I am the man of prophecy. Change my mind.

Author: Terran


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@ Terran

"Me: I exist around the timeline prophesied in reference to a rebuilding of Jerusalem in 1535 AD. 434 years and 490 years translate into 1969 and 2025 AD...483 years for the announcement of the messiah, translates into the year 2018, right now, this very moment. And here I am, in 2018, announcing myself as the man of prophecy. The timeline for me is more accurate than for Jesus, and the very estimate accurately represents my arrival to the very exact year. While the timeline is rounded, it is rounded very close and closer than with Jesus to the point of the estimate for my arrival being in total accuracy to the very year, this very moment. The rebuilding of Jerusalem in reference to my timeline, was in times of trouble as the 1000 year war between Christians and Muslims continued to escalate until Christians eventually won 400 years ago. Unlike with Jesus, after my arrival, war in Jerusalem has continued between Jews and Arabs to this very day, with no end in sight, despite the matter being the focus of the world stage and every effort from the rest of the world to establish Middle Eastern peace in futility, to the point of ISIS emerging, and the threat of a world war over how different powers are dealing with ISIS and who gets possession of Jerusalem."

Your reasoning is flawed.

Prophecy refers to Daniel's people. Are you a Jew?

The prophecy refers to a people following the Mosaic Covenant. Do you follow the Old Covenant law? (Demonstrate how you can)

The prophecy describes the once again destruction, not multiple destructions. That happened in AD 70. That excludes you from being the fulfillment. 

If you pay attention to the audience of address, the timeline, the events during the destruction, this can all be demonstrated to have happened in the 1st century. 

Outplayz's avatar
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Outplayz's avatar
Can you explain your spiritual belief to me? What does it believe as a whole? What/who is/are the deity(s)? And, what does it say about the afterlife? Specifics about the afterlife please, bc i am best versed on afterlife beliefs. After i know these, then i will start to attempt to understand what prophetic visions you have. I have to know if the belief is right first. 
Swagnarok's avatar
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Swagnarok's avatar
This question doesn't relate so much to your prophecy stuff but rather to your more general claim of having founded Anonymous:

Even if it's true, why is it important that people should acknowledge this? They are a group which by design has no leader, no top dog. To assume a higher than normal position within the organization as its "Founder" seems to go against this ideal. To me it would appear that your main motivation is egotism and vanity, negative qualities which in your videos you claimed were not things that defined or controlled you.

208 days later

TheRealNihilist's avatar
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TheRealNihilist's avatar

No one challenged you?
Okay. Denial is strong with this one. 

WisdomofAges's avatar
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WisdomofAges's avatar
Try the FACT that YOU are just another MIND MOLESTING PARASITE VAMPIRE out to hypnotize weak minded humans into some pathetic CULT

ABRAHAMIC... ????...........A Comic Book Series.... featuring the JEW GOD of MOSES.....invented 1400 years before the JESUS HOAX...then 600                                                   years after the JESUS boy GOD hoax was murdered by ROME per the JEWS demands...some illiterate MUHAMMAD                                                   ARAB guy has his version of the "(Moses meets GOD moment")  and VOILA !   ALLAH is the GOD of GODS !   

THE TRUTH of Abrahamic RELIGIONS =  All 3.....JEW - JESUS -  ALLAH... are human invented fabricated Comic Book HOAXES...all 3 are STOLEN
                                                                    and TWISTED versions of other GOD stories and Religions of the Middle East region going back 3000 
                                                                    years BEFORE the JEW God shows up !  let alone the JESUS and ALLAH GOD invented GARBAGE...

The TIMELINE of history over the last 10,000 years proves beyond any doubt how the JEW - JESUS - ALLAH GOD hoaxes ARE nothing more than 
twisted versions of other GODS in human history...GODS ?  thousands of them have come and gone just like COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS...the
difference with the ABRAHAMIC GOD GARBAGE is how world class PSYCHOPATH MIND and LIFE MOLESTERS use them as SCAPEGOATS
to enslave the masses of deliberately DUMBED DOWN human ASSES....

THE RESULT....= Unprecedented DEATH and DESTRUCTION using the JEW - JESUS - ALLAH GOD invented HOAXES to THIS DAY !

None of the CON ARTIST VAMPIRE SCUM  Religious Circus Clowns in Halloween Glory Gowns is concerned with HUMAN and EARTH
WELL BEING..these are OLD MEN acting like a GOD...playing games with the minds and lives of others for POWER and CONTROL

these HUMAN Bible/Torah/Koran spewing PARASITE VAMPIRES are the greatest THREAT to HUMAN - ANIMAL - EARTH....they despise the
OPEN MINDED curious HUMAN and demand total OBEDIENCE to horrifically OBSOLETE and OPPRESSIVE DOGMA they invent and attach 
to their FAKE GOD HOAXES....

Sadly due to the HYPNOSIS PSYCHOSIS these Parasite GOD preaching VAMPIRES induce using FEAR - INTIMIDATION - VIOLENCE as TOOLS
in the name of their totally ASININE God invented HOAXES...the weak and feeble minded humans fall for the ILLUSION that they will SUFFER for
all eternity when they DROP DEAD..unless the SERVE the PARASITES without question..including the MURDER and TORTURE of all who do not
accept and OBEY them.....

So...where the FCK IS THEIR GOD ?  to save these pathetic creatures under the spell of the Parasite VAMPIRES they serve first ?   NOWHERE

All 3 Abrahamic GOD HOAXES remain INVISIBLE and OUT OF TOUCH....what a SCAM....

SOLUTION ?   YES....relegate these 3 STOOGE GOD hoaxes to MYTHOLOGY like they have done to all the other GODS humans invented...
...like ZEUS...ODIN....APOLLO...and thousands more who are no longer USED as GODS by the Parasite VAMPIRES for power and control

.......NO HUMAN EVER needs to be validated and approved to EXIST and DIE by some Parasite VAMPIRE preacher in a Halloween Glory Gown
who plays GOD but ...eats...sleeps...sits on a toilet...and DIES like all other humans...WHAT a DISGUSTING JOKE on HUMANITY these Clowns
of the Abrahamic GOD HOAXES truly are....

Save HUMANITY and EARTH by ridding the planet of these 3 Abrahamic DISEASE...GOD inventions...reduce them to the Comic Book GARBAGE
they truly are and FORGET....going forward....as humanity has done with all the other GODS and RELIGIONS before them.....

202 days later

Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
No you are not
Reece101's avatar
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Reece101's avatar
Why bother?
Harikrish's avatar
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Harikrish's avatar

"Me: I exist around the timeline prophesied in reference to a rebuilding of Jerusalem in 1535 AD. 434 years and 490 years translate into 1969 and 2025 AD...483 years for the announcement of the messiah, translates into the year 2018, right now, this very moment. And here I am, in 2018, announcing myself as the man of prophecy. The timeline for me is more accurate than for Jesus, and the very estimate accurately represents my arrival to the very exact year. While the timeline is rounded, it is rounded very close and closer than with Jesus to the point of the estimate for my arrival being in total accuracy to the very year, this very moment. The rebuilding of Jerusalem in reference to my timeline, was in times of trouble as the 1000 year war between Christians and Muslims continued to escalate until Christians eventually won 400 years ago. Unlike with Jesus, after my arrival, war in Jerusalem has continued between Jews and Arabs to this very day, with no end in sight, despite the matter being the focus of the world stage and every effort from the rest of the world to establish Middle Eastern peace in futility, to the point of ISIS emerging, and the threat of a world war over how different powers are dealing with ISIS and who gets possession of Jerusalem."

Your reasoning is flawed.

Prophecy refers to Daniel's people. Are you a Jew?

The prophecy refers to a people following the Mosaic Covenant. Do you follow the Old Covenant law? (Demonstrate how you can)

The prophecy describes the once again destruction, not multiple destructions. That happened in AD 70. That excludes you from being the fulfillment.

If you pay attention to the audience of address, the timeline, the events during the destruction, this can all be demonstrated to have happened in the 1st century.

If Jesus heeded the warnings by Daniel that the messiah would be cut off by Romans he could have avoided his own crufixion.
so even though he quoted Daniel in his Olivet Discourses he did not heed Daniels warnings or maybe he didn't think he was the Messiah mentioned by Daniel.
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar

"Me: I exist around the timeline prophesied in reference to a rebuilding of Jerusalem in 1535 AD. 434 years and 490 years translate into 1969 and 2025 AD...483 years for the announcement of the messiah, translates into the year 2018, right now, this very moment. And here I am, in 2018, announcing myself as the man of prophecy. The timeline for me is more accurate than for Jesus, and the very estimate accurately represents my arrival to the very exact year. While the timeline is rounded, it is rounded very close and closer than with Jesus to the point of the estimate for my arrival being in total accuracy to the very year, this very moment. The rebuilding of Jerusalem in reference to my timeline, was in times of trouble as the 1000 year war between Christians and Muslims continued to escalate until Christians eventually won 400 years ago. Unlike with Jesus, after my arrival, war in Jerusalem has continued between Jews and Arabs to this very day, with no end in sight, despite the matter being the focus of the world stage and every effort from the rest of the world to establish Middle Eastern peace in futility, to the point of ISIS emerging, and the threat of a world war over how different powers are dealing with ISIS and who gets possession of Jerusalem."


Your reasoning is flawed.

Prophecy refers to Daniel's people. Are you a Jew?

The prophecy refers to a people following the Mosaic Covenant. Do you follow the Old Covenant law? (Demonstrate how you can)

The prophecy describes the once again destruction, not multiple destructions. That happened in AD 70. That excludes you from being the fulfillment.

If you pay attention to the audience of address, the timeline, the events during the destruction, this can all be demonstrated to have happened in the 1st century.

If Jesus heeded the warnings by Daniel that the messiah would be cut off by Romans he could have avoided his own crufixion.
so even though he quoted Daniel in his Olivet Discourses he did not heed Daniels warnings or maybe he didn't think he was the Messiah mentioned by Daniel.

Your reasoning is so lame once again, ignoring the plain message of Scripture and twisting it into an unrecognizable pretzel.

Jesus did not come to do His own will but the will of His Father, as prophesied. He became a human being to be obedient to God as a human being, thus meet the righteous requirements of God. He also became obedient to death to meet God's penalty for sin. Jesus understood the necessity of dying in the place of others, the innocent for the guilty, that He would reconcile sinners to God.

And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.”

saying, “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.”

Acting in His human capacity, Jesus said:

“I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.

Jesus becoming flesh and blood (human) came to do the will of God the Father. 

Jesus *said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.

Matthew 26:53-54 (NASB)
53 Or do you think that I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels? 54 How then will the Scriptures be fulfilled, which say that it must happen this way?”

I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, you will receive him.

But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?”

For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.

So Jesus said, “When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He, and I do nothing on My own initiative, but I speak these things as the Father taught Me.

PGA2.0's avatar
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Jesus came to fulfill all prophecy written about Him and bring judgment on Israel for breaking their OT oaths and covenant agreement by being adulterous to God and worshiping idols and false gods as documented through the OT.

Matthew 5:17-18 (NASB)
17 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.

This was to fulfill what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet: “He Himself took our infirmities and carried away our diseases.”

In their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says, ‘You will keep on hearing, but will not understand; You will keep on seeing, but will not perceive;

This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet: “I will open My mouth in parables; I will utter things hidden since the foundation of the world.”

This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet:

How then will the Scriptures be fulfilled, which say that it must happen this way?”

These prophecies and scriptural verses prove that you do not know what you are talking about, that you are a false teacher that misleads others because of your bias and closed-mindedness to God. Just about everything you say regarding Scripture is kooky and it would take a hell of an effort to correct almost every post you make, it is that bad. You do not use reason and logic but you collapse passages of Scripture, ignore the greater contexts, take Scripture out of context, ignore the primary audience of address, ignore time statements, and create one mess that is bizarre, not logically sound. 

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Prophecy is.

And, notwithstanding a physiological breaking down of databases. Mind change is fickly modified data.

1709 days later

WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
Thanks for all of this, it is a lot to go through I would love to ask you some follow up questions if you are still around
Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Sarah 29 : 47
Yessssssss.  Have fun topping that.  

I read the post alllllll the way to,(the numbers 77 into the 490  part bit ) 
Thank you. 
Thanks guys. 

Good game.