Jesus Wasn't Dead When They Took Him Down From The Cross

Author: Stephen


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ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Imagine if we ever got a deluded person like this in a position of power?

But we have. J. Edgar Hoover ring a bell? Or Neville Chamberlain? Richard Nixon? All with disastrous results.

It's fascinating to speculate about whether this is due to physical mental handicap, or if its wholly psychological.

disgusted's avatar
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disgusted's avatar
Imagine if we ever got a deluded person like this in a position of power?
Pumpkinhead, have fun with that.
Definitely mental impairment, being right wingnut explains it.

keithprosser's avatar
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Or Neville Chamberlain.
Poor Nev gets a bad rap.   It can be argued that the alternative to appeasement was for Britain to go to war with a small, under-equipped peacetime military with no guarantee of support from any allies.   The British would have lost a war that began in 1937 or 1938.   But that is a digression!

PGA2.0's avatar
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Yes, He did. [ say he would be dead]
John 2:18-22
18 The Jews then said to Him,“What sign do You show us as your authority for doing these things?” 19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple,and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 The Jews Then said, “It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” 21 But He was speaking of the temple of His body. 22 So when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken.
 This goes absolutely nowhere in proving Jesus was talking about his “body temple”  being “DEAD”. The gospellers interpret what they believe he meant and not what Jesus himself actually said. PUTTING WORDS INTO HIS MOUTH IN OTHER WORDS!!  
Prove they put words in His mouth. You can't. That is the message we have. You want to change it because you don't like it. That is not being honest to what it says. It is just another one of your personal opinions that do not match the passage or the NT in general. In other words, you build a strawman out of what was said by inserting your own bias into the passage and CHANGING its meaning. 

The disciple tells you what He was speaking of and what the Jews thought He was speaking of. The Jews mistook Him for rebuilding the actual physical temple after it was destroyed but He was speaking of the resurrection of His body. The disciples remember this when He is raised three days later from the dead.

The sign Jesus is speaking of is the sign of His physical resurrection from the dead. 

The destruction of the physical temple is another matter. It had to be destroyed for the New Covenant to take effect as the only covenant. Where there is a death there is a change in the law. What was physical (the Old Covenant and all its physical acts and rituals) was only a sign or type (Romans 5:14; Hebrews 11:19; Colossians 2:17Hebrews 8:5Hebrews 10:1John 18:361 Corinthians 2:131 Corinthians 15:46) of what was to come. God pointed towards it throughout the OT writings, and now, in Jesus time, the fulfillment is happening.

Jesus made the point to the woman at the well, 

But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.

God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

The NT temple is a spiritual temple. It is built together by the believers who form its building blocks, metaphorically speaking (1 Corinthians 6:19-20Ephesians 2:21Ephesians 2:20).

Throughout the NT you constantly see the contrast between the Old physical kingdom, temple, and worship system and the NT kingdom, temple, and worship system. Jesus speaks of two foundations, the earthly and the spiritual, but the spiritual is greater because it is where we as His creatures have a relationship with God (Matthew 7:24). 

What you fail to realize by your biased personal opinion is that during Jesus' life and during the preceding forty years a transition (Hebrews 8:13)
is taking place between the physical and the spiritual. Since God is Spirit those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth. 

And they did this because the real and actual Jerusalem Temple didn’t fall and was still standing after he was crucified; they had to cover his poor prophecy somehow, didn’t they.
Again, you only see the physical. You miss much of the message of the NT and the Bible as a whole. 

To “destroy” doesn’t require total obliteration. It could in this case be to mean beat me to within an inch of my life until I am unconscious, but I will recover, I will survive:  Which he did: Because he wasn’t dead.
Over and over we read that Jesus came to give His life for others (Mark 10:45; John 10:11; John 10:17; John 15:13), that He was going to be put to death, so what you do is read into the Scriptures things they do not teach, then in your infinite wisdom, you try to con others into believing what you teach is true. 

What you do is you bumble through the Scriptures making it dependent on your personal opinion for a proper understanding. Your opinion is so far from the truth in all your posts. 

ethang5's avatar
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The British would have lost a war that began in 1937 or 1938
Untrue. Hitler, from his own dairies knew that before 1940, Germany was not ready for England. Worse, liberal Chamberlain did nothing when Poland was attacked, and refused to take the needed preparation measures to save Finland though Churchill warned him over and over.

Chamberlain did not get a bad rap. He himself admitted he had been wrong in all that he believed. He was a liberal, we could have told him that. This is one of the many instances in history where we see concrete, real, evidence that liberalism doesn't work in the real world, and conservatism did.
PGA2.0's avatar
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John 2:18-22
18 The Jews then said to Him,“What sign do You show us as your authority for doing these things?” 19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple,and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 The Jews Then said, “It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” 21 But He was speaking of the temple of His body. 22 So when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken.

There is also another mention of the temple being destroyed that you seem keen to keep from the readers here. 
As I said, the old had to be destroyed to make way for the new spiritual temple and worship. The physical temple was the factor, along with the priesthood and sacrificial system that the whole OT economy revolved around. For the new to come and for God to show a better way He would not leave the old operating along side the new. 

Here you go. And notice, no one mentions what Jesus “meant by this” on this occasion, did they?

Mark 13:1-2 (NIV)

The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times
13 As Jesus was leaving the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Look, Teacher! What massive stones!What magnificent buildings!”
2 “Do you see all these great buildings?” replied Jesus. “Not One stone here will be left on another; everyone will be thrown down.”
So  Jesus here is talking not about “DEAD TEMPLE bodies” or Bodies being DEAD TEMPLES, is he? He is talking about a  stone buildings collapsing.
No, you confuse and conflate two texts or passages that convey different truths. The OT temple was promised destruction if the people would not repent from foreign gods and serve the true and living God. They would not. Besides this, they crucified the Lord of Glory. By destroying the OT temple and worship system God was showing that this system of worship was not satisfactory. It was never satisfactory but it always pointed towards a better covenant. The change was from outward rituals to inward spiritual relationship.

Jesus' body was the foundation of the new spiritual temple. The Jews were always plotting to put Him to death because of His teachings and how it made them look. They were losing their power of influence and they did not like it. Thus, they wanted Him dead. Therefore, He told them, speaking of His being put to death (paraphrasing), "Destroy Me and I will be alive again in three days." The other passage has to do with the judgment on their physical system of worship and their apostasy. 

AND before you accuse me “ISOLATing  verses out of context” the following verses has Jesus now on the mount of olives and no one seems to be  too concerned  or bothered enough to ask Jesus about his previous statement .. only  “when will this happen”? Jesus then goes into his “many coming in my name and nation rising against nation” speech.
The two different passages are clear on what is being spoken of and they speak of different things. On is speaking of a judgment of the Jews for their apostasy. The other is speaking of Jesus' resurrection from the dead. 

 Not a single mention here about his DEAD TEMPLE body,or him being DEAD TEMPLE, for three days or even one day or even a week or month. And there is  no one putting words into his mouth either , are they?

Again, why would there be? There are two different subjects being discussed in two different passages. You do what cultists do, you do not take the passages in their contexts. You remove/ignore what you want from the context, read in what you want, and conflate two passages that speak of different things. Nowhere in Mark 13:1-2 or Matthew 24:1-3 do you read of Jesus speaking of Himself being killed. He is speaking of the judgment/OT curses on the Jews for them rejecting Him as their King and Messiah and the judgment for not following God's laws which they agreed to but never did.

We, the reader, are told what Jesus is speaking of in both passages and they are different. In John 2 He is speaking of His death and resurrection. In the other, we, the reader, are told that Jesus is coming out of the temple and telling His disciples that these massive stones of the physical temple will be destroyed because the people are disobedient to God. 

If I did a survey on what the passages meant 99% would recognize the difference. You want your personal crusade to be valid so you don't read what is actually said and the EXPLANATION given. You want to read in an interpretation foreign to the text. It is pathetic.  

Stephen's avatar
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Prove they put words in His mouth. You can't.
 The gospel writer  telling  us “what Jesus meant” and Jesus himself NOT TELLING US HIMSELF “what he meant” is putting words into the mouth of Jesus, you clown.
Did Jesus say “this is what I mean by “I will raise the temple”?  NO he didn’t, he didn’t say anything at all about “what he meant”.
You want to change it because you don't like it.
What have I changed?Nothing. You put up the verse, I have simply commented on the fact that Jesus Himself did not say those words.    JESUS DID NOT SAY  "THIS IS WHAT I MEAN",  did he?  The gospel writers wrote those words telling us WHAT THEY BELIEVE Jesus “meant” and some 45-60 years after the fact. They are not even eyewitness accounts.
It is just another one of your personal opinions 
No, it is a fact that Jesus didn’t say those words otherwise the gospel writers wouldn’t have had to tell us some 45 years after the fact what THEY believe Jesus “meant”., WOULD THEY  you clown?  What they would have done was write what Jesus ACTUALLY said, wouldn't they. They do anywhere else when Jesus himself say something,

I remind you; YOU introduced the verse to the thread. I have shown it not to be Jesus’ words but the words solely of the gospel writer and what he believes the words “meant”.

you build a straw man out of what was said by inserting your own bias into the passage and CHANGING its meaning. 
SEE ABOVE YOUR CLOWN. it wasn't me who posted they verse , it was you. I haven't even given a version of what I believe about the verse so how have  " changed it's meaning "?  is all we have is what the gospel writer believes it meant .

The disciple tells you what He was speaking of and what the Jews thought He was speaking of.
No it is the gospel writer and you who tells us: 21 “But He Was speaking of the temple of His body”; - and NOT Jesus.

The gospel writer wasn’t present and no disciples were present.  .  Go back and read YOUR POST 55 above. Better still, go back to YOUR post 55 and read carefully the WHOLE verse that YOU POSTED, you clown.
The sign Jesus Jesus is speaking of is the sign of His physical resurrection from the dead. 
So you keep saying.But your evidence for “what Jesus meant” doesn’t come from Jesus does it. It comes from the gospel writer and you simply believe the writer without question.

You are trying to get around this by saying the this particular gospel writer JOHN, was a disciple of Jesus himself. Well I am sure if that is the case, then you have clear evidence prove it as fact. you see in truth no one knows who wrote these gospels. And we only have estimates for when they were actually written. 

The destruction of the physical temple is another matter. 
Even If I was to accept that, It has to be acknowledged that the Jerusalem Temple/ Solomon’s Temple, didn’t fall and it wasn’t raised after three days, either,  was it you clown.
I won’t comment on the rest of your post as it is simply reproducing passages that prove nothing andis simply filibustering on your behalf as you have no real answer for your own comments.For some reason known only to you, you believe that these verses you keep reproducing somehow explain Jesus and his temple body being resurrected. THEYDON’T!!!

keithprosser's avatar
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Chamberlain... himself admitted he had been wrong in all that he believed.

What he said was:

"So far as my personal reputation is concerned, I am not in the least disturbed about it. The letters which I am still receiving in such vast quantities so unanimously dwell on the same point, namely without Munich the war would have been lost and the Empire destroyed in 1938 ... I do not feel the opposite view ... has a chance of survival. Even if nothing further were to be published giving the true inside story of the past two years I should not fear the historian's verdict."

He was wrong about the the historians verdict, but given the unprecedented destruction wrought by ww2, perhaps he was not wrong to risk anything to avoid it.   But we aren't supposed to be discussing the munich agreement in this thread so I'll say no more about it.

Stephen's avatar
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What he said was:

Stop derailing my thread with shite that has nothing to do with theme. Post 68 above.

ethang5's avatar
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....perhaps he was not wrong to risk anything to avoid it.
He was downright stupid. Why could he not see what Churchill clearly saw? Why was he so wrong about the nature of Hitler?

Because liberals see what they want to see. Rather than reality about Hitler, Chamberlain saw his own PC nonsense. Imagine if there was no Churchill at that moment?

At the same time, the moron liberals in France were squabbling over nonsense about how war was evil. And when Hitler came, they folded like the idiots they were.

Similar things are unfolding now here. As a herd of criminal peasants descend upon us, liberals are babbling about nonsense. Thank God for Churchi....sorry, ....I mean Trump.
Grugore's avatar
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Grugore's avatar
Give it up. Every one of your arguments have been refuted. Quit embarrassing yourself. Or you could educate yourself. Your ignorance offends me.
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
. Every one of your arguments have been refuted.
 No they haven’t. And certainly not by YOU!
Quit embarrassing yourself.
I don’t feel I have nothing to be embarrassed about.

Or you could educate yourself.
I have and a lot better than YOU!
Your ignorance offends me.
Hahahahhahahahhahh.  GOOD. You don't have to respond. Keep away if I offend you so much. I always said that what I have to say and my opinions will offend anyone who doesn’t agree with them. And anyone who cannot defend against them.  Your problem is you simply cannot answer my questions. I highlight problematic verses and ask questions that seem to make you recoil in fear, because you know you simply have nothing to explain away  these problematic verses and stories ,  

 Why did Jesus son of god waste a perfectly good "miracle" on turning water into alcohol when there must have been more worthy causes to use it for?

 Why didn't Jesus "raise" his cousin the great prophet John the Baptist frome the dead as he did with his friend lazarus?

Why did jesus son of god and god even need to be baptised in the first place?

ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Your ignorance offends me.
Grugore's avatar
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Grugore's avatar
Your arguments have been torn to shreds. You are either totally clueless or intentionally misrepresenting the truth. Which is it?
Stephen's avatar
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Your arguments have been torn to shreds.

No they haven't and certainly not by a clown like you.

You are either totally clueless

Nope wrong again, you clown

or intentionally misrepresenting the truth.
I am  simply highlighting these embarrassing stories that you find uncomfortable. 
 Address the thread or leave it. 

Grugore's avatar
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As for why Jesus wanted to be baptized, here is your answer. Don't know why I bother, since you do not value the truth. There is no truth in you. Just like your father, the Devil. The father of lies.

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
Your ignorance offends me.
There is no truth in you.
Just like your father, the Devil.
The father of lies.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

 Well I am not offending god according to Jesus , son of god.
For I am extremely poor in spirit according to you.
PGA2.0's avatar
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Prove they put words in His mouth. You can't.
 The gospel writer  telling  us “what Jesus meant” and Jesus himself NOT TELLING US HIMSELF “what he meant” is putting words into the mouth of Jesus, you clownSo, who knows better, them or you? Were you with Jesus? How do you KNOW they put words in His mouth? You ASSUME it. You assume it because you don't want the Bible to be true. You tear it apart not by what it says, but by what you add to it. You are not being honest with the text.
I am not putting words into Jesus' mouth, neither are the disciples. You are. You ignore what is written and come up with your own private interpretation. The text tells the reader, 

21 But He was speaking of the temple of His body. 22 So when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken. 

First, the personal pronoun 'He' refers to Jesus. He was speaking.
Second, His disciples remembered His words, not 45-60 years after, but when He was resurrected.
Third, they believed the words which Jesus had SPOKEN. 

Did Jesus say “this is what I mean by “I will raise the temple”?  NO he didn’t, he didn’t say anything at all about “what he meant”.
See above.

You want to change it because you don't like it.
What have I changed?Nothing. You put up the verse, I have simply commented on the fact that Jesus Himself did not say those words.    JESUS DID NOT SAY  "THIS IS WHAT I MEAN",  did he?  The gospel writers wrote those words telling us WHAT THEY BELIEVE Jesus “meant” and some 45-60 years after the fact. They are not even eyewitness accounts.
 19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 The Jews then said, “It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” 21 But He was speaking of the temple of His body. 22 So when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken.

Yes, you have changed it. The passage does say Jesus said these words. 
He was speaking of the temple of His body.
His disciples remembered that He said this;

So, in two verses we get the affirmation that these were Jesus' words. He was speaking, and they remembered what He said.

Again, you add your own private interpretation to the text when you say: "The gospel writers wrote those words telling us WHAT THEY BELIEVE Jesus “meant” and some 45-60 years after the fact. They are not even eyewitness accounts."

That is an assumption on your part that you have no proof for. The gospel writers did not say they believed it was what He meant. They said it was what He said. First, they say that He was speaking, then they say they remembered this is what He said. You don't have just one thinking they remembered this, but the group.

Also, you make two other assumptions. First, you assume it was 45-60 years after the fact. That would mean that it would be between 75-90AD. That is a very hard position to prove and I CHALLENGE you to do it in a reasonable and logical manner. Let us see who has a BETTER and more logical argument. What do you base your dating on?

Second, you assume the disciple's remembrance are not eyewitness accounts. Again, you materialize this out of mid-air. 

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
It is just another one of your personal opinions 
No, it is a fact that Jesus didn’t say those words otherwise the gospel writers wouldn’t have had to tell us some 45 years after the fact what THEY believe Jesus “meant”., WOULD THEY  you clown?  What they would have done was write what Jesus ACTUALLY said, wouldn't they. They do anywhere else when Jesus himself say something,

I remind you; YOU introduced the verse to the thread. I have shown it not to be Jesus’ words but the words solely of the gospel writer and what he believes the words “meant”.
The gospel writer ascribes the words to Jesus. That is what we have. The rest is read into the Scriptures. You are reading into the Scriptures that these are not what Jesus spoke. That is YOUR assumption, not what is recorded. 

Prove it. All I have is your assertions, just like you insert into the text things it does not say, assert it was written 45 years after the fact, and that they believed this was what Jesus meant, rather than what He said, over and over again. It just goes to prove that people make a case not on what is written but on what they want it to mean.

you build a straw man out of what was said by inserting your own bias into the passage and CHANGING its meaning. 
SEE ABOVE YOUR CLOWN. it wasn't me who posted they verse , it was you. I haven't even given a version of what I believe about the verse so how have  " changed it's meaning "?  is all we have is what the gospel writer believes it meant .

You have done precisely what you deny. You have changed the meaning of the words and the meaning they convey. Yes, they believe it, and yes, they say He said it. You say He did not. You say they remembered 45-60 years later. They did not. They remembered after He was raised from the dead. 

Who is clowning?
The disciple tells you what He was speaking of and what the Jews thought He was speaking of.
No it is the gospel writer and you who tells us: 21 “But He Was speaking of the temple of His body”; - and NOT Jesus. 

The gospel writer wasn’t present and no disciples were present. Go back and read YOUR POST 55 above. Better still, go back to YOUR post 55 and read carefully the WHOLE verse that YOU POSTED, you clown.

Post 55 and 55 (there I went back to the same post, and twice, read, and read carefully, as you instructed):

Did Jesus even predict that he would be dead for three days?
Yes, He did.

John 2:18-22, "19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”
" 22 So when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this;
and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken."

The Jews questioned Him, 
"will You raise it up in three days?”

The problem was the Jews thought He was speaking of the physical temple, not His body. 

Notice that Jesus said that once His body was destroyed, i.e., He was dead, three days later He would be raised from the dead.

Notice it was when Jesus was raised from the dead, the resurrection, not 45-60 years later like you assert that the disciples remembered.

What Scriptures do you think the author is referring to? It was the OT Scriptures. It was also the word of Jesus. The author, John, is a disciple and he is writing down what he witnessed.

The sign Jesus Jesus is speaking of is the sign of His physical resurrection from the dead. 
So you keep saying.But your evidence for “what Jesus meant” doesn’t come from Jesus does it. It comes from the gospel writer and you simply believe the writer without question. 
And you don't. So what? You construct your whole case on the words of Scripture then you change them, insert your own opinion into them, and make them say the opposite of what they convey and mean. If you don't know, this is called eisegesis. 

You are trying to get around this by saying the this particular gospel writer JOHN, was a disciple of Jesus himself. Well I am sure if that is the case, then you have clear evidence prove it as fact. you see in truth no one knows who wrote these gospels. And we only have estimates for when they were actually written. 
Is it reasonable to believe he wrote the gospel? Yes, it is. The earliest testimonies we have it that it was him. It was not until the revisionary higher criticism in the 17th-20th centuries that it changed. Find an early writer who denies John as the writer.

The destruction of the physical temple is another matter. 
Even If I was to accept that, It has to be acknowledged that the Jerusalem Temple/ Solomon’s Temple, didn’t fall and it wasn’t raised after three days, either,  was it you clown. 
I never said it was raised three days later. You are confusing and conflating two different passages. That is your error, not mine. 

I won’t comment on the rest of your post as it is simply reproducing passages that prove nothing andis simply filibustering on your behalf as you have no real answer for your own comments.For some reason known only to you, you believe that these verses you keep reproducing somehow explain Jesus and his temple body being resurrected. THEYDON’T!!!

You don't understand it so I don't blame you. 
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
  I am not putting words into Jesus' mouth, neither are the disciples.
Ok clown.I asked  >>Did Jesus even predict that he would be dead for three days?
This is what you wrote " yes he did" and posted this nonsense  some kind of proof that Jesus said he would be Dead for three days.:
YOUR Post 55 above. 
John 2:18-2218 The Jews then said to Him,“What sign do You Show us as your authority for doing these things?” 19 Jesus Answered them, “Destroy this temple,and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 The Jews Then said, “It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” 21 But He Was speaking of the temple of His body. 22 So when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken.

 It Actually proves me to be correct. That JESUS didn't even mention his death here in this verse or his resurrection.

The gospeller tell us what HE believes JESUS meant by it  it is the Gospeler who interprets what he believes >Jesus meant, NOT ME
Is it reasonable to believe he [John] wrote the gospel? Yes, it is.
Why.There is absolutely no proof and never has been, that this is the case. You are trying now to explain away your previous statement that this gospel was written by a disciple John.
It is believed by some biblical scholars that there is no way that the Fourth Gospel was written by John / Zebedee or by any of the disciples of Jesus. The author of this book is not a single individual, but is at least three different writers/editors, who did their layered work over a period of 25 to 30 years.
..conflating two different passages
 NoI have made it clear that it was on ANOTHER occasion concerning  the destruction of the temple, THE ACTUAL TEMPLE. go back and read it, clown?

And the disciples ON THIS OCCASION didn't bat an eyelid at the prediction of their holiest of places being destroyed, NO!, they simply asked
" when will it happen".
Yes, you have changed it. The passage does say Jesus said these words. 
He Was speaking of the temple of His body.

No I haven't had to change anything. You silly clown . Here AGAIN is the verse you posted;

John 2:18-2218 The Jews then said to Him,“What sign do You Show us as your authority for doing these things?” 19 Jesus Answered them, “Destroy this temple,and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 The Jews Then said, “It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” 21 But He Was speaking of the temple of His body. 22 So when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken.

 I have said ALL ALONG that Jesus HIMSELF doesn't say that  HE was talking about the temple of his body. I have said that it is  THE GOSPEL WRITER who  TELLS US What Jesus meant by verse  19 above.  He -  THE GOSPEL WRITER -   actually says at 21

"But He Was speaking of the temple of His body". <<<<<<<<<<<<< these are not Jesus' words are they you absolute fool. The writer makes that perfectly clear.

I haven't CHANGED ANYTHING. I haven't had to.
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Yes you have.

You had to to advance your loony argument.

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
  I am not putting words into Jesus' mouth, neither are the disciples.
Ok clown.I asked  >>Did Jesus even predict that he would be dead for three days?
This is what you wrote " yes he did" and posted this nonsense  some kind of proof that Jesus said he would be Dead for three days.:
YOUR Post 55 above. 
John 2:18-2218 The Jews then said to Him,“What sign do You Show us as your authority for doing these things?” 19 Jesus Answered them, “Destroy this temple,and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 The Jews Then said, “It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” 21 But He Was speaking of the temple of His body. 22 So when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken.
 It Actually proves me to be correct. That JESUS didn't even mention his death here in this verse or his resurrection.

The gospeller tell us what HE believes JESUS meant by it  it is the Gospeler who interprets what he believes >Jesus meant, NOT ME
Is it reasonable to believe he [John] wrote the gospel? Yes, it is.
Why.There is absolutely no proof and never has been, that this is the case. You are trying now to explain away your previous statement that this gospel was written by a disciple John.
It is believed by some biblical scholars that there is no way that the Fourth Gospel was written by John / Zebedee or by any of the disciples of Jesus. The author of this book is not a single individual, but is at least three different writers/editors, who did their layered work over a period of 25 to 30 years.
..conflating two different passages
 NoI have made it clear that it was on ANOTHER occasion concerning  the destruction of the temple, THE ACTUAL TEMPLE. go back and read it, clown? 

And the disciples ON THIS OCCASION didn't bat an eyelid at the prediction of their holiest of places being destroyed, NO!, they simply asked
" when will it happen".
Yes, you have changed it. The passage does say Jesus said these words. 
He Was speaking of the temple of His body.
No I haven't had to change anything. You silly clown . Here AGAIN is the verse you posted;

John 2:18-2218 The Jews then said to Him,“What sign do You Show us as your authority for doing these things?” 19 Jesus Answered them, “Destroy this temple,and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 The Jews Then said, “It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” 21 But He Was speaking of the temple of His body. 22 So when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken.

 I have said ALL ALONG that Jesus HIMSELF doesn't say that  HE was talking about the temple of his body. I have said that it is  THE GOSPEL WRITER who  TELLS US What Jesus meant by verse  19 above.  He -  THE GOSPEL WRITER -   actually says at 21

"But He Was speaking of the temple of His body". <<<<<<<<<<<<< these are not Jesus' words are they you absolute fool. The writer makes that perfectly clear.

I haven't CHANGED ANYTHING. I haven't had to. 
You are getting too emotional. I will answer tomorrow after some sleep. 
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Yes you have.

what have I changed, you clown?

here are the words of the verse.
John 2:18-2218 The Jews then said to Him,“What sign do You Show us as your authority for doing these things?” 19 Jesus Answered them, “Destroy this temple,and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 The Jews Then said, “It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” 21 But He Was speaking of the temple of His body. 22 So when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken.
And this is what I wrote. 

"21 But He Was speaking of the temple of His body". <<<<<<<<<<<<< these are not Jesus' words are they you absolute fool. The writer makes that perfectly clear.

I haven't CHANGED ANYTHING. I haven't had to. 

ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
what have I changed, you clown?
Well, for one you've tried to change me into a clown. You try that because your argument is loony. That is why you feel you have to do it. Calling people clowns only makes you look like an idiot.

...these are not Jesus' words are they you absolute fool. 
The question is to what Jesus was talking about. His meaning. The people recording the story all think Jesus was talking about His body, so do all the writers of the epistles.

With so many saints against you, and no logic supporting you, you have no choice but to rant out, calling people fools and clowns. All of it is just your opinion.

As people read your vulgar rants, they see only one clown. Only one fool.
Stephen's avatar
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The question is to what Jesus was talking about.
No, the original question - my question was  post (1) - "Did Jesus even predict that he would be dead for three days"?

Your christian clown brother came back with this verse as  a response:

PGA2.0  John 2:18-2218 The Jews then said to Him,“What sign do You Show us as your authority for doing these things?” 19 Jesus Answered them, “Destroy this temple,and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 The Jews Then said, “It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” 21 But He Was speaking of the temple of His body. 22 So when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken.
Show me where  in that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ verse posted by your clown brother,  does JESUS say he will be dead for three days,  you clown?

I have said this is the gospel writer telling us what Jesus meant by -  destroying a temple and rebuilding it  -  and not jesus himself   AND I pointed out  part 21 of the the verse that clearly states ;
21 But He Was speaking of the temple of His body.  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< do you see that you blind ignorant clown!!! the gospel writer tells us what Jesus meant and NOT Jesus himself. I haven't changed a damn thing . I didn't have to.

The people  recording the story all think Jesus was talking about His body, so do all the writers of the epistles.

No. it is just the one gospel writer named John who is telling us this. 

With so many saints against you,
Name one and prove it.

and no logic supporting you,

The verse support me you clown

you have no choice but to rant out,

I have not ranted. I am just enjoying myself watching you and your fellow clowns struggle to explain away these verses and their own silly statements.

calling people fools and clowns. All of it is just your opinion.
It is only my opinion. But you have given me no reason to believe that you are anything otherwise.

As people read your vulgar rants,
Nothing "vulgar" about what I write, you just can't cope with me highlighting the crap that is in these scriptures.

they see only one clown. Only one fool.

And who would that be?

ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
my question was  post (1) - "Did Jesus even predict that he would be dead for three days"?
Yes He did.

does JESUS say he will be dead for three days,  you clown?
Insulting people will not make you correct. Sure Jesus did.

I have said this is the gospel writer telling us what Jesus meant by -  destroying a temple and rebuilding it  -  and not jesus himself
Jesus wrote none of the bible homer. ALL of it is the gospel writer telling us what Jesus said and meant. Buy a clue.

The people  recording the story all think Jesus was talking about His body, so do all the writers of the epistles.

With so many saints against you,

No. it is just the one gospel writer named John who is telling us this. Name one and prove it.
Ok. Matthew, Mark, Luke, Peter, Paul, Timothy, and Titus all tell us this too.

I have not ranted.
Shouting in all caps, bolding and underlining, and insulting people is ranting homer.

It is only my opinion
Then you are a clown and a fool for insulting people because they disagree with what you concede is only your opinion.

Nothing "vulgar" about what I write
  1. 1.
    lacking sophistication or good taste.
    tasteless, gross, crass, unrefined, tawdry,
2. coarse and rude.
rude, indecent, indelicate, offensive, distasteful, obnoxious

Almost everything you write is vulgar. You are a vulgar person.

...they see only one clown. Only one fool.

And who would that be?
Ask the posters. Already the mod has warned you. Keep going unchanged and he will have no choice but to ban you. If that what you want, go ahead.

I can and do beat you without calling you a clown or a fool. I don't have to. You are vulgar because you have to be.
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
  I am not putting words into Jesus' mouth, neither are the disciples.
Ok clown.I asked  >>Did Jesus even predict that he would be dead for three days?
This is what you wrote " yes he did" and posted this nonsense  some kind of proof that Jesus said he would be Dead for three days.:
What is the passage concerned with? It is concerned with His death, the death of His body. The temple Jesus is speaking of is His body. If your body is dead for three days then you are physically dead. So, yes, Jesus spoke of His death. 

Not only this, I provided other Scripture that He taught He was going to die. He even made a covenant based on His shed blood and bodily sacrifice. I.e., death.

And when He had taken some bread and given thanks, He broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.”

YOUR Post 55 above. 
John 2:18-2218 The Jews then said to Him,“What sign do You Show us as your authority for doing these things?” 19 Jesus Answered them, “Destroy this temple,and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 The Jews Then said, “It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” 21 But He Was speaking of the temple of His body. 22 So when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken.
 It Actually proves me to be correct. That JESUS didn't even mention his death here in this verse or his resurrection.

The gospeller tell us what HE believes JESUS meant by it  it is the Gospeler who interprets what he believes >Jesus meant, NOT ME
The disciples tell us, the reader, that the temple He was speaking of was His body. Therefore, destroy this temple (this body) and in three days He would raise it from death again. He Was speaking of the temple of His body
When He raised from the dead they remembered He had told them this.

It wasn't just one 'gospeller.' After He was dead and then resurrected to eternal life we, the reader, are told, His disciples remembered that He said this;

That attribute to Him this teaching. The key is they remember what HE SAID

Is it reasonable to believe he [John] wrote the gospel? Yes, it is.
Why.There is absolutely no proof and never has been, that this is the case. You are trying now to explain away your previous statement that this gospel was written by a disciple John.
It is believed by some biblical scholars that there is no way that the Fourth Gospel was written by John / Zebedee or by any of the disciples of Jesus. The author of this book is not a single individual, but is at least three different writers/editors, who did their layered work over a period of 25 to 30 years.
Send your evidence, and the earliest evidence you have, and not just a link. Show me what you want to glean from any link you provide. 

Also, provide who these 'scholars' are so I can check on their bias.

Even if the writing was done later (and it is not reasonable to believe it was after the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70) the account tells the reader that the disciples remembered what He (Jesus) said when He was raised from the dead. That is not 25-30 years after the fact. Not only this, the Scriptures attribute the inspiration to the Holy Spirit. It was men inspired and directed by God.  

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
..conflating two different passages
No I have made it clear that it was on ANOTHER occasion concerning the destruction of the temple, THE ACTUAL TEMPLE. go back and read it, clown? 

And the disciples ON THIS OCCASION didn't bat an eyelid at the prediction of their holiest of places being destroyed, NO!, they simply asked
" when will it happen".
Jesus is speaking of two different temples with the two passages. In this one, He is speaking of His death (i.e., destruction) and resurrection. That is given in the passage.

In Mark 13, Matthew 24, or Luke 21 Jesus is speaking of the judgment He will bring on the Jews for crucifying the Lord of Glory and for their breaking of the covenant God made with them. The disciples on this occasion understand He is referring to the actual physical temple. In Matthew 23:38 the common understanding of "house" is the temple. In Matthew 24:1-2 Jesus is discussing its stones and buildings.

Yes, you have changed it. The passage does say Jesus said these words. He Was speaking of the temple of His body.
No I haven't had to change anything. You silly clown .
Here AGAIN is the verse you posted;

John 2:18-2218 The Jews then said to Him,“What sign do You Show us as your authority for doing these things?” 1

9 Jesus Answered  them, “Destroy this temple ,and  in three days I will raise it up.” 
20 The Jews Then said, “It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” 21 But He Was speaking of the temple of His body. 22 So when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken.
Verse 21 tells the reader what He was relating to by these words, "He was SPEAKING of the temple of His body." That is what He was referring to. 

 I have said ALL ALONG that Jesus HIMSELF doesn't say that  HE was talking about the temple of his body. I have said that it is  THE GOSPEL WRITER who  TELLS US What Jesus meant by verse  19 above.  He -  THE GOSPEL WRITER -   actually says at 21

"But He Was speaking of the temple of His body". <<<<<<<<<<<<< these are not Jesus' words are they you absolute fool. The writer makes that perfectly clear.

I haven't CHANGED ANYTHING. I haven't had to. 

Jesus says it by implication THEN, taught it, and actually says it when He had risen by the words, "He said this" referring back to what was said in the previous verse(s).

The gospel writer tells us He (Jesus) was SPEAKING of the temple of His body, then the writer tells us He said this. What does this refer to? 

After His resurrection, Jesus does explain all things to His disciples:

Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.

To these He also presented Himself alive after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God.

for just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. 

I.e., dead. Jonah was a type or picture of death and resurrection.

“You know that after two days the Passover is coming, and the Son of Man is to be handed over for crucifixion.”

I.e., death.

And He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.
just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

Constantly, throughout the Gospels, we read of Jesus telling His disciples He is going to be put to death and raised again three days later. It is not some foreign idea being read into the Scripture but what the Scriptures teach. 
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Jesus is speaking of two different temples with the two passages. In this one, He is speaking of His death (i.e., destruction) and resurrection. That is given in the passage. 

Yes I know. I have explained and made that clear that myself you clown. And on that occasion the disciples don't bat an eyelid at the thought of the holiest place on earth to them at the time was going to be destroyed. 

The gospel writer tells us He (Jesus) was SPEAKING of the temple of His body, then the writer tells us He said this. What does this refer to? 

Yes I know, and you keep telling me I have changed it. I haven't. You say yourself above that;

The gospel writer tells us
 How does the gospel writer know what he was talking about, he wasn't even there as you insist he was, and without any evidence to support your claim.
That's the gospel writer putting words into the mouth of Jesus. Jesus doesn't say himself that  he is speaking of his body being "THE TEMPLE"  does he , you clown?   You are trying to force an issue without a single piece of substance.

It is this simple. Jesus HIMSELF does NOT say " by Temple I mean my body" does he?  But the GOSPEL writer DOES. 

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As for why Jesus wanted to be baptized, here is your answer. Don't know why I bother, since you do not value the truth. There is no truth in you. Just like your father, the Devil. The father of lies.

  You should read that yourself, and very carefully.