Any News

Author: sadolite


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sadolite's avatar
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sadolite's avatar
Has anyone else completely stopped watching network and cable news? I find it to be nothing but political propaganda and find them to be  completely worthless sources when seeking factual information about anything. I have been news free for 3 months now. All I watch are the streaming movie stations like Netflix and Hulu etc. It is quite refreshing I must say because when people ask me about what they hear on the news I just say I don't give a fuck, I don't believe anything the news says about anything. Then I say you will believe what ever you want to believe whether its true or not. Which of course is no truer a statement. I am better more accurately and factually informed not watching the news. The only truth in this world is what's outside my front door, my paycheck and the taxes taken out of it. Cant spin that no matter how hard you try.
Intelligence_06's avatar
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Intelligence_06's avatar
BREAKING NEWS: Anti-news Protesters Rises! 

This is Intel, and this is the CNN news network. We have another person here, Chen, who is going to broadcast our situation in the CNN broadcasting center. Right to you, Chen.

This is Chen, and as you can see, I am sitting right next to Intel, because the anti-news protesters has put barriers upon everything to prevent anyone with a broadcasting camera or anyone dressed in the proper attire of a news reporter, so there is nothing else for me to cover. I am tempted to shift the camera to present this comical scene, but unfortunately they have an endless supply of security camera, and they would shoot me if I film them with this camera. People living inside New York, NY; Washington DC, Atlanta, GA as well as Miami, FL can take a look outside to look at this scene, but absolutely do not post your recording of their ongoing recording as they will track you down through your IP address, delete the recording, delete every single of your accounts in the internet, and the more extreme factions may even barge through your door and take your life outright. I know that they have taken everything we had and this building is currently the only operating news broadcasting centre, which survives because the temporary artillery built around the base as well as the bullet-proof windows recently installed. You can hear the remote screaming of the anti-news people as well as the bullets they are firing, but only due to the sound-proof mechanism installed inside this room, because the protesters have been raging downstairs for 126 hours straight.

To the people that are watching through more than 3 layers of network protection, you are a genius for supporting our channel even in such hard times; and to the people that are watching through less than 3 layers of network protection, this is not a risk worth taking, this is very serious and we do not want you to get hurt, turn off the TV now and go outside. They are coming for you. We are doing our best not being discovered by the people below by moving our office to the 12th floor so more time is earned. We care about this situation more than anyone else. Anyways, stay safe and don't forget to not alert the protesters. Back to you, Intel.

Alright, this will be all that is covered today. Thank you for watching and don't forget to safely watch our news session tomorrow. Stay safe. Peace out.

(This is a joke parody, nothing is meant to be offensive to anyone or anything, don't take it seriously)
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
How would Liberals know whato think if they didn't watch, MSNBC, CNN, and ABC? Their viewership is drying up now that they don't have breathless, hysterical "reports" on Trump's every fart. 
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
sadolite saying he can't find news to confirm his world view anymore is like Noah's dove returning with a sprig of olive.  Four years of reign has ended and somewhere beyond the swamp's horizon, dry land is indicated.  (Let's note 3 months = election day)

That's okay, sad, no news is an improvement on fake news anyway.  Remember when they told you smoking prevented coronavirus?  Remember when they told you Stonehenge was built in 1954?
sadolite's avatar
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sadolite's avatar
So attack me personally, you are just like the news when they attack the voter for not voting a certain way or not following their propaganda. You don't even know what I think about anything. but you think you do, just like the news. Typical news watcher.