Endlessly infinite Universe, or not Video inclosed

Author: ebuc


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This  video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDCJZ81PwVM at 46:42 or so the string theory specialist contradicts himself --tho make better later--- and early on he states that the question is no longer whether Universe is infinite of finite. And here at 46:42 he states that Universe is large, and assumes that Space is not infinite ---WRONG!--- but he says Space will get infinite later. Huh? So the question he has not made clear is what does he mean when uses the word Space/space i.e. Space with large S incorporates both the macro-infinite, on-occupied space and occupied space as the more generalized catagory of large S, Space.

He is last speaker and I contiuned to listed to the four of them converse afterwards and found interesting and houmrus indeed.

1} theologin,

2} mathemactician general,

3} set theory mathematcian,

4} and the string theroist physcist.

I think others will like this one as I have.

zedvictor4's avatar
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I got bored after 2.5.....All seemed like the same old speculative, inconclusive  theoretical stuff, of overpaid mathematicians and theorists.

I would suggest that the universe is matter within a space and therein lies the limits of universal potential.

And the potential of space is or isn't infinite, depending upon how one chooses to define such things.

Though definition is reliant upon matter anyway.
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I got bored after 2.5.....All seemed like the same old speculative, inconclusive  theoretical stuff, of overpaid mathematicians and theorists
So you didnt start at 46:42 as I suggested the last speaker began.  I thought the theologian made the least sense.

Yes, there is much speculation because no one has answers to   Universe mysteries. Appoarrently your "potential of space" ---what ever that is supposed to mean, is where the answer to many if not all Universe mysteries lay in wait.

Space { large S } = generalized { greater set } catagory of two primary kinds of Space

...1} macro-infinite non-occupied space { small s = special-case } ---infinite is indictionary if you dont understand the definition, then maybe try a differrent dictionary---,

....2} finite occupied space [ small s } Universe.

Why this is so difficult for so many to grasp occurs for three differrent reasons;

....1} preconditioned educcation errors,

......2} lack of proper education ergo ignorance, -

......3} ego { Meta[physical-1 } based mental lbockage's,  this includes religious non-sense beliefs.

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1} There is no direct evidence of biologic life coming from where before there was none. Algorythmic games that combine, then divide may or not have much association with biologic lifes synergy { syntropic } attributes and its entropy { decay }.
.....I believe biologic life --in general--- is eternally existent and embedded/encoded in some black holes ---ergo on the event horizon---, and the various chemical elements in all or just some black holes and there event horizon.

2} When the fertilized inverts (>) itself to the of germination ---via gastrulation--- meso-derm, endo-derm and ecto-derm. The space-time torus inverts itself from two directions (><) ---from ultra-micro Gravity ( ) and ultra-micro Dark Energy )(--- with observed time { physical reality } sine-wave /\/\/\/ associated patterning being the resultant. 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and there exists 18 quarks and 18 anti-quarks as basis for all hadronic matter. Leptons are also based on a trinary system.

3} Thinking more above the above, the single inversion (>) of the fertilized egg leads to the chordata spinal chord and somehow this may be more associative to Direct Current{ DC } { only above or below th e line } electric field, whereas the diametric opposite inversions(><) of Gravitational and Dark Energy space, lead to the sine-wave { Alternate current/AC } field patterning o, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 etc.

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Finite = integral { whole }

Infinite = lack of integrity

And again, to be clear, these are quantum tori and not the dynamic shape of Universe. Universe is composed of ultra-macro high set of these quantum tori ergo the outer surface of dynamic Universe is always the poistive geodesic trajectory of Gravity ( ) contracting { mass-attractive } inward to cohere Uni{1}ver as integral whole. Dark Energy )( is always being pulled back outward, only to transition back into Gravity ( ).

We do not see { quantise } nor quantify the four, invisible, ultra-micro diametric opposite space curature or peaks/poles of each. We do observe time { quantize } the trinary based physical reality, inside the torodial tube. 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 etc

Inside the tube on toroidal 2D lattice I discovered, is as follows

0...............6................12............18.............24 etc

These two above define a sine-wave /\/\/ patterning

However, they both are resultants of inversions { drop-ins } from peak of positive and negative curvature. (><) i (><).

( )( ) = side view of equatorial bisection of a torus

( () ) = birds-eye-view of equatorial bisection of a torus

i = ego ergo Metaphysical-1 identity

* * = bilateral consciousnes of varing complexities

..@.. = finite, occcupied space Uni{1}verse

/\ = with underline equals triangular 2D, 2ndary symbolism for female and /* *\ with underline is internalized ovaries and bilateral consciousnes---

Y = male ----and male with externalized testes * Y * and bilateral consciousnes etc-----

Men are pushers

Women are attactors/attracters  ..."

All seeming pushing-outward phenomena of Universe is resultant pulling-inward phenomena. Ex womans uterus/womb muscles contract, and the fetus/baby is pushed outward.

Inspiration { in-spirited } of the first breath and the cutting of chord is what makes for the indepent individual baby and no longer a fetal organism of the woman now its mother and a woman.

All seeming pushing-outward phenomena of Universe is resultant pulling-inward phenomena. Ex womans uterus/womb muscles contract, and the fetus/baby is pushed outward.

Inspiration { in-spirited } of the first breath and the cutting of chord is what makes for the indepent individual baby and no longer a fetal organism of the woman now its mother and a woman.

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God-ess-ence = cosmic mama ...@.... and she is eternally pregnant with the very unstable, 12-around-one{ nuclear, one-in-the-oven } somewhere in Universe { ...@.. } http://www.rwgrayprojects.com/synergetics/s05/figs/f1603.html

Male papa comes from a mama and, nowhere in Universe, is it ever the other way around.

Cosmic absolute { inviolate } principles: the exist five and only five, regular/symmetrical and convex polyhedra of Universe, eternally.

God-ess-ence is trinary:
1} outer great circle peak of quantum torus as invisible, ---because ultra-micro-- Gravitational ( ) positive shaped space,

2} the inner great circle peak of quantum torus, as invisible --because ultra-micro--, Dark Energy )( negative shaped space,

3} the resultant of 1 and 2, is internal --inside-the-tube-- the sine-wave /\/\/ patterning { 0, 3, 6, 9 etc } associated observed time aka physical realty.

All pushing-OUTward { expansion } phenomena of Universe is a resultant of pulling-INward { contraction } phenomena. Ergo we find all the prime numbers ---except 2 and 3--- associated with the prime phenomena of contractive/attractive, Graviational ( ) space. We do not find a prime number on the top peak of the internalized sine-wave. Is there a resultant of non-existent prime number on top peak of sine-wave?

The minimal set of overlapping and interacting quantum tori is three or four, --depending on phase changes-- that compose mesons { two quarks/two tori }. The two quarks = four tori of the Vector Equlibrium and very unstable ergo their short span of existence.

Reconsidering the above ...'Is there a resultant of non-existent prime number on top peak of sine-wave?', and so,

the first thing that comes to my mine is seeming randomness or seeming chaos in our deterministic cause and effect occupied space Universe

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That line has these numbers 0, 6, 12, 18, 30, 42{ there is that 42 hitch-hiking around the cosmos :--)) } 54, 66 { close to absolute Pi-Time 66.4 }, 78, 90, 102, 114, 120 { maxmium limit number of symmetrical right-triangles that fill the surface area of a sphere }.

......1......................5p.........7p.......................11p..........................outer peak of positive (  ) Gravitational (  ) space
0...................................6.....................................12.....................top peak of sine-wave, inside the toroidal tube no prime numbers
.................3p....................................9..........................................bottom peak of sine-wave, inside the toroidal tube
...........2p...........4.......................8...........10..................................inner peak of negative )(  Dark Energy )(   space
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........space(> observed time <) i (> observed time< )space................................

Lets begin with 10 vertexial events of di-pyramid { hexahedron with nucleus } ---- https://mathworld.wolfram.com/TriangularDipyramid.html--- as staring point for minimal particles of Universe the Gravton or is may come to be know, the Graviton-Darkion.

However, to be clear, in the following 2D lattice, ---trnaslate as  3D torus---    the below are nodal events, not vertexiial events.  Vertexial events are defined as three or more lines meeting or crossing ex Y.  What we have to infer at this time, is that there are at no less than one other tori overlapping at some angle to the one below.

note: that, Gravitons-Darkions,  as quanta of space, isr occupied space, and not occupied space-time may not require a 2nd overlapping torus.

......1.......................5p...........7p...............................outer peak of positive shaped  curvature of  torus
0.....................................6........................................inside top peak of sine-wave patterening
..................3p......................................9....................inside bottome peak of sine-wave patterning
...........2p............4........................8..........................inner peak of negative shaped curvature of torus

What we find is two overlapping hexagons. One with nucleus #3p and one with nucleus #6.

0, 1, 5p, 6, 4, 2p

3p, 5p, 7p, 9, 8, 4

To be clear, this above does not infer the minmial set of nodal events for any minimal set of tori that define quantum particles like mesons, photons, electrons, quarks etc.

Our physical reality { observed time } is based on the two internal lines:

0, 6, 12, 18, 30, 42{ there is that 42 hitch-hiking around the cosmos :--)) } 54, 66 { close to absolute Pi-Time 66.4 }, 78, 90, 102, 114, 120 { maximum limit number of symmetrical right-triangles that fill thetotal surface area of a sphere/spherical }.

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When does space-time become time-space?  This video talks about that and it has to do with what Roger Penrose recieved the Nobel prize in physics for. This video is very explanatory about infinities associated with  black hole singularity being a resultant of general relativity equations.  to miinimize your viewing time, start at 4:50 for the basics.

Or altrnatively you can begin at 10:26 where he shows Hawking and applying Penroses math the the Universe.

What I believe video means is, that the our observed time sine-wave /\/\/\/ ,----0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 etc---    inside every quantum torus vanishes  and there are three ways that can occur:

1} The outer peak drop-ins{ inversions >< }  from Gravitational (  ) positive shaped space become less and less as the drop-ins { inversions >< ] from it diametric opposite, inner negative shaped Dark Energy space become longer and longer, which means the internal sine-wave /\/\/  is moving to become merged with outer Gravitaitonal (  )  shaped positive space,

2} the drop-ins{ >< } from both Gravitational space (  )  and the Dark Energy  space are each become shorter from their respective outer and inner curved space's,

3} the drop-ins { >< } from the negative, Dark Energy )( space are becoming shorter and shorter, as the drop-ins { >< } from Graviational (  ) space become longer and longer.

My take away is that observed time sine-wave /\/\/\/ may diminish to zero ---diminishing/shrinking viewpoint Bucky Fuller---, yet Gravitational (  ) space and Dark Energy )( space remain  and may even grow (            )(          ).  This would make sense i.e. that if Universe were to have cyclic big bangs --as mentioned in the video above---   it is not from a collapsed space (  )(  ) but rather the expanded space (             )(            )  as higher frequency space-space, contracting back inwards to release the pressure { big bang } or as Fuller calls it, the next WOW!

................................space( time )( time )space...............space(               )(              )space....................space(>              <)(>                )space.........

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I'm guessing ebuc has a plutonium-powered DeLorean "time machine".