Liberals, what should be done about race in America?

Author: thett3


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You realize your response agrees with the argument I'm making, that most people never seriously anything before the "just because?"

If this is the case, then policy doesn't and won't be based on your ultra cerebral notions, and instead (what I've argued) largely people's tribal feelings.
You’re definitely trolling here, nobody is this dense.

Across multiple threads, the topic of conversation is about what policy should be. At least that is where our conversation began, and ever since it’s been a constant tug of war where you go off the subject to talk about politics and I have to pull you back to talking about policy itself.

I am not and have never disagreed with your basic premises that most people are not sophisticated in their views and on the role that politics ultimately plays in policy, so why do you keep talking about it as if there are started disagreements between us and as if I am somehow making concessions when I agree with you on points I never disagree with you on?

If you don’t want to talk about policy just say that, stop pretending that you don’t understand this is where our conversation began or that you don’t understand that this is what I have been talking about all along.

You routinely attack rightwing people/groups/ideas whilst almost never attacking leftwing people/groups/ideas. So, even by this standard (which I'm not even sure is correct), you're biased and tribalistic by your own words LOL.
You didn’t pay attention to a word I said, but that’s not surprising. I already explained what tribalism is, do you have any response to that? Or is pretending that I never made the points I did while you repeat the same points you already made your idea of a productive conversation?

Again, objectivity and neutrality are not the same thing. I never claimed to be neutral nor is neutrality required for one to be non-tribalistic. The reason I don’t criticize the left anywhere near as much as I criticize the right is because I tend to agree with the left. Why is that so complicated? Why would you expect me to criticize views I agree with?

Again, tribalism is when you place your tribe over your core values or when your core values center around your tribe. Provide one example of where I have ever argued against my own professed core beliefs to defend my tribe. I’ll wait.

And because all you look at here is the score card of who gets criticized, I have been called a probable racist on this site for criticizing the woke left. If you’d like to dig that thread up feel free, it’s certainly not worth my time to prove it to you.