'Progressive' (shitlib) false narratives and their debunkings

Author: Mesmer


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Ramshutu's avatar
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Ramshutu's avatar
Just to reiterate, you have posted a number of links as if they are authoritative. I have presented a number of key reasons why the authority you give to these link is not justified.

Thus far, you have given no reason why I should accept the authority, and in the absence of a good reason why I should accept these arguments as credible - there is no argument left for me to argue against: as you have made no other argument.

Your implicit demand that I must accept what these sources say, is therefore “shifting the burden of proof”.

You have offered no argument against this, and so I must presume you accept my argument.

As my argument is legitimately attacking the authority you give the links with valid reasons as to why one should not accept their authority - this cannot be considered an Ad-Hom; I am not suggesting that they are wrong because they are not credible or biased sources - I am suggesting that the authority you give these links is unfounded because of their lack of credibility and bias. That is clearly nor an Ad Hom.

Secondly, the implied demand you make that I should take a link for which you give no reason why I should accept, and then suggest that I should debunk the argument someone else has made; is not a fair demand.

It suggests laziness - in that you are unwilling to put the same time and effort into your post that you expect of others; and is anti-social as such an implicit expectation is not consistent with respecting the time the people you’re arguing with.

The purpose of this part of my post: is to explain why your demands are unfair, and why this should not be your expectation of others.

This is clearly not an Ad Hom - as the attack is wholly relevant to the point. 

Remember, an Ad Hom is fallacious only when the attack is not relevant to the point, and is used as a substitute for an argument:

“You are wrong because you’re stupid”. Is an Ad Hom.

“You made an Ad Hom, you’re clearly wrong”. Is also, ironically, an Ad Hom.

In this respect, I find it ironic that you’ve ignored multiple key arguments from multiple people  - and yet seem to be very quick to accuse those same people of not being willing to engage.

sadolite's avatar
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sadolite's avatar
All narratives are just opinions, people seem to think they have to accept them and believe them.  Reject all narratives, they are opinions. They are not fact nor truth. Don't know why anybody listens to them in the first place. 
Mesmer's avatar
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Mesmer's avatar
All narratives are just opinions, people seem to think they have to accept them and believe them.  Reject all narratives, they are opinions. They are not fact nor truth. Don't know why anybody listens to them in the first place. 
Shitlibs listen to the narratives because they have an authoritarian view of knowledge wherein the 'experts' tell them what to think. Most shitlibs don't attempt to think for themselves and simply exist to Ad Hominem and Appeal to Authority in any argument they get when someone attempts to question the 'experts'.
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Just to reiterate, you have posted a number of links as if they are authoritative. I have presented a number of key reasons why the authority you give to these link is not justified.

Thus far, you have given no reason why I should accept the authority, and in the absence of a good reason why I should accept these arguments as credible - there is no argument left for me to argue against: as you have made no other argument.

Your implicit demand that I must accept what these sources say, is therefore “shifting the burden of proof”.
Just stop with the fakery. He has not demanded that you accept anything. Where is your brain? Why do you need to accept their authority in order to evaluate their arguments? Can you not think for yourself?

What does it matter who the man is if what he is saying is right or wrong? He is asking you to think for yourself. But obviously being out of the herd makes you uncomfortable.

Ramshutu's avatar
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Ramshutu's avatar
Just stop with the fakery. He has not demanded that you accept anything. Where is your brain? Why do you need to accept their authority in order to evaluate their arguments? Can you not think for yourself?

What does it matter who the man is if what he is saying is right or wrong? He is asking you to think for yourself. But obviously being out of the herd makes you uncomfortable.

I actually covered this in the part of the post you - miraculously, oddly, for some strange reason - did not quote. I will explain:

The OP did no work, made no effort and presented no argument.

He simply presented a set of links and asserted that they showed he was right.

That is presenting those links as authoritative; IE as the accepted reason he is right.

Making no effort to make an argument, and simply linking stuff someone else has said as an argument - then demanding someone else goes through line by line and debunk it is lazy and antisocial.

To make sure your aware - this is a debate website; and just posting a link saying it shows you’re right is not an argument - and in that respect - all that I need to do is give a good reason why the link may not show what is claimed to meet a reasonable burden.

Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
But black people score lower not because they are stupid. It is because they on average receive less education. Still a problem though.

Education and IQ aren't related other than the fact that education acts as a sort of filter that keeps lower IQs out. IQ is innate intelligence (the ability to problem solve). 

My highest level of education is the 9th grade. Psychologists performing IQ tests on me have determined it to be genius level. They also curiously enough have determined me to be learning disabled, but the point is. I didn't get my IQ from education. I have none. I'm very uneducated. 

IQ tests really just test problem solving skills. Problem solving is a good test of innate intelligence and innate intelligence is a mixture of environmental and genetic things, but mostly genetic in first world countries. 
dfss9788's avatar
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dfss9788's avatar
All of this is Ad Hominem is thus should be be ignored due to its logically fallacious nature.
When evaluating the credibility of a witness / source, ad hominem is relevant and isn't fallacious.

For everybody:

HistoryBuff's avatar
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HistoryBuff's avatar
All of this is Ad Hominem is thus should be be ignored due to its logically fallacious nature.
you linked to a website that regularly advocates for the superiority of white people or the inferiority of other people. Therefore saying you are linking to a white supremacism website is neither Ad Hominem not Logically fallacious. It is a statement of fact. And that is exactly why it isn't even worth responding to any of these articles. If you choose to think that these have merit, there isn't really any point going down this racist rabbit hole. 

HistoryBuff's avatar
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HistoryBuff's avatar
Can nobody evaluate any of the arguments in the links and give a reasoned rebuttal? The authors do not need credibility, they are not asking you to believe in God. Is what they say reasonable and rational? If not, why?
If I link to a list of nonsensical articles from a ridiculous source, will you feel the necessity of trying to disprove all of them? I seriously doubt you would waste your time doing that. His source is basically a white supremacist website. I have much better things to do with my time than try to explain to a blatant racist why his racism is wrong. He will never see what he is doing as racist. Probably because he doesn't see racism as a problem.

Mesmer's avatar
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Mesmer's avatar
All of this is Ad Hominem is thus should be be ignored due to its logically fallacious nature.
When evaluating the credibility of a witness / source, ad hominem is relevant and isn't fallacious.
You are logically incorrect.

Ad Hominem is always a logical fallacy.

We should be addressing the arguments involved, instead of assessing the author making them. Furthermore, the thread is about the arguments involved, not the nature of the author.

You are just being a massive idiot like all the other shitlibs here.

For you:

I posted mine first. You respond to everything first, then I'll respond to everything here.

Now let's watch you not do that.
Mesmer's avatar
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Mesmer's avatar
All of this is Ad Hominem is thus should be be ignored due to its logically fallacious nature.
you linked to a website that regularly advocates for the superiority of white people or the inferiority of other people.
Ad Hominem.

Therefore saying you are linking to a white supremacism website is neither Ad Hominem not Logically fallacious.
The topic involved the arguments being made, not the nature of the author.

You continue to Ad hom.

You are logically fallacious.

It is a statement of fact.
Here's an actual fact: you're ad homming.

And that is exactly why it isn't even worth responding to any of these articles. If you choose to think that these have merit, there isn't really any point going down this racist rabbit hole. 
More Ad Hominem.

You are wasting everyone's time with your worthless, illogical arguments.

Address the arguments or get lost.
Mesmer's avatar
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Mesmer's avatar
If I link to a list of nonsensical articles from a ridiculous source, will you feel the necessity of trying to disprove all of them? I seriously doubt you would waste your time doing that. His source is basically a white supremacist website. I have much better things to do with my time than try to explain to a blatant racist why his racism is wrong. He will never see what he is doing as racist. Probably because he doesn't see racism as a problem.
1st sentence: Ad Hominem, Ad Hominem and overall Begging the Question.

2nd sentence: Argument from Incredulity.

3rd sentence: Ad Hominem.

4th sentence: Fake posturing, Ad Hominem (with Begging the Question that the term "racist" is valid) and Ad Hominem (with Begging the Question that the term "racism" is valid).

5th sentence: Predicting the future and Bare Assertion (with Begging the Question that the term "racist" is valid).

6th sentence: Begging the question.

Congratulations! You posted the most illogical and mentally retarded post I've ever seen on a debate website. You didn't go a single sentence in this paragraph without a logical fallacy. You should be inducted into the Hall-of-Fame as the proud owner of the worst unironic post on Dart.

You truly are a special person.
Reece101's avatar
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Reece101's avatar
What are your thoughts on traditional liberalism?
dfss9788's avatar
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dfss9788's avatar
All of this is Ad Hominem is thus should be be ignored due to its logically fallacious nature.
When evaluating the credibility of a witness / source, ad hominem is relevant and isn't fallacious.
You are logically incorrect.

Ad Hominem is always a logical fallacy.

We should be addressing the arguments involved, instead of assessing the author making them. Furthermore, the thread is about the arguments involved, not the nature of the author.

You are just being a massive idiot like all the other shitlibs here.
That's not true. Read the wiki please. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem

For you:

I posted mine first. You respond to everything first, then I'll respond to everything here.

Now let's watch you not do that.
It's too much work.
Mesmer's avatar
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Mesmer's avatar
All of this is Ad Hominem is thus should be be ignored due to its logically fallacious nature.
When evaluating the credibility of a witness / source, ad hominem is relevant and isn't fallacious.
You are logically incorrect.

Ad Hominem is always a logical fallacy.

We should be addressing the arguments involved, instead of assessing the author making them. Furthermore, the thread is about the arguments involved, not the nature of the author.

You are just being a massive idiot like all the other shitlibs here.
That's not true. Read the wiki please. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem
I already have, multiple times, because shitlibs love to quote it (I'm not sure if you're a shitlib, though).

It's wrong.

I've explained why before:

"I can't entirely blame you for using this faulty definition (as you've applied it correctly), but it is faulty nonetheless. Once again, Wikipedia has failed to provide a cogent definition. I'll explain why:

It's true that if someone has a conflict of interest, they're more likely to be bias towards things they wouldn't be biased towards. If you had stated that because these researchers received money from people who have a political agenda, and you proved that they did have a political agenda (yet to be done imo), then I could agree that they're more likely to be biased.

However, this is not the same as being logically fallacious, as is the function implied in an 'Ad Hominem' claim. By using Wikipedia's definition, you're essentially arguing that because their conflict of interest *might* have caused the research to be biased, it *has* to be biased. This leap in logic is why Wikipedia's interpretation of logic is wrong.

Moreover, if the bias were to effect the results of the study, that should be evident in the results, and that's where your criticisms should be directed. In other words, the validity of the study exists *independent* of the author's character. More likely to be biased =/= biased.

Therefore, it is logically fallacious to attack the character of the people making the arguments, rather than the arguments"

For you:

I posted mine first. You respond to everything first, then I'll respond to everything here.

Now let's watch you not do that.
It's too much work.

So you were perfectly fine with expecting me to respond to the 10,000 word hitpiece on Ryan Faulk and the Alt Hype website.

But we shouldn't expect you to respond to a dozen articles totaling about the same amount of work. 

How charitable of you.
Mesmer's avatar
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Mesmer's avatar
What are your thoughts on traditional liberalism?
I think it's much better than shitlibism (Progressivism) but it's still too liberal.

Humans generally need some restrictions, generally less than more, but still some. 

It's hard to go into further detail without addressing things specifically, though, but that's generally where I am.
dfss9788's avatar
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dfss9788's avatar
However, this is not the same as being logically fallacious, as is the function implied in an 'Ad Hominem' claim. By using Wikipedia's definition, you're essentially arguing that because their conflict of interest *might* have caused the research to be biased, it *has* to be biased. This leap in logic is why Wikipedia's interpretation of logic is wrong.

Moreover, if the bias were to effect the results of the study, that should be evident in the results, and that's where your criticisms should be directed. In other words, the validity of the study exists *independent* of the author's character. More likely to be biased =/= biased.

Therefore, it is logically fallacious to attack the character of the people making the arguments, rather than the arguments"
Probability is exactly what it's about. If a witness is testifying in court who is obviously intoxicated, a known liar and has an obvious reason to lie, we can use those facts - which are entirely ad hominem - to evaluate the probability that the witness's testimony is reliable. When a lawyer is in court advocating for his client, it's obvious that his arguments are very likely going to favor his client's interests because that's his job.

There's so much information in the world we have to use a heuristic filter, and the simplest one is trust. As a threshold matter, a source should have some appearance of credibility. I did look at the blog site and was trying to find out who the sources were, which was Ryan Faulk and Sean something or rather. I don't know much about them, but what they did say on their about page didn't do much for their credibility. In fact it tried to avoid the credibility issue much the same way you have, by encouraging people to evaluate the arguments themselves and to not trust anybody, or something like that. The problem is it takes too long to do that. We have to rely on heuristics. It's somewhat ironic, come to think of it, as racial prejudice follows similar reasoning. But it is what it is.


So you were perfectly fine with expecting me to respond to the 10,000 word hitpiece on Ryan Faulk and the Alt Hype website.

But we shouldn't expect you to respond to a dozen articles totaling about the same amount of work. 

How charitable of you.
I didn't expect you to respond to it entirely. That portion of my post was directed to everybody, not you specifically.

Reece101's avatar
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Reece101's avatar
I suppose you listen to Dave Rubin from time to time.  
Mesmer's avatar
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Mesmer's avatar
I suppose you listen to Dave Rubin from time to time.  
I don't but I'm aware of who that is.

Don't really have much of an opinion on him.
Mesmer's avatar
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Mesmer's avatar
However, this is not the same as being logically fallacious, as is the function implied in an 'Ad Hominem' claim. By using Wikipedia's definition, you're essentially arguing that because their conflict of interest *might* have caused the research to be biased, it *has* to be biased. This leap in logic is why Wikipedia's interpretation of logic is wrong.

Moreover, if the bias were to effect the results of the study, that should be evident in the results, and that's where your criticisms should be directed. In other words, the validity of the study exists *independent* of the author's character. More likely to be biased =/= biased.

Therefore, it is logically fallacious to attack the character of the people making the arguments, rather than the arguments"
Probability is exactly what it's about. If a witness is testifying in court who is obviously intoxicated, a known liar and has an obvious reason to lie, we can use those facts - which are entirely ad hominem - to evaluate the probability that the witness's testimony is reliable. When a lawyer is in court advocating for his client, it's obvious that his arguments are very likely going to favor his client's interests because that's his job.

There's so much information in the world we have to use a heuristic filter, and the simplest one is trust. As a threshold matter, a source should have some appearance of credibility. I did look at the blog site and was trying to find out who the sources were, which was Ryan Faulk and Sean something or rather. I don't know much about them, but what they did say on their about page didn't do much for their credibility. In fact it tried to avoid the credibility issue much the same way you have, by encouraging people to evaluate the arguments themselves and to not trust anybody, or something like that. The problem is it takes too long to do that. We have to rely on heuristics. It's somewhat ironic, come to think of it, as racial prejudice follows similar reasoning. But it is what it is.
This is irrelevant, illogical and a waste of time.

We're not in court. We don't need a "heuristic filter" for this, and that's just conceding that Ad Hominem is illogical (making concrete conclusions out of inferences). We're discussing arguments that have easily accessible research/studies/data that you simply can go and read -- you can just literally read for the truth, something you can't do by listening to someone's interpretation in court (wherein heuristic filters might help you find the truth, but never determine the truth -- that's why Ad Hominem is always fallacious).

The arguments Ryan and Sean make are data-driven. If the data is wrong/misinterpreted/incorrect, that should be the discussion's focus. If the conclusions Ryan and Sean make from the data is wrong, then that should be the discussion's focus. This is not an insurmountable hurdle wherein we must determine the nature of the author. You can get the sources, read to see if what the source say supports what Ryan Faulk or Sean Last is arguing, and that is all you need. That is all that matters.

Stop making these logically fallacious Ad Hominem arguments -- they are never valid.
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
If I link to a list of nonsensical articles from a ridiculous source, will you feel the necessity of trying to disprove all of them?
No. First, no one asked you to disprove them. You were supposed to give your pov and support for it. Or pick a single link and say something about why you agree or disagree. Otherwise, why are you in this thread?

Second, how do you know the articles are non-sensical if you didn't read them? If I were to follow your standard, I would without discussion dismiss any liberal here quoting CNN, Huffpost, or MSNBC as offering nonsensical  ridiculous sources. By coming to a debate website, you imply you at least intend to listen to viewpoints different than your own.

I seriously doubt you would waste your time doing that.
I would, and I do. I tolerate loony liberal nonsense all the time for the sake of argument. If you will only engage political views that agree with your own, you're pretty much useless here.

His source is basically a white supremacist website. I have much better things to do with my time than try to explain to a blatant racist why his racism is wrong. He will never see what he is doing as racist. Probably because he doesn't see racism as a problem.
If your views are so right and those with different views are hopeless, why did you bother to post here? Go and do those things you think are much better. The rest of us wish to debate, and not just leftist Pollyanna topics either.

The OP did no work, made no effort and presented no argument.
Then other than a petty gripe, why did you post?

Stop being disingeneous. If you don't wish to read the links, fine, but if you have nothing to offer, don't post either.
Ramshutu's avatar
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Ramshutu's avatar
No. First, no one asked you to disprove them
You did:

Can nobody evaluate any of the arguments in the links and give a reasoned rebuttal?

Or pick a single link and say something about why you agree or disagree. Otherwise, why are you in this thread?
I did: I pointed out that the sources were biased and the claims could not inherently be relied upon.

Second, how do you know the articles are non-sensical if you didn't read them?
I’m not claiming they are nonsensical - I am claiming that one cannot assume their conclusions are reliable.

If I were to follow your standard, I would without discussion dismiss any liberal here quoting CNN, Huffpost, or MSNBC as offering nonsensical  ridiculous sources. By coming to a debate website, you imply you at least intend to listen to viewpoints different than your own.
You do. Opinion offered by Huffpost, MSNBC is regularly rejected as “fake News“, or rejected as having liberal bias. And if someone only posts a link, I think that’s fair. It’s only when someone spends the time and effort to present an argument that yoi should be reasonable expected to debunk it.

Remember. Laziness and anti social. It appears you deliberately left that one out again!

I would, and I do. I tolerate loony liberal nonsense all the time for the sake of argument. If you will only engage political views that agree with your own, you're pretty much useless here.
The OP did not provide an argument to engage in: he engaged in a Gish gallop of claims; for which he provided no argument. In this respect there is nothing to engage with.

If your views are so right and those with different views are hopeless, why did you bother to post here? Go and do those things you think are much better. The rest of us wish to debate, and not just leftist Pollyanna topics either.
This wasn’t debate. Links were presented - I offered a comment on the authority on the link... 

Are you saying that if someone offers a link as an argument, I cannot comment on that link?
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
No. First, no one asked you to disprove them

You did:
I did not. I am not the OP. I said if you disagree, show how.

I pointed out that the sources were biased...
All sources are biased. And as has been pointed out to you, a bias source can still be correct.

...and the claims could not inherently be relied upon.
That is just a comment. If the arguments for the claims have merit, they can be relied upon, if they do not have merit, they cannot be relied upon. You are supposed to say why you think they do not have merit. Your credulity and calling them biased does not suffice.

I am claiming that one cannot assume their conclusions are reliable
You were to think, not assume.

You do. Opinion offered by Huffpost, MSNBC is regularly rejected as “fake News“, or rejected as having liberal bias.
Correct. And I say why. It is the listener's responsibility to require a reasoned response.

And if someone only posts a link, I think that’s fair. It’s only when someone spends the time and effort to present an argument that yoi should be reasonable expected to debunk it.
Again. Why did you post then?

In this respect there is nothing to engage with.
And yet, you engaged.

Are you saying that if someone offers a link as an argument, I cannot comment on that link?
No. But your comment should be constructive, not petty.

The title of the thread is, "...false narratives and their debunkings"

You apparently read it as, "I debunk false narratives" when the author clearly meant, "I point you to debunkings of false narratives"

Already one responder here has complained that the offered source was "too much". The OP could not post everything here. It would be too much for the average reader.

So, pick a link and discuss that, or pass the thread by. Unexamined claims should neither be rejected or relied upon. You have a brain, use it to evaluate the claim rather than appealing to authority. If you cannot or will not do that, pass the thread by.
Ramshutu's avatar
Debates: 43
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Ramshutu's avatar
So, pick a link and discuss that
I did. 

Specifically, I questioned the bias and whether the claims are reliable.

But if you want an argument: please look here

Ramshutu's avatar
Debates: 43
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Ramshutu's avatar
So, pick a link and discuss that
I did. 

Specifically, I questioned the bias and whether the claims are reliable.

But if you want an argument: please look here

Mesmer's avatar
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Mesmer's avatar
So, pick a link and discuss that
I did. 

Specifically, I questioned the bias and whether the claims are reliable.

But if you want an argument: please look here

Ah here we go.

Other people might not be able to see it, but I strongly suspect now that you don't have any sourced arguments yourself for the things you believe on this topic. This is why you don't have anything but Ad Hominems and label games -- you haven't thought/read about this topic yourself, as so those logical fallacies are the best you can do.

Every post you've made up until now has been Ad Hominem. That was until you saw this post by dfss that had the link you just posted 'Progressive' (shitlib) false narratives and their debunkings (debateart.com) . You didn't have any substantial arguments up until this was posted, and now you've thought 'oh, here's what I need to make my arguments'. 

It's just awfully funny that you suddenly found a link to post when someone else posted one.

Very coincidental.
dfss9788's avatar
Debates: 2
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dfss9788's avatar
The arguments Ryan and Sean make are data-driven. If the data is wrong/misinterpreted/incorrect, that should be the discussion's focus. If the conclusions Ryan and Sean make from the data is wrong, then that should be the discussion's focus. This is not an insurmountable hurdle wherein we must determine the nature of the author. You can get the sources, read to see if what the source say supports what Ryan Faulk or Sean Last is arguing, and that is all you need. That is all that matters.

Stop making these logically fallacious Ad Hominem arguments -- they are never valid.
Supposing all his theories were correct, then the cheapest way to go about fixing it would probably be to start mandatory vasectomies for men with low IQs or who are otherwise genetically deficient. Tube ties are too expensive. Problem would fix itself in a generation or two, and people can use the sperm banks. Those among us who are genetically inferior will just have to be cucked for the greater good.
Mesmer's avatar
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Mesmer's avatar
The arguments Ryan and Sean make are data-driven. If the data is wrong/misinterpreted/incorrect, that should be the discussion's focus. If the conclusions Ryan and Sean make from the data is wrong, then that should be the discussion's focus. This is not an insurmountable hurdle wherein we must determine the nature of the author. You can get the sources, read to see if what the source say supports what Ryan Faulk or Sean Last is arguing, and that is all you need. That is all that matters.

Stop making these logically fallacious Ad Hominem arguments -- they are never valid.
[no response]
I take it that you agree now that Ad Hominem is always logically fallacious.

Supposing all his theories were correct
We don't need to suppose and they're not theories. They are data-driven arguments that lead to conclusions.

If you don't agree with any argument in particular, specify it.

then the cheapest way to go about fixing it would probably be to start mandatory vasectomies for men with low IQs or who are otherwise genetically deficient. Tube ties are too expensive. Problem would fix itself in a generation or two, and people can use the sperm banks. Those among us who are genetically inferior will just have to be cucked for the greater good.

Good luck getting anyone to agree with that.

7 days later

dfss9788's avatar
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dfss9788's avatar
I take it that you agree now that Ad Hominem is always logically fallacious.
Not really clear what you mean by "logically" fallacious. Ad hom can be relevant when there's a relationship between the conclusion of an argument and the person (or entity, I guess) in question.

I think by now pretty much everyone is reasonably aware of scientific racism arguments, which is pretty much what's being advanced in the blog. I don't see anything new there. They do seem to organize it rather well, though there are clear missing logical steps here and there where the advanced conclusion simply defaults to racist one. For example, in their article showing that genes coding for some brain development have higher interracial variance than other genes, this is regarded as a clear mechanism for interracial IQ variance. Yet, no evidence is presented that those genes have any actual impact on IQ. Also, in the existence of race article, a definition for race is advanced which is presented as self-evident because that's "obviously" what it is. I'm afraid it's not so obvious, and if we use that advanced definition the categories for race don't line up with Ryan and Sean's categories at all because a lot more groups of people (e.g. Okinawan, Nordic) would satisfy the definition.

Questions of causes of trends within identified groups are difficult to answer. For me, confidence in conclusions happens solemnly and reluctantly, like when you're faced with irrefutable evidence that someone you liked and trusted has betrayed you. The bloggers appear passionate and biased about this topic. It comes across as tribalist advocacy rather than something academic.

We don't need to suppose and they're not theories. They are data-driven arguments that lead to conclusions.

If you don't agree with any argument in particular, specify it.
OK. Lets talk about the existence of race argument. Since I'm already reasonably familiar with it, it's not that much work for me to talk about it. Without making any counter-case, I will speak strictly as to why the argument isn't persuasive.

First, none of the links to the studies on questionnaires work. They are all broken links. For that reason, all that evidence can be disregarded.

Second, the argument is heavily based on genetics. Yet, concepts of race have existed long before genetics ever did. If we're going to try to understand what race is, then we should be looking at when and how the notion originated and how the idea has been carried forward, at least from a linguistic standpoint. So, focusing on genetics as a starting point seems a bit misplaced.

Further, the genetic evidence being presented doesn't justify the purported races advanced on the site. Populations that have been geographically separated for long periods of time are genetically distinguishable through testing, just as black, white and asian are. So, this test he is presenting  - It can also be done for groups that aren't considered races. Ancestry tests (e.g. "23 and me") have become big business these days.

Good luck getting anyone to agree with that.
I was making a subtle point in a humorous way. Ofc nobody is going to agree to that. It would be too great a sacrifice for the benefit of their race, or country or whatever. Sure, my people would be better off (probably) if everyone agreed to some optimal polygamous mating system. But I'm not going to do that because I'm going to put my interests ahead of my people's. Ah, selfishness when the interests of your people and your own conflict. Perhaps I want you to see that when you are doing what is best for your people, it can be a "cuck move", as you say. The only people when it's really not are close family, I think.

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Mesmer's avatar
Not really clear what you mean by "logically" fallacious. Ad hom can be relevant when there's a relationship between the conclusion of an argument and the person (or entity, I guess) in question.

If the topic **is** the person, then attacking the person is not Ad Hominem.

Ad Hominem is when the person is attacked **in place** of the argument, but when the argument is the person, then attacking the person is logically valid (i.e. not Ad Hominem).

I think by now pretty much everyone is reasonably aware of scientific racism arguments
I don't know anything about "scientific racism".

I'm arguing in favor of race realism, not "scientific racism" (whatever that is).

which is pretty much what's being advanced in the blog
It's not a blog. It's a website positing dozens of heavily sourced articles debunking commonly argued shitlib narratives. This is very different from an online journal wherein someone writes about their feelings/the trip they had for the day.

though there are clear missing logical steps here and there where the advanced conclusion simply defaults to racist one.
"Racist" is a nonsense, malicious term: Racism is a nonsense, malicious term v2.0 (debateart.com) .

For example, in their article showing that genes coding for some brain development have higher interracial variance than other genes, this is regarded as a clear mechanism for interracial IQ variance. Yet, no evidence is presented that those genes have any actual impact on IQ.
So this is the common 'find the genes' argument that if we accepted, would wipe out most of biology, anthropology and many other science fields that also haven't 'found the genes' for absolutely everything. That means there would be not biological difference between dolphins, spiders, humans, chimpanzees etc. -- a truly insane conclusion. You're essentially attempting to move the goalposts to levels that are too hard for any biology-based field to meet.

'Find the genes' isn't how these fields determine their answers, **and** we don't need to 'find the genes' to determine that there is biological difference.

Also, in the existence of race article, a definition for race is advanced which is presented as self-evident because that's "obviously" what it is. I'm afraid it's not so obvious, and if we use that advanced definition the categories for race don't line up with Ryan and Sean's categories at all because a lot more groups of people (e.g. Okinawan, Nordic) would satisfy the definition.
Yeah so race is a social construct. We get to determine how many races we want to formally recognize. Obviously, everyone is different at the genetic level, and so we need to divide people into groups before we get to that level, otherwise we don't have groups. We don't get to determine who goes in what category (genetics does that), but we get to determine if we want 3 super broad races (African, European, Asian), or 100 human races (accounting for the races you mentioned), or some other number. So, their definition is just fine.

Questions of causes of trends within identified groups are difficult to answer. For me, confidence in conclusions happens solemnly and reluctantly, like when you're faced with irrefutable evidence that someone you liked and trusted has betrayed you. The bloggers appear passionate and biased about this topic. It comes across as tribalist advocacy rather than something academic.
And back to the Ad hom lol.

OK. Lets talk about the existence of race argument. Since I'm already reasonably familiar with it, it's not that much work for me to talk about it. Without making any counter-case, I will speak strictly as to why the argument isn't persuasive.

First, none of the links to the studies on questionnaires work. They are all broken links. For that reason, all that evidence can be disregarded.
Which ones did you need to see that would help you believe that race is real?

Second, the argument is heavily based on genetics. Yet, concepts of race have existed long before genetics ever did. If we're going to try to understand what race is, then we should be looking at when and how the notion originated and how the idea has been carried forward, at least from a linguistic standpoint. So, focusing on genetics as a starting point seems a bit misplaced.
Genetics is how we currently prove that race exists -- no misplacement here. You could argue that in the past, race wasn't proven to exist. I don't see why we need to prove that race was proven to exist before. There's a study that showed race matched a person's self-identified race nearly 100% of the time, and I guess I could re-find it if you're desperate to see it, but your argument here is really besides the point.

Further, the genetic evidence being presented doesn't justify the purported races advanced on the site. Populations that have been geographically separated for long periods of time are genetically distinguishable through testing, just as black, white and asian are. So, this test he is presenting  - It can also be done for groups that aren't considered races. Ancestry tests (e.g. "23 and me") have become big business these days.
Yeah if you want to find even more biological divisions (and then call them races), you could do that. Jorde (2000) did the K=44 thing. If you set a sorting computer to find 1000 biologically different human groups, and you gave the computer sufficient SNP/loci/genetic markers, you could end up with 1000 human races. Obviously, the more groups you have, the less the genetic division between them, and so at a point, there's little reason to continue to sub-divide humans any further, even though you could.

The purported races on the site are used because they're generally accepted worldwide. If you can make an argument as to why we need to further sub-divide Bantus or Australian Aboriginies into smaller groups, then feel free to make that argument.

I was making a subtle point in a humorous way. Ofc nobody is going to agree to that. It would be too great a sacrifice for the benefit of their race, or country or whatever. Sure, my people would be better off (probably) if everyone agreed to some optimal polygamous mating system. But I'm not going to do that because I'm going to put my interests ahead of my people's. Ah, selfishness when the interests of your people and your own conflict. Perhaps I want you to see that when you are doing what is best for your people, it can be a "cuck move", as you say. The only people when it's really not are close family, I think.
Alright lol.