Rickover: Brith of Nuclear Power

Author: ebuc


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"Rickover: Birth of Nuclear Power" can   be seen on Amazon. I'm totally against nukes, however, this movie is a must watch for many differrent reasons.

1} most probably know as little of the history of Rickovers overall life, --as I do--  and this movie covers a lot!,

2} he was nothing like most of us --and most people---  and few would here would have guessed what he was like or his personal history.

3} I many times in my life time, Ive told people that first atomic submarine, the 'Nautilus',  was built in 1954, by admiral Rickover, and when I came across this 2014 movie about him, I had to see it,

4} I gurranttee you, that, this movie covers a broad range history, philosophy, engineering, politics, corruption, truth, power, and statements by people who worked with, under or over Rickover and they all have some rich takes on Rickover, including presidents of what the man accomplished, and at least one says, why he would never had done what rickover did, and even Rickover says "he would be satisfied if nuclear power would have never been discoverd,

5} finally, this last part specifically goes out to 3RU, cause he sent me link to the small mobile thorium breeder reactors, that many know eat plutonioum if not other nuclear waste,  ....'perhaps the greatest testament to Rickovers acheivments, is that no USA nuclear sub has ever had any meltdown or any significant nuclear issues.'......

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Oh yeah, his full name is Hyman Rickover.  And this movie would have us believe, Rickover was never wrong in all of his engineering and political assessments of those who attempted to bypass or corrupt.  You have to watch the whole movie to truly get the whole picture of this extra-ordinary man and this amazing story
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The HL-2M Tokamak reactor is China's largest and most advanced nuclear fusion experimental research device, and scientists hope that the device can potentially unlock a powerful clean energy source.  China will be the leading World economy in 5 years.
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CLoser to end of the movie Rickover states he believes humanity is doomed because of nuclear power ergo nuclear weapons, as best as I can recall his statements.  One of the clips from movie is Jimmy Carter asking iickover questions about nuclear power.

Jimmy Carter sat for interview with Rickover in early 50's.  Rickovers interview process was also very quirky event also.

....."As a former "Qualified in Submarines" nuclear trained Nautilus sailor and having "survived" a Rickover interview at Naval Reactors, the movies was a very good movie. It somehow however did not fully get across how respected and feared the "KOG" (Kindly OLD Gentleman") was within the nuclear submarine force OR how iconic Rickover was. I will never forget my interview with him. He shouted at me and out of nervousness I shouted back. This is likely the reason I got the job."....

Above is Amazon review of the movie. 

Also, one atomic sub did sink but is was not a reactor issue, it was coolant tube the caused the Threshers reactor to SCRAM { shutdown }.  The more experienced operator had jus taken leave to be with his wife or something, so they had fresh out of training sailor. Not that would have made any differrence because, the event led to Rickover figuring out  how to do a 'Fast Recover' in restarting the reactor so a sub would not loose its propulsion.

The other issue that could have saved the sub, was that some ballast tubes on this deep dive test, froze ergo they could not release the water in ballast so they could just float to surface. All subs after that had hot air heaters for the  ballast tubes to keep the from freezing.