Ameruca sucks

Author: Wylted


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Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
American troops are traitors to the republic. They fight for Jewish interests that also harm america, instead of fighting for america.

9-11 for example was blowback because we mindlessly meddles in moddle eastern affairs that don't benefit us. 

You know how you avoid blowback like 9-11, you do nothing to cause blow back. The ideal foreign policy is isolationism, compared with quick and very dirty retaliation that does not need ground troops. Retaliation such as nuclear strikes.

Any troop choosing to serve anti american interests, and that is all of them, should be tried for treason.
bmdrocks21's avatar
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bmdrocks21's avatar
You okay, bud? I think you need to do some grilling and fireworks to calm down
Intelligence_06's avatar
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Intelligence_06's avatar
Yep. Ameruca sucks. It isn’t even spelled correctly.

America, on the other hand…
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
American troops are traitors to the republic. They fight for Jewish interests that also harm america, instead of fighting for america.

9-11 for example was blowback because we mindlessly meddles in moddle eastern affairs that don't benefit us. 

You know how you avoid blowback like 9-11, you do nothing to cause blow back. The ideal foreign policy is isolationism, compared with quick and very dirty retaliation that does not need ground troops. Retaliation such as nuclear strikes.

Any troop choosing to serve anti american interests, and that is all of them, should be tried for treason.
I can see why Republicans like Trump and Putin so well- they think exactly like them.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Despite the grammatical irregularities.

There are elements of truth contained therein.

"Moddle meddling" for sure....Including the Jewish problem.

Nonetheless your views are tinged with a sort of left of right extremism.

Or perhaps right of left.

 And troops just go where they are sent...It's the job spec.

Wylted's avatar
Debates: 34
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Wylted's avatar
I can see why Republicans like Trump and Putin so well- they think exactly like them
You have no argument against this other than some lame shit like

"It is more honorable to deny the truth of this"

My premises

1. Actions cause blowback like 9 11.

2. We should have a foreign policy that kills less people.

3. Anyone assisting with foreign actions harmful to america is a traitor
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
1. Actions cause blowback like 9 11.
  • Yes, terrorists attack until they are defeated or triumphant.  That doesn't mean we should give into terrorist's demands
    • For example,  Osama bin Laden listed gay rights as one the actions by the US that caused the blowback of 9/11.  Are you arguing that the US should have deprived US citizens civil rights because a violent foreign Emirs so demands it?   We've established that you prefer the rule of foreign dictators so I suppose the answer is yes.
    • The free and fair elections of 2020 were the action that provoked the blowback of Jan 6th.  Should we hand our presidency over to Trump just because he is willing to attack our capitol to attain power?  
    • Actions  cause blowback but if we are therefore afraid to act, our sovereignty will soon be taken from us.

2. We should have a foreign policy that kills less people.
  • This is already the case.  For example, 13,000 have died in the Russo-Ukrainian War but in the absence of foreign threats of intervention, there's not much question Russia would control Ukraine and many, many more Ukrainians would be dead.  The burden of proof is yours to show that inaction leads to less slaughter overall- a notion that  American foreign policy steadfastly refutes.
3. Anyone assisting with foreign actions harmful to america is a traitor
  • We can agree then that Donald Trump is a traitor but American foreign policy is a product of the people in a democracy and while some of that policy can be felony or folly any honest representation of Americans interests by our executive and legislative branches cannot rightly be thought treason.  Certainly least treasonous of all are  the soldiers who volunteer to execute those interests and sacrifice on our behalf.

Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
  • Yes, terrorists attack until they are defeated or triumphant.  That doesn't mean we should give into terrorist's demands
    • For example,  Osama bin Laden listed gay rights as one the actions by the US that caused the blowback of 9/11.  Are you arguing that the US should have deprived US citizens civil rights because a violent foreign Emirs so demands it?   We've established that you prefer the rule of foreign dictators so I suppose the answer is yes.
They hate america for those reasons, but nobody is going to be passionate about killing themselves to defend their people, because they disagree with the values of another society. 

Blowback is a foreign policy term, that means the unintended consequences of foreign actions. 

I would suggest that we avoid it by not "policing the world". 

Seriously, if american troops were not overseas meddling with the middle east, 9/11 wouldn't have happened. Nobody is going to die for a cause like "gay marriage is bad ummkay ". Not going to happen. They would just hate us from the relative peace of their homelands. No what motivates somebody to attack is sending troops to their homes and taking up arms against them.

Hell, bin laden himself is blowback from when the United States trained him to engage in a proxy war with Russia.  

This is already the case.  For example, 13,000 have died in the Russo-Ukrainian War but in the absence of foreign threats of intervention, there's not much question Russia would control Ukraine and many, many more Ukrainians would be dead.  The burden of proof is yours to show that inaction leads to less slaughter overall- a notion that  American foreign policy steadfastly refutes

I was specifically referring to the deaths of americans. The american government has a responsibility to it's citizens, not to Ukranians.

  • any honest representation of Americans interests by our executive and legislative branches cannot rightly be thought treason.  Certainly least treasonous of all are  the soldiers who volunteer to execute those interests and sacrifice on our behalf.
Not good enough. People lose son, daughters, fathers mothers brothers and sisters to the government's decisions to wage war. That means people in charge of foreign policy have a moral responsibility to get the decision right. If their decisions mean even one extra death than a perfect decision would, than they have did more harm to America than necessary. 

There is just something sick about picking up arms and sending soldiers to kill people. The only wars that should happen are wars of defense. 

We should not be actively killing anyone or unnecessarily risking the lives of american soldiers. 

I don't know why the above statement should be controversial. 

oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
You've reversed your position from the OP.

OP you said America sucks, now you pretend to be worried about American casualties.

OP you said American soldiers were traitors to the Republic (another notion you have previously claimed to despise), now you pretend to worry about unnecessary risks to those traitors.

Why are running away so hard from your initial post?  I think it is because there's not an iota of principle to your political posturing- you are just a troll looking to maximize your offensiveness while minimizing your accountability.  Now you've think you've pushed too hard so you're trying some new principled stance.  Or perhaps your agenda is entirely anti-patriotic.

Let's recall that you have in recent weeks:

  • opposed COVID vaccinations in America and even made up entirely false stories to create a false of danger.  You can't pretend now that you are genuinely concerned about the welfare of Americans after actively spreading lethal disinformation in order to harm that population.
  • actively opposed non-military diplomatic measure such as the Bilderberg  meeting as tools of the Jewish conspiracy, establishing that its not the military nature of US globalism that disturbs you but the misperceptions that US globalism is primarily to benefit Jews that is your primary bugaboo.
  • endorsed the dictatorship of Putin, calling him a nice guy who only want to make the US an ally. 
    • But Putin is far more of an interventionist than the US- he's sent takes across border, what, 8 times during his reign? Still, he gets no critique on his interventionism from you.
  • taken up the defense of neo-Nazis on at least 3 occasions- in the UK, Sydney, and Missouri.  But the Nazis were all about invading every country they could.  Hitler was quite interventionist yet you are clearly on the Nazi mailing lists.
  • called American Democracy "shitty" and endorsed dictatorship on multiple occasions.
So you'll forgive me if I'm not buying your "defensive wars only" argument.  We are clear that you consider America too Jewish and desire for this country to fail utterly.  You oppose American interventions not out of any patriotic concern but because you hope to contain and decrease American power globally to the benefit and increased power of the fascist dictators you so admire.

Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
OP you said America sucks, now you pretend to be worried about American casualties.

Where do people get this shit. America, not it's people.

 Is this why liberals stupidly thought trump was insulting chinese people when he labeled covid19 china flu?

OP you said American soldiers were traitors to the Republic (another notion you have previously claimed to despise), now you pretend to worry about unnecessary risks to those traitors.

Bro, we are all human and evil. My time in fast food, I helped poison people through bad diet. You probably wear clothes made by slaves, or have luxuries that you choose over donating more to life saving charities.

None of us are good. This is why Jesus died for our sins. We all fall short of the glory of God. But since God is a just god,  he required justice, so his son willingly died for our sins. 

Traitors or not, they are humans and deserve to be treated with love and respect.

Why are running away so hard from your initial post?  I think it is because there's not an iota of principle to your political posturing
I'm not. I am trying to get some questions answered. Maybe I could be more direct but the questions are things like.

Why patriotism?

It's honestly confusing why a liberal would claim to be patriotic, but maybe you are just one of the more moderate ones the party hates. Liberals burning and pissing on american flags was almost a daily occurrence in the riots. 

The american government has done lots of bad things, it just makes no sense why somebody would think america is deserving of loyalty. It also makes no sense to support wars of aggression. 

opposed COVID vaccinations in America and even made up entirely false stories to create a false of danger.
I'm actually not the same person today as last week. However, there was a question underlying all those things that we failed to get answered. The question is, why trust anything the scientific community claims or government officials. Science is often guided by politics, and some scientists could have agendas of their own. 

Why trust your government who has repeatedly done nasty things and lied in it's own right? You in particular seem to blindly over trust authority. If I distrust them too much, you trust them too much. Sometimes conventional wisdom is wrong. Sometimes we are wrong. I feel like you wouldn't apologize if in 20 years declassified documents are released showing Trump should have won. You would shrug and still say "oh, the capital hill protest was still wrong".

  • actively opposed non-military diplomatic measure such as the Bilderberg  meeting as tools of the Jewish conspiracy, establishing that its not the military nature of US globalism that disturbs you but the misperceptions that US globalism is primarily to benefit Jews that is your primary bugaboo.
I distrust all people in ruling america. It's not just Jews. I don't even think Jews join the skull and bones society, which certainly has a hidden agenda. 

Like your boy JFK said before he was murdered. There are some secret societies trying to rule in secret and are successfully doing so in the United States. 

I don't care what benefits the Jews. Great the middle east interventions help Jews, so what. The problem is that jews are helped at the expense of everyone else. Not that they are helped.

You oppose American interventions not out of any patriotic concern but because you hope to contain and decrease American power globally to the benefit and increased power of the fascist dictators you so admire.

That's silly. Having military bases in Germany, Japan and even australia, does not increase American military might. We could move to a strictly defensive position and still be very powerful. In fact if we combine a complete withdrawal of troops everywhere, with a willingness to get really ugly in war of aggression upon, it would increase our power. 

I don't want to see America fail. Here is a list of things I want. Demands

1. The media complex to lose it's ability to control the beliefs of the nation. It seems like with the internet this is happening a little, beliefs are slowly becoming more varied, however there is still too much trust in american news stations which are controlled by the oligarchy.

2. The oligarchy to lose all control not just of social manipulation ok n tactics like mentioned above. But over politics. Stop buying politicians, stop sending your former executives to work in organizations like the FDA and accepting former FDA members on your boards. Government should not be compromised by the revolving door that encourages people to make favorable laws for former and future potential employers. 

3. That we live in a free country. It seems democracy has failed. People vote to take away rights of each other all the time. We have also seen in the age of covid19, that the government really does have the ability to limit freedom if they feel like it, and we are just kinda hoping they don't abuse their power. Laws before being written need to have the following question analyzed. Before moving forward, and if the answer is no, the law should not be passed.

"Is it possible for some person in authority to potentially abuse this law. Such as with FISA warrants or with the Patriot act"

  • taken up the defense of neo-Nazis on at least 3 occasions- in the UK, Sydney, and Missouri.  But the Nazis were all about invading every country they could.  Hitler was quite interventionist yet you are clearly on the Nazi mailing lists.
I've defended their freedoms. One was arrested for reading a book, another was arrested for criticizing a politician and I have no clue about the Missouri one. Also the Australian one I really think is just a comedian, though I only read the article about the situation and nothing more. 

It's good you bring up nazi interventionism though. We can see in that country where interventionism leads a nation. It was practically destroyed in less than a decade of becoming a nation. More established stronger nations take longer to destroy than ambitious start ups. 

oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
Where do people get this shit. America, not it's people.
Again totally clueless.  We the people- of the people, by the people, for the people.  The govt represents us and we represent the government.  This is third grade civics you are flunking here.  No American would say America, not its people.

Bro, we are all human and evil.   Traitors or not, they are humans and deserve to be treated with love and respect.
Yeah, that's chickenshit backpedaling whataboutism.  You are running away from your OP.

I'm not. I am trying to get some questions answered. Maybe I could be more direct but the questions are things like.  It's honestly confusing why a liberal would claim to be patriotic.
I'm not surprised that you are confused.  America was the first and now longest enduring liberal government in history, composed mainly of people who fled  tyranny, people from everywhere coming together to make government of the people, by the people, for the people their common cause.  Liberals, like America, are primarily defined by their love of freedom and equality.

Liberals burning and pissing on american flags was almost a daily occurrence in the riots. 
Well I went down to my local riots on 8 occasions and saw none of that.  I saw peaceful, respectful, patriotic George Floyd protesters in the day and 50 white boys from the suburbs at night, spray-painting anarchy graffiti, smashing glass, and setting fires.  I saw white boys smash our civil war monuments and white boys drive cars at high speeds into police lines.  If any of them were liberals they weren't flying any liberal signs.  That is, I didn't see any pride flags or BLM flags or Phrygian caps.

I did see on Jan 6th Republicans tearing down American flags from our Nation's capitol and replacing them with Trump flags.  I did see Confederate flags flying in our Nation's capitol for the first time ever.  I did see swastikas and Nazi slogans and emblems in abundance.  I did see police officers badly beaten with Americans flags.

The american government has done lots of bad things, it just makes no sense why somebody would think america is deserving of loyalty. It also makes no sense to support wars of aggression. 
Because all governments do bad things but only democracies can be held accountable, make corrections and reparations.  All powerful armies commit acts of aggression but only democratic armies hold their armies back, hold their armies to certain humanitarian standards.  It not as if there's some world power with a better track record on wars of aggression than the US.

I'm actually not the same person today as last week.
You should try that defense in a court of law.  Yes, you did hope to kill a bunch Americans with vaccine lies last week but this week I love America.

However, there was a question underlying all those things that we failed to get answered. The question is, why trust anything the scientific community claims or government officials. Science is often guided by politics, and some scientists could have agendas of their own. 
non-sequitur.  Save that for some other topic.

Why trust your government who has repeatedly done nasty things and lied in it's own right? 
Because unlike the fascist regimes you so admire, in Democracies we find out about the nasty shit and eventually try to do better.  You will not find a govt that does not lie, the only choice is between govt where lies are eventually unearthed and govt where lies stand forever unchallenged.

 You in particular seem to blindly over trust authority.  If I distrust them too much, you trust them too much.
disagree.  You are the one who posts as fact any report that confirms your bias.  I am way more skeptical than you but I know how to verify a source and I know when a fact has been established as reliable.

Sometimes conventional wisdom is wrong. Sometimes we are wrong. I feel like you wouldn't apologize if in 20 years declassified documents are released showing Trump should have won. You would shrug and still say "oh, the capital hill protest was still wrong".
Case in point. What sort of secret classified document could possibly overturn the election?  Every claims of voter fraud has been investigated multiple times and the only frauds that ever pan out were for Trump.  You know Trump himself doesn't believe that he won the election because we have him on tape pressuring Secretaries of State to come up with more votes.  He's not saying "count again", he's clearly saying "make it look like I won."  When Trump's own lawyer argued in court on March 23rd that "no reasonable person would conclude that the statements made by her about the 2020 election were truly statements of fact," no Republicans even blinked.  In a court of law, the number one person claiming election fraud testified that it was all a big fake and Trump didn't denounce her, no Republicans were even particularly surprised.  The next week she was back to claiming election fraud but only in venues where she can't be held accountable for telling lies.  I don't buy that any Republican sincerely believes the vote was rigged, Republicans say it because they are looking for reason to seize power, recognizing that Republicans chances of ever re-taking power democratically are long over.

I distrust all people in ruling america. It's not just Jews. I don't even think Jews join the skull and bones society, which certainly has a hidden agenda. 
Like your boy JFK said before he was murdered. There are some secret societies trying to rule in secret and are successfully doing so in the United States. 
Case in point.  You believe all this guff about secret societies without a shred of evidence then call me over-trusting.  You are the gullible one.  Where's your facts?

I don't care what benefits the Jews.

That is a lie.

OP: American soldiers are traitors because they fight for Jewish interests that also harm america

The problem is that jews are helped at the expense of everyone else.
So you do care what benefits the Jews.
Having military bases in Germany, Japan and even australia, does not increase American military might. We could move to a strictly defensive position and still be very powerful. In fact if we combine a complete withdrawal of troops everywhere, with a willingness to get really ugly in war of aggression upon, it would increase our power. 
Bullshit.  Germany serves as a check on Russia.  Japan and Australia as a check on China.

1. The media complex to lose it's ability to control the beliefs of the nation. It seems like with the internet this is happening a little, beliefs are slowly becoming more varied, however there is still too much trust in american news stations which are controlled by the oligarchy.
Yet you believe every claim manufactured by Russian or Chinese intelligence as fact and distrust American media when Americans tell you that you are being lied to.

2. The oligarchy to lose all control not just of social manipulation ok n tactics like mentioned above. But over politics. Stop buying politicians, stop sending your former executives to work in organizations like the FDA and accepting former FDA members on your boards. Government should not be compromised by the revolving door that encourages people to make favorable laws for former and future potential employers. 
Then vote Democratic and get a liberal Supreme Court to overthrow Citizens United.

3. That we live in a free country. It seems democracy has failed. People vote to take away rights of each other all the time. We have also seen in the age of covid19, that the government really does have the ability to limit freedom if they feel like it, and we are just kinda hoping they don't abuse their power. Laws before being written need to have the following question analyzed. Before moving forward, and if the answer is no, the law should not be passed.

"Is it possible for some person in authority to potentially abuse this law. Such as with FISA warrants or with the Patriot act"
There's no such thing as a law that can't be abused.  You are arguing for a lawless society.
I've defended their freedoms. One was arrested for reading a book, another was arrested for criticizing a politician and I have no clue about the Missouri one. Also the Australian one I really think is just a comedian, though I only read the article about the situation and nothing more. 
Yeah, but when you consistently defend the freedom of foreign White Supremacists to promote White Supremacy while arguing against the freedoms of non-white here in the US, it becomes quite obvious which form of government you truly admire.

Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
Again totally clueless.  We the people- of the people, by the people, for the people.  The govt represents us and we represent the government.  This is third grade civics you are flunking here.  No American would say America, not its people.

This is retarded.that is a slogan that isn't remotely true. The fact there is even nepotism in supposedly free and fair elections, easily disproved this. Retarded.

Yeah, that's chickenshit backpedaling whataboutism.  You are running away from your OP.
Dumb. Hate the sin, not the sinner. 

Liberals, like America, are primarily defined by their love of freedom and equality.

Incorrect, they actively oppose freedom and try to cover it up by patronizing marginalized groups. 

Well I went down to my local riots on 8 occasions and saw none of that.  I saw peaceful, respectful, patriotic George Floyd protesters in the day and 50 white boys from the suburbs at night, spray-painting anarchy graffiti, smashing glass, and setting fires.  I saw white boys smash our civil war monuments and white boys drive cars at high speeds into police lines.  If any of them were liberals they weren't flying any liberal signs.  That is, I didn't see any pride flags or BLM flags or Phrygian caps.
Yep, all those blacks and antifa members running through target were secretly whites in disguise.

Also the elderly white people on video obeying the partitions in the capital building were a real threat to the republic, and america was almost overthrown. 

Case in point. What sort of secret classified document could possibly overturn the election
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. F in fact the election was stolen, the capital hill protestors acted correctly. 

No apology would be given by you though. Trump sees classified documents we aren't privy to. I just know the president announced it was a coup de ta and that the republic was under threat. 

Can you prove for a fact bbn it wasn't stolen, that there was not errors large enough that in accumulation they had enough weight to change what was the outcome

Then vote Democratic and get a liberal Supreme Court to overthrow Citizens United.

I'm not voting for them them based on one issue of agreement. Retarded. 

There's no such thing as a law that can't be abused.  You are arguing for a lawless society.
Absurd. Perfectly crafted laws are the answer. Ones that only have benefits and zero harms. 
Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
Your being disingenuous when you say what benefits jews harms whites. I am only opposed to what they do that benefits them by actively trying to harm whites. I am also opposed them harming blacks as well. We should strive to help ourselves, but not at the expense of others
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
I'm just gonna start spam posting this in every thread where there are arguments for "democracy" in America.

America has been a kleptocracy of DC oligarchs since FDR. No party gives a flying fuck about the pissants.

Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
At least when the oligarchs founded it, they had the best interests of everyone. This current group of oligarchs are more insidious though for some reason
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
Again totally clueless.  We the people- of the people, by the people, for the people.  The govt represents us and we represent the government.  This is third grade civics you are flunking here.  No American would say America, not its people.
This is retarded.that is a slogan that isn't remotely true. The fact there is even nepotism in supposedly free and fair elections, easily disproved this. Retarded.
Last post:  I'm not anti-American
This post:  The US Constitution and  The Gettysburg Address are "retarded" "a slogan that isn't remotely true"

Liberals, like America, are primarily defined by their love of freedom and equality.
Incorrect, they actively oppose freedom and try to cover it up by patronizing marginalized groups. 
Last post:  I'm not anti-American
This post: America actively opposes freedom

Yep, all those blacks and antifa members running through target were secretly whites in disguise.
I have given you my eye-witness account.  Some people dressed in all black like ANTIFA but I saw no ANTIFA flags or badges or graffiti.  Anarchy seemed to be the over-riding ideology, to the extent that there was any.  I did see people wearing BLM paraphernalia begging rioters to stop because BLM would be blamed but I saw no evidence that any rioters empathized or cared about BLM politics.

Also the elderly white people on video obeying the partitions in the capital building were a real threat to the republic, and america was almost overthrown. 

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Of the 53 post-election lawsuits claiming fraud, 14 were dropped, 33 were dismissed as unwarranted, and 6 were ruled bullshit.  The majority of judges in these cases were Republican appointees.  Careful review by many, many judges in many courts of law is evidence of absence.
When the lawyer in charge of coordinating these lawsuits testifies that no rational person could possibly believe the claims she presented in court, that is evidence of active manufacture of lies.  When Trump admits that he never had the votes, that is evidence that he never had the votes.

There is no possibility that the election was a fraud. 

F in fact the election was stolen, the capital hill protestors acted correctly. 
This is false even if the election was stolen.  All the Secretaries of State had certified the election by Dec 14th after which there was no legal recourse.  The Jan 6th coup attempt was an illegal intervention in the Constitutional certification and had no Constitutional possibility of impacting the election.  Only the overthrow of American democracy was at stake.

No apology would be given by you though. Trump sees classified documents we aren't privy to. I just know the president announced it was a coup de ta and that the republic was under threat. 
The most prolific liar in history tell another lie and you're willing to trash America.  You are the sucker, man.

Can you prove for a fact bbn it wasn't stolen, that there was not errors large enough that in accumulation they had enough weight to change what was the outcome
absolutely and without question

Perfectly crafted laws are the answer. Ones that only have benefits and zero harms. 
Another Nazi ideal.  The founding fathers understood that there were no perfect laws and carefully submitted legislation to judicial review.  Even the Constitution was deliberately made to be amendable.    Democracies don't believe in perfectly crafted laws.

Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
At least when the oligarchs founded it, they had the best interests of everyone. This current group of oligarchs are more insidious though for some reason

Because operation Mockingbird wasn't in full swing at the start of FDR's tyrannical rule.