a day in the life of sue, a republican

Author: n8nrgmi


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Danielle's avatar
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I have a few Jewish friends that consider Jewish to be an ethnicity. It's obviously not a race or ethnicity in technical terms, but I can understand their argument. It's wrong but I get it. As far as being racist towards Mexicans, they are obviously not a race but if particular Mexicans are a different race from you than you can be racist toward them. I feel like this is something everyone (especially liberals) understand and you're just trying to nitpick someone misspeaking about something they'd obviously agree with. That's fine. You're probably very amused by finding a CNN anchor like Jim Acosta saying something stupid and arguably racist. Wow! What a catch.  There are millions of examples of Fox News anchors, particularly that profoundly idiotic catastrophize king Tucker Carlson, saying stupid and/or racist things far more worthy of ridicule. Do they amuse you as much? If so, why don't you share some of those clips for us to mock as well? I'm in the mood for a good chuckle. 

It's true that sometimes people call things racism when it's not, and that's unfortunate. But the same thing happens to the opposite extent, which is equally if not more problematic. You have cataclysmically ignorant, fucking illiterate, dimwit, bigot dullards (I'm just using strong language to prove a point) like some people in this thread or on this site who say racism doesn't even exist or is nothing but a "boogeyman," which is obviously 100% false. Does that bother you as much as the people who falsely cry racism?  I've never seen you call that out or get so upset over those idiots. Interesting. 
Danielle's avatar
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Sometimes I feel more passionate than others. In this case I didn't feel very strongly.  I just wanted to point out that bmdrocks21's logic was absolute trash; he had no proof whatsoever to justify any of the sweeping generalizations he was making; and he is indeed a flat out bigot despite trying to make intellectual attempts (but utterly failing) to justify his intolerance. I have succeeded at proving those things but I'm not particularly angry about it.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
Does that bother you as much as the people who falsely cry racism? 
I am bothered with corrupt crony elites in power. If more of them are doing one thing over the other, then you know where I stand.

  I just wanted to point out that bmdrocks21's logic was absolute trash
Stop noscoping.
Danielle's avatar
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Danielle's avatar
I have never once seen you call out hyperbolic, idiotic, right-wing, bullshit falsehoods just like you don't call out racism or racists for whatever reason you refuse to identify.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
I just told you why.

I'm not going to play the false dichotomy black/white game of the crony elites. I will Guy Fawkes them at every opportunity. Whataboutism isn't even part of the equation.

The goal is disruption of crony power, not trusting them when they scream RAAACCCIISSSIISISISSIM 24/7 on the MSM propaganda loudspeakers.

Do you actually think any of the manufactured outrages on MSM comes even close to the effect Crony power has over your life?

Please, do defend that position. 
Death23's avatar
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Death23's avatar
he is indeed a flat out bigot

Prove it. I read everything he wrote in this thread, and I don’t see it.
zedvictor4's avatar
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A race is a race, only when you choose to stop at a certain point in hominid history.

F**king Neanderthals.
bmdrocks21's avatar
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bmdrocks21's avatar
This looks like something Trump's minions would write in Fox News.

What specifically?
bmdrocks21's avatar
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bmdrocks21's avatar
Deluding yourself into thinking that Democrats want rapists and criminals among their own children and society is an astonishingly stupid take. You partisans frothing at the mouth over hatred for "the other side" sound absolutely insane saying things like this. Not only is it mind bogglingly dumb to suggest people are A-okay with murderers roaming free -- and nobody has ever said that, so it's just  another thing you completely made up -- but it also makes no sense to suggest we should assume people who stay in the country illegally (i.e. non felonious criminals) are going to rob and kill people. That's ridiculous fear mongering. I hope you're not actually that ignorant and afraid. 

And no Biden didn't "change his mind" so you're wrong again. He has always said he wanted felonious immigrants out, and in fact Trump used Biden's anti immigration stance against him in the debate when he commented that Obama + Biden's administration built the cages and presided over mass deportation. So conservatives can't have it both ways and highlight that Obama/Biden were anti immigrant in their policy and then at the same time try and portray them as open border enthusiasts. I mean I guess you can try, but I'll call it out as nonsense as you can see. 

I doubt Democrats want murderers in their streets, (although their very soft on crime stance might suggest otherwise), but politics is all about unintended consequences. Every criminal at some point had no felony convictions. Simply put, being softies on illegal immigration gets dozens, likely hundreds of Americans killed every year by people who shouldn't even be here.

While I doubt Democrats wanted that to happen, not helping ICE deport them directly contributes to these deaths, or drug overdoses from drugs they sell and smuggle or however else they harm Americans.

I thought that the high level of deportations was actually a highlight of the Obama/Biden presidency. Trump was really stupid for trying to smear Biden based on his previous tough-on-crime stances in the middle of a crime wave and riots. See? I can agree with Obama on occasion ;)

Your argument is that black people blame white people for all of their problems. Here is the quote you provided: “There are fewer than 1% of black female professors in the United Kingdom … The findings show that for changes to be made, the embedded structures of racism and white supremacy need to be dismantled in preparation for an education system that is based on equitable practices and processes.” This statement makes one singular observation about one specific subject - the lack of black female professors in the U.K. - and therefore in no way, shape, or form comes even CLOSE to proving the monumentally broad statement of white people being blamed for all black people's problems. All this does is highlight exactly what I said about teachers discussing the ways history has impacted present day society. 
I didn't say black people blame white people for all of their problems, I referred specifically to how "academics" always frame the issue. I gave an example of the type of language used to shift all blame to a "white supremacy" or "systemically racist" boogeyman, while utterly ignoring other factors that contribute to the disparity- as if a disparity alone is somehow an indication of malice.

If I need a quote from a professor on all the ~600+ problems in the black community to meet your burden of proof or whatever, then I'm just not gonna bother further commenting on the point lol.

You can't find a "this percentage of professors blame white people for all black people's problems" statistic on Google Scholar.

You gave a statistic about 16% of STEM workers being brown. That doesn't prove anything about racism being "imaginary" lol what? And what does this prove about "white people being blacked for all black people's problems?" You're just throwing out useless statistics at this point. 
I'll put this in simple terms:
There is a disparity
Only explanation for disparity-"systemic" racism
Who has been the country majority with "systemic" power? White people
So who is therefore blamed for supposed "systemic" racism? White people

That is the entire formula. Just keep this in the back of your mind for the future, I don't care if I convince you rn tbh.

Any "bad" disparity exists (there are less of "x" demographic in a good job, more negative health outcomes, etc.)
If a minority group, generally just confined to Latinos/Blacks/Women (Asians are only occasionally not used because they generally succeed at higher rates than White people) is on the bad end, then it must be because of the White people or White men specifically setting up a racist system to hurt x group
White people are evil for creating said system

There is no "well maybe they have higher rates of diabetes because they eat way too much fast food and sweets compared to other groups" no "maybe they have less wealth because they have more children out of wedlock, and single parenthood leads to poverty and crime" unless you're an evil right-wing bigot

Once you start noticing the formula, you'll see it everywhere haha.

I'll give you an example here for COVID since it is relevant:

Disparity/minorities hurt:
"An Associated Press analysis of available death data found that black people constituted 42 percent of the victims, doubling their share of the populations of the states the analysis included. In Louisiana, more than 70 percent of the people who have died so far from COVID-19 were black, more than twice their 32 percent share of the state’s population, and well above the 60 percent share of the population of New Orleans, where the outbreak is worst. In New York, African Americans comprise 9 percent of the state population and 17 percent of the deaths."

Muh Racism:
"When pressed on whether these “underlying health conditions” are “rooted in years of systemic racism,” Cassidy responded: “That’s rhetoric, and it may be. But as a physician, I’m looking at science.”
Without question, African Americans suffer disproportionately from chronic diseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, lung disease, obesity, and asthma, which make it harder for them to survive COVID-19. But if Cassidy were looking at science, then he’d also be asking: Why are African American suffering more from these chronic diseases? Why are African Americans more likely to be obese than Latinos and whites?"

Disparities in underlying health conditions blamed on- you guessed it- racism.

They never actually mention data on the differences in diets between races (fast food/fried food consumption-type data).

But they do say:
"If black people receive inferior care from hospitals and doctors, are black people to blame? If black people are less likely to be insured, are black people are to blame? If hospitals in majority-black counties are overloaded with coronavirus patients, are black people to blame?"

All attention gets 100% shifted away from those issues of diet instead of digging into them at all, thus there must be no blame on them whatsoever! In my skimming, I saw no part where the author put any blame on an affected group, simply doing a poor rebuttal of people that do.

They bring up "inferior care" racism without any link to instances of inferior care. Insurance differences have nothing to do with the much higher infection rates. There is no proof provided that hospitals in black areas were overcrowded. All emergency rooms have to accept anybody regardless of insurance. 

It is all blame for Whitey.

Meanwhile, they don't mention that Hispanics have much lower rates of insurance (20% uninsured vs 11.4% for Blacks) yet Hispanics also have a lower death rate according to the article.  https://www.kff.org/uninsured/state-indicator/nonelderly-uninsured-rate-by-raceethnicity/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D

Lots of mental gymnastics to blame White people for every issue. You'll never hear that White women die in childbirth more than Hispanics based on rates, for instance. It is an inconvenient fact.

Article link:

First off minimizing the impact of horrifically racist Jim Crow laws by saying "muh Jim Crow" as if it's not significant is really childish and speaks volumes. Secondly you can't deny the existence of Jim Crow nor the impact of Jim Crow, which is why you are bringing up the fallacious red herring of other things you find to be problematic. They may be significant and problematic as well,  but that doesn't mean Jim Crow wasn't. 

Thirdly you're just flat out wrong again because all of those things are factored into analysis about crimes and livelihoods among people living in inner cities.  No one denies that fatherlessness factors into crimes nor that most crime occurs among certain communities. I'm guessing you are completely unaware and ignorant to the mountains of research on those very topics, but yes, they exist and they are talked about quite a bit.
Jim Crow- bad
Two decades later- definitely going to still be some effects(in my opinion rather small after ~2 generations have been born), but certainly not enough to still be responsible for these large disparities.

Third- I'm sure I'm much more familiar with that research, but that is completely irrelevant that there is that much research. Simply put, if you solve fatherless homes alone, you will get rid of most of the disparity on the poverty end. This doesn't even touch on other issues like culture affecting life choices.

Black motherless home: 45% in poverty
Black double married parent: 12% in poverty
Still higher than Whites by a few percent (but again, number of children is higher for Blacks, different choices of jobs/housing/age to have kids among hundreds of other factors can explain it without blaming evil George Wallace's corpse)

With that huge difference from one issue alone and the >70% illegitimacy rate, why the heck is Jim Crow still even 1/10th as relevant?

The answer is that it is much easier to blame the "racism boogeyman" than poor decisions of individuals.

In my opinion, focusing on the invisible racism from mainly the 1960s is a 100% distraction from real issues that are causing real problems, and blowing them out of proportion to shift blame and whip up votes is counterproductive.
bmdrocks21's avatar
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bmdrocks21's avatar
The only reason you said "lol" after pointing out that sovereign nations have immigration laws (which I've obviously never denied) is because I made you look silly regarding your ignorance of the 10th amendment. 

Your exact words were: "No, immigration law is federal in nature. I see you try to play the federalism card when convenient, even though it doesn’t apply." Then I explained exactly why my point about state's rights does apply, which is because this issue got brought up to the Supreme Court and they ruled that California didn't have to comply with the feds contrary to the position you keep taking. 

I have no idea why you mentioned SCOTUS doesn't hear most cases "tee hee" because that has nothing to do with... anything.
I mentioned federalism and SCOTUS not taking cases because you said them not taking the case was a "big win" for states rights. My point was that not taking a case doesn't mean that the Supreme Court agree with the lower court decision, but it seems that wasn't your point. Also, this was related back to me blaming states for keeping criminal aliens. I am not making a Constitutional case that they have to use state resources to apply federal immigration laws. That is irrelevant. I am blaming states that don't care to help deport illegal aliens.
bmdrocks21's avatar
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bmdrocks21's avatar
Lol you think this is a "gotcha" moment but it's actually funny.  You have to KILL to hunt, correct? So the purpose of guns for hunting is to kill. Thanks for reiterating that. And yes you can shoot at targets for fun, but the purpose of guns is to kill so much so in fact that if the gun was faulty and not capable of killing, it would be considered a design defect + design failure. 

Tee hee, I don't think the deer's family is going to sue you for killing it- which was the whole point (you bringing up tort law)

No, the only issue is that the gun doesn't fire. You can shoot people in different areas to disarm or incapacitate them.

You can also shoot just targets, and the last time I checked, targets aren't alive. So, I'll take your concession that guns aren't only for killing :^)

That is 100% false. I am a gun enthusiast. I own several guns and would have more if my state allowed it. My wedding cake literally had guns all over it.

Well now I'm just a lil proud. Seems like a cool cake! Congrats, as well!

You keep repeating the same irrelevant thing. You have a right to own a gun, but you have no right to have a gun made and sold to you. The constitution says nothing of the sort.  If a gun manufacturer didn't want to manufacture guns any more and decided to shut down along with all other manufacturers, and you didn't know how to make a gun yourself, then guess what? YOU HAVE NO GUN and your "right" to it means nothing. Distributors have a right to discriminate who they sell to so long as it does not fall within a protected class. 

Again you can disagree about what I'm proposing, but you clearly don't understand what I'm talking about. You should think more about it first before forming an opinion. It might actually be something you agree with considering it acknowledges the government has no right to stop you from self defense.  I know you hyperpartisans obsessed with taking down the lefties are incapable of thinking without shouting at "the other side" though. 

Lol, you paint me as hyperpartisan in order to make me "the other side" which explains your consistent irksome and disrespectful tone.

No, a gun manufacturer doesn't have to sell to you. They hypothetically COULD be sued if the same rules were applied to them.

That is why I DON'T support the same treatment as a drug company.

That is why companies like Twitter get preferential liability coverage for allowing the freedom of speech on their platform- they can't be sued for what users say on their site. (The rule isn't enforced that much when they take partisan stances, but you get the point). They can choose to be a publisher liable for content, or they can protect the freedom of speech and not be sued.

In the same manner, companies providing for the exercise of the Second Amendment should not be open to be sued out of existence over petty lawsuits that don't pan out- legal costs are exorbitant as they build up, even if the cases often have little merit.

bmdrocks21's avatar
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bmdrocks21's avatar
As far as immigration goes, I have mixed feelings. The capitalist (and almost dead but still hanging on libertarian) in me is very pro immigration and property rights. If a business owner wants to provide a job or rent his property to someone from Guatemala, who am I to stop him? Why should government interfere with peaceful commerce? On the other hand I do acknowledge government has a role and arguably a responsibility at regulating commerce for the good of its citizens -- that's how property rights are allowed to exist in the first place. So I am not some close minded nitwit who parrots talking points from the far left. I just so happen to believe immigration is a net positive per my own experience growing up surrounded by them in NYC, and being the daughter of an immigrant myself. I have bias but unlike most people I am very open to persuasion. 

My partner has an interesting take on the immigration problem that maybe I'll get around to explaining later if I feel up to it. 
Eh, I personally dropped the libertarianism a couple years ago. Authright!

I'm quite nationalistic, so I'm not a fan mass immigration's free market arguments.

Taking in large amounts of largely uneducated workers depresses wages for domestic high-school-educated workers and prices them out of historically good job for them like construction. 

Probably why working class people are becoming more depressed/resorting to drugs and suicide.

Historically, we have had large waves of immigration then cut them off for long periods. A drastic reduction in immigration is much past due. That is a decent system- it facilitates assimilation.
Danielle's avatar
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Danielle's avatar
He's a bigot and a racist because he has been callous about racism, mocked Jim Crow, made insanely stupid comments he couldn't defend ("black people blame white people for all their problems"), won't acknowledge any of the real examples of discrimination, and said that only his white, conservative, presumably Judeo Christian worldview is what "real America" looks like. He is also anti LGBT. All of that is evidence of bigotry. Period.  I don't have to "prove" anything to you. I just explained the obvious and whether you acknowledge reality or not is your business.
Danielle's avatar
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Danielle's avatar
You refuse to call out bigotry and racism because some people in the MSM lie? That is the most utterly pathetic and sorry excuse I've ever heard from a typical weak ass cuckservative. The only difference between you and the lying elites is you don't have any power, but you're certainly no better. 

Also lol at you saying "it's not about whataboutism" but evoking it at every turn. You can't even explain your refusal to call out straight up lies and blatant falsehoods by right-wingers because "whatabout when the elites lie."  Sad. 

Death23's avatar
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Death23's avatar
You're right that you don't have to prove anything to me. Nobody has to do anything here if they don't want to.

I'm assuming that these are accurate working definitions here: (the underlined portion)


A person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. https://www.lexico.com/us-english/definition/bigot


A person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/racist
He may very well be a bigot and a racist. Those attitudes did not disappear when they became socially unacceptable. They simply went in to hiding, and what we're seeing here may be "dog-whistle" racism. That is a good and plausible explanation, but it is merely that. His conduct is also consistent with having a white racial identity and responding defensively to perceived narratives suggesting white guilt and what have you. The latter explanation for his conduct is not bigoted or racist. It is ethnocentric. (Edit: I'm not a fan of ethnocentrism or tribalism btw. I think they are divisive attitudes that weaken us as a whole)
Danielle's avatar
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Yes, white fragility is rampant and he clearly suffers from it. I understand that he is ethnocentric. He is also a bigot and a racist. 
Death23's avatar
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Death23's avatar
Your defensive response toward the white guilt narrative should help you to understand why taking responsibility doesn't gain popular traction in groups. Nobody wants to take the blame. The reality is that the conditions within the black community are, to a certain extent, attributable to racism but are also attributable to other factors within the black community itself. I do think that out of wedlock births is a significant problem. Consider, however, that the children born in to those situations have done nothing to cause them. They are not to blame for that in any way. They are also not to blame for the disparities in education funding which are attributable to the property tax collections. Housing in black communities is of lower market value and the property taxes used to fund schools in those areas is consequently lower. They will grow up within a culture that, to a certain extent, glorifies criminal lifestyles, rejects education and where credibility is given by showing a readiness to resort to violence. It is reasonable to expect a significantly greater number of adverse outcomes when you run children through that environment. Yes, there is choice, but there is also pressure to make certain choices. The responsibility that we should expect people to take for making certain choices should be mitigated by the pressures people are faced with in given situations. As to whatever adverse impacts racism may be having, it is something that should be tackled. Racism does effect outcomes. It isn't entirely clear to me to what degree internal vs external problems are causing adverse outcomes, but in the end it doesn't really matter.
Death23's avatar
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Death23's avatar
How do I tell that there's racism and bigotry as opposed to merely ethnocentric white fragility? The conduct appears to be mostly defensive in response to a perceived allegation of group responsibility rather than some unprovoked rant about black people.
Greyparrot's avatar
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because some people in the MSM lie?

Sorry, I'll go back to trusting authority so you can sleep better.
Danielle's avatar
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Danielle's avatar
I never told you to trust authority. I basically just called you a little bitch for remaining silent in the face of cruelty (bigotry). 
Greyparrot's avatar
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No no, I'll trust authority now when they tell me to be outraged at things. Power is a bitch.
Danielle's avatar
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Danielle's avatar
I have no idea why you constantly bring up that utterly useless quip about "trusting authority" when I never once said anything about trusting  anyone. 

I asked you why you don't call out right-wing lies, bigotry and falsehoods (be it from the media pundits or people right here on DART) and you gave the utterly pathetic and bitch ass excuse of "well people in power and the MSM lie."  So fucking what? Because people in the media lie, that prevents you from honesty, decency or intellectual consistency? That stops you from pointing out when people are wrong or standing up for what is right?  Lol proof that you live by whataboutism despite lamenting it at every turn. What an ugly quality to be so vindictive and spiteful that you would want to hurt fellow citizens and perpetuate falsehoods because you resent "the elites" and think that somehow the elites are the ones who get hurt by false right-wing talking points. I see they're really hurting. Keep up the good work, and thank you for your service. 
Greyparrot's avatar
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I asked you why you don't call out right-wing lies, bigotry and falsehoods 

because there's a huge fucking difference between the lies Republicans spout on trivial things like crowd size at an inauguration and the lies that lead to the Patriot Act. I care about the lies that lead to more crony power.

Like I said before, whataboutism isn't even a viable point when the powerful elites deal in false equivalencies on a daily basis to maintain the crony power structure.

Power is a bitch.
Danielle's avatar
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Danielle's avatar
How do I tell that there's racism and bigotry as opposed to merely ethnocentric white fragility? The conduct appears to be mostly defensive in response to a perceived allegation of group responsibility rather than some unprovoked rant about black people.

That's a good question and you bring up a very good point. I think the distinction is believing one race is inherently inferior to another. That makes it less about tribalism for comfort or survival, and more about an unjustifiable and biased superiority complex. 

In this case I think the anti LGBT rhetoric from him shows me he has a streak of bigotry that's not just about self preservation. Theoretically any phobia or act could be justified based on "self preservation," i.e. Nazi genocide. 

I haven't read any of his responses from the last day yet so I'll read them and get back to you later when I have a moment. But I do see your point. I viscerally disagree he is just afraid (and even if fear drives his beliefs and actions, that wouldn't make it justified) but I want to give you a more well thought out answer since I can appreciate your perspective here. 

Danielle's avatar
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It's not just about people in power. You don't hold back from mocking or criticizing the leftist talking points you find to be silly or wrong from people on DART, but you don't say shit about all of the utterly asinine right-wing and conservative positions I see being spouted here even if they're straight up evil and wrong. The liberals on DART don't have any power whatsoever but you speak up against them like the good little partisan cuckservative that you are. 

The MSM is not the only place people get information. People share ideas on social media as well. When you stay silent in the face of nonsense you're complicit in it. Do whatever you want of course, but don't delude yourself into thinking your pathetic excuses for ignoring lies and racism from right-wing bigots is logical. You're not remaining silent because you don't find the lie big enough (which btw is another one of the stupidest excuses I've heard). It's just you staying silent because you feel they're on "your side" in the grand scheme of things which is shameful. 

Greyparrot's avatar
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 if they're straight up evil and wrong. 
Lying to gain crony power is the greatest evil.

ignoring lies and racism from right-wing bigots is logical. 
The day those lies lead to crony power is the day I will give a fuck about what the MSM tells you to give a fuck about.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
On a personal note, I am on the recieving end of a staggering amount of sexism and racism because I choose to live near my family in a bigoted liberal state that believes in quotas. I am the ONLY male, forget skin color in my entire department of about 50 teachers for critically disabled kids. I have lost countless job opportunities due to my birth condition here, but it's not a big issue because there are other ways I can get around it. And it's not my major concern, nor is it the thing that has the most power over me. 

The latest power grab lie is though. And if you don't know what that lie is, you certainly won't hear it from the MSM.

So please don't lecture me on what I am supposed to be outraged at. I get enough of that from the MSM.
Danielle's avatar
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I don't know how I can explain this any more clearly to you, but I have no idea why you keep referencing the media. I have never once told you to trust the MSM. I have never once told you to trust "the elites." I have never once told you to blindly trust authority. I have never suggested you or anyone should be outraged by anything and everything. In fact, I have readily agreed that a lot of that is bullshit. The fact that you keep bringing up the media/ authority/ elites in your responses to me when I have never once referenced or even remotely suggested anything about what you're responding is truly mind boggling to me. 

I think all politics is personal. I appreciate you bringing your personal experience to this conversation (as much as you're willing to share, in the forums or in a private chat) because it helps explain your perspective. To be honest I don't understand what you're referring to when you mention how quotas are hurting you. Maybe if I knew the state you lived in I would understand more. But it sounds like you are lamenting sexism + racism and how it impacts your job opportunities. Are you sure you're not a whiney liberal making up boogeyman things working against you? It kinda sounds like it!

What you're missing is that you are making my point for me. You (allegedly) experience discrimination that directly impacts your opportunities, and it seems like it's extremely agitating to you which is understandable. Therefore, why is it not equally understandable to you that when someone says "racism doesn't exist" it would infuriate people who directly experience or witness it? 

Greyparrot's avatar
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 But it sounds like you are lamenting sexism + racism and how it impacts your job opportunities.
Well, choose to gloss over the part where I said it is not a major concern for me in relation to my other concerns, despite the issue being real and in my face.

 Therefore, why is it not equally understandable to you that when someone says "racism doesn't exist" it would infuriate people who directly experience or witness it? 
Beestings are irritating too, but I don't have to hear that this year on MSM. Although there was a time many years ago where we were directed to be afraid of the Africanized Bee.. (lulzy racist bees)

There exists an entire segment of the generation of young people who manufacture things because life is too easy for them. Like tattoos, risky behaviors, pretending to be black , pretending to be a victim, lying to get Twitter likes, etc.

I don't possess the need to manufacture shit, my life is hard enough on its own.
Danielle's avatar
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You claim to not be bothered by the (alleged) discrimination against you, but perhaps that's because there are other ways for you around it by your own admission. Obviously people without ways around discrimination would be very bothered by their lack of opportunities. Maybe you should have empathy for them instead of touting that you have other options and therefore the problems don't matter. 

I understand that you might have a more pressing concern than job discrimination, i.e. a health diagnosis. But just because you personally have, or there generally exists, to be greater problems than racism in a particular scenario does not mean that racism doesn't exist nor that it isn't problematic for people. Similarly hearing about it all the time on the MSM doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist. You will probably cherry pick a few examples where it's exaggerated and use that to disregard the millions of examples where it's not. That isn't logical. It's biased and factually incorrect.

All you're doing is basically saying that because you personally have had obstacles that other people's obstacles don't matter to you. ALL PROBLEMS MATTER. (See what I did there?) It's fine to prioritize the problems that impact you the most, but it takes little to no effort to call out bigotry and right-wing bullshit when you see it. It's as easy as calling out left-wing bullshit which you do all the time.  Your choice to not stand up for what's right against racism, falsehoods and other discrimination is just lazy and shameful for aforementioned reasons. 

I never heard of racist bees.