What Qualifies One To Baptise Another?

Author: Stephen


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HELLO?  Anyone see Tradesecret running past their house by RUNNING AWAY from my post to her listed below, and within this thread, as being a disgusting 2nd class woman as Jesus' inspired words describes women in the Bible?  Anyone?  

One of the members sent me this image linked below, thinking it was Tradesecret, but I told them,  no, it wasn't, and this is because Tradesecret wears only YELLOW running shoes instead for obvious reasons! LOL 

Tradesecret's avatar
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 “Dear Brother D Thomas,  perhaps you might ponder about whether you really want me to respond to you or not?”  It seems to me and I suspect to the majority of the forum site that I am not running away

WTF! LOL!    I have been trying to make you respond to me ... i

If you want to have a discussion with me - have one. Just stop with the unnecessary comments. Stop repeating your lies that I am running away. 

In fact this forum is very aware of the fact that I called you out - even devoting an entire post to demonstrate every one of your fibs to be untrue.'

Why don’t you bring forth this alleged “Thread” that you claim is calling me out?  

Obviously because it is now a closed link because I did not technically with the Code.  But we both know it is there. And I do not believe referring to it breaches the code - but referencing it might. Who knows? 

“You made the assertion about woman. Not me. I admit I responded - but it is clear Paul was talking to Christians within Christians circles and churches.”

No dear, Jesus’ inspired words about your 2nd class Bible status as a woman and I made this assertion, understood?  Yes, Paul within the church stated specifically that YOU and other Bible 2nd class women are NOT, I repeat, NOT to teach or usurp the authority over the godly manbut to be in silence, understood? Again, what part of this passage don’t you understand since your Sister Eve is responsible for the original sin, and where you degrading womanly status began?
Ok - you want to play it that way.  I reject your position. Justify it.  What does usurping authority mean? It is also good to see that you notice it refers to the godly man and not everybody. Thanks for the concession. I underlined your words just in case you missed it.  

“ Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.” (1 Timothy 2:11-15 )
When the woman is learning in silence - where is she? There must be times when she is not learning but putting things into practice.  And when she is teaching she is not learning. is she? So even from this position - that you are bringing it does not address the fact that all believers are called to sing and to pray. Singing and praying are not silent acts in church.  So Paul provides exemptions.  Paul also says that elder women should teach younger women.  The only place forbidden for the woman to teach is in a didactic setting - preaching to the congregation. And you have not shown otherwise with your cherry picking. 

"But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man;
and the head of Christ is God." (I Corinthians 11:3)

So as it looks:

God - Head of Christ

Jesus - head of the church 

Men - Head of women



Yes, we see a hierarchy. 

Stephen's avatar
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I really don't see what you point is. 

Its a simple question, and you have gone someway to answering it. I have since asked you would the one baptising also  need to have been baptised himself?  You have avoided this question like a plague.

You have said that he would have  to be "christian" : #13.  Ok , so to be a Christian he would have also have had to have been baptised himself, would he not , yes or no?

I do hold to the view that a person who baptizes another ought to be baptized themselves. 

I didn't ask that you your views. I ask what the qualifications are required for one person to baptise another. But as usual you are ONLY replying and not ANSWERING. Do you not see the difference?

Yet, I also think that there is no specific power in baptism since it is a symbolic picture of a far more important baptism. 

 I didn't ask anything concerning "the power" or lack of, either. 

Yes, in the main, but with exceptions, baptism is to do with sin and even the remittance of sins. 

Yes I have had to remind you of that often. But  you want to discuss anything BUT repentance of sins on the relevant thread.  And again on this thread , you seem to be doing the same , in that you want to discuss anything but the actual quantification one needs to be able to baptise another.  

Yet, even this is gets screwed up by many because as John says - his baptism is deficient - which is why a greater one with a greater baptism is coming.

Again. this has absolutely nothing to do with the OP. You just want to take this thread anywhere else and away from the original  source of inquiry. 

In what way was his baptism deficient?

 I don't care because I didn't ask that.  I was asking about Q_U_A_L_I_F_I_C_A_T_T_I_O_N_S. 

most important baptism in the NT is at Pentecost. 

 I don't care! WTF's the matter with you? I haven't ask about that, have I ?

This is the baptism that Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit. This is the paradigm, not John's. 

 Irrelevant to this thread. 

I hear what you say.  I am not persuaded by it at all. Nevertheless, I am prepared to accept it on good faith - and the condition that you stop accusing me of lying, to put it aside. 

 Making up things is telling lies where I come from.  

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You have to be a priest for 2 plus years just to make holy water. 

Imagine having that power but.  

Tap water into holy water.  With a verse or two.  Sweet. 

 But baptism,  people that can baptize others is a pretty cool power to have. 
If i had the ummmmm, ability to baptize people I would baptize people without there knowledge. 
I'd  hang out at the beach baptizing everyone that walks in the water. 
ALLLLLLLLLLL the oceans would be 100% PURE holy water. 

But having the ability to Baptism  and make holy water are mere second to the real um " magic " that is.  
That's like jedi priest levels.  10th Dan or some shlt.

Stephen's avatar
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I'd  hang out at the beach baptizing everyone that walks in the water. 

 I believe Jesus may have done this from a jetty on the shores of the sea of Galilean. 

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will send you out to fish for people."  Matthew 4:19 Other bibles say fishers of men.

 SO:     John 21:Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, “We will also come with you.” They went out and got into the boat; and that night they caught nothing.

But just as the day was breaking: Jesus shouted ; "“Cast the net on the right-hand side of the boat ". 

John 21:6  When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish/ or men or people (take your pick)  that they had caught.

And  I bet that looking from the boat towards Jesus shouting instructions from the jetty or even the beach at this hour of the early morning-just before sunrise -  I bet it even gave the illusion  that  Jesus was walking on water!

What I guess I'm inferring is that this biblical episode was probably  a baptism en masse?

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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That so works.  It fits nice. 
John would of done stuff like this. 

The water must be blessed first I'm thinking hey?  
Imagine being baptized in like " normal " no blessed water. 
Like water that wasn't blessed in the proper manor. 
There could in fact  be a LARGE number of "fake" / non binding baptisms.  

I'm saving my " being born again " for when I turn 70. 
Getting " born again " is by FAR the best " Sin Remover " ever. 
It cleans the slate.
You could eat like five maybe six kids and then get the  being " born again " treatment and bammmmmmmmm,   you are still good for ( Afterlife accommodation )  

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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TRADESECRET, A BIBLE 2ND CLASS WOMAN, the Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark, the pseudo-christian that says kids that curse their parents should be killed, states there is FICTION within the scriptures, and is guilty of Revelation 22:18-19 and 2 Timothy 4:3, and continually Slaps Jesus in the face,

Addressing your ever so wanting and embarrassing statements in your feeble post #32.  :(

YOUR LYING STATEMENT ONCE AGAIN AS A WOMAN : "If you want to have a discussion with me - have one. Just stop with the unnecessary comments. Stop repeating your lies that I am running away." 

Within the link below, it blatantly shows you have been RUNNING AWAY from my superior Biblical knowledge, plain and simple!  2+2=4, oil and water don't mix, and the reason you have to RUN AWAY from my posts to you is that you are the weaker vessel as a woman, and where the man is superior to you (1 Peter 3:7), praise!

YOUR EQUALLY EMBARRASSING AND LYING POST: "Obviously because it is now a closed link because I did not technically with the Code.  But we both know it is there. And I do not believe referring to it breaches the code - but referencing it might. Who knows? “

We have seen your weak assertions many times before where you try in vain to get out of the mess you are in, but your one above takes the cake! 

If you remember, our astute moderator Mr. Ragnar stated that your ever so embarrassing thread would remain to read, for obvious humiliating reasons, remember dear? Therefore, you can copy it and bring it forth in this thread to discuss, get it? Huh? Once again, your “weaker vessel” of being a woman is showing itself! (1 Peter 3:7) I will await your timely manner for you to "try" and post said thread here to discuss, since you're a woman, get help from a man to do this simple action if need be, okay? 

YOU JUST KEEP BURYING YOURSELF WITH YET ANOTHER POST OF YOURS, PRICELESS: “Ok - you want to play it that way.  I reject your position. Justify it.  What does usurping authority mean? It is also good to see that you notice it refers to the godly man and not everybody. Thanks for the concession. I underlined your words just in case you missed it”

Obviously you don’t know how to use an online dictionary if you have to ask me what "usurping authority" is defined as, how sad. BUT, what did we expect from your weaker vessel as a woman in the first place! (1 Peter 3:7) 

I simply justify the term in you being a disparaging woman as described within the scriptures, and me being a superior man over the 2nd class womanly status within the Bible, where I can’t make it simpler than that! Get it? Huh? Maybe?

Your child like and ignorant statement of “…. it is good to see that you notice it refers to the godly man and not everybody” whereas this is self-explanatory that if you were not a godly man, then the issue is MOOT! GET IT BIBLE FOOL? LOL

YOUR BLEEDING FINGERNAILS IN GRASPING FOR STRAWS QUOTE: “When the woman is learning in silence - where is she? There must be times when she is not learning but putting things into practice.  And when she is teaching she is not learning. is she? 

Dear, how far do you want to go in making yourself the foolish Bible woman in front of the MEN membership?  Your pleading of “there must be times…” is not an absolute and you should take notice of your vacant statement.   Your subsequent embarrassing quote of; “And when she is teaching she is not learning. is she?”  falls flat upon its proverbial face because of the simple fact that when you go against Jesus’ words in 1 Timothy 2:11-15 as a woman, you have yet to realize that you do learn at the same time, especially when myself and others show you in how utterly Bible ignorant you are within this forum! UNDERSTOOD?

YET AGAIN YOUR QUOTE STEPPING IN PROVERBIAL POO, LOL:  “And you have not shown otherwise with your cherry picking.”

As YOU being a weaker vessel in being a woman (1 Peter 3:7) you surmise  that when I bring forth a disparaging passage relating to your disgusting womanly MO as the Bible fully describes, that it is cherry picking? Tell me dear, does the passage in question of 1 Timothy 2: 11-15 exist in the first place? Yes it does, and at your expense once again, therefore calling JESUS’ INSPIRED WORDS AS CHERRY PICKING IS UNGODLY, HOW DARE YOU CONTINUE TO SLAP JESUS IN THE FACE!!!!

But he answered, “It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)

Tradesecret, how far do you want to go in making you the weaker vessel in being the disliked by Jesus’ inspired words as a woman in this forum? Huh? Seriously, don’t you have enough egg upon your face at this time?  Maybe it is time for you to take a needed break from you being shown as the #1 Bible fool and RUNAWAY of Jesus' inspired words that I have directed to you within this forum, yes?  

How Jesus' inspired words within the Bible thinks of the 2nd class woman: “It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman.” (Proverbs 21:19)

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As we have unfortunately seen since Tradesecret had her "coming out party of listing her gender as a 2nd class Bible woman," in her updated biography,  she has shown herself as even more biblically ignorant to Jesus' true words. Seemingly, she cannot accept her degrading womanly status that the Bible gives her, as if she has never seen the passages that I have given her that go dramatically against the woman to begin with, AND in Jesus' name, praise!

It is no wonder that she kept her true gender as a woman SILENT for so long in her bio!  Wonder what made her "come out" to tell us that she was in fact a woman, where when I made male gender remarks to her on her behalf in the past, she never corrected me. Priceless.  Well, as a 2nd class woman now, she will additionally be made the weaker vessel (1 Peter 3:7) along with her continued biblical ignorance. What a shame. 
