Morality - Is Atheism More Reasonable than Theism?

Author: PGA2.0


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PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
Also, as related to this thread, atheism/theism are not moral philosophies....neither are reasonable from a moral standpoint. In your thread you drop the theistic ambiguity and name Christianity, which is a moral view, but again, you compare it to atheism which is not a moral philosophy. The comparison itself is not reasonable.

Its like you're pitting "Kumbaya" against silence and asking which is better music. There is a category error in the comparison.
I only defend one moral theistic position for I believe that the many contrary positions cannot all be true/valid. Thus, I always point to the Christian God. It is you and others who espouse other gods as possible. That argument is left for another day. I only espouse other gods as fictions in people's minds, perhaps the greatest of which is the god of self, created by atheists, as the final arbitor in deciding what is the case. Have you bowed to yourself today? 

Yes, one is reasonable. It presents what is necessary for morality - mindfulness/person. From the ontology of the other somehow minds evolve out of what - nonconscious matter. How??? No one seems to know for sure (pure speculation if any thought at all on the subject) and they can't demonstrate it experientially, yet they still believe it is possible. It defies logic. If you think otherwise demonstrate how chance happenstance/unintentionality is capable of producing mindful beings. 

You continually view God as nothing in your confirmation bias. 
3RU7AL's avatar
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Should my body be under the control of the state in cases where I could save a life even at risk to my own?
Great question.
PGA2.0's avatar
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Remember that there were 19 million miscarriages last year also. Doesn't god know anything about quality control? Why did god use atoms and 10 sextillion suns to create one planet that life would finally form on?
How many of those deaths are attributed to the individual and how they live that results in the miscarriage?

I don't know and I am not told why He used so many atoms. 
PGA2.0's avatar
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Schopenhauer declared that the true basis of morality is compassion or sympathy. The morality of an action can be judged in accordance with Kant's distinction of treating a person as an end not as a mere means. By drawing the distinction between egoism and unselfishness, Kant correctly described the criterion of morality. For Schopenhauer, this was the only merit of Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals.
So what? Are you saying that subjective beings choose to be unselfish, that they SHOULD? Look at the state of the world. Many disagree with such a principle. These two do not have what is necessary for objective morality in and of themselves. 

And the Bible, written before either of these thinkers reveals that it is good to love your neighbour and treat them with respect and dignity. It teaches unselfishness long before either of these people had a thought.
SkepticalOne's avatar
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Also, as related to this thread, atheism/theism are not moral philosophies....neither are reasonable from a moral standpoint. In your thread you drop the theistic ambiguity and name Christianity, which is a moral view, but again, you compare it to atheism which is not a moral philosophy. The comparison itself is not reasonable.

Its like you're pitting "Kumbaya" against silence and asking which is better music. There is a category error in the comparison.
I only defend one moral theistic position for I believe that the many contrary positions cannot all be true/valid. Thus, I always point to the Christian God.

Then it shouldn't be too hard for you to concede you are not defending theism but a particular view which falls under the label of theism. Additionally, if theism (a broad belief in god) is not a moral view, then atheism (a broad non-belief in god) is not a moral view either. Until you are able to come up with an apples to apples comparison, there is really no defense needed.

/end thread.

PGA2.0's avatar
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Yes, Israel experienced chattel slavery in Egypt.
Per the Bible, Israel experienced chattel slavery in Egypt.  This was never in contention.
Good, you agree!

No, He did not codify chattel slavery. He forbid Israel from practicing the same harsh treatment that Israel experienced in Egypt. 
The verses you provide taken alone might be used to support your interpretation, but this is very much cherry picking. 
No, they are not cherry-picked. They are a principle God expected Israel to abide by, and Israel agreed

Consider other verses which show the God of the Bible does not consider other peoples equal to Israel.  (The notion of "God's chosen people" speaks to this)The verses I provided make that distinction clear (Exodus 21 and Leviticus 25:44-46).
You ignore other verses that clarify what God expected in the treatment of others. And in no way was the treatment the same as in Egypt or other ANE cultures. It was better. As already pointed out, and you cannot deny it for it is Scripture, a 'slave' must be bought, not kidnapped from other lands. Kidnapping was punishable by death. That meant that a slave would have to agree to serve a Hebrew master. 

Egyptian slavery was a bondage and oppression that God never wanted Israel to duplicate. It was a type of servitude that God forbade. Time and time again, God wants  us to treat others as we want others to be treated. If you are blessed by wealth and can afford to hire others God still wants you to treat them with respect and dignity. 

I could provide others, but I don't think you're open to that possibility.  Of course, if you are I can provide verses which may broaden your interpretation.
Go ahead, provide them. 

God orders the Israelites to make a distinction between the Hebrew servants and the those of foreign nations. They were:
·        Allowed to 'buy' (not take!) slaves from foreign nations around them...
·        Finally, it should be noted that the passage says that they "can" make them slaves for life--not that they "were automatically" slaves for life. Somehow, freedom was the default and lifetime slavery only an 'option'.

The Great Escape Clause…?
Deut 23.15 has this fascinating passage:
If a slave has taken refuge with you, do not hand him over to his master. 16 Let him live among you wherever he likes and in whatever town he chooses. Do not oppress him. (Deut 23.15)...
"A slave could also be freed by running away. According to Deuteronomy, a runaway slave is not to be returned to its master. He should be sheltered if he wishes or allowed to go free, and he must not be taken advantage of (Deut 23:16-17). This provision is strikingly different from the laws of slavery in the surrounding nations and is explained as due to Israel's own history of slaves. It would have the effect of turning slavery into a voluntary institution."

Remember also, Exodus 21:16 forbids kidnapping, thus a slave would have to be bought, per above, thus not against their will.
The mental gymnastics here is impressive. 'Lifetime slavery is only an option' - who's option - the master or the slave.  (Hint - it's not the slave).  This alone is a concession that the Bible does codify slavery. 
For you, you take a passage in ignorance of other passages that lay down other principles, such as I cited about how Israel was to treat the foreigner. I also laid down how Israel was to remember and never forget the harsh treatment they experienced in Egypt and not repeat it.

In a post to secularmerlin I covered the similarities between Israel's type of slavery to our type of slavery by those who employ us. We sign a contract. We agree to work under the conditions stipulated. While on their property we are responsible to abide by their rules. In a sense, we are part of their property while we work. Just like Israel, we are there for a better life. We have been bought for a price. The difference is that they a bought for life while that is not always our case. We are free to find another employer, another master who lays down the laws in the contract as to what we are responsible for. If we like our employer or the job we very well may stay with them for life. By law, an employer is not allowed to exploit us in unfair ways, but there are punishments for wrongdoing both for us and for our employer. The same is true with ancient Israel. And if there were abuses of power by the 'master' the 'slave' could flee and be safe, theoretically speaking. But even if the 'master' was unjust, he was still answerable to God, as stipulated hundreds of times in Scripture. We are all responsible for the way we treat others. 
zedvictor4's avatar
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I do not vote.

I am probably not consistent with atheism.

The rest is your opinion.
PGA2.0's avatar
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No, I would not want to be found guilty on anecdotal evidence or hearsay. I fail to see how that ties in with God.  God has given all kinds of reasonable evidence, of which you are brushing off. I offered to debate you on the subject of prophecy, as to its reasonableness.
Prophecy would fall under 'spectral evidence' which you've noticeably neglected to mention, but this too is not admissible in a court of law.
I did not speak of it because I did not know what it meant and was busy so I did not take the time to look it up. Now I have and you must be joking. What was revealed in visions and dreams was witnessed in history. The history is the evidence that such things did come to pass as previously written about in the manner said. 

Would you accept spectral evidence alone to convict you of a murder you haven't committed yet? 
No, how could anyone be so stupid?A person cannot be convicted of a crime that has not been committed? You are conflating two different things, a conviction which works on what has happened and prophecy which works on something in the future that has not yet happened. The nature of prophecy is different.

I seriously doubt it. It seems you understand the standard of evidence you're advocating is insufficient for a court of law which would certainly make it insufficient to 'convict' the Biblical god of existence.  Something to think about...
The standard of evidence was accepted by the man (also founded Harvard Law School) who wrote a treatise on evidence that is still in use today. In that treatise he deals with what constitutes legal evidence in regards to witnesses and he considered the writers of Scripture to fit into the category of reliable evidence. And that aspect is just one of many proofs available. 

You are being ridiculous. One object plus another object equals two objectives. 1+1=2. It does not equal something else. If Christianity is true then all other gods and religious beliefs (of which I include atheism as a belief) are false. It is as simple as that. But it is difficult to convince and unbeliever since they have invested their whole outlook on another system of thought. Therefore, I have challenged you, based on atheism, to show yours is more reasonable than my Christian belief in the area of morality, of which you have to date avoided doing. 
In that case, your reasons for belief are not impossibility of the contrary. How can you argue impossibility of the contrary without evaluating the "contrary"? Aren't you just assuming the truth of your view without going through the standard you claim?
Truth is the gauge by which falsehood is measured. For there to be a counterfeit there must be a real to compare the counterfeit against. Once I have the real I have the standard. As I have said, if you want to pick a religion to compare the reasonableness and impossibility of the contrary them make a thread. I do not know of one of the major religions that do not contradict others in its teachings or doctrines. Thus, it is impossible that all but one, if any, can be true.  I argue that the Judeo-Christian belief system is the truth standard.

It is impossible that two contrary things can be true at the same time regarding the same thing. 

I provided a response to your challenge in post #238. 
I have responded to that post, but I am still making my way, in order, down the lists of posts. I am on page 10, where this post is found.

You are confusing God as a person with God as an explanation. God as an explanation is simple.  
Nothing can be 'simpler' than an infinite being, amIright?!
That is not my argument. The explanation is simple. He merely spoke the universe into existence. Very simple in comparison to let's say the Big Bang. 

How does 'subject' apply to God? I think you are confusing two different things, that a subjective being cannot be objective. Then how does God qualify? He knows all things. How would His knowledge be subjective? 
Is it your position an omniscient being is incapable of subjectivity?
What do you mean by subjectivity? I think you are crossing two definitions, that which applies to us and that which applies to God. 

Subjectivity is a central philosophical concept, related to consciousnessagencypersonhoodreality, and truth, which has been variously defined by sources. Three common definitions include that subjectivity is the quality or condition of:
  • Something being a subject, narrowly meaning an individual who possesses conscious experiences, such as perspectives, feelings, beliefs, and desires.[1]
  • Something being a subject, broadly meaning an entity that has agency, meaning that it acts upon or wields power over some other entity (an object).[2]
  • Some information, idea, situation, or physical thing considered true only from the perspective of a subject or subjects.
These various definitions of subjectivity are sometimes joined together in philosophy. The term is most commonly used as an explanation for that which influences, informs, and biases people's judgments about truth or reality; it is the collection of the perceptions, experiences, expectations, and personal or cultural understanding of, and beliefs about, an external phenomenon, that are specific to a subject.
Subjectivity is contrasted to the philosophy of objectivity, which is described as a view of truth or reality that is free of any individual's biases, interpretations, feelings, and imaginings.

How would God fit into that definition of subjectivity that is applied to you or I? He know all things. God knows the truth of reality. He created the physical reality. 

How would you square that with the Biblical god having a "chosen people"?!
He is not a 'respecter of people. He could have chosen anyone. He chose Israel as the vehicle to make Himself known and supply the Messiah, from whom He would save His people. 

Also, if you're willing to admit a subjective being can be objective...then you provide all that is needed for morality without the need for a god.
I am speaking of interpretation of the Bible and in understanding others. In the case of morality I question what the objective standard you profess that excludes God. You have still to reveal that objective standard you speak of. 

Are you saying that something supernatural is not personal,
No. I'm saying all too often what cannot be explained by our current understanding of nature is considered supernatural or attributed to it.
Supernatural would exclude nature as an explanation. If it is not natural it must be a being - yes or no?

Or are you speaking of a force such as in Starwars? If a force lacks personhood what can it do and would that force not be considered natural too, since it owes no explanation to personhood?
PGA2.0's avatar
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If you believe in a kind loving God and your child dies of pediatric cancer, what are you left with?
Sadness and a comfort that the kingdom of heaven belongs to little children. 
PGA2.0's avatar
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Sure you can make up meaning, but ultimately it means nothing. 

Yes, and....? So what?
So you live inconsistently with what you know as true - you live a lie, you deceive yourself.

Something came from nothing!!!
Or the stuff in the universe was always around in various forms, cycling from big bang to big crunch eternally. 
How do you get to the present universe from an infinite of universes? These universes coming and going? They do not all exist simultaneously. So what created the universe? What is this 'stuff' and how can it 'act' as an agent?

You can't have an infinite causality and get to the present causality, can you? Explain how it you think so. 

Next, if there is no intention then there is no purpose for the universe being here.
Again, so what?
So what is the agency that causes these bangs and crunches? Why does it happen? Without a being directing it there can be no 'why' for it happening, can there?

Are we being consistent with such a universe as that? 
I've asked this like a million times: WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO BE "CONSISTENT" WITH THE UNIVERSE? The practical implication on every day life. I'll help: Person A is "consistent" with the universe, and therefore they can __________________, which person B, who is inconsistent with the universe, cannot. " Fill in the blank. 
Can find meaning, purpose, value for it. Thus, only one worldview is consistent with their core beliefs. The other deceives itself.  

Why do we discover (no intent) the laws of nature? These questions are usually left blank by atheists. Do you care to answer them, or should I expect the usual silence? 

I'll answer this one because it's easy: we're exceptionally good at spotting patterns., whether they're there or not. We're wrong as often as we're right. 
Why would there be patterns that are sustainable in a chaotic chance happenstance universe? Patterns contain information. Information is something minds extract. 

Can you tell me why these laws of nature are sustainable is they are a product of chance? I refer you to the example of the dice constainly rolling six. First, something has to trigger the roll. Second, unless the dice is fixed there is no REASON why six would continually roll, and the greater number of rolls the less likely of sustaining the same result. Chance has no motive, no ability to do anything consistently. It is not reasonable to believe. 
FLRW's avatar
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The Kantian concept to treat someone "as an end" is quite complex.  Check out Robert Audi's book  Means, Ends, and Persons: The Meaning and Psychological Dimensions of Kant's Humanity Formula. The book has eight chapters divided into two parts. The first part is given over to an analysis of treating persons merely as a means, the second to treating them as ends.
3RU7AL's avatar
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I am probably not consistent with atheism.
Do you self-identify as a Theist?
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What about a police officer, or a store clerk?

3RU7AL's avatar
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So, it should not bother you if you are being consistent with atheism in which the universe is a meaningless mass of matter.
Atheism makes no such claim.
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Wrong. There is no free man nor slave, no female of male but all are one in Jesus Christ. The biblical teaching promotes loving others and looking out for their best interests. 
15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?
16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord.
17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. [**]
PGA2.0's avatar
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A better question I have asked hundreds of theists, is why did god create anything, at all, in the first place? and like much of the bible, I have never had a answer that couldn't easily be debunked. 
[A] For His pleasure. Because He wanted to, not because He had to.

So simply put then  we were created for his own self serving reasons as his toys or pets, to be discarded (killed and disposed of) at will as he could make more when he got fed up and bored with his old toys.  He certainly knew when to dispose of his childish things didn't he; anytime he felt like it.
No, we were created to experience a relationship with Him and learn of His love for us, that we may choose to love Him,

 I just love how you have to further embellish your reply at [A] once it has been show to be absolutely ridiculous.
Genesis 1
4 God saw that the light was good;...12 ...and God saw that it was good...18 ...and God saw that it was good...21...and God saw that it was good...25...and God saw that it was good... 31 was very good. 

So, on the days of creation, God was pleased, except on the one day. Six times we are told that what He created was good. He saw what He had made and He was pleased, it was good. He was satisfied. 

Psalm 104:31 (NASB)
31 Let the glory of the Lord endure forever;
Let the Lord be glad in His works;

God enjoys what He makes for it expresses His glory, expresses who He is; His wisdom, His power, the majesty of His mind.

Psalm 19 (NASB)
19 The heavens are telling of the glory of God;
And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.
2 Day to day pours forth speech,
And night to night reveals knowledge.
3 There is no speech, nor are there words;
Their voice is not heard.

for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.  

God is at work, including the regeneration and guidance of humans who believe, for His good pleasure. He is pleased to do it. He enjoys helping the believer. For those who reject Him he does not delight in their wickedness for He is good and just.

You simply cannot explain why god created anything at all can you? So you now have had to resort to injecting sentiment of  exaggerated, self-indulgent feelings of caring, tenderness and love, not realising he wouldn't have the need to bother at all had he not created anything.
Why would God create something unless He wanted to? And if God says something is good, then He is pleased with it. What He makes expresses His goodness. It is when sin is found in the creation of man because God created humans in His image and likeness that He expresses displeasure. The reason He does that is that He is pure and holy and does not enjoy what is wrong. 

I mean, how the hell was he ever getting on without us before all this creating of hell,
Hell on earth is our doing. We think we know better than God, as you do yourself. God warned of the consequences of choosing to know both good and evil. Adam did so anyway, just as you and I do. Sin and evil is a lesson to us of how we can't live good life's without God.

Satan, deceiving serpents, angels, disobedient women, floods, destruction, war, murder, kings, queens, sacrifice, priests, other idols to worry about and be jealous of and not to mention the "other gods" also to be jealousy of that appear to have been "loved" instead of him.   However did he manage to occupied himself for all that time before we and this planet were even thought about and come into existence?
Yes, He did manage. God is content in Himself, in the tri-unity of Beings - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Time? God is eternally present. Time needs a start, yet God is eternal. He transcends time. Time was created with the universe and humanity. Humans comprehend time because they think as well as have a beginning. 

Because he was bored stupid '   would have been a better reply. And just as easily been blown out of the water. 
Pure speculation without biblical evidence.

Bordom is a cause (not the only one) of discontent but I believe God is content within Himself since His mind is infinite. What He is dislpeased with is evil/unrighteousness. 

But godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment.

If godliness is a reflection of contentment then God must be content.

PGA2.0's avatar
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Again, a megalomaniacal lunitic is not the biblical God.
Why did "YHWH" order the slaughter of prisoners (women and children)?

He explanation is in the verses you supplied as for the judgment on the women in this case. 

Numbers 31:15-18

15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?
16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord.
17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

17 Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man [g]intimately.

I'm not sure if that particular verse teaches the killing of children (among the little ones), but and innocent life God takes (a life that has not committed sin and is not able to reason or yet be accountable) God will restore to a better place. Jesus taught the kingdom of heaven belongs to little children. 

'Among the little ones' could mean every little one that was a male or it could mean every male hiding among the little ones. The NIV translates it as little boys.

I can only speculat if it was the NIV meaning. Perhaps the reason was that boys who discovered their heritage would be more likely to take revenge or perhaps they were influenced by their parent's worldview, or it could be for the reason that the girls would help increase the nation of Israel if they agreed to marry a Hebrew and once they had a family would be inclined to support their husband and his beliefs for the good of the family.

The point, there are explanations for why this happened. 

PGA2.0's avatar
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That correct interpretation comes from finding the Author's meaning, not interjecting my own meaning into the text. 

Why do you think so many "christians" disagree with each other?
They do not try to understand what God is saying. Their bias, influence from others, and denominationalism gets in the way. His Word is our standard. 

It's because "human evaluation" and "human interpretation" is inescapable.
Even though I use my human filter - my mind - I try to get the Author's meaning. That is possible, so there is a correct INTERPRETATION. 
I'm not sure how your interpretation of "the Author's meaning" is "unfiltered" by your human perception.
The test is in the verse or verses in question. To say that there is not a correct intent of an author's words is to say that communication cannot take place. Do you believe you can correctly interpret what I have said? And when you don't quite understand my meaning you ask me to explain it further. Thus, you must understand that there is an objective meaning in communications, but you do not give the biblical author(s) (said to be God speaking in over a thousand verses) that courtesy. That is inconsistent and hypocritical if you do that. 

Have you managed to distill any moral AXIOMS?
How do you mean? I believe I have. 

I work from the principle of the Ten Commandments, which delves into most aspects of morality for it deals with what happens when someone wrongs instead of loves others. Abortion centers on the "thou shalt not kill/murder" principle. Abortion is a spiteful act that does not take into account the life of someone else but thinks of self. It is not loving. All human life is created in the image and likeness of God. It is God's right to take human life since we are His creatures.
God permits exceptions for civil societies to function. Wrongdoing - life for life; that would be equal justice. The exception to abortion is when the woman will die before the unborn is developed enough to save it. Then it is permissible to take its life because the death of the woman would be unavoidable and so would that of the unborn. At leat one is saved, so it is the greater outcome of the two - one dead instead of two. When someone dies unintentionally, in the case of manslaughter, the intent is not to do harm (but sometimes it can be because of carelessness), but an accident results in death. That is not the same thing as malicious or spiteful intent - murder -  that the commandment deals with. 
PGA2.0's avatar
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Too many bald assertions to address individual. Even if I accept that some version of the Yahweh must necessarily exist you have not actually demonstrated or even suggested some methodology that takes the guess work out of understanding the primary moral axioms of the Yahweh. 
Then take a few. I was just answering your statements, charges, and questions. Break them down into segments. 

Your statements do the same thing - assert. Then you guys pick and choose what you will and will not address. You only select what you believe will further your talking points.  I took the time to deal with all your assertions. 
PGA2.0's avatar
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I believe that free will was only present in Adam. 
Then no other humans are really making choices including the "choice" to believe or reject. If I am flawed by design take it up with the manufacturer. 

Do you really think that your will is free, or is it influenced by many things?

You choose, but you choose what you like or what you think you have to. Thus, your will is subject to all kinds of influences. It has biases and likes and dislikes that influence what you choose. 
3RU7AL's avatar
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I'm not sure if that particular verse teaches the killing of children (among the little ones), but and innocent life God takes (a life that has not committed sin and is not able to reason or yet be accountable) God will restore to a better place.
Literally, "kill 'em all and let god sort 'em out".

Of course, "they deserved it" because those pesky prisoners probably "caused the israelites to sin" (or they probably would in the future, better not take any chances).

It sounds like "everyone is equal before jesus" is more like "shape-up or ship-out".

3RU7AL's avatar
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Have you managed to distill any moral AXIOMS?
How do you mean? I believe I have. 

I work from the principle of the Ten Commandments, which delves into most aspects of morality for it deals with what happens when someone wrongs instead of loves others.
How do the "Ten Commandments" relate to COPYRIGHT LAW?
PGA2.0's avatar
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The analogy you give sucks. What we are dealing with are TWO human beings, one unborn and the other born.
In my analogy we are dealing with two human beings.
The unborn is a human being. What other kinds of being can it be if it has a male and female donor that are humans???

When you lose focus on what you are killing or speaking of you discriminate against and dehumanize helpless human beings. 

Both have already been born. Does that make them intrinsically less worthwhile?
No, they are of equal worth if there is equal justice. Do you believe that justice should be equal? Do you think all innocent human beings should be treated equally, with respect and dignity?

If my body could save a man and I refuse is that immoral?
It shows compassion and mercy. Would you like to be shown those two qualities?

What if he is a father with children that need him?
Even more of a blessing to him and his family to save him. 

What if he is a doctor or the leader of an important peace movement? Should my body be under the control of the state in cases where I could save a life even at risk to my own?
At risk to yourself comes under the topic of the same compassion and mercy. It is excusable by law if you choose not to risk your own life, but in the case where you ignore someone dying not because your life is at stake but because you are indifferent, that is a crime. 

Also I am not convinced that a fetus is necessarily a human being in the sense that it is an individual with emotions and thoughts (and therefore at least arguably deserving of rights) but really that is beside the point when you demand that legislation be passed which removes my bodily autonomy
What do you mean by necessarily? You need to think about it more then.

First, when you say it is not human because it does not yet think or display emotions, why not? Does it have the same genetic makeup as every other human being?
Next, is it okay to kill human beings because they are not as developed as you are?
Then, do you think you are just if you do not treat every innocent human being equally? How is it just if I am a judge and I make an exception under the law just because you are a bother to me but I can't find any moral wrong under the law that you have done? And what happens if I make a law not based on all men (humans) being equal? Then I can perhaps enslave you if I so choose. Do you think that is just?  Am I treating you as I treat those I like?

About your bodily autonomy, does your privacy give you the right to harm innocent human beings? If a little child walks onto your property, should you be allowed to kill it? It did not have any intention on doing so. It was lost. Does that give you justification to kill it? 
Second, you only focus on your bodily autonomy. What about the bodily autonomy of the unborn? Are you that selfish that others do not matter, especially the most helpless and most in need of protection amongst us?

In the case of an overwhelming majority of abortions, the woman uses bodily rights as an excuse to rid herself of responsibility. Why can she do this with the unborn but be charged if she neglected and rids herself of her newborn in this manner?  
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Do you believe you can correctly interpret what I have said?
I can decipher the words and their logical conclusions, but NOT your intention.

Often the logical conclusions do not resemble your stated intention in the slightest (when you kindly take the time to elucidate).

And when you don't quite understand my meaning you ask me to explain it further.
Either directly or indirectly by paraphrasing.

Thus, you must understand that there is an objective meaning in communications,
Nope.  Please explain.

...but you do not give the biblical author(s) (said to be God speaking in over a thousand verses) that courtesy.
I also don't (CAN'T) give the author(s) of the Tao Te Ching and or the Bardo Thodol that "courtesy".

That is inconsistent and hypocritical if you do that. 
Look, you're the "expert" on this subject, so that's why I'm asking you.
PGA2.0's avatar
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Also, as related to this thread, atheism/theism are not moral philosophies....neither are reasonable from a moral standpoint. In your thread you drop the theistic ambiguity and name Christianity, which is a moral view, but again, you compare it to atheism which is not a moral philosophy. The comparison itself is not reasonable.

Its like you're pitting "Kumbaya" against silence and asking which is better music. There is a category error in the comparison.
I only defend one moral theistic position for I believe that the many contrary positions cannot all be true/valid. Thus, I always point to the Christian God.

Then it shouldn't be too hard for you to concede you are not defending theism but a particular view which falls under the label of theism.
Christianity is a theistic belief and I am defending it. I believe it is the necessary theistic belief, therefore in making sense of morality a theistic belief is necessary and reasonable. Getting into which one is beyond my intention here, but I only justify the one as reasonable. Theism, in the form of the Judeo-Christian belief is what I consider reasonable, but if you want to compare theism to atheism, what do you mean by theism? I mean the Judeo-Christian belief. 

I explain the reason when I speak of theism I only defend the one theistic belief - on the impossibility of the contrary, because they are just that, they contradict each other. Therefore they can't all be true. 

I am defending theism. I am not out of the parameter of theism. Here is a definition:

Definition of theism
belief in the existence of a god or godsspecifically belief in the existence of one God viewed as the creative source of the human race and the world who transcends yet is immanent in the world

Yes, I am sorry I was not more precise in my heading (I was thinking of space), but by saying 'theism' I am speaking of either a personal God or gods as responsible for the creation or existence of the universe, us, morality. I just happen to believe in only one God, not many, yet that does not compromise the definition. 

Additionally, if theism (a broad belief in god) is not a moral view, then atheism (a broad non-belief in god) is not a moral view either. Until you are able to come up with an apples to apples comparison, there is really no defense needed.
My view of theism is a belief in one God that covers a multitude of topics, one of which is morality. Your view of life as an atheist incorporates more than just morality, yet that is the aspect we are looking at from your perspective as an atheist, here, just as I defend my view as a Christian. My, you are getting picky, Skone.

I am comparing apples to oranges. Applies is Christianity; oranges is atheism.  

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I do not vote.

I am probably not consistent with atheism.

The rest is your opinion.
Okay, fine. 

My topic was asking which is more reasonable, morality from an atheist's perspective or from a theists perspective, and in theism I defend the biblical God so I will only defend my position from that standpoint, as reasonable. Hope that clarifies things. 

Let me ask you then, which do you think is the more reasonable position, atheism or Christianity in regards to morality and justification? Please give reasons if you choose to respond. 
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So, it should not bother you if you are being consistent with atheism in which the universe is a meaningless mass of matter.
Atheism makes no such claim.
Many do. Those who have thought about it do. Those who don't have neglected to think much about what they believe or why. 

I could give you many quotes from atheists who in reflecting believe the universe is meaningless, such as Richard Dawkins. He lives inconsistently with his belief. He interjects meaning into the meaningless - the irony of it all. 
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Wrong. There is no free man nor slave, no female of male but all are one in Jesus Christ. The biblical teaching promotes loving others and looking out for their best interests. 
15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?
16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord.
17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. [**]
I have already explained my reasoning with this verse. Not only that, you are dealing with the OT which is no longer in existence. 
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I'm not sure if that particular verse teaches the killing of children (among the little ones), but and innocent life God takes (a life that has not committed sin and is not able to reason or yet be accountable) God will restore to a better place.
Literally, "kill 'em all and let god sort 'em out".

Of course, "they deserved it" because those pesky prisoners probably "caused the israelites to sin" (or they probably would in the future, better not take any chances).
Israel, allowing them to remain in the land (instead of driving them out and they would not go) would have caused Israel to reject God or ignore Him and that is what happened because they did not follow God's counsel. These people were a thorn in Israel's side. Not only did the hate Israel but if they had the numbers they would have killed all Jews and prevented God from fulfilling the Messianic lineage. 

But as I said before, God will not take an innocent life without restoring that life to a better place. Do you understand what I just said since you seem unable to grasp this concept?

It sounds like "everyone is equal before jesus" is more like "shape-up or ship-out".
Notice, it includes those who are in Christ that recognize there is not distinction. We are to love all, equally. God is not a respecter of persons. He will judge all with equal justice. If you have wronged you are answerable. Either you accept God's provision or you will pay the price in full yourself. It is that simple. 

I think I answered that question before. Jesus summed up the Ten Commandments in two - love God and love your neighbour. Loving your neighbour means not harming them. Love is defined in 1 Corinthians 13. Your neighbour encompasses more than those in your immediate neighbourhood, but should include all people. 
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Have you managed to distill any moral AXIOMS?
How do you mean? I believe I have. 

I work from the principle of the Ten Commandments, which delves into most aspects of morality for it deals with what happens when someone wrongs instead of loves others.
How do the "Ten Commandments" relate to COPYRIGHT LAW?
I'm not sure what you mean? Are you speaking of plagiarism?