AR-15 Assulate Rifle = Swiss Army Knife

Author: ebuc


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Semi-automatic pistol { handguns } used with one or two hands vs rifle that may require two hands and do 99%  of require a shoulder point-of-stabilization.

1} rifle bullets travel further,

....1a} pistol is more easily concealed just as the deadly Swiss Army Knife, ex women can carry in a purse easily without drawing attention,

......1b} no shoulder point-of-stabilization necessary or design for,

.......1c] lighter to carry so even smallest child can more easily use a pistol,

.........1d} less accurate, in general because of no third point of stabilization and even less tso when even three points-of-stabilzation can occur ex using a wall, or car hood etc,

........1e] choice of weapon  for more civilian women and childr on Earth,

.........1f} costs are much less ergo more suitable for poorer people,

2} rifle is more accurate because of shoulder point-of-stablization,

....2a} more difficult to conceal,

.....2b} rifle bullet travels twice as far,  tho a ballsitic missile analogy would not be correct, more like tank compared to bazooka

......2c} more difficult for the smaller child to carry and operate,

........2D} accuracy is 3-fold or more greater when using shoulder point-of-stabilization, an10-fold more accurate when using bilateral legs for barrrel end,

..........2e} costs more limited to people of priviledge ex those who use and sell weapons for profit.

Lets see, what did I miss {  miss the target? }.  I guess I would be better at sales, tho I was a excellent shot with my 22 cal, and usually came in 2nd at contests.