in multiple dictionaries.

What I don't understand is what you mean when you jam them together with slashes and jam them into a sentence willy nilly.
So your great Spock intellect cannot grasp/handle/integrate a slash mark  ---as I and many other humans have used--- to know that mind/intellect/concepts are three words that, if not synonyms, are closely associated/related?

Your still in ego protection mode Spock.  Does Spock have and ego? Does Spocks ego ever get in the way of rather simple textual conversation?

It is meaningless and nonsensical.
What is meaningless your defensive ego protection snob mode.  You do to know what I  mean, and like so many others would rather play snobbish mind games than have significantly relevant disscussion.  Mind games can be fun, until ego gets in the way.

PLease share when you have any rational logical common sense of relevant significance, that, actually adds to or invalidates any of my comments as presented. You have made only partial attempts to do so.

drafterman's avatar
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I've gone round and round with you before. Adding numbers and joining words by slashes makes your statements nonsensical. Don't bother replying to me if you don't intend to speak clearly or explicitly define what you mean by this unique notation. Or you could just write like a normal person.
ebuc's avatar
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I've gone round and round with you before. Adding numbers and joining words by slashes makes your statements nonsensical. Don't bother replying to me if you don't intend to speak clearly or explicitly define what you mean by this unique notation. Or you could just write like a normal person.
Your ego protection working overtime. You have no desire to have rational, logical common sense disscussion with me  because;

1} you have none to offer in regards to you above statements,

2} your lack Spocks intellectual integrity,

3} you do have Spocks snobbish, ego protecting, modus operandi,

3} you do not have morals of fair play, in regards to ebuc,

4} ..' you do to know what I mean '... contrary to defensive wall of ego based mind-game-of-denials. Sad :--(,

5} ?

blamonkey's avatar
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Your theory doesn't account for the millions of instances in which people don't experience increased intellectual capacity as a result of brain injury or psychological malady. The Brain Trauma Foundation reports that there are approximately 2.5 million people who experience brain trauma every year. Most of them will never acquire "accidental genius." As drafterman already explained, the vast majority of people with severe brain trauma will be reduced to human vegetables. In fact, Doctor Treffert wrote for the Wisconsin Medical Society and noted that in some cases of brain trauma that led to savant-like characteristics:

"...there has been no trade-off at all with the emergence of newfound skills."

Some lab tests have confirmed that autistic people's neural activity differs from that of the general public (3). This might lend some credence to your theory, but I doubt it is as simple as you make it seem. For one thing, not all autistic people are savants, and not all savants are autistic. In fact, 50% of savants are not autistic according to the Wisconsin Medical Society (2). Dr. Treffert, in a separate post, denotes 2 prominent theories that tend to explain the acquired savant syndrome. The first one is damage to the left hemisphere of the brain, and the other possibility is that all savant-like characteristics are born out of trauma. In the latter scenario, people with prodigious abilities and yet debilitating psychological issues would experience pre-natal trauma which allows savantism to surface (4). Again, this would not account for the millions of people who experience brain trauma who do not receive skills and talents.

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The Brain Trauma Foundation

That's a pretty specific thing to build a whole foundation around lol.