Would You Join This Religion?

Author: Reece101


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Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Wrong....Humans define GODS, therefore humans define sin....That's irrefutable logic.

Only in a universe where God does not exist.  Last time I looked, that was not this universe. 

The formalisation of the beginning of a family....Mother, Father, Progeny, begins when the sperm fertilizes the egg.
A marriage is the commencement of a family.  Families do not need to have children. A couple is a family if they are married. 

How "a family" might proceed from thereon in, is variable...Though conditioning will have a big influence.
Nope. Family starts at Marriage ceremony.   Nothing to do with conditioning. It is an institution. 

True...Gay is a somewhat hijacked word....Though in terms of homosexuality, it all boils down to the achievement of sexual gratification, via an alternative modus operandi to the one previously mentioned.
Yes. I was drawing our attention to its meaning changing. 

And conditioning is...Which may result in irresponsibility.
Not sure where you are going with this one. 

Promoting religious fiction as the basis of universal reality is a tad irresponsible, but it's just how some people have been conditioned to process misinformation.

Flesh and blood and conditioning maketh the person, that maketh their GOD.

Spoken like a modern day woke person.  
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
So you don't have an answer? Ok.  Yes, Humanity is made in the image and likeness of God. 
You didn’t answer my question, so I responded in kind.  Try to be a bit more multi faceted in your responses.

And homosexuals didn't choose to be created gay, correct?
No because I wanted to see where you were going. And also because I wanted to clarify your question. Now it has arisen I will respond. 

I am actually two minds about this.   I was settled in my view that gays chose to be gay. And honestly, I still think that for many it is exactly that. The whole notion of fluid these days, means people don't have to commit to being one or the other  - just flit between one experience and the other. We can all provide examples of this.   I also held to this view because I was of the view that sin was a choice. 

In the past 18  months or so - from extra reading and talking with some of my colleagues - and the bible, I am comfortable with the fact that God created humanity good. Yet the fall of humanity so affected humanity in its core that perhaps some people are born gay.   Hence, God did not create people gay. Sin impacted humanity by the fall. For example, people born with all sorts of diseases and disabilities - in my view is a result of the fall, not individual sins per se.  Without the fall, these situations would not have occurred. Yet, after the fall since sin has entered the world and the human condition, then they are part and parcel of it. Hence in my view, it does seem plausible that some people are born gay. Yet this is not the same as saying God created people gay or malformed or with disease. 

I would hold to the view that God defines what sin is and that each individual is responsible for their own sin. Did homosexuals therefore  choose not to be born gay? No one chooses how they are born.  Nor how they are created for that matter.  But there is a clear distinction between how one was created - and then the implications of a choice of that human after they were created.  Today we say - take the vaccine or not.  Yet your choice has implications.  God created humanity. And told them if they ate of the fruit there would be implications.  Humanity knew the risk and the implications and went ahead anyway. I think this choice to ignore the risk is on humanity, not on God. Yet sin is still sin. 

It's not nonsensical. You suggested originally that I was asserting extraordinary claims - therefore I needed to produce extraordinary evidence. I said that was nonsense since It misunderstands the reality of God.  I think searching for miracles and magic and supernatural things in relation to God is superstitious mumbo jumbo. 
Like I said, extraordinary does not refer to magic or the supernatural.  
Extraordinary means more than ordinary.  Magic is not ordinary. Supernatural is not ordinary.  In fact both are extraordinary. Of course there are other things which are extraordinary as well. Yet when it comes to proving God, most people want extraordinary proof, not just ordinary proof. I honestly, can see only evidence for God's existence and not a scrap of evidence against his existence. 

God is all powerful and can do whatever he pleases, does not mean he is going to perform for us like a puppet when we call.  God has created this world we live in - and for me and the Scriptures that is where he is meeting with us.  If we cannot see God in the creation we are ignorant. 
The first thing is to admit you’re ignorant of ultimate truths. That’s how you expand your horizon. There’s always something more ultimate than what you already know. For example a god which is omnipotent (all-powerful), omnipresent (all-present), and omniscient (all-knowing), is completely ruled by its own fate. Every thought and action that god makes, is predetermined. If you say he can choose to be ignorant about something, my response is, does it matter? he would have known prior.  
It is not about admitting ignorance or not. That is simply me explaining why. People don't want to see creation as being created by God. Most people prefer to ignore the possibility and put forward all sorts of reasons it is a delusion.  Occam's razor is a helpful tool. It is the most reasonable position to believe that the world and the universe was created rather than it just appeared from nowhere all by itself for no particular reason. Of course people would not admit that it what they believe - and would likely deny it too - calling it strawman. And yet that is the alternative.  

I am not going to fall into your trap of the god of the gaps theory.  I don't hold to that position in the first place. But of course there are things I don't know. I don't automatically jump to the conclusion that this proves God exists.  Your assumption about God and fate is an assumption of yours not mine. God is ruled by his own character not by fate. God is also Holy. That is one thing atheists leave out of their trifecta about God. God is not three dimensional. That entire definition is nothing but a strawman. 

I did. It was pride. A better word is selfish. An even better word is idolatry. And an even better word is sinful.  Yes, you are right. There are millions of people in history who died not knowing the God of the universe.  They died not knowing the God who controls and plans history.  God is the author of life. If people are in Hell then that is because they refused to acknowledge the creator of this world. A choice they freely made and nobody took from them. 
They didn’t have a choice in the matter in a world where God is the ultimate arbiter. 
That's one point where we disagree. Christians talk about first and second causes.  First causes talk about the fact that nothing can happen without God causing it.  Second Causes talk about how things come about. You used the term author. In many ways history is God's book.  He is the author and we are all the characters. In books - the author is the first cause and the characters are the second cause.  In books, it is the character who is responsible for how they live and the consequences they receive depending upon the narrative.  If Darth Vader kills someone, they don't blame it on George Lucas in the story. Darth Vader is the second cause and the division between him and the first cause is such that no one but Darth Vader is responsible for his own actions.  Of course using the author analogy has its flaws - but it also provides a helpful analogy to consider the difference between God as the first cause and Humanity as responsible for what they do in life.  No one is really going to say Darth Vader did not have free choice or that he should not be responsible for his actions. No one is going to turn around and say to Darth - hey don't worry, it is not your fault - it is George Lucas's fault. One of the flaws of this analogy of course is that God himself is a character within his own book.  And sometimes we refer to God in his first cause place and sometimes we refer to God in his second cause place.  God's providence and what happens is always going to happen - since it was done so through his first cause person as the author of life.  But sometimes what God does is as the basis of his second cause place.  At least attempting to distinguish the two is somewhat helpful. 

Do fetuses go to Hell? Excellent question. Personally, I don't have an answer - save and except, that I believe that God saves everyone through Jesus. Yet thankfully, I am not God. What God does in his own way is a matter for him.  I don't have an issue with that because I believe fully that everything God does is good and just.  It is an assumption. or an axiom. 
So if they go to hell, God’s good and just regardless? That begs a follow up question if your answer is yes.
I think God is good and just regardless of what I see and understand with my own eyes.   For me - he is the measure of good and just.  For those without God, their measure is something else. Perhaps whatever they have been conditioned to believe, what their culture tells them, what their family taught them, what their schools taught them, what their peer group etc.  Others think the majority of people provide the measure. Others think science does it. some say a group of elite professionals know the best measure of goodness and justice. Others their political party. Others rely on their conscience - whatever that is. Some use utilitarianism. Others the marxist dialect. And so the list goes on.  What is your measure of right and wrong - any of these - a mixture of these - ? Something else. 

No that is an unfair characterization of my point. I took issue with you suggesting that math was perfect. I never said that. God is perfect. I do not think that therefore everything else is perfect.  I said math is based on reason and logic.
Which you said is “ABSOLUTE”.
Absolute does not mean perfect. 

It wasn’t an easy journey either. There’s a couple of times when humanity almost went extinct, both modern and early humans. 
It is no surprise we are up there in terms of most adaptive species. It’s thanks to our cooperative brain. 
Or occam's razor. God. 

Yes, I have read that before. A few years ago - but it is preaching to the converted.  And is flawed in many ways.
How so? I will come back to you on that one. It will involve some extra time. 

In your view, what would the logical actions be of a human in which we’ve evolved?
Death, suicide, anarchy,  or centralization - power corrupt power. Slavery. Thankfully, however we are not too consistent, and are restrained by God and his common grace. 

Cooperation has its place - and does competition. But they are not opposites to each other nor even enemies. 

Communism insists it is about cooperation - yet really is it submission to monopoly. 

Reece101's avatar
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Reece101's avatar
No because I wanted to see where you were going. And also because I wanted to clarify your question. Now it has arisen I will respond. 

I am actually two minds about this.   I was settled in my view that gays chose to be gay. And honestly, I still think that for many it is exactly that. The whole notion of fluid these days, means people don't have to commit to being one or the other  - just flit between one experience and the other. We can all provide examples of this.   I also held to this view because I was of the view that sin was a choice. 
From my understanding, sexual fluidity is a description of human sexual behaviour/attraction within environments where a persons sexual orientation (being gay, straight, etc) is challenged.  “Prison culture” is an extreme example. 

In the past 18  months or so - from extra reading and talking with some of my colleagues - and the bible, I am comfortable with the fact that God created humanity good. Yet the fall of humanity so affected humanity in its core that perhaps some people are born gay.   Hence, God did not create people gay. Sin impacted humanity by the fall. For example, people born with all sorts of diseases and disabilities - in my view is a result of the fall, not individual sins per se.  Without the fall, these situations would not have occurred. Yet, after the fall since sin has entered the world and the human condition, then they are part and parcel of it. Hence in my view, it does seem plausible that some people are born gay. Yet this is not the same as saying God created people gay or malformed or with disease.
What about other animals? They also have gay relations. Are you saying there was a fall of animals too? Do they also go to hell if they give in to their natural temptations? Do you understand how illogical you’re being with your excuses? By the way, I find it disgusting you’re equating malformation or having a disease with being gay. It goes to show where your mind is. 

I would hold to the view that God defines what sin is and that each individual is responsible for their own sin. Did homosexuals therefore  choose not to be born gay? No one chooses how they are born.  Nor how they are created for that matter.  But there is a clear distinction between how one was created - and then the implications of a choice of that human after they were created.  Today we say - take the vaccine or not.  Yet your choice has implications.  God created humanity. And told them if they ate of the fruit there would be implications.  Humanity knew the risk and the implications and went ahead anyway. I think this choice to ignore the risk is on humanity, not on God. Yet sin is still sin.
God knew how everything would play out beforehand. Again, God is the ultimate arbiter. With ultimate power comes ultimate responsibility. 

Extraordinary means more than ordinary.  Magic is not ordinary. Supernatural is not ordinary.  In fact both are extraordinary. Of course there are other things which are extraordinary as well. Yet when it comes to proving God, most people want extraordinary proof, not just ordinary proof. I honestly, can see only evidence for God's existence and not a scrap of evidence against his existence. 
Yes, extraordinary means more than ordinary. Not  what you were exclusively saying it referred to, which were magic and the supernatural. But I’m glad you’re going by the actual definition now. God is an extraordinary claim which requires extraordinary evidence.

It is not about admitting ignorance or not. That is simply me explaining why. People don't want to see creation as being created by God. Most people prefer to ignore the possibility and put forward all sorts of reasons it is a delusion.  Occam's razor is a helpful tool. It is the most reasonable position to believe that the world and the universe was created rather than it just appeared from nowhere all by itself for no particular reason. Of course people would not admit that it what they believe - and would likely deny it too - calling it strawman. And yet that is the alternative.  
Would you have known God if you weren’t taught it? What if you grew up in a different culture? Would a loving God really send you to hell?

I am not going to fall into your trap of the god of the gaps theory.  I don't hold to that position in the first place. But of course there are things I don't know. I don't automatically jump to the conclusion that this proves God exists.  Your assumption about God and fate is an assumption of yours not mine. God is ruled by his own character not by fate. God is also Holy. That is one thing atheists leave out of their trifecta about God. God is not three dimensional. That entire definition is nothing but a strawman.
What position don’t you hold to in the first place? 
Can you tell me why my assumption is wrong?

That's one point where we disagree. Christians talk about first and second causes.  First causes talk about the fact that nothing can happen without God causing it. Second Causes talk about how things come about. You used the term author. In many ways history is God's book.  He is the author and we are all the characters. In books - the author is the first cause and the characters are the second cause.  In books, it is the character who is responsible for how they live and the consequences they receive depending upon the narrative.  If Darth Vader kills someone, they don't blame it on George Lucas in the story. Darth Vader is the second cause and the division between him and the first cause is such that no one but Darth Vader is responsible for his own actions.  Of course using the author analogy has its flaws - but it also provides a helpful analogy to consider the difference between God as the first cause and Humanity as responsible for what they do in life.  No one is really going to say Darth Vader did not have free choice or that he should not be responsible for his actions. No one is going to turn around and say to Darth - hey don't worry, it is not your fault - it is George Lucas's fault. One of the flaws of this analogy of course is that God himself is a character within his own book.  And sometimes we refer to God in his first cause place and sometimes we refer to God in his second cause place.  God's providence and what happens is always going to happen - since it was done so through his first cause person as the author of life.  But sometimes what God does is as the basis of his second cause place.  At least attempting to distinguish the two is somewhat helpful. 
If you want a more clear cut analogy I suggest Marvel comics. The Marvel god when depicted is sometimes thought to be the writer within the community. Though even he admits that he’s not capable of omniscience, etc. Problems arise when that’s the case which you haven’t addressed.

I think God is good and just regardless of what I see and understand with my own eyes.   For me - he is the measure of good and just.  For those without God, their measure is something else. Perhaps whatever they have been conditioned to believe, what their culture tells them, what their family taught them, what their schools taught them, what their peer group etc.  Others think the majority of people provide the measure. Others think science does it. some say a group of elite professionals know the best measure of goodness and justice. Others their political party. Others rely on their conscience - whatever that is. Some use utilitarianism. Others the marxist dialect. And so the list goes on.  What is your measure of right and wrong - any of these - a mixture of these - ? Something else. 
Humans reason what’s right and wrong, good and bad in everyday life regardless of a belief in a genocidal dictator. 
Saying that’s right or wrong because God said so, is not good enough. That’s not our standard in daily life. 

Absolute does not mean perfect. 
What did you mean by it when it came to math then?

Or occam's razor. God. 
Of course you would say that.  What if you were taught a different god?

Death, suicide, anarchy,  or centralization - power corrupt power. Slavery. Thankfully, however we are not too consistent, and are restrained by God and his common grace. 
That’s how you would feel without God, correct? That’s how many religious people have felt. I find it kind of childish. All those things have always existed, especially in heavily religious countries, etc. Apart from “anarchy” I guess. Less religious countries tend to be the happiest in the modern world.

Cooperation has its place - and does competition. But they are not opposites to each other nor even enemies. 
I agree. I did not contrast competition with cooperation. I’m glad you came to that conclusion on your own. 

Communism insists it is about cooperation - yet really is it submission to monopoly. 
I say cooperation and your mind swivels to communism. Really?
I’m not a communist. 

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
From my understanding, sexual fluidity is a description of human sexual behaviour/attraction within environments where a persons sexual orientation (being gay, straight, etc) is challenged.  “Prison culture” is an extreme example. 
Fluidity essentially started with the Kinsey Report.  The study however has very deep flaws in it. 

What about other animals? They also have gay relations. Are you saying there was a fall of animals too? Do they also go to hell if they give in to their natural temptations? Do you understand how illogical you’re being with your excuses? By the way, I find it disgusting you’re equating malformation or having a disease with being gay. It goes to show where your mind is. 
Honestly, I think comparing humans with animals is only mildly helpful.  Spiders and many other animals are cannibals and killers for fun.  No one ever suggests that they would be suitable for humans to do. And also I am not equating malformation and disease with gay.  I suggested that sin has changed the human body from its initial state.  Are things getting personal?  

I would hold to the view that God defines what sin is and that each individual is responsible for their own sin. Did homosexuals therefore  choose not to be born gay? No one chooses how they are born.  Nor how they are created for that matter.  But there is a clear distinction between how one was created - and then the implications of a choice of that human after they were created.  Today we say - take the vaccine or not.  Yet your choice has implications.  God created humanity. And told them if they ate of the fruit there would be implications.  Humanity knew the risk and the implications and went ahead anyway. I think this choice to ignore the risk is on humanity, not on God. Yet sin is still sin.
God knew how everything would play out beforehand. Again, God is the ultimate arbiter. With ultimate power comes ultimate responsibility. 
Yes.  I guess that explains why he himself chose to die on a cross. That is ultimate responsibility. 

Extraordinary means more than ordinary.  Magic is not ordinary. Supernatural is not ordinary.  In fact both are extraordinary. Of course there are other things which are extraordinary as well. Yet when it comes to proving God, most people want extraordinary proof, not just ordinary proof. I honestly, can see only evidence for God's existence and not a scrap of evidence against his existence. 
Yes, extraordinary means more than ordinary. Not  what you were exclusively saying it referred to, which were magic and the supernatural. But I’m glad you’re going by the actual definition now. God is an extraordinary claim which requires extraordinary evidence.
No I never exclusively said that. Go back and check. And don't put words into my mouth which were never there.  Again. You intentionally miss the point. 

It is not about admitting ignorance or not. That is simply me explaining why. People don't want to see creation as being created by God. Most people prefer to ignore the possibility and put forward all sorts of reasons it is a delusion.  Occam's razor is a helpful tool. It is the most reasonable position to believe that the world and the universe was created rather than it just appeared from nowhere all by itself for no particular reason. Of course people would not admit that it what they believe - and would likely deny it too - calling it strawman. And yet that is the alternative.  
Would you have known God if you weren’t taught it? What if you grew up in a different culture? Would a loving God really send you to hell?
It is possible. What if I were? There are many Christians in many cultures around the world. Would a loving judge ever send anyone to prison? Of course.  God is loving and holy and just.  He would be corrupt if he did not send people to Hell.  Just like a judge would be corrupt if he let all the criminals go free. 

I am not going to fall into your trap of the god of the gaps theory.  I don't hold to that position in the first place. But of course there are things I don't know. I don't automatically jump to the conclusion that this proves God exists.  Your assumption about God and fate is an assumption of yours not mine. God is ruled by his own character not by fate. God is also Holy. That is one thing atheists leave out of their trifecta about God. God is not three dimensional. That entire definition is nothing but a strawman.
What position don’t you hold to in the first place? 
Can you tell me why my assumption is wrong?
I don't hold to the god of the gaps theory.  And yes because fatalism is a position that is unable to differentiate between the one and the many. 

If you want a more clear cut analogy I suggest Marvel comics. The Marvel god when depicted is sometimes thought to be the writer within the community. Though even he admits that he’s not capable of omniscience, etc. Problems arise when that’s the case which you haven’t addressed.
So rather than engage with it - as you wanted me to with the dragon - you just fob it off.  Ok I suppose that makes sense.  One rule for you and another rule for anyone you disagree with. sounds fair. and reasonable. 

I think God is good and just regardless of what I see and understand with my own eyes.   For me - he is the measure of good and just.  For those without God, their measure is something else. Perhaps whatever they have been conditioned to believe, what their culture tells them, what their family taught them, what their schools taught them, what their peer group etc.  Others think the majority of people provide the measure. Others think science does it. some say a group of elite professionals know the best measure of goodness and justice. Others their political party. Others rely on their conscience - whatever that is. Some use utilitarianism. Others the marxist dialect. And so the list goes on.  What is your measure of right and wrong - any of these - a mixture of these - ? Something else. 
Humans reason what’s right and wrong, good and bad in everyday life regardless of a belief in a genocidal dictator. 
Saying that’s right or wrong because God said so, is not good enough. That’s not our standard in daily life. 
So you don't have an answer then. Again not surprising. 

Absolute does not mean perfect. 
What did you mean by it when it came to math then?
That math required principles which are consistent and real. Not nominal and change with the wind.  It is the difference between real science and the arts. 

Or occam's razor. God. 
Of course you would say that.  What if you were taught a different god?
But I wasn't. Well that is not exactly true. The God I grew up with is in many ways very different to the God I worship now.  My teachers presented God as best they could - and I threw it away.  It wasn't until much later I came to know God.  After I spend significant years as an atheist.   God brought me back to the faith. I would not have come unless he made me.  

Death, suicide, anarchy,  or centralization - power corrupt power. Slavery. Thankfully, however we are not too consistent, and are restrained by God and his common grace. 
That’s how you would feel without God, correct? That’s how many religious people have felt. I find it kind of childish. All those things have always existed, especially in heavily religious countries, etc. Apart from “anarchy” I guess. Less religious countries tend to be the happiest in the modern world.
Nope. It is the inevitable result of evolution for humanity. Life - death. All roads lead to death for the humanity and atheist.  Tell it does not. Death is inevitable. There is nothing after life. When you die - you die.  Religions for the major part are searching for a way out of death - don't think too hard about Hinduism which too is looking for death.  But religions want eternal life. Atheists - seek after death.  I think you will find the studies reflecting happiness - have two major characteristics - one they are secular societies - which happen to arise always from protestant backgrounds - and secondly are drawn up by academics who are primarily secular. And biased.  It depends upon which religions we are looking at as well.  Not all religions are equal - just like not every idea or philosophy is equal. 

There are reasons why there are proportionately significant intellectuals that arise within both the Jewish World and the Protestant Worlds. Yes, other nations have intellectuals as well. But most come from a particular background. 

I am glad you are not a communist. Mind you , it is a free world - no pun intended. 

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Modern day is all that there is.

And like unconditioned non-theists who went before, we realised that it doesn't matter how hard you look you will never find a GOD, anywhere other than inside a conditioned  mind.

And the human family is, and various sub-families are...Irrespective of pomp and circumstance.

And if I'm woke.

Then that puts you most definitely in dreamland.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Modern day is all that there is.

And like unconditioned non-theists who went before, we realised that it doesn't matter how hard you look you will never find a GOD, anywhere other than inside a conditioned  mind.
You don't even realize how much your answer reveals your ignorance of Christianity, do you? 

Christians are not seeking God.   Christians don't ask people to seek God.  We say very clearly, you can't find God. Try and pull your prejudiced thinking to one side just for a moment.  Why am I saying this in response to your non-sequitur statement? And think about that as you keep talking about conditioned minds. 

And the human family is, and various sub-families are...Irrespective of pomp and circumstance.
That does not even have a meaning contained within it.  Families are … ???? Seriously!

And if I'm woke.

Then that puts you most definitely in dreamland.
O, you get upset because I labeled you woke. Surprise there eh. Well perhaps you ought to stop making assumptions about me? 

You do sound awfully woke in your comments.  The more fluid you get in your ideas, the more it flows out.  

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Morning Trade.

Upset....I don't do upset Trade.

I do early morning Debateart entertainment.

I was surprised at your inability to understand what I meant by family....Though I'm guessing that you probably didn't try....Ah well.

And Woke....As far as I am concerned, woke means awake...So I'll take it as a compliment....And hence, my dreamland re-jibe.

And for sure, I learned to ignore Christianity 50  or more years ago....And you learned the opposite.....Conditioning Trade.

And I know that it's not possible to find a real GOD....That's what I keep telling you Trade....So we've concluded the morning in agreement then...Nice.

Reece101's avatar
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Reece101's avatar
Fluidity essentially started with the Kinsey Report.  The study however has very deep flaws in it. 
I’m not familiar with them. Can you tell me how, or will you need time? 

Honestly, I think comparing humans with animals is only mildly helpful.  Spiders and many other animals are cannibals and killers for fun.  No one ever suggests that they would be suitable for humans to do. And also I am not equating malformation and disease with gay.  I suggested that sin has changed the human body from its initial state.  Are things getting personal?  
Aren’t you saying homosexuality is malformation and a disease from the fall of man though? It seems like you’re being a bit inconsistent.

Yes.  I guess that explains why he himself chose to die on a cross. That is ultimate responsibility. 
Didn’t Jesus cry out asking why God forsaken him. It seems to me Jesus was a scape goat for God. 

No I never exclusively said that. Go back and check. And don't put words into my mouth which were never there.  Again. You intentionally miss the point. 
You weren’t going by the actual definition. You were exclusively talking about magic and the supernatural. You were saying that’s what exclusive means. Don’t try to squirm your way out of this. And you’re saying I’m intentionally missing the point? Wooow!

So, do you still have a problem with, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”?

It is possible. What if I were? There are many Christians in many cultures around the world. Would a loving judge ever send anyone to prison? Of course.  God is loving and holy and just.  He would be corrupt if he did not send people to Hell.  Just like a judge would be corrupt if he let all the criminals go free. 
Culture is more complicated than you think. By different culture, I meant different from Christian/Abrahamic culture(s) of course. Obviously cultures can overlap. And there’s also periods of time that aren’t excluded. Alright, so if you were born 10,000 years ago, obviously not knowing about God, it would be just for you to go to hell solely based on that lack of knowledge? Yes or no?

I don't hold to the god of the gaps theory.  And yes because fatalism is a position that is unable to differentiate between the one and the many. 
And how does that relate to what I said? 

So rather than engage with it - as you wanted me to with the dragon - you just fob it off.  Ok I suppose that makes sense.  One rule for you and another rule for anyone you disagree with. sounds fair. and reasonable. 
Alright fine, I’ll engage. In actuality no one in the world of Star Wars knows of George Lucas. They just live their life. People do good, people do bad. You’re right, there are many flaws with your analogy. 

So you don't have an answer then. Again not surprising.
I have to admit I’ve been kind of skim reading. 

How about reflecting on the past week about what motivated your actions. and be honest with yourself. 
some answers might be “I didn’t want to look bad”, “It feels good to share”, “I’m hungry”, etc. 
It’s a mixture of social conditioning, aspirations, and biological drives. Everyone’s unique 

That math required principles which are consistent and real. Not nominal and change with the wind.  It is the difference between real science and the arts.
Math changes with science, as knew discoveries unravel and new models form. I find “absolute” as hyperbolic. 

But I wasn't. Well that is not exactly true. The God I grew up with is in many ways very different to the God I worship now.  My teachers presented God as best they could - and I threw it away.  It wasn't until much later I came to know God.  After I spend significant years as an atheist.   God brought me back to the faith. I would not have come unless he made me.  
Did he threaten you with hell? 

Nope. It is the inevitable result of evolution for humanity. Life - death. All roads lead to death for the humanity and atheist.  Tell it does not. Death is inevitable. There is nothing after life. When you die - you die.  Religions for the major part are searching for a way out of death - don't think too hard about Hinduism which too is looking for death.  But religions want eternal life. Atheists - seek after death. 
Hinduism is looking for death? As far as I know, a large part of Hinduism is about reincarnation and karma, the same basic principals as Christianity — doing good in this life, and being rewarded in the next. 

Atheists just want to live their life like everyone else. 

I think you will find the studies reflecting happiness - have two major characteristics - one they are secular societies - which happen to arise always from protestant backgrounds - and secondly are drawn up by academics who are primarily secular. And biased.  It depends upon which religions we are looking at as well.  Not all religions are equal - just like not every idea or philosophy is equal. 
It’s better to look at the studies themselves instead of claiming the academics are biased straight away. Plus secularism is the belief in separation of church and state. It’s funny you would call that biased. 

There are reasons why there are proportionately significant intellectuals that arise within both the Jewish World and the Protestant Worlds. Yes, other nations have intellectuals as well. But most come from a particular background. 
What are those reason in your view?

I am glad you are not a communist. Mind you , it is a free world - no pun intended. 
Tankies aren’t great.
Stephen's avatar
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Reverend "Tradey" Tradsecret wrote;  Christians don't ask people to seek God.  We say very clearly, you can't find God.

More bible ignorance as ever. And no surprises coming from you  Reverenced "Tradey" Tradesecret.  And you appear to have rendered all of these verses below  redundant. 

Psalm 34:10. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.

Matthew 6:33.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Proverbs 8:17. I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.

Act17: 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.

1 Chronicles 16:11.   Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.

Hebrews 11:6. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.  

2 Chronicles 7: 14. if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Jeremiah 29:13.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Psalm 9:10.  Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Psalm 14:2.  The LORD looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God.

Matthew 6:33.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

And how ever could a qualified Pastor and Chaplin with all those "accreditations" forget this , probably the most famous verse about "seeking the lord"?? 

Luke 11:9-10 “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

You'er just a bible ignorant fraud at the end of the day, aren't you  Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecret
Tradesecret's avatar
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And yet with all of your pretend nonsense - you fail to raise and then discuss the following verse:

"there is no one who understands, no one who seek God. All have turned away they have become together worthless. There is no one who does good not even one."

Romans 3:11-12 quoting Psalm 14.

But I am sure you can exegete and explain this passage in the context of the others. I personally don't believe they contradict each other. 

But you on the other hand - well.  what can we say? 
Tradesecret's avatar
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Morning Trade.
Hi Zed, 

Upset....I don't do upset Trade.

I do early morning Debateart entertainment.
Is that what you call it? 

I was surprised at your inability to understand what I meant by family....Though I'm guessing that you probably didn't try....Ah well.
I did try.  I just did not get it. Please try and explain it to me. Are you suggesting that they JUST ARE.?

And Woke....As far as I am concerned, woke means awake...So I'll take it as a compliment....And hence, my dreamland re-jibe.


And for sure, I learned to ignore Christianity 50  or more years ago....And you learned the opposite.....Conditioning Trade.
Ah you are showing your age.  I have indicated previously, though you choose to ignore it, that I rejected Christianity as a teenager. I took on atheist for several years.  The Christianity I belong to now is very different to what I grew up with.  Where is the conditioning in that - except perhaps from a secular humanist university training? 

And I know that it's not possible to find a real GOD....That's what I keep telling you Trade....So we've concluded the morning in agreement then...Nice.
I think the first step towards knowing God is by realizing you can't find God.   It's a little bit like a person with an addiction, acknowledging they have a problem.  Since you have life - there is still hope for you.   

The next step for you might be to consider the question - given that God exist, and that I can't find him, why not? Others do know God, and they didn't find him, what happened?  What is the difference? Of course - acknowledging you have a problem is one thing, it is another thing to have it dealt with.  Cheers. 
Stephen's avatar
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I personally don't believe they contradict each other. 

I did not say they  those verse that  I posted  above do "contradict each other". I say they contradict YOU you clown! And expose your own bible ignorance.

This is what you have said above: 

@ zedvictor4' You don't even realize how much your answer reveals your ignorance of Christianity, do you? 

Christians are not seeking God.   Christians don't ask people to seek God.  We say very clearly, you can't find God. 

Well we know that your claims above to be in clear contradiction of what the bible and your god Jesus  has to say, DON'T WE!? Or did you miss these verses debunking your claim?

Psalm 34:10. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.

Matthew 6:33.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Proverbs 8:17. I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.

Act17: 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.

1 Chronicles 16:11.   Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.

Hebrews 11:6. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.  

2 Chronicles 7: 14. if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Jeremiah 29:13.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Psalm 9:10.  Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Psalm 14:2.  The LORD looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God.

Matthew 6:33.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

And how ever could a qualified Pastor and Chaplin with all those "accreditations" forget this , probably the most famous verse about "seeking the lord"?? 

Luke 11:9-10 “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

You're just a bible ignorant fraud at the end of the day, aren't you  Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecret

Tradesecret's avatar
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I take it you realize the difference between someone who is a Christian and seeks the Lord and the person who is a non-believer and seeks the Lord?

One is seeking the Lord's wisdom in respect of their pre-existing relationship and one is seeking the Lord to find out whether God exists or not.

One is not seeking to find God.  He is seeking wisdom. And the other is seeking to find God. 

If you cannot distinguish the difference then that is your problem, not mine.  

Stephen's avatar
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I take it you realize the difference between someone who is a Christian and seeks the Lord........and the person who is a non-believer and seeks the Lord?

But haven't you said "Christians are not seeking God"?  #96

If you cannot distinguish the difference then that is your problem, not mine.  

BULLSHITE!   backpaddling waffle . Your bible ignorance has been exposed yet again and you have been caught cold... yet again.

You don't even realize how much your answer reveals your ignorance of Christianity, do you? 

Christians are not seeking God.   Christians don't ask people to seek God.  We say very clearly, you can't find God. 

Acts 17: 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.

Jeremiah 29:13.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Proverbs 8:17. I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.

zedvictor4's avatar
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So family.

Not that I'm actually suggesting that a certain tale is true, but rather that a certain tale is analogical.  

If you consider the Adam and Eve story, then you would perhaps understand what I mean by family.

Of course, and notwithstanding that Adam and Eve were eventually usurped in the tale by Noah et al......Another issue though.

Choosing to ignore as a teenager, I would suggest is typically...Teenage behaviour.....We variously try to establish alternative identities  during this period of physiological development.

Then choosing to reaffirm you acceptance, albeit on slightly different tack, is nonetheless underpinned by your formative conditioning.

Whereas my conditioning was underpinned formatively in an atheist environment......Not that I realised at the time....Our religion was the land and making a living from it....The Church was just an old stone building down the road, and the clergy we lazy parasites....Not that I continue to regard the clergy as parasites...Just   misinformed people. 

And if you can't find a GOD

Then how can you know a GOD?

This is clearly an ongoing contradiction of yours Trade.

Though the reason for your contradictory ideology is obvious to me.....It's what's known as conditioning Trade.
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And entertainment for sure.

But always sincere.
Tradesecret's avatar
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I'm not backpedaling. 

Zed was talking in the context of Christians talking to Non-Christians. 

Christian don't tell non-Christians to seek the Lord.  

But we do tell Christians to seek the Lord.  Yet this seeking is not the sense of finding God for the first time. It is in the context of finding the Lord's wisdom and mind. 

So just to be clear - Christians don't believe any one who is a non-Christian can seek and find God.  The Bible says no one comes to me. He is talking about non-believers. 

But Christians seek the Lord always - but again not to find him but to find his mind. 

Now you can go and do all of your spin - I don't really care. You don't want to have a healthy discussion. You want to find flaws in my thinking. 

The primary difference between Christianity and other religions - is we don't go seeking God to find God, God comes to us and finds us. Now that might just be words to you - spin even.  But it is the difference between No one seeing God at any time and God choosing to reveal himself to some. 

No one can find God all by themselves.  No one seeks God all by themselves.  Yet God finds people all of the time. And once God finds people - they start to seek his mind.   

This is why I have issued the challenge on many occasions to the atheists on this forum and on others as well.  Prove me wrong. Become a Christian all by yourself and prove it to me.  Sometimes people pretend to be Christian to try and fool me. Yet, very quickly their attitude and language reveals their hearts. We have seen some on here pretending to be Christians when they were not. 

You don't get this. You think you do. But you don't. And to be honest - that is your problem not mine.  

Tradesecret's avatar
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And if you can't find a GOD

Then how can you know a GOD?

This is clearly an ongoing contradiction of yours Trade.

It's not a contradiction. It is a matter of principles.  How do you find the queen? Do you just walk up to Buckingham Palace and knock on the door and she lets you in to have a cuppa tea and scones?  What would happen if you tried? You would probably be slapped into handcuffs and put in prison for a moment until you demonstrated that you were just trying to find the queen. But would you actually find her? 

No. Why not? the only way you are ever going to see the Queen is if she wants to know you. And then she will find you.  That is how it works with people in power. Presidents prime ministers, kings, queens, movie stars - etc. Rich people. 

God is kind of like this. He is the most powerful being in the universe.  You don't even believe he exists.  And yet, you think that you can just waltz into his presence because you feel like it.  It is incredibly bad form. It is incredibly naive. People don't just find God. 

But God did come to this earth. And when he did - people basically ignored him, then treated him like a criminal, and then killed him.  Now most people mock this story. they think it is a joke.  But they still expect to just waltz up to Jesus and expect him to take their business card. It is just inappropriate on so many levels. 

A contradiction. Perhaps to people who don't think things through.  Perhaps to people who have high tickets on themselves. Perhaps to people who think it is all nonsense. 
Stephen's avatar
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It's not a contradiction.

Oh stop it ffs. I said YOU are:  You have said while calling others " ignorant":

You don't even realize how much your answer reveals your ignorance of Christianity, do you? 

Christians are not seeking God.   Christians don't ask people to seek God.  We say very clearly, you can't find God. #96
But the BIBLE doesn't agree with you. YOU are contradicting what it is THE BIBLE states and what your god Jesus has to say on the matter of "seeking" and  "finding "  god, you complete and utter bible dunce.

Acts 17: 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.

Jeremiah 29:13.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Proverbs 8:17. I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.

 For all of your self proclaimed "qualifications and accreditations"   you have to be the most bible ignorant Pastor and Chaplain that I have ever come across. And you have the nerve to charge universities to tutor and lecture their students on matters religion, god and the BIBLE!?

Even your entertainments value has dropped considerably over the last few weeks, Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecret.

Tradesecret's avatar
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It's not a contradiction.

Oh stop it ffs. I said YOU are:  You have said while calling others " ignorant":
And yet it seems to be one callling you have to try and prove me wrong. I am so special aren't I?

You don't even realize how much your answer reveals your ignorance of Christianity, do you? 

Christians are not seeking God.   Christians don't ask people to seek God.  We say very clearly, you can't find God. #96
But the BIBLE doesn't agree with you. YOU are contradicting what it is THE BIBLE states and what your god Jesus has to say on the matter of "seeking" and  "finding "  god, you complete and utter bible dunce.

Acts 17: 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.

Jeremiah 29:13.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Proverbs 8:17. I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.
Stephen, what can I say? Can't you read and understand what I wrote above? Obviously not. 

Acts 17, the word "perhaps" is important. But maybe it is not. 

Jeremiah 29 is written to Jews who were in the Kingdom -perhaps that is not important or relevant to you. 

Proverbs 8 tells us that those who seek God find him, 

I really with all due respect do not see anything here that contradicts anything I have previously said. 

 For all of your self proclaimed "qualifications and accreditations"   you have to be the most bible ignorant Pastor and Chaplain that I have ever come across. And you have the nerve to charge universities to tutor and lecture their students on matters religion, god and the BIBLE!?
You are my number one fan. After all noone but you broadcasts my credentials like you do.  I wonder whether I should pay a commission.  But given that once again you HAVE NOT refuted any of my statements, not once. Why should I pay you a dime? 

Even your entertainments value has dropped considerably over the last few weeks, Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecret.

No one has asked you to follow me or to determine how faithful or not I am. It is ENTIRELY your choice.  But STEPHEN given your ever ready decision to evaluate my every word and thought, perhaps I ought to put you in my will.  What do you think? Brother. 
Stephen's avatar
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 Can't you read and understand what I wrote above? 

I can and  I do. And have shown you to be clearly contradicting the bible and Jesus. 

Tradesecret wrote: You don't even realize how much your answer reveals your ignorance of Christianity, do you? 

Christians are not seeking God.   Christians don't ask people to seek God.  We say very clearly, you can't find God. #96
But the BIBLE doesn't agree with you. YOU are contradicting what it is THE BIBLE states and what your god Jesus has to say on the matter of "seeking" and  "finding "  god, you complete and utter bible dunce.

Acts 17: 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.

Jeremiah 29:13.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Proverbs 8:17. I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.

I really with all due respect do not see anything here that contradicts anything I have previously said.

That's because you cannot face the fact that you have been exposed  for the bible dunce that you are yet again and are now in denial.

Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Pretty sure anything from the Old Testament is telling Jews to look for him and find him because it's certainly wasn't written for gentiles in any way shape or form.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Well actually I have shown you to be ignorant - and uneducated and a liar.  And a would be "victim" as well. 

Nauseating is a word that quickly springs to mind. How often do you ACCUSE of running to the moderators? 

And yet, I can't recall the last time - if ever - that I have actually reported anyone. I have suggested I would. 

It is not something I would ordinarily do - unless I was put into a situation where I had no choice. 

And yet, Stephen - it is something you do.  Isn't? 

Report people to the moderator. 

Now that is something which is within the terms of the rules on this site. And it should not be looked down as though it is a bad thing. 

And yet,  you attempt to defame me by suggesting I use it as a tool. 

Stephen, despite your well known "up yourself" attitude,   I am perfectly content to let people read what I write and to read what others say about me. Like the rest of us - sometimes -  I react.  But in the most part - water off a duck's back. 

Calling me a dunce.  I take that with tickets.   Whenever someone like you calls me a dunce. I lap it up. 

zedvictor4's avatar
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The Queen?

Just a woman, Trade.
Tradesecret's avatar
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The Queen?

Just a woman, Trade.
Absolutely and this exactly my point.  

This human person has all of this enormous power but you still don't just waltz into her presence. 

God is not in the same league - he is way over and above even the queen. 

And yet most people think - so what? In fact many people think they should be able to summon God at will. Like God is a puppet and a slave.  

I would understand if God chose to ignore every person - who chooses not to respect Him.  

Stephen's avatar
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The Queen?

Just a woman, Trade.
Absolutely and this exactly my point.  

This human person has all of this enormous power but you still don't just waltz into her presence. 
What an absolute stupid thing to write. 
 Her Majesty IS still accessible, can still be contacted , addressed, spoken to and can also be BE FOUND and seen. 

where as;

Tradesecret wrote: You don't even realize how much your answer reveals your ignorance of Christianity, do you? 

Christians are not seeking God.   Christians don't ask people to seek God.  We say very clearly, you can't find God. #96

In fact many people think they should be able to summon God at will.

What people?

And let us not forget what THE BIBLE has to say about seeking AND finding  god, where as YOU deny that your god can be found contrary to THE BIBLE and Jesus. 

Jeremiah 29:13.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Proverbs 8:17. I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.

We say very clearly, you can't find God. #96

Who are the "we"?

I think the first step towards knowing God is by realizing you can't find God.#101

This then must be the worlds longest  game of hide and seek, then Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecret. Not to mention  the worlds cruellest ever fools errand, which YOU promote.

Tradesecret's avatar
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What an absolute stupid thing to write. 
 Her Majesty IS still accessible, can still be contacted , addressed, spoken to and can also be BE FOUND and seen. 

where as;

You understand my point. You just refuse to consider its implications. Your problem not mine.   I have never said (without qualification) that God cannot be found. I have never said (without qualification) that God cannot be seen.  I have said we do not seek God - as non-believers. And when I mean God - I mean the God of the Bible.  And when I mean non-believers. I mean people who don't believe in the God of the Bible.  

I have qualified my position in relation to people who do believer. I indicated that people who knew the God of the Bible seek his mind and his love and his comfort and him in every way.   You can put lots of verses up. But you need to actually connect the dots before you make a point. I read every one of those verses exactly how I always have. And since you rarely explain what you think these passages say - you rarely connect the dots.  

You also intentionally ignore the verses I raised as so insignificant that they don't even raise your eyebrow. And whenever I qualify anything - since ordinarily people who are Christians understand these things without the need for qualification - you call it a back peddle. 

People who don't believe in the God of the Bible wont seek God. They won't find God. They won't see God. The Christian response to this dilemma is that God comes to us as the non-believer. God seeks us. God finds us and God reveals himself to us. This Stephen is what revelation is all about. God revealing himself to humanity. And the most profound way that God did this was in the person of Jesus.  God came to earth. This is uniquely a Jewish and Christian concept. Every other religion - every other worldview is in the process of finding God of seeking God. And this includes the secular humanist worldview including atheists. They are always trying to put God under a microscope to see if God is real. To see if God is true to see if God exists. 

The Bible expresses that God can only be known through revelation. Not by humanity seeking God.  One day I hope the coin will drop. The light will go. And you will no longer be blind. Until then - you will keep searching and you will keep not finding. Why? One reason is you don't even know who you are searching for - the one thing you do know - is it can't be the God of the Bible. And Stephen, this means that you will hit what you are searching for everytime.  Anything but the God of the Bible. 

I've said for a long time now - that the entire doctrine of freewill needs to be understood in this light. 

People have the free will to do whatever they want - so far as it fits within the non-absurdities of life.  Yet, this does not mean that they have the free will to do what they ought to do.  Human nature gets in the road. Bank robbers don't give up their guns or their money. They choose to run away rather than face justice and a police man. Similarly, humanity - sinful humanity - everyone - just gets on with life as they understand it. Yet if confronted by a Holy God who is also judge, they will either pretend God does not exist, find another more friendly God, or just ignore or run away.  Which one are you Stephen?  

Stephen's avatar
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 I have never said (without qualification) that God cannot be found.

Backpedalling AGAIN Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecret. 

Tradesecrete wrote:  Christians are not seeking God.   Christians don't ask people to seek God.   We say very clearly, you can't find God. #96

Tradesecrete wrote:    I think the first step towards knowing God is by realizing you can't find God.#101

But we know the BIBLE and JESUS say different, don't we TReverend "Tradey" Tradesecret;

Jeremiah 29:14  I will be found by you,’ declares the Lord,.

see also
Acts 17: 27 
Jeremiah 29:13. 
Proverbs 8:17. 

 I pity those students that you claim to lecture and tutor the bible on.

People who don't believe in the God of the Bible wont seek God.

Ya don't saaaay!   Stating the bleedin' obvious does not disguise your ignorant  contradiction.  And you have loaded non believers into the same basket as Christians. You are just far too  dumb and pompous to realise it.

Tradesecrete wrote:  Christians are not seeking God. #96

Why are Christians not seeking god?

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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I cant help but feel, if i was a Christian, and truly believed in the GOD. 
I would be gunning  for the top spot. ( move up in the ranks ) 
Like i would want to  be  the pope or a bishop or cardinal at the least. 

I wouldn't  be no half arsed theist.  

God must like the pope more then a priest 
He must lke a priest better then a basic once a week church attendee . 
So on.
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I suspect  A LOT  of people have played their  ( ☆☆☆☆☆☆ BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN ☆☆☆☆☆☆  )  Card much much to early.