Evidence in a religious forum

Author: Tradesecret


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nature based is an explanation 
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In order to avoid having the same conversation twice let's clear this up in the other thread before coming back to this one.
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um ok

16 days later

Tradesecret's avatar
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  "God does not make it a habit of interfering in the ordinary things of life in relation to suffering. He does and has sometimes. But he is not obligated to do so.  He is under no jurisdiction to do so."  

 First off, you erroneously state that our serial killer Jesus, as Yahweh God incarnate, "does not interfere in ordinary things of life in relation to suffering," THEN YOU CONTRADICT THIS STATEMENT BY STATING; "He does and has sometimes!" LOL!  Therefore, where do you actually stand upon this topic?!  As expected, the pseudo-christian like you wants it both ways to try and save your further embarrassment to biblical axioms! Priceless.
Please re-read my statement.  I said God does not making it a habit of interfering - I never said he did not involved himself.  I know you can read - but deliberately misquoting me is your bad not mine.  I am not asking for it both ways.  I am merely noting that Jesus did walk on the water - but every other time he took the boat.  

Tradesecret,  Yahweh/Jesus most certainly has interfered in the ordinary things of life relating to His Jewish creations SUFFERING.
Yes, I know that is what I said.  I can't help it that you can't read. Duh!

1.  Jesus commanded that babies would be smashed to pieces, and their women ripped open (Hosea 13:16).
2. Jesus horrifically drowned his entire JEWISH Creation, including innocent zygotes, fetus' and babies in His Great Flood scenario. (Genesis 7)
3. Jesus brutally slays the fruit of the womb of the women in Ephraim. (Hosea 9:11-16)
Hosea 9:7 explains clearly that this is not unjust - but in fact is a punishment and a day of reckoning because their sins are so great as well as their hostility.  And in fact it is a warning. Like every prophecy - it is not primarily foretelling - but forthtelling. That means - to the listener - listen up and repent of your sins - turn back to God or else you will find yourself weighed and found wanting.  Ephraim refused to turn away from their sins - so the entire nation fell under judgment. From the mightiest man and king to the weakest and most vulnerable female and child.  If only Ephraim had turned from their wickedness - then their punishment would not have come. Question is - how do nations get judged? One way is by way of foreign nations - heathens - and atheists and those with foreign gods marching in with out regret and remorse and taking and slaughtering and killing all and plundering.   When a people rejects God - his blessing of protection is lifted and he allows - permits them to live according to their own steam and with the protection of their own gods, and humanistic thinking.  This is what happened here. They rejected God - and so according to v. 17 which you omitted to refer to - God rejected them because they did not obey him.  This was a just punishment - and was of their own doing. They rejected God - they rejected his blessing and his protection and so God accepted their request to leave them alone.  In doing so - their enemies killed and plundered and slaughtered them.  So Jesus - or God did not slay the fruit of these women. He allowed them to live as they wanted without his protection. In other words - it was their own doing. 

4. Jesus commands the death to helpless “suckling” infants (1 Samuel 15:3).
Yes, read the context - v 2 says why God orders this punishment on the Amalekites.  Because they the Amalikites waylaid the People of God on their way up from Egypt.  If the Amalakites had left them alone - then this would not have been required.  The unfortunate thing here is Saul - the king of Israel did not comply with God's commandments - and this non-compliance has caused Israel regret ever since. Is it unjust? I say no.  But the context is that God ordered everything to be put to death - not just infants - all humans and all property.  Moving down to v. 23 Samuel explains to Saul why this was wrong.  IT is rebellion.  Divination.  A rejection of the Word of God.  

5. Jesus is praised for slaughtering the innocent first born.  (Psalms 135:8 & 136:10)

Just plain wrong.   GOD is praised for delivering his people from the Egyptians and their slavery. I suppose you would think it wrong to thank people who ended slavery.  
The Egyptians were warned and commanded to let God's people go and they refused to do so.  They were also warned that unless they listened to GOD's plea that their firstborn children and animals would die. A warning to the king who refused means that he and his people are not innocent but stubborn and disobedient. They trusted in their own gods and their own gods were proven to be weak and useless.  Both verses relate the same information. And the same response is - that this is a situation where the people of Egypt and their king refused to listen to God - so God made them listen. God made a threat and carried it out. The gods of the nations - could do nothing to protect their slaves - This demonstrates the awesomeness and overwhelming superiority of the God of Israel. The God who protects his own people. 

6. Jesus commands that infants should be “dashed upon the rocks.” (Psalms 137:9) Ever wonder in what that would sound like? Maybe a watermelon being dropped on a huge rock? What do you think? Huh?
This Psalm is a song by the Israelites who had been taken into captive by the Babylonians.  A song by God's people showing remorse for their own sins - and for turning away from God, A song whereby they are seeking God to have take vengeance on their behalf.  There is no command in here from God that any should dash anyone upon the rocks. This song is a song by the captives of Israel seeking justice.  It is not God saying to do anything. 

7. Jesus commanded that children shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.” (Isaiah 13:15-16)
This chapter is a prophecy against Babylon.  It is talking in one sense of the day that the Medes would take over Babylon, v.17. It contains significant imagery depicting God's judgment on that land, using heavenly language, v 3, 9; using de-creation language, v. 10-13, it refers back to Sodom and Gomorrah - v. 19.  All of these images are depicting that the God of Heaven is going to judge Babylon for its wickedness.  In another sense it is talking about the end of the world.  v.11 says - he will punish the world for its evil. 

In this sense - what is happening here is no different to Noah's flood.  God punishes the wicked for their rebellion against God.  And it stands as a warning for anyone who rejects God. It always amazes me that he does not just wipe us out all now.  But to say that God is commanding children to be dashed is somewhat misleading.  God is not simply or only asking for them to be killed - but that the entire nation is destroyed.  He is saying - no one will be spared.  If God asked for the children to be killed and let everyone else live - this would I think bring a cruelty above what is natural.  In the context - it is not God's people doing the killing - it is the Medes in the first instance - who just went about doing what they normally do - something the Babylonians would be well aware of - because they themselves were well known to do this to their enemies - it is in one sense a picture of "he who lives by the sword dies by the sword".  

Tradesecret's avatar
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YOUR WANT TO BE CORRECT QUOTE:  "This is an amazing picture of how God deals with mercy and kindness towards even the enemy. And to say otherwise - simply is nonsense."

Can you try and keep a straight face and tell us how did Yahweh/Jesus/Ghost show mercy to the innocent zygotes, fetus' and babies that did not know our aforementioned named God to begin with to believe in Him, by brutally drowning them in his Great Flood as their mothers watched in horror?  

Again I am not required to answer a question just because you ask me too. I indicated in the context to the question at hand about how Israelite military treated captured females.  That is where my response was too. I did not assert in that sentence that EVERY PASSAGE in the bible shows mercy and kindness.  I said in that particular context it demonstrates the same.  I know you hated my response which is why you had to take it to another passage because you could see the logic of my reasoning. 

In relation to Noah's flood, every creature and human not in the Ark died.  It was judgment after warning after warning against the evil that was in every person's heart. 

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar

Tradesecret ... now states there is fiction within the scriptures!

YOUR UNBELIEVABLE UNGODLY QUOTE IN YOUR POST #43: "The Bible is not a fictional book. Parts of it might be."

WTF?  How could say such an ungodly statement?!  Do you need this adage explained to you? Huh?  You therefore put a chink in the armor of Christianity by your Devil Speak that "PART OF THE FAITH IS FICTIONAL!"  

Does a TRUE Christian like me have to remind you of the following passages?

“EVERY word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.“ (Proverbs 30:5)

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)

So, according to your thinking, and that every word of Jesus is flawless, then this includes the FICTIONAL words as well and the FICTIONAL words from Jesus mouth since He inspired the entire Bible?! (2 Peter 1:20-21) 

The Bible contains lots of different genres within it. It has 66 books by approximately 40 different authors - written over several thousand years.  It has poetry. It has prophecy. It has history. It contains statutes and legislation as well as the odd court case. It has parables and stories.  It even contains an entire book of songs. It has wisdom literature and proverbs.  

The Word of God is flawless.  Just because God chooses to speak in different ways to different people does not prevent it from being flawless.  Nor does it stop people from using it as shield. I entirely am of the view that the bible is God breathed. I just don't agree that every word is meant to be read or taken literally. Literalism is a modern concept - not an ancient one. 

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
“Having said the above, I am now going to take the prudent step of politely asking you to not to respond to my posts or to mention me in your posts. I do not appreciate being harassed.  And I have copied the moderator in as well to ensure the date and time of my polite request. 

Per your request in your quote above, AND BEFORE I FOLLOW IT TO SAVE YOU FURTHER EMBARRASSMENT, I am going to give you one last chance to redeem yourself in front of your fellow Christians to address your RUN AWAY posts listed below! In doing so, it is NOT harassment in any way whatsoever because this is a religion discussion forum, and not a religion running away from discussion forum, understood?
This was not me throwing in the towel.  It was me saying "enough is enough". I don't have to put up with your abuse.  You are abusive in your so called parody.  I find it repulsive even if you think it is amusing.  As for me running away - if that were the case why did I then commence topic by topic dealing with the questions you suggested I did not answer.  It was because I wanted to do so in a forum of non-abuse.  Unfortunately, dear Stephen just took up where you left off. And he continued to goad me towards the topic which was closed in order for me to so breach some suggested agreement with you - which incidentally I have never seen.  It would be nice if you could post a link to it so that everyone can see what so called agreement had been reached.  So far as I knew - I had simply requested you to stop responding to me. You never did.