You couldn't make it up.

Author: Stephen


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Greyparrot's avatar
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You aren't even pretending to hide your blatant racism today.

Islam is a primitive culture.

White-skinned Muslims with EU DNA suck too.
Greyparrot's avatar
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To a leftist, all cultures are racial.

Even nations like Mexico are composed of people of a singular unique genetic race.
ethang5's avatar
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And they have no clue they are exposing their blatant racism with that bit of science ignorant stupidity.

I bet you most liberals missed Biden's flub on "black kids" being the opposite of smart kids, until the non-fake press pointed it out. They suffer from the same bias.
Greyparrot's avatar
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If you were to randomly DNA sample 2 Mexican citizens, the results would be wildly dissimilar. Genetic mixing has increased exponentially with advances in travel over the last 300 years.
ethang5's avatar
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Hey Greyparrot, you aren't even pretending to hide your blatant racism today.

Why are you so racist against Mexicans?
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Ok. so christians are murdering muslims for their money and oil, muslims are killing christians to defend themselves, their people, and their religion. And you think Islam is the problem? You have messed up priorities

Do I have to keep repeating myself?  The last time I checked it had a lot to do with planes being flown into buildings . Where had American invaded before 9/11.  Take the first gulf war.  Thanks to British  / US-led intervention, Kuwaiti Muslims were spared the horrors of a protracted Iraqi occupation. Yes, "HistoryBuff ", this was Christian countries coming to the aid of a Muslim country that had been invaded by another Muslim country. But you are very silent on this fact aren't you. Then there is the facts that you conveniently ignore the intervention in Kosovo where the CHRISTIAN west (rightly) saved the lives of countless Muslims from Serbian ethnic cleansing.  So stop trying to pile on the conflation, it isn't working.

Quran 8:39And fight them until there is no fitnah and[until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease - then indeed,Allah is Seeing of what they do.
A couple of things,
1) there are different translations of this. Fitnah is often translation as persecution. So this quote is telling them to fight the other religions that were persecuting muslims. IE defend yourselves. 

Stop telling lies. it is clear as day, the instruction is there for anyone to read. It is a clear instruction to fight "untill all religion is for Allah"

2) Do you think that chrisianity doesn't tell christians to convert the infidels?

It doesn't. And the Christ does not instruct its followers to kill anyone simply for not believing in him. And you will never be able to prove otherwise. One the other hand Allah and Muhammad and the Quran promote and encourage violence and murder towards anyone who doesn't believe in him or his so called prophet Muhammad.

Pretending like this kind of message is somehow bad for muslims but fine for christians is incredibly biased. 
I don't have to "pretend" anything. The facts are there, written plane as day. you just want to deny them. Then Quran preaches violence  AND intolerance towards the non believer - Christianity and the Christ does not. 

The new testament isn't based on reality. There is nothing in there that has anything to do with the real world. it is about morality tales.
So you have already said. and I asked SO, what's your point? 

The quran was written as messages for people about the real world.

I agree. And many of the people of this world who happen to be Muslim follow it to the letter, because like you, they believe it to be real and full of direct instructions from their god Allah, don't they.

It was written in a period when they were fighting on multiple fronts against pretty much everyone else. So yeah, it is going to have a different tone.
 A different tone !???  It is COMPLETELY the opposite to what Christianity teaches. And the many adherents to Islam still read it as if it was written yesterday. And the reason this is happening is because the instructions written in the Quran cannot be changed; ever. The quran is the last, final and UNALTERABLE word of Allah according to Muslims. It matters not when and why it was written.   

But you are. you have said you won't watch the clip because of who is presenting the facts while ignoring the origin of the facts.
Who is presenting them is critically important because they can use them in ways that weren't intended or out of context to prop up idiotic arguments. If the the person using the fact cannot be trusted, then you shouldn't give them the time of day. That man is a waste of time,

You are a bigot. You don't have to take the word of a Jew. you can read the well respected research of Pew Research, for yourself. but it is becoming more than obvious, you simply can not face the facts.

Yes, well. I have already covered the "tiny minorty" theory, above and you have chosen to ignore it.
lol a handful of muslims engage in terrorism and you think you can paint almost 2 billion people as violent. You are delusional if you think you have rationally explained this. 

Yes you keep trying to tell me I am blaming ALL Muslims. This is a very old bull shit argument from some who simply cannot defend himself or his argument when it comes to fact. Listen. I know it is not ALL Muslims who are committing the violence preached and promoted by the Quran. But I also know that it is more that a fkn "handful" of Muslims.  Most Muslims I have to agree are peaceful but the peaceful majority are irrelevant.

Not all Germans were Nazis; the majority were peaceful , but it didn't stop the MINORITY causing the deaths of over 60 million men, women and children including over 16 MILLION in death camps. The peaceful German majority were irrelevant. My point is that  no matter how you try to play down the threat that Islam poses to the western world the threat is large and looming.   It took only 19 radical Muslims to murder over 3,000 people on 9/11 and bring a city to its knees. Something I am sure MILLIONS of Muslims were proud of that day, even though THE MAJORITY had no direct hand in.

The british government, and it's soldiers, are engaged in suppressing and attacking muslims.
Engaging and suppressing!??? Where are they doing that. 

The terrorists were fighting back against that in one of the few ways available to them.

You say this as if America and Britain had just marched into these countries unprovoked. America and it allies were asked (begged) by the State of Kuwait - a MUSLIM country-  to assist in expelling a much, much larger MUSLIM force who had taken over and occupied it FOR IT OIL !!!!!!

Ok while we are on the subject of "engaging and suppressing". Who invaded Coptic Egypt lands and killed millions of Copts to become MUSLIM majority?   Who invaded Iraq which was Assyrian Christian and killed millions to become MUSLIM majority?   Who invaded Syria to kill Syriac Orthodox to become MUSLIM majority?   Who invaded Constantinople and wiped out millions of native Byzantines to become MUSLIM majority?

Who invaded Persia through the sword and killed millions to convert Zoroastrians to Sunni Islam?   Who reconquered Sunni Persia and killed millions to convert them to Sharia Islam?  Who invaded Afghanistan and killed and drove out the Buddhists? Who killed 1 million in East Timor during the Indonesian occupation? Who killed 2 million Sudanese Christians? And who is committing terrorism in Russia,China,India,Philippines,Nigeria,Kenya,Western world and the entire Middle East?    And btw...who is committing the genocide of Yazidis? The Christians already chased out ofIraq and Syria by Muslims and lost their homes. Also there were 25% of Christians in Bethlehem. Today under Abbas, the Christians had already shrink down to 4%.Same thing happened in Gaza. Christians were persecuted in Gaza and only inIsrael are they protected. Christians are in the minority in Palestine now. How is it that Christians were able to give independence to Chechyna and Palestine? It is a laughing stock when Christians were so persecuted and such a minority in Bethlehem, they can give independence to anyone.

SO STOP the victim hood. Islam is violent, it teaches violence and tolerance of other religion, PERIOD!!!! 


You are pointing to the actions of a small number of muslims and trying to paint the entire religion as violent.

The entire so called religion , is violent, it is a very violent ideology . And try as you may to deny this FACT It preaches VIOLENCE 

The british empire.......

There were many MUSLIM empires and CENTURIES before a British Empire or a United States of America were even thought of. I thought you were supposed to be an "HistoryBuff"?

They massacred them. You want to pretend like islam is evil for doing the exact same things christianity did. 
I agree. But I notice again you are talking past tense with Christianity by using the word "did". And like I have always said, the medieval Christians were doing completely the opposite to what their god Jesus instructed. Nowhere in the New Testament will you read instructions from the Christ telling his followers to go out into the world to commit rape , robbery and murder IN HIS NAME. The same simply CANNOT be said for the god of Islam and Muhammad.
 Islam is still preached and  practiced today as it was at its conception. That is , to "fight and kill until all religion is for Allah".

A quick read tells me they conquered it from the persians. The locals then continued to rebel against the muslims and that was why the sword was used, to stop rebellions, not to forcibly convert them.

Stop talking shite. The whole purpose of holy Jihad is to covert the world to Islam and by the sword if necessary. "Persians " which are Iranians to day. Iranians from the ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAN. The most dangerous country on the planet IMO

so when pope's called for the enslaving or murder of non Christians,
Past tense again , I notice. you are desperate to contextualise 21st century Christianity with an ancient 7th century ideology. It wasn't that long ago that pope Benedict called for peace across the middle east.  Hardly a call to war was it?

you think that is evidence that Christianity is evil as well right?

I said Christianity does NOT teach evil. LEAR TO FKN read

because otherwise you are a massive hypocrite. 

Nope. Read slowly   C-h-r-i-s-t-i-a-n-S have acted evil and done a multitude of evil things and all against the teachings of the Christ.. I have said that numerous time now but you just refuse to see that. Islam actually TEACHES violence against none believers. Deny this as many times as you like but it won't change the fact.

Greyparrot's avatar
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The only peaceful Muslims are the ones that do not practice the religion's doctrine from the Koran.

If only there was a way to tell the fake Muslims from the real ones. Alas.
Stephen's avatar
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Watch what the liberals will do. They will make a ridiculous excuse for Khan, find some other loon to champion, and go right on being as stupid as ever. And innocents will keep dying as they ship more and more of these primitive morons into the country, and call conservatives who oppose them, massive hypocrites.

Just watch.

You are preaching to the converted ethang. I know exactly how these twats work and nothing at all will change. Boris Johnson will spout the usual Quranic verse that all world leaders spout and the libtards will still call him a racist, bigot who is suffering from  "islamophobia". I will give one thing to Johnson, he did admit once that "Islam is a problem" . I am sure though, now he is PM he will change his tune when pulled up on the comment and he will be pressured by the muslims in his party to retract and apologise for his honest comment, as is usually the case.. 

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as they ship more and more of these primitive morons into the country, 
You aren't even pretending to hide your blatant racism today.

Islam isn't a race, you fool, as much as you wish it to be.

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The only peaceful Muslims are the ones that do not practice the religion's doctrine from the Koran.

I agree, but again Islam has them by the bollocks because they - those Muslims who do not practice the Islamic religious doctrine-  are, and will be accused of being "apostates"  for which the penalty is death.

If only there was a way to tell the fake Muslims from the real ones. Alas.

 Alas indeed.
ethang5's avatar
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The only peaceful Muslims are the ones that do not practice the religion's doctrine from the Koran.
We wouldn't have to worry about it at all if we let then stay in their horrible countries.

Why do we need primitive morons who think women are cattle and people should be dismembered for petty theft?
disgusted's avatar
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But Usman Khan, alas, turned out to be a Muslim jihadi sleeper.And he had conned everyone.
You have no evidence for this claim.

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Or that women should murdered for fucking.
Did someone say christian.
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You mean ignorant religious bigotry not racism.
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The last time I checked it had a lot to do with planes being flown into buildings .
You would be wrong. Did the taliban do that? nope. Did iraq do that? nope. Did Iran do that? nope. It was primarily Saudi citizens that funded and carried out that attack, yet america is bombing muslims all over the world, notably not in Saudi Arabia though. 9/11 may have been a catalyst for american imperialism, but that doesn't explain the large majority of america's actions. 

Stop telling lies. it is clear as day, the instruction is there for anyone to read. It is a clear instruction to fight "untill all religion is for Allah"
The 1st sentence is "until there is no persecution". So until other religions stop persecuting muslims. That is defensive. 

It doesn't. And the Christ does not instruct its followers to kill anyone simply for not believing in him.
So when the pope's called for crusades against the infidels you think that was just for fun? You seem to be REALLY selective in which things should count and which shouldn't. Keep in mind you also argued that things that aren't in the koran should count against muslims. 

Then Quran preaches violence  AND intolerance towards the non believer - Christianity and the Christ does not. 
The Quran primarily teaches muslims to defend themselves. It was written at a time when they were being attacked from all sides. Christianity also taught people to commit acts of violence. I mean various popes have called for crusades, the sanctioned slavery etc. 

So you have already said. and I asked SO, what's your point? 
That it is easy to take the high road when you aren't writing about reality. When you are giving practical instructions about how to live in the real world, and especially when that world is that you are under attack on all sides, it is much harder to only preach about peace and love. 

 A different tone !???  It is COMPLETELY the opposite to what Christianity teaches. And the many adherents to Islam still read it as if it was written yesterday.
No, it is more or less the same religion. They just have more practically useful things, like about how you should defend yourself. The bible includes no information about the real world at all. 

You are a bigot. You don't have to take the word of a Jew.
I didn't even know he was jewish. That is not a detail that should matter. Calling someone a bigot then making your argument about their religion just makes you a bigot. 

you can read the well respected research of Pew Research, for yourself. but it is becoming more than obvious, you simply can not face the facts.
You did not provide any link to it. You only provided a link to a video by a right wing nut job.  

I know it is not ALL Muslims who are committing the violence preached and promoted by the Quran. But I also know that it is more that a fkn "handful" of Muslims.
It's a tiny fraction of the 2 billion muslims in the world. So yes, it is a handful when you take the total size of the population into account. 

Not all Germans were Nazis; the majority were peaceful , but it didn't stop the MINORITY causing the deaths of over 60 million men
This is kind of my point. You are saying islam is evil because a small fraction of them do evil things. That would be like saying germans are evil because a small fraction of them took part in the holocaust. It is a weak argument. 

Engaging and suppressing!??? Where are they doing that. 

You say this as if America and Britain had just marched into these countries unprovoked.
They did. They invaded afganistan rather than negotiate with the afgan government. They invaded Iraq for no reason at all. They destabilized Syria leading to years of civil war. They regularly carry out drone strikes all over the middle east which primarily kill civilians. They back the Saudi's in their genocidal war against the Houthi's. The list goes on and on and on. 

There were many MUSLIM empires and CENTURIES before a British Empire or a United States of America were even thought of. I thought you were supposed to be an "HistoryBuff"?
Man, you move goal posts REALLY fast. You said the muslim empire was the largest known. I pointed out 4 larger empires and your response is "yeah but they were later". that is just sad.
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 It was primarily Saudi citizens that funded and carried out that attack,

That would be Muslims  in the name of Allah. 

The 1st sentence is "until there is no persecution". So until other religions stop persecuting Muslims. That is defensive. 

Bullshit!!  Tell me; what were Muslims "defending" when they invaded west into Europe, North into the Caucuses and east into the Indian subcontinent?  and that verse also say "untill ALL RELIGION is for Allah" stop trying to deny that important part of the verse.

Sahih International: And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease - then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do.

So when the pope's called for crusades against the infidels you think that was just for fun?

I have no need to be selective. I was actually waiting for you to bring up the crusades as all apologist for Islam often do.The crusades were in direct response to Muslim invasion deep into the West and into the holy lands by MUSLIMS who were converting by the sword as they went.. I thought you were a "history Buff".

Then Quran preaches violence  AND intolerance towards the non believer - Christianity and the Christ does not. 
The Quran primarily teaches muslims to defend themselves.

It may well do. BUT  it also teaches intolerance of anyone not Muslim. Stop trying to play down this fact as if you and Muslims have been persecuted all you fkn life , You haven't. 

It was written at a time when they were being attacked from all sides. 

And it teaches violence towards anyone not muslim. You keep repeating yourself but it doesn't and won't change the text of the Quran. It is a vile book of violence that is still being adhered to by MILLIONS of muslims.

Christianity also taught people to commit acts of violence.

 How many times!!!!!  IT DOES NOT! Show me where in the Christian New Testament that the Christ, the god of the Christians, instructs his followers to go out into the world and rape, rob, and murder anyone who doesn't believe in him or isn't Christian. AS DOES THE QURAN!

I mean various popes have called for crusades, the sanctioned slavery etc.

Yes I have covered the crusades above. Did you miss it?  So again, the crusades were a direct result of Muslim invasion into the West, deep into France  Spain and Germany and into the Christian holy lands. and very recently "Pope Francis has called in his Easter address for an end to "carnage" in Syria and "reconciliation" in the Middle East. He also named several other nations, including Yemen and DR Congo, as needing the "fruits of peace."
This is because Christianity has reformed and dragged itself into the 21st century, which is something Islam cannot do. do you research "HistoryBUFF"!!!!1

That it is easy to take the high road when you aren't writing about reality.

Are you saying that the attack in London recently wasn't really carried out by a Muslim. Are you saying that Islam was not really behind the attacks in Paris and not really carried out by Muslims in the name of Islam?  Because it is,   and was,  all very real and happening in reality from where I am seeing it. Are you saying the slayers of Lee Rigby were not Muslims in reality. Are you saying they weren't really reciting from the quran as they went about trying to remove his head in broad daylight . it is you who needs to get real and wake up. Islam is vile, the quran is vile, It preaches violence and intolerance and no matter how many times you try to justify these violent acts carried out in the name of  Allah and Islam by Muslim this fact won't go away.

When you are giving practical instructions about how to live in the real world, and especially when that world is that you are under attack on all sides, it is much harder to only preach about peace and love.

Stop it. The only peace and love the quran teaches is love and peace from one Muslim to another and no one else.

 A different tone !???  It is COMPLETELY the opposite to what Christianity teaches. And the many adherents to Islam still read it as if it was written yesterday.
No, it is more or less the same religion.
Stop telling Lies. They are nothing alike and you cannot show me how they are remotely alike.

you can read the well respected research of Pew Research, for yourself. but it is becoming more than obvious, you simply can not face the facts.
You did not provide any link to it.  

I have given you a complete link directly to  Pew Research. besides, if you were really interested in the facts, you would have and could have simply googled Pew research yourself, but you have proven to be averse to the facts and the truth

I know it is not ALL Muslims who are committing the violence preached and promoted by the Quran. But I also know that it is more that a fkn "handful" of Muslims.
It's a tiny fraction of the 2 billion muslims in the world. So yes, it is a handful when you take the total size of the population into account. 


Not all Germans were Nazis; the majority were peaceful , but it didn't stop the MINORITY causing the deaths of over 60 million men
This is kind of my point. You are saying islam is evil because a small fraction of them do evil things.

That is correct. It has caused people - muslims- to commit atrocities because IT CALLS FOR MUSLIMS TO COMMIT ATROCITIES. And it is not just a small number stop trying to play it down. the figures for England alone are over 35,000 Muslim jihadist.

"Britain is home to 35,000 Islamist fanatics, more than any other country in Europe, the EU anti-terror chief has said.
Gilles de Kerchove warned that of those, 3,000 were “'worrying” for MI5".

Engaging and suppressing!??? Where are they doing that. 
I don't agree . Let me see you evidence for this engagement and suppressing of Iraq.  but I suggest you do a little homework first "HistoryBuff".

You say this as if America and Britain had just marched into these countries unprovoked.
They did. They invaded afganistan rather than negotiate with the afgan government.

Not true. They harbored Bin Laden AFTER 9/11 and wouldn't give him up. They let him flee to Pakistani another Islamic country, who let him "hide" right opposite a police station and an army barracks. Clever guy was old bin liner, i must say.

There were many MUSLIM empires and CENTURIES before a British Empire or a United States of America were even thought of. I thought you were supposed to be an "HistoryBuff"?
Man, you move goal posts REALLY fast. You said the muslim empire was the largest known.

Yes I did. And still say they were. The Ottoman Muslims had at least 3 maybe 5 of the largest empires the world has ever known and long lasting. And BEFORE there was ever a British Empire or a United States. how is that moving goalposts?  I think your trouble is that you cannot keep up with what you are saying and what I am replying. My point is that MULSLIMS were building empires well before anyone in the west though about doing the same. FFS get over it. 

I pointed out 4 larger empires and your response is "yeah but they were later". that is just sad.

I haven't said "yeah but they were later." Go back and read the full context. The British empire came into the conversation(by you) and I  simply told you then that there were MUSLIM empires before the British Empire or the United States were even thought about. I find nothing sad about that. But I am pleased you seem to take some comfort from knowing Muslims were among the first empire builders who raped and murdered their way across continents converting  by the sword as they went.

I will admit not to checking everything I believe I remember before I post some things. But none of this actually has any baring on the matter when it comes down to the fact that Islam preaches and encourages violence towards the non believer, does it.

Why won't Islam reform, is what you should be asking yourself, Buffy lad. 

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That would be Muslims  in the name of Allah. 
They were saudi's who had been trained and equipped by the US. 

Bullshit!!  Tell me; what were Muslims "defending" when they invaded west into Europe, North into the Caucuses and east into the Indian subcontinent?
Again, you are blaming muslims for things Christians did just as much if not more. What were christians defending when they invaded the saxons, or africa, or north america, or south america, or india, or china etc. Why do you not see the ridiculous hypocrisy of your position?

I have no need to be selective. I was actually waiting for you to bring up the crusades as all apologist for Islam often do.The crusades were in direct response to Muslim invasion deep into the West and into the holy lands by MUSLIMS who were converting by the sword as they went.. I thought you were a "history Buff".
The muslims conquered the middle east aroung 700 AD. The 1st crusade was in 1096, 400 years later. I think waiting 400 years kind of removes any legitimate way you can say it was a defense. It was conquest, plain and simple. 

It may well do. BUT  it also teaches intolerance of anyone not Muslim. Stop trying to play down this fact as if you and Muslims have been persecuted all you fkn life , You haven't. 
It tells them to protect themselves from other religions because at the time it was written those other religions hated them. That is a perfectly reasonably position to take. 

And it teaches violence towards anyone not muslim. 
No, it teaches to defend yourself against those trying to harm you. And at the time it was written, that was pretty much everyone. 

 How many times!!!!!  IT DOES NOT! Show me where in the Christian New Testament that the Christ, the god of the Christians, instructs his followers to go out into the world and rape, rob, and murder anyone who doesn't believe in him or isn't Christian. 
That argument went out the window when you decided that writings that are not in the Quran should be seen as parts of Islam. If the Hadith are part of Islam, then the terrible, terrible things that Catholic clerics have taught are fair game too. And they have said and done some terrible, terrible shit.

This is because Christianity has reformed and dragged itself into the 21st century, which is something Islam cannot do. do you research "HistoryBUFF"!!!!1
It's easy to preach peaceful co-existence when you are on the side of the people doing the oppressing. Christian countries are, primarily, wealthy and prosperous. They also keep bombing, attacking and undermining muslim countries. it's easy to take the moral high road while you are standing on the other side's neck. 

I have given you a complete link directly to  Pew Research. besides, if you were really interested in the facts, you would have and could have simply googled Pew research yourself, but you have proven to be averse to the facts and the truth
Did you? I didn't see one, I only saw the link to the right wing lunatic. 

Britain is home to 35,000 Islamist fanatics, more than any other country in Europe, the EU anti-terror chief has said.
The number of british muslims is 3,372,966 (estimate for 2017). if 35,000 of them are islamist fanatics, that is about 1% of muslims. I'd say 1% is a small number. 

I don't agree . Let me see you evidence for this engagement and suppressing of Iraq.  but I suggest you do a little homework first "HistoryBuff".
what? do you not watch the news at all. America and the UK invaded Iraq for made up reasons. They toppled the regime and removed all central power. This threw the country into chaos that it still hasn't recovered from. They continue to occupy the country as well. 

Not true. They harbored binladen AFTER 9/11 and wouldn't give him up. They let him flee to Pakistani.
The Taliban offered to turn Bin Laden over if the americans could provide evidence he was guilty. Bush said no and invaded. Once Bush refused to negotiate, why would they turn him over?

Yes I did. And still say they were. The Ottoman Muslims had at least 3 maybe 5 of the largest empires the world has ever known and long lasting. And BEFORE there was ever a British Empire or a United States. how is that moving goalposts?  I think your trouble is that you cannot keep up with what you are saying and what I am replying.
I never moved the goal posts. You said they were the biggest empire ever. i proved you wrong. You are now crying about it.

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I never moved the goal posts...... You are now crying about it.

I didn't say you did and I have nothing to cry about you fool. My argument is sound, your Quran proves me correct. You don't like it.  And none of this  changes the fact that this terrorist was acting in the name of Islam on the instructions of his god and on behalf of Islam as instructed by Quran. I won't continue to repeatedly cover  old ground with you. some come up with something new if you still believe Islam is a religion of peace. I have shown it isn't, never was and never can be and many Muslim terrorist have proven me correct.

You still haven't shown me where in the New Testament where it is the Christ instructs his followers to go out and kill in his name anyone who doesn't believe in him or isn't Christianity as does the barbaric Quran. 
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I grow weary of your constant goal post moving. You criticize muslims for conquest, but won't acknowledge christians did alot of that too. You criticize muslims for writings that aren't in the Quran but won't acknowledge that alot of christian clerics called for the death or enslaving of others too. You point to stats that say like 1% of muslims might be "radical" but insist that it isn't a small minority. 

Your hypocrisy and goal post moving makes this discussion quite tiresome. You clearly have no intention of actually paying attention to what I say (or reality in general) and just want to repeat your bigoted talking points. 
Greyparrot's avatar
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Are you going to acknowledge Greeks and Romans killed for their gods too? Or is that as irrelevant as what happened 500 years ago?

There is only one remaining war religion.
HistoryBuff's avatar
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Are you going to acknowledge Greeks and Romans killed for their gods too? Or is that as irrelevant as what happened 500 years ago?
Of course not. Virtually every religion has had people kill in it's name. Christianity certainly has, so has Islam. That is exactly my point. Islam is no different. 

There is only one remaining war religion.
This is a gross misunderstanding. Islam is not a "war religion" any more than Christianity is. It is a religion of people who are constantly under attack. They therefore frame their defense in religious terms. People use religion as crutch when they are desperate. People in Iraq, Syria, Yemen etc. are very desperate these days, in large part because of america. So trying to paint them as evil because they react to situations America had a big hand in causing is ridiculous. 

The best way to avoid terrorism, is to stop giving them reasons to hate and fight you. Every drone strike, every country america invades only increases the problem. 
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This is a gross misunderstanding. Islam is not a "war religion" 

This EXACTLY what it is: perpetual jihad "untill ALL religion is for Allah".  Deny this as much as you like but YOUR Quran confirms it.

Sahih International: And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease - then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do.

I am still waiting for you to show me where in the Christian New Testament it is that the Christ - the god of the Christians - instructs his followers to murder anyone who is not Christian in his name as does the god of the Quran. 

Get this into your skull bone. Christianity does not teach violence.

The number of british muslims is 3,372,966 (estimate for 2017). if 35,000 of them are islamist fanatics, that is about 1% of muslims. I'd say 1% is a small number. 

Of course you would say, is all you can do to present this vile religion in a good light is play down the figures and wave them away as insignificant . 

If the Hadith are part of Islam, then the terrible, terrible things that Catholic clerics have taught are fair game too. And they have said and done some terrible, terrible shit.

The Hadith ( the saying of the prophet) are a big part of islam or are you denying this?

It still doesn't alter the fact that the ISLAMIC Quran itself instructs its adherents to murder anyone not Muslim. Keep trying. its not working.
I have agreed with you many times now, that  Christians have committed extremely terrible violence in the past. BUT THAT IS NOT MY POINT you absolute numskull. You are purposely avoiding the fact that Christians have not done these atrocities on the STRICT INSTRUCTIONS OF THEIR GOD!!  and you cannot prove to anyone on this planet that they had.

Muslims are committing atrocities on the DIRECT INSTRUCTION FROM THEIR GOD AND THEIR PROPHET , that is  fact.

So back to my original point  that is that IT IS ISLAM that is causing these Muslim fanatics to commit these terrible atrocity.

You are even now trying to deny that the saying of your prophet Muhammad (the hadith)  have nothing to do with Islam.

I don't agree . Let me see you evidence for this engagement and suppressing of Iraq.  but I suggest you do a little homework first "HistoryBuff".

what? do you not watch the news at all. America and the UK invaded Iraq for made up reasons.

Yes absolutely outrageous and should be condemned the world over as it is by many peoples of many countries myself included. And did they do this on the strict instructions of the Christ? 
Are they still in the region in acting out "engagements and oppression?" I was under the impression that had pulled out some years ago.

They toppled the regime and removed all central power.

A dictator who gassed men women and children in the north of the country. But I agree we should not have been there. We should have just let Saddam Hussein and his psychopathic sons carry on murdering and butchering his own people and we in the west should have kept out big noses out of it.  But I am still failing to see the religious aspect you keep inferring  . So I'll ask you yet again, were these invading forces there on the strict instructions of the Jesus the Christ?

They continue to occupy the country as well. 

I think there are just "a handful" of US personal there serving  on advisory capacity only. I couldn't tell you if they are there and serving in this capacity on the strict instructions of Jesus and have been told not to leave. 

I think you have total lost it here. I suggest you read your own words in your own quotes very slowly:

You criticize muslims for conquest, but won't acknowledge christians did alot of that too.

Yes what's your point? Christians have committed terrible violence in the past  I KEEP SAYING SO. BUT NOT ON THE STRICT INSTRUCTIONS OF THEIR BOOK OR THEIR GOD, what the fusk is the matter with you. Why are you refusing to see this BLATANT DIFFERENCE  ???? And How is that hypocritical.

You criticize muslims for writings that aren't in the Quran

This will be the Hadith you are referring to,  which are said to be the words of the ISLAMIC prophet Muhammad won't it. Or are you denying this FACT also? 

but won't acknowledge that alot of christian clerics called for the death or enslaving of others too.

I do. Here you go, christian clerics in the distant past have called for the deaths of others and enslavement of others. But they were not instructed to call for any of this on the instructions of their god Jesus as does the god of Islam and his book. How's that.  

You point to stats that say like 1% of muslims might be "radical" but insist that it isn't a small minority. 

I have agreed that 1% is a minority and that 1% of 1.5 billion Muslims comes to the tiny minority of exactly FIFTEEN MILLION!!!!!  .....

and I have said that the MAJORITY of peaceful are irrelevant and explained why. But you cannot grasp the logic of what it is being told to you. .

PEACEFUL MY ARSE! Sahih al-Bukhari Book 53Hadith 386 Our Prophet, the Messenger of our Lord, has ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah Alone or give Jizya (i.e.tribute),and our Prophet has informed us that our Lord says:-- "Whoever among us is killed (i.e. martyred), shall go to Paradise to lead sucha  luxurious life as he has never seen, and whoever among us remain alive, shall become your master." (Al-Mughira, then blamed An-Numan for delaying theattack and) An-Nu' man said to Al-Mughira, "If you had participated in asimilar battle, in the company of Allah's Apostle he would not have blamed you for waiting, nor would he have disgraced you. But I accompanied Allah's Apostle in many battles and it was his custom that if he did not fight early by daytime, he would wait till the wind had started blowing and the time for the prayer was due (i.e. after midday)."

Pope calls for peace in Syria and across the Middle East

Pope Francis has called in his Easter address for an end to "carnage" in Syria and "reconciliation" in the Middle East. He also named several other nations, including Yemen and DR Congo, as needing the "fruits of peace."

You see^^^^^^^^^^

Christianity has dragging itself into the 21st century. Islam is unable to and not allowed to do so.  So you just keep denying and playing whataboutery. It does not work. the Islamic ideology (so called religion) is vile and it is murderous as proven most recently by the attacks on two kids on London bridge in the name of ISLAM  
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This EXACTLY what it is: perpetual jihad "untill ALL religion is for Allah".  Deny this as much as you like but YOUR Quran confirms it.
1st, I'm not muslim. I was raised christian. I'm just not a bigot. 2nd, the Koran says to defend yourselves. And to muslims, both christians and jews also believe in Allah. It just means god. 

Get this into your skull bone. Christianity does not teach violence.
Oh, so when an "infallible" religious official orders Christians to kill Muslims, that isn't Christianity teaching violence? You have some really skewed views.

Of course you would say, is all you can do to present this vile religion in a good light is play down the figures and wave them away as insignificant . 
lol I showed how your statistic is proving my point (that a tiny fraction of the muslim popultion is violent or "extreme"). You just want that 1% of the population to be all we look at. 

The Hadith ( the saying of the prophet) are a big part of islam or are you denying this?
But they are not the Koran. The pope, and the things they have said, are a big part of christianity. Are you denying this?

I think there are just "a handful" of US personal there serving  on advisory capacity only. I couldn't tell you if they are there and serving in this capacity on the strict instructions of Jesus and have been told not to leave. 
They invade the country for no reason, caused chaos and massive numbers of death, set up a puppet government and still have thousands of troops on the ground. 

I KEEP SAYING SO. BUT NOT ON THE STRICT INSTRUCTIONS OF THEIR BOOK OR THEIR GOD, what the fusk is the matter with you. Why are you refusing to see this BLATANT DIFFERENCE  ???? And How is that hypocritical.
Lol so it is fine for a Christian to kill for god as long as it isn't written in a book. But when a muslim kills for god their religion is evil because someone wrote down that they should defend themselves. That is insane levels of hypocrisy. 

This will be the Hadith you are referring to,  which are said to be the words of the ISLAMIC prophet Muhammad won't it. Or are you denying this FACT also? 
The Hadith were written generations after the prophet mohommad's death. By people who had never met him. They are no different that the teachings of the catholic church after jesus' death. So when a pope, who catholics believe is infallible, says to kill muslims that should hold just as much weight as the hadith. So if you want to point to what clerics said long after the death of mohammad, I will point to what catholic clerics said long after the death of jesus. 

But they were not instructed to call for any of this on the instructions of their god Jesus as does the god of Islam and his book. How's that.  
But the pope is supposed to be infallible and speak with the voice of god. When he calls for the murder of other religions, that is supposed to be the word of god. 

and I have said that the MAJORITY of peaceful are irrelevant and explained why. But you cannot grasp the logic of what it is being told to you. .
Lol this is just sad. You claim to understand that 99% of muslims are peaceful, but still want to paint islam as a violent religion. 

Stephen's avatar
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 the Koran says to defend yourselves.
It also says kill anyone who doesn't believe in Allah and his prophet Muhammad untill all religion is for Allah, don't forget that part, will you.

We have covered this already a few times now and I have also asked you what MUSLIMS were "defending" when they invaded Spain, France, Germany, the Caucuses, and the Christian Holy Land but you have failed to answer that simple question.

And to muslims, both  christians and jews also believe in Allah. It just means god. 

Stop making shite up. Devout Christians follow the teachings of the Christ  who preaches nothing at all about murder rape and slavery.   Islam is vile it teaches violence. PERIOD!!!!

Oh, so when an "infallible" religious official orders Christians to kill Muslims, that isn't Christianity teaching violence?

Correct.  You are catching on, although at an extremely slow pace.

Lol so it is fine for a Christian to kill for god as long as it isn't written in a book. 
No. And I haven't said so. Stop attempting to put words into my mouth . The New Testament  does not teach violence; how many fkn times. The Quran makes it perfectly clear what it expects of its followers.


PEACEFUL MY ARSE! Sahih al-Bukhari Book 53Hadith 386 “Our Prophet, the Messenger of our Lord, has ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah Alone or give Jizya (i.e.tribute),and our Prophet has informed us that our Lord says:-- "Whoever among us is killed (i.e. martyred), shall go to Paradise to lead sucha  luxurious life as he has never seen, and whoever among us remain alive, shall become your master." (Al-Mughira, then blamed An-Numan for delaying theattack and) An-Nu' man said to Al-Mughira, "If you had participated in asimilar battle, in the company of Allah's Apostle he would not have blamed you for waiting, nor would he have disgraced you. But I accompanied Allah's Apostle in many battles and it was his custom that if he did not fight early by daytime, he would wait till the wind had started blowing and the time for the prayer was due (i.e. after midday)."


PEACEFUL MY ARSE!v International: And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease - then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do.

The Hadith were written generations after the prophet mohommad's death.

 I have asked you twice already so for the third time,,  are you now saying that the Hadith are not the words and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad? YES or NO? READ THIS FIRST>>>>Hadith, Arabic Ḥadīth (“News” or “Story”), also spelled Hadīt, record of the traditions or sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, revered and received as a major source of religious law and moral guidance, second only to the authority of the Qurʾān, the holy book of Islam.

But the pope is supposed to be infallible and speak with the voice of god.

Who said, YOU!? The pope is only a man in a fancy fkn dress. We have moved on here in the West. Aren't you lucky then that you are not a Muslim  trapped in a backward 7th century religious ideology that is vile and murderous that suppress women and murders homosexuals and non believers and those who wish to leave this vile ideology altogether. It is governments that send people into war in the West these days. Not some screaming religious lunatic Ayatollah, shouting for the murder of a novelist or cartoonist . FKN grow up. You are attempting to defend the indefensible and failing.

When he calls for the murder of other religions, that is supposed to be the word of god.

You are becoming boring end extremely nauseating. I have to keep telling you the same thing over and over. The Pope recently called for peace in the middle east. He didn't call for FKN jihad.Read slowly   C-h-r-i-s-t-i-a-n-S have acted evil and done a multitude of evil things and all against the teachings of the Christ.. I have said that numerous time now but you just refuse to see that. Islam actually TEACHES violence against none believers. Deny this as many times as you like but it won't change the fact.

LOOK>>>>>>>  Pope calls for peace in Syria and across the Middle East

Pope Francis has called in his Easter address for an end to "carnage" in Syria and "reconciliation" in the Middle East. He also named several other nations, including Yemen and DR Congo, as needing the "fruits of peace."

You see^^^^^^^^^^

Christianity has dragging itself into the 21st century. Islam is unable to and not allowed to do so.  So you just keep denying and playing whataboutery. It does not work. the Islamic ideology (so called religion) is vile and it is murderous as proven most recently by the attacks on two kids on London bridge in the name of ISLAM  

You claim to understand that 99% of muslims are peaceful, but still want to paint islam as a violent religion. 

This is what I mean by you not being able to grasp what it is that is being said. Even if 99% of Muslims are peaceful it still leaves over TEN  MILLION that are not and the peaceful 99% are irrelevant. HOW MANY FKN TIMES do you need this simple logic explained to you.  

So. questions you have failed to answer.

Were in the New Testament can we read of the Christ Jesus instructing his followers to go out into the world and kill in his name anyone who does not believe in him or is not Christian?

Are you telling us that the Hadith (the saying of the prophet Muhammad) are not true, not his sayings, and are nothing to do with Islam?

What were Muslims "defending" when they invaded West into Germany, Spain, France, the Caucuses, the Christian Holy land and East into the Indian subcontinent and far east as China? 

Why can't Islam reform?

What is the penalty for apostasy in Islam? 

Should the Hadith ( the sayings of the prophet Muhammad) be ignored and discarded as not being anything to do with Islam?
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It also says kill anyone who doesn't believe in Allah and his prophet Muhammad untill all religion is for Allah, don't forget that part, will you.
no it doesn't. please stop lying. 

Stop making shite up. Devout Christians follow the teachings of the Christ  who preaches nothing at all about murder rape and slavery.   Islam is vile it teaches violence. PERIOD!!!!
lol you really know very little about islam do you? Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the same god. The method in which they do so is slightly different. Islam teaches that muslims should defend themselves. 

Oh, so when an "infallible" religious official orders Christians to kill Muslims, that isn't Christianity teaching violence?

Correct.  You are catching on, although at an extremely slow pace.
Wow, you are just straight out admitting your hypocrisy now? So when a muslim cleric writes something that is evidence of what islam is. When a catholic cleric writes something that doesn't count, because.... reasons. lol. this is just sad. 

No. And I haven't said so. Stop attempting to put words into my mouth . The New Testament  does not teach violence; how many fkn times. The Quran makes it perfectly clear what it expects of its followers.
But your point is still stupid. Christians have carried out just as much, if not more, violence in the name of god as Islam. But you want Islam to be evil but Chistianity is blameless. How can you be this hypocritical and not see it?

 I have asked you twice already so for the third time,,  are you now saying that the Hadith are not the words and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad?
No, not really. I mean they were written generations after his death, how could they possibly be accurate? Just as the bible was written generations after the death of Jesus. It isn't accurate either. 

Who said, YOU!? The pope is only a man in a fancy fkn dress just like a Ayatollah  FFS grow up.
The catholic church says that. And since catholics make up the majority of chrisitans in the world, that is the main position. If you are a christian and deny that, then you are in the minority. 

The Pope recently called for peace in the middle east. He didn't call for FKN jihad.
But he did. In 1097. The pope called for the 1st Jihad, they just called it a crusade. And the people calling for Jihad now, primarily have no religious authority to do so. You are pointing to random people and expecting me to believe they represent the entire religion when most muslims detest what they are doing. There are lots of christians who are bigots and would love to go on a holy war. But I am not foolish enough to believe they represent Christianity. 

This is what I mean by you not being able to grasp what it is that is being said. Even if 99% of Muslims are peaceful it still leaves over TEN  MILLION that are not and the peaceful 99% are irrelevant. HOW MANY FKN TIMES do you need this simple logic explained to you.  
I never claimed there weren't violent muslims. But 1% cannot be said to be representative of the group. 1% is a tiny minority. Trying to blame the entire group for the actions of a tiny fraction (1% is a tiny fraction) is insane and bigoted. All people like you are doing is convincing muslims that there is no way to live peacefully with christians, which just increases the violence. You are part of the problem.

Were in the New Testament can we read of the Christ Jesus instructing his followers to go out into the world and kill in his name anyone who does not believe in him or is not Christian?
There are lots of christian teachings that aren't in the bible. You are happy to use the teachings outside the quran, but for some reason chrisitianity needs to be judged differently. That is what most people call hypocrisy. 

Are you telling us that the Hadith (the saying of the prophet Muhammad) are not true, not his sayings, and are nothing to do with Islam?
no. But if you want to include the Hadith, then I am going to include what other catholic clerics teach too since you want to include extra stuff.

What were Muslims "defending" when they invaded West into Germany, Spain, France, the Caucuses, the Christian Holy land and East into the Indian subcontinent and far east as China? 
I never claiming muslims didn't conquer places. What I keep saying that this is no different than when Christians did the EXACT SAME THING. Why is Islam violent and Christianity is not when they both have killed for their religion?

Why can't Islam reform?
Reform comes when you are economically prosperous. America and European countries keep toppling them, invading them, bombing them etc. That continues a cycle of desperation and violence that stifles reform. You want muslims to stop being violent? Stop attacking them. 

What is the penalty for apostasy in Islam?
In Christianity it is death by fire. Are you really going to argue that Islam is worse?
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It also says kill anyone who doesn't believe in Allah and his prophet Muhammad untill all religion is for Allah, don't forget that part, will you.
no it doesn't. please stop lying. 

No, that will be you telling fkn lies. Here just a few you have forgot to mention;

 (5:51), “kill the disbelievers wherever we find them”
(2:191), “murder them and treat them harshly”
(9:123), “fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem”.

lol you really know very little about islam do you? Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the same god.

Jesus is the god of Christians. Allah is the god of Muslims. this is a plain fact. 

Islam teaches that muslims should defend themselves. 

It also calls for murder  against those who do not believe in Allah and his prophet. Here are just a few verses you have again forgot to mention;

9:5). The Qur’an demands that Muslim fight the unbelievers, and promises “If there are twenty amongst you, you will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, you will vanquish a thousand of them”
(8:65).Allah and his messenger want Muslims to fight the Christians and the Jews “until they pay the Jizya [a penalty tax for the non-Muslims living under Islamic rules] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued”
(9:29).Allah and his messenger announce that it is acceptable for Muslims to go back on  promises (treaties) and obligations with Pagans and make war on them whenever we find ourselves strong enough to do so (9:3).
Allah the Muslim God tells muslims to “fight the unbelievers” and that “He will punish them by our hands, cover them with shame and help us (to victory) over them” (9:14).

So when a muslim cleric writes something that is evidence of what islam is. When a catholic cleric writes something that doesn't count, because.... reasons. lol. this is just sad. 

My word,  you really are fkd up aren't you. You really need to take in what it is that I write. When the Hadith (i.e. the sayings prophet Muhammad) screams for war and murder against the non believer, he is simply restating both what the QURAN and ALLAH states .  A Christian bishop or pope on the other hand, is not quoting the Christian scriptures or the words of  the Chrsitain god Jesus. AS I KEEP SAYING, you will not read anywhere in the Christian scriptures Jesus telling anyone to wage  war and murder in his name  AS DOES THE BARBARIC QURAN. KEEP TRYING STUPID!

No. And I haven't said so. Stop attempting to put words into my mouth . The New Testament  does not teach violence; how many fkn times. The Quran makes it perfectly clear what it expects of its followers.
But your point is still stupid.

No It is a fact. a fact that I have to keep repeating to you because you seem to miss it every time I write it.

Christians have carried out just as much, if not more, violence in the name of god as Islam.

HOW MANY MORE TIMES?  The have, but not on the strict instructions of their lord and savior Jesus the Christ. And you cannot point to a single verse in the Christian scriptures where the Christian god does so. Unlike the Quran, where one can find are over 100 verses instructing  Muslims to kill non believers.

But you want Islam to be evil but Chistianity is blameless. How can you be this hypocritical and not see it?

Stop being so fkn childish. I want nothing of the sort. I would like Islam to be the peaceful religion that YOU and many western word leaders pretend it to be. But it isn't and it can't be. Not until facts are faced and this accursed vile ideology is somehow reformed. but it cannot be reformed can it.?

 I have asked you twice already so for the third time,,  are you now saying that the Hadith are not the words and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad?
No, not really. I mean they were written generations after his death, how could they possibly be accurate?

I wasn't asking about the accuracy of the Hadith. I was asking if or not they are the words of Muhammad?

But the pope is supposed to be infallible and speak with the voice of god.

Who said, YOU!? The pope is only a man in a fancy fkn dress just like a Ayatollah  FFS grow up.

The catholic church says that. And since catholics make up the majority of chrisitans in the world, that is the main position. If you are a christian and deny that, then you are in the minority. 
I would like to see your evidence for that stupid and outrageous statement. "speaks with the voice of god"??? what absolute crap. I do deny it and you won't find a single devout Christian that agrees with such bollocks. Show me the documentation that gives authority to the pope to speak for god or is the voice of god. The role of the pope is no secret, he is simply the head of the Catholic Church elected by other very worldly human beings and  not by god., he is not the voice of god. hahahhahahahhahahhah  my ribs are killing me.  Show me where " The catholic church says that." the pope is the voice of god. 

The Pope recently called for peace in the middle east. He didn't call for FKN jihad.
But he did. In 1097. But he did. In 1097. The pope called for the 1st Jihad, they just called it a crusade.

I make that nearly a thousand years ago. And in a direct response to Muslim invasion into the Chrsitain holy land.  Do I have to keep repeating myself?. Ok here you go, and since nearly a thousand years ago the Pope recently called for peace in the middle east. He didn't call for FKN jihad. 

This is what I mean by you not being able to grasp what it is that is being said. Even if 99% of Muslims are peaceful it still leaves over TEN  MILLION that are not and the peaceful 99% are irrelevant. HOW MANY FKN TIMES do you need this simple logic explained to you.  
I never claimed there weren't violent muslims. But 1% cannot be said to be representative of the group..........1% is a tiny minority.

And I will have to repeat myself again. You really are becoming a boring bastard now. The 1% amount that you refer to as  "a tiny minor" amounts to 15000000 can you read that number?  here you go>>15,000,000: fifteen million. The peaceful 99% of Muslims are irrelevant when one is dealing with such large number. But you have shown that you simply cannot grasp the logic. 

Were in the New Testament can we read of the Christ Jesus instructing his followers to go out into the world and kill in his name anyone who does not believe in him or is not Christian?
There are lots of christian teachings that aren't in the bible. You are happy to use the teachings outside the quran, but for some reason chrisitianity needs to be judged differently. That is what most people call hypocrisy. 

This is not hypocrisy. I have asked you a question. You cannot answer it. 

Are you telling us that the Hadith (the saying of the prophet Muhammad) are not true, not his sayings, and are nothing to do with Islam?
no. But if you want to include the Hadith, then I am going to include what other catholic clerics teach too since you want to include extra stuff.

The Hadith is an itegral part of Islam and the Quran as any muslim scholar will attest. Scriptural authority for hadith comes from the Quran which enjoins Muslims to emulate Muhammad and obey his judgments.

Your trying liken this to what some bishop or pope may  or may not say outside of Christian scripture but isn't any part of the scripture, not integral to the scripture and not integral to the Christian teachings of the Christ, as is the Hadith to the Quran.   . What a pope may have decreed in the ancient past is also not integral to the Christian teachings of the Christ  AS IS THE HADITH TO THE QURAN. Nice try doesn't work , only in your mind.

What were Muslims "defending" when they invaded West into Germany, Spain, France, the Caucuses, the Christian Holy land and East into the Indian subcontinent and far east as China? 
I never claiming muslims didn't conquer places.
  So they were not then -as you have kept insisting - only fighting and killing "in self defense". Just as I have said and you have denied up until this point.

Why can't Islam reform?
Reform comes when you are economically prosperous.

I didn't ask when, I asked Why. I will tell you why seeing that you can't face the facts. Islam cannot reform because 1.6 billion Muslims believe that the Quran, is the  last  >>>>>>unalterable<<<<<< and  final >>>>>> perfect<<<<<<  word of god!  That is why Islam cannot and will not ever reform.

What is the penalty for apostasy in Islam?

In Christianity it is death by fire. Are you really going to argue that Islam is worse?

You just hate facts don't you? The penalty for apostasy in Islam is death. But you know this, don't you and  just cannot bring your pig ignorant self to admit the fact because you would be admitting that Islam is barbaric, vile and murderous towards anyone not Muslim.

There is no penalty for apostasy in Christianity. There is freedom of religion in the west and in Christianity. Aren't you lucky that you are not a Muslim and live under the guardianship a western civilisation protected from such barbarity that is Islam. 

I will say it again. The Muslim that killed these two young people on London bridge was doing so on the clear instructions  of his god as written in the Quran.

(5:51), “kill the disbelievers wherever we find them”
(2:191), “murder them and treat them harshly”
(9:123), “fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem”.

disgusted's avatar
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I will say it again. The Muslim that killed these two young people on London bridge
Unfortunately for your bigotry they were not killed on the bridge. Right wing hatred is never, ever  associated with reality.

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Investigation shows Pensacola shooting 'appears to be a terrorist attack,' White House official says.

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Are you saying that the religion of peace has struck.... again again?