Greatest country today

Author: Unpopular


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I haven't read as much history as I'd like, I'm also not certain 'what America is doing in the modern era.

It's true though, that in the past, (Not in chronological order) America was forcing Japan to open trade, annexing part of Mexico, Manifest Destiny-ing to the west coast, attacking Canada at least once, attacking Cuba, annexing Hawaii, the Mormon Wars, Teddy Roosevelt's Great White Fleet, Barbary Wars, involvement in the Second Opium War.
Many other incidents I'm sure.

Speaking of the modern era though, just because America isn't 'as obvious about it's fingers and pies, doesn't mean nothing's happening.
I suppose myself I don't see America's power booming up so much either, more an evening of the powers that 'be upon Earth, as other nation make technological, cultural, social gains.
Which, though it may be to my discredit, I see as a mistake by America,
No, I'm sure it's to my discredit, that my response after WW2, would have been 'more war, 'quick 'before anyone could gain parity.

Someone on DDO,  made the argument that the form of power is simply changing.
To different types of warfare, technological, economical, digital.
They also expressed the opinion that an Empire by immoral means, is worse than a nation by moral means.
Though I still stand by my ugly opinion, in the friendly conversation I had with them.

Anyway, modern America, I'm not sure I'd call us stagnant, but we could be doing more to acquire power and identity, I'd say.