wrongdoings of the prophet of islam

Author: Lunar108


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Well stated.

11 days later

Yassine's avatar
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And its perpetual Jihad .  You forgot to mention perpetual Jihad against the non believer. At least to  my knowledge the Christ on the Christian  doesn't command one's head be removed  for simply not believing in him.
- You're confusing Islam with Christianity again. The "compel them to come in" mentality only exists among Christians. Who has been waging war after war since literally ever without stop & still? I don't see Muslims invading nations & countries. 

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I am not Muslim and I have absolutely no respect for the religion or its leader. 
- Read a biography of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh).

Nevertheless, do Muslim religious scholars agree with these allegations or are they are all derived from interpretations from former Muslims or people not associated with it? 
- Fake news of course. & projection.

In other words, why should we trust the voices of those who have a clear bias against Islam? 
- I like this attitude. 

Islam as a religion is a ridiculous religion. It is a religion that requires obedience and submission. It is a religion that indicates that salvation is earned by obedience. And obedience not just to a dead prophet but to a God that is not personal and has no concern for me.
- What do you mean by "personal"? Are you implying salvation can be earned through disobedience? 

Its God - ALLAH rules by fear and the sword.
- What does that mean?! The opening of the Quran is literally: In The Name of Allah, The All-Merciful, The All-Compassionate, All Praise Be To Allah, Lord Of The Worlds, The All-Merciful, The All-Compassionate.

Should there be respect? I said above I have no respect for it. I ought to qualify that as in regards to theology and philosophy. For in a country ruled in accord with Islam law - respect is necessary. Sharia Law is deadly if there is no respect.  So, I confess I do respect it in some circumstances. 
- Not as deadly as Secular Law, I can tell you that.

Yet, I take the view that we ought to understand Islam - as it is understood by its Scholars and academics and clergy- in order to contrast and compare it with our own ideologies. Whether it be Christian or Secular or Hindu etc.  Our own measure of good and evil or right and wrong is immeasurably important to determine how Islam stacks up. 
- Why don't we find out through a formal debate. How Islam stacks up against your measure of morality?
Yassine's avatar
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Yassine's avatar
1. muhammad was a child rapist :
- Nonsense. Marriage =/= Rape. Aisha was not a child. Someone (Jubair) came to propose to her parents, her father Abu Bakr -then bestfriend to Muhammed (pbuh) since childhood- sought another. The Prophet (pbuh) learns of this so he proposes instead, & the betrothal is set. When Aisha comes of age, she is informed & is quite pleased. Thereafter, the wedding is organized, the Prophet (pbuh) builds her a home -albeit modest, & gives her her dower to finalize the marriage (a little over $5k in today's money). Where is the rape? Seriously, what is wrong with you!!!

2. he lusted after his adopted son's wife -zinab bit jahsh- , Qur'an 33:37
- Stop spreading lies. No such thing! Zaynab grew up with the Prophet (pbuh) in the same house. What "lust"?! He (pbuh) was the one to marry her off to Zayd in the first place. The two just happen to have marital issues, to the point where Zayd would complain to the Prophet (pbuh) about his wife (Zaynab) & the latter would enjoin him to keep her. Eventually they divorce. Then later the Prophet (pbuh) sends Zayd to propose to her on his behalf, to which she agrees. She was a +40 year old divorced woman! I know in your culture you can't handle honest chaste marriages, it's all about sex & promiscuity. Keep it to yourself. Icky!

3. he was a male gold digger -used the money from his first wife after her death to marry 12 more and built his own theocracy -(she was his sugar mummy)  NOTHING can say I love you more than using all your money to marry 12 more woman after you especially that muhammad didn't dare to marry any other wife back when she was alive.
- This bit is more funny than anything. Who is telling you these fantastic lies?! What money?! First, with the onset of the Prophet's (pbuh) mission, the Quraysh tribes cut all commercial ties with him. There was no money. Second, shortly before Khadija's death, the Prophet (pbuh) & his clan & supporters were under a 3-year blockade, with no access to commodities or food. They ate dried grass & bugs to survive, while many died. Third, of course he needed to marry again, for companionship & someone to take care of his children. The next woman he married (Sawda) was 30 years older than he was! With the exception of Aisha, all the others were divorcees or widows -some older than he was, who advanced tribal alliances or lost their husbands in war. He (pbuh) lived in a square mud hut 10 feet wide for the rest of his life. It's where he is buried now.

- Instead of projecting your sick mind into everything that moves, maybe you should actually do the effort & read the Prophet (pbuh)'s biography. Get a prayer mat & beads beforehand though for future imminent use.

4. he was incestuous - his adopted son's wife was also his own cousin "zinab bit jahsh "-
- Probably most your ancestors married their cousins. This cousin-phobia thing is a very recent European invention. 

5.he took over 100000 slaves and distribute them among his followers and the believers in his religion over multiple wars and battles with the disbelievers of the tribes around him , muhammad cared about ending the slavery of muslims as for non-muslims their slavery is totally fine in islam.
muhammad did free many slaves but all of them happen to be muslims
- Back to lies again. The bigger the lie the more believable, right?! I guess you *have* to lie to score any points against our beloved Prophet (pbuh). What you actually meant is, he (pbuh) freed a 100000 slaves. Indeed, the Prophet (pbuh) abolished slavery & reduced it to only POWs (prisoners of war), to upgrade their lifestyle & integrate them in national life & join families & society, instead of spending the rest of their lives rotting in dungeons & torture, like you do.

6. encouraged child marriage :
Narrated Jabir bin `Abdullah:
- Damn! You really do have a sick mind! The Prophet (pbuh) recommended Jabir, a 19 years old young man, to marry a maiden instead of a divorcee or a widow, & somehow your lewd mind found a way to twist this?! Keep them coming. By the way, he (pbuh) suggested to buy that camel from Jabir, he gave him the money then the camel with it, to support his marriage. Later he went to Jabir's house, planted trees to help with his expenses, for he had many little sisters after they lost their father. Another time, he set up baskets of dates at Jabir's house to pay off hi debt. That's our beloved Prophet (pbuh).

7.anyone that insult islam/ muhammad must die :
A blind man had a slave-mother who used to abuse -insult- the Prophet (ﷺ) and disparage -insult- him. He forbade her but she did not stop. He rebuked her but....
- Let's see... thousands of people from Quraysh not just insulted him, but they also tortured him & his companions, blockaded him, took his property & his followers', expelled them or imprisoned them or killed them, attacked him in his refuge multiple times, besieged him there to the brink of annihilation, attempt to assassinate him many times... etc. I wonder what happened to them...? He forgave all of them. The accounts of him forgiving the people who insulted or hurt him are countless; to mention a few: Ibn Aswad, the man who attempted to kill his pregnant daughter (she survived but miscarried her baby) – Utbah, he broke the Prophet's (pbuh) jaw & skull, yet he (pbuh) prayed for him & forgave him – Safwan, insulted him, helped throw shit on him & spit on him, even attempted to assassinate him, yet he forgave him... etc.

- As for the story you mentioned. The issue is simple, in contrast to Western Law where inviolability does not extend to foreigners outside borders. In Sharia, inviolability extends to all who are under covenant with Muslims. The inviolability is lifted the moment the covenant is broken. Take for example, the Americans killed a million Iraqis (& some other 19 million elsewhere). Since Iraqis (or else) are inviolable under American Law, these killers are not subject to penalty in an American court. Not because these Iraqis did anything wrong, rather it's only because they are not American. Sharia, thus a far superior alternative, does, however, grant such inviolability, even to foreigners, unless otherwise violable (due to hostility). The Jew slave you mentioned was under covenant with Muslims, & included in that covenant was the stipulation of non-hostility. She broke it, thus she was no longer inviolable, thus deemed from the enemy camp. Conversely, another Jew (Ibn Sanaa) insulted the Prophet (pbuh) & even chocked him, yet he was not punished. Why? Because he did not initiate the hostility (he came asking for his stuff, though very rudely) thus preserving his inviolability.

and this is why muslims kill anyone that insult islam or muhammad
- You seem pretty alive & well, same as the other 2 billion Christians doing what you're doing...

letting the murderer of a woman go since she deserves to die for the crime of insulting muhammad
- How about those 20 million for insulting USA? Actually not even. For simply being non-American!

the dude sounds totally benevolent more like malevolent
- I don't doubt a twisted mind like you sees benevolence as malevolence.  Why don't we have a debate about this? You seem to have a lot to say. Is the Prophet (pbuh) benevolent or malevolent? 

you should argue about this with christians , I'm not a christian I'm agnostic
- In that case, you have no moral standard to speak from. That explains the sick mentality.

1.how far they are willing to go to prevent people from offering any criticism or satire towards islam
- I read somewhere you have some 200k channels & 4000 anti-Islamic organizations & billions of USDs to that effect... You been doing this for 1200 years, give it a rest, it's unhealthy. I don't see Muslims so devoted & dedicated to criticize Christianity!!!

2.how willing they are to force reinterpretations and alter the meaning of words in their books just to forcefully include scientific discoveries  , I learned arabic since I was young along with other languages and I know that all the scientific nonsense you claim mentioned in the holy Quran is just misinterpreted words
- Since you have all that confidence about the topic, why not a debate? 

one example wasaa
- Bruh! You are saying nonsense, you know Arabic my foot. I happen to be Arab, oops! Just type the word ('Musi'") in Google Translate, you should get: "expanded", "widened", "stretched"...

them into terrorists -including :
- The greatest terrorist is the US government, they literally killed 1000 times more people than ISIS & the others combined. But you don't care because these victims, for they are not westerner. An American's life to you is worth 1000 Iraqi's. Keep you moral abyss to yourself. Very distasteful.

1. don't fear death
- Is that a bad thing...?

2. defend allah and muhammad with your own lives
- Better than invading nations, laying waste to countries & massacring peoples, to protect the USD.

3. 72 vergins in the afterlife
- Fake news. You can't be this stereotypical! I'm gunna start to think you're dumb or something. 

4.you must love muhammad more than yourself, your money , your parents , your wife and children otherwise you will not enter heaven
- To a materialist person like you who loves money & sex, I'm sure this will fly right over your head.

5. the quran is the answer to everything and the quran can never be wrong
- I'm not sure about the first half, the Quran is a book of guidance. You will not find your exam's notes there. Just prove the Quran wrong & save the Muslims from it, how about it?

13 have the death penalty for homosexuality in their laws .
- Homosexual rape*.

5  have indefinite imprisonment for homos.
- Just like you did a couple of decades ago, & still do for other love practices, such as incest, polygamy, zoophilia, pedophilia...  

islam have the death penalty for homosexuality and mentioned the story of the people of lut/lot where allah punish those people for their sexual orientation mentioned in the holy quran
- Where is it mentioned? No such thing.

I say that islam is not worthy of any respect
- Not from the ignoble, evidently. It's just blind hate. I don't blame you, nurture is powerful.

Lunar108's avatar
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If you hate all Muslims because of the bad ones then hating all men because some are rapists is ok too. 
did anybody mentioned hating muslims anywhere ?
Some who came to know my attitude to the religion now and again berate me about it even implying I'm racist to arabs.

I calmly ask them, each time they bring it up, to read the Hadith (first because it makes some things clearer, faster) and then the Qur'an and then to research victims of Sharia regimes, preferably female ones (plenty of such books have been written, non-fictional). It's funny how silent they go when they realise I talk from the position of less ignorance and more open-mindedness. They are quick to change the topic fast especially as they know I'm not a right-wing bigot so no such character assassination will work on me.

When they admit their complete ignorance, I then ask them who is the bigger racist; the one who empathises with ethnicities that are victims of a religion that blackmails them to stay part of it and under its ruthless thumb or the one that supports the idea that the race of the ethnicity can't escape the scarring on its culture done by its horrific creed?
islam is an evil cult , muslims are just victims of this evil cult, it's teachings and Ideologies  , sharea law is the law that caused the destruction of many muslim countries .
you know the experiment on the monkeys  ? where a group of monkeys are placed in a cage with bananas placed high up and ladder , every time a monkey tries to grab a banana using the ladder the monkeys are showered with cold water after a while when you add a new monkey and it tries to use the ladder to grab a banana the other monkeys will beat him .
it's exactly the same  .
they have done it to the arabs and now they are trying to apply this to the west with Islamophobia 
but I would like to say Islam have a fear of everything that's not islam 
look you just mentioned how reading the hadith and quran should make one realize how bad islam is but they are accusing you of being an racist 
if christianity had half the shit mentioned in islam those people wouldn't shut the f*** up about how evil christianity is 
" if they had gotten rid of apostasy punishment in islam no muslim would exist today " shiekh yusuf al qaradawi 

Lunar108's avatar
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Lunar108's avatar
1. muhammad was a child rapist :
- Nonsense. Marriage =/= Rape. Aisha was not a child. Someone (Jubair) came to propose to her parents, her father Abu Bakr -then bestfriend to Muhammed (pbuh) since childhood- sought another. The Prophet (pbuh) learns of this so he proposes instead, & the betrothal is set. When Aisha comes of age, she is informed & is quite pleased. Thereafter, the wedding is organized, the Prophet (pbuh) builds her a home -albeit modest, & gives her her dower to finalize the marriage (a little over $5k in today's money). Where is the rape? Seriously, what is wrong with you!!!

yet fatima his daughter was too young for his friend abu baker to marry despite being older than aisha ?
he also had no children with her , -note that muhammad had children with all of his wives other than 2 , one was too old to bear any while the other aisha too young to bear any , most of them died -

2. he lusted after his adopted son's wife -zinab bit jahsh- , Qur'an 33:37
- Stop spreading lies. No such thing! Zaynab grew up with the Prophet (pbuh) in the same house. What "lust"?! He (pbuh) was the one to marry her off to Zayd in the first place. The two just happen to have marital issues, to the point where Zayd would complain to the Prophet (pbuh) about his wife (Zaynab) & the latter would enjoin him to keep her. Eventually they divorce. Then later the Prophet (pbuh) sends Zayd to propose to her on his behalf, to which she agrees. She was a +40 year old divorced woman! I know in your culture you can't handle honest chaste marriages, it's all about sex & promiscuity. Keep it to yourself. Icky!

it's mentioned in the quran just read the verse

3. he was a male gold digger -used the money from his first wife after her death to marry 12 more and built his own theocracy -(she was his sugar mummy)  NOTHING can say I love you more than using all your money to marry 12 more woman after you especially that muhammad didn't dare to marry any other wife back when she was alive.
- This bit is more funny than anything. Who is telling you these fantastic lies?! What money?! First, with the onset of the Prophet's (pbuh) mission, the Quraysh tribes cut all commercial ties with him. There was no money. Second, shortly before Khadija's death, the Prophet (pbuh) & his clan & supporters were under a 3-year blockade, with no access to commodities or food. They ate dried grass & bugs to survive, while many died. Third, of course he needed to marry again, for companionship & someone to take care of his children. The next woman he married (Sawda) was 30 years older than he was! With the exception of Aisha, all the others were divorcees or widows -some older than he was, who advanced tribal alliances or lost their husbands in war. He (pbuh) lived in a square mud hut 10 feet wide for the rest of his life. It's where he is buried now.

- Instead of projecting your sick mind into everything that moves, maybe you should actually do the effort & read the Prophet (pbuh)'s biography. Get a prayer mat & beads beforehand though for future imminent use.
his first wife was hell rich and why didn't he built a harem back then ? while he is with her ? because she was his sugar mama , she was 40 back when you people are claiming that it's ok to marry a 9 years old kid you sickos 

4. he was incestuous - his adopted son's wife was also his own cousin "zinab bit jahsh "-
- Probably most your ancestors married their cousins. This cousin-phobia thing is a very recent European invention. 
is this a new thing ? where incest is invented ? 
6. encouraged child marriage :
Narrated Jabir bin `Abdullah:
- Damn! You really do have a sick mind! The Prophet (pbuh) recommended Jabir, a 19 years old young man, to marry a maiden instead of a divorcee or a widow, & somehow your lewd mind found a way to twist this?! Keep them coming. By the way, he (pbuh) suggested to buy that camel from Jabir, he gave him the money then the camel with it, to support his marriage. Later he went to Jabir's house, planted trees to help with his expenses, for he had many little sisters after they lost their father. Another time, he set up baskets of dates at Jabir's house to pay off hi debt. That's our beloved Prophet (pbuh).

just read the text dude
7.anyone that insult islam/ muhammad must die :
A blind man had a slave-mother who used to abuse -insult- the Prophet (ﷺ) and disparage -insult- him. He forbade her but she did not stop. He rebuked her but....
- Let's see... thousands of people from Quraysh not just insulted him, but they also tortured him & his companions, blockaded him, took his property & his followers', expelled them or imprisoned them or killed them, attacked him in his refuge multiple times, besieged him there to the brink of annihilation, attempt to assassinate him many times... etc. I wonder what happened to them...? He forgave all of them. The accounts of him forgiving the people who insulted or hurt him are countless; to mention a few: Ibn Aswad, the man who attempted to kill his pregnant daughter (she survived but miscarried her baby) – Utbah, he broke the Prophet's (pbuh) jaw & skull, yet he (pbuh) prayed for him & forgave him – Safwan, insulted him, helped throw shit on him & spit on him, even attempted to assassinate him, yet he forgave him... etc.

- As for the story you mentioned. The issue is simple, in contrast to Western Law where inviolability does not extend to foreigners outside borders. In Sharia, inviolability extends to all who are under covenant with Muslims. The inviolability is lifted the moment the covenant is broken. Take for example, the Americans killed a million Iraqis (& some other 19 million elsewhere). Since Iraqis (or else) are inviolable under American Law, these killers are not subject to penalty in an American court. Not because these Iraqis did anything wrong, rather it's only because they are not American. Sharia, thus a far superior alternative, does, however, grant such inviolability, even to foreigners, unless otherwise violable (due to hostility). The Jew slave you mentioned was under covenant with Muslims, & included in that covenant was the stipulation of non-hostility. She broke it, thus she was no longer inviolable, thus deemed from the enemy camp. Conversely, another Jew (Ibn Sanaa) insulted the Prophet (pbuh) & even chocked him, yet he was not punished. Why? Because he did not initiate the hostility (he came asking for his stuff, though very rudely) thus preserving his inviolability.
you're forgetting to mention a very important part here , they were his direct relatives , he also wouldn't want to distribute the females of his own clan and direct relatives as s*x toys,,,,,, cough right hand possessions for his followers now would he ?

and this is why muslims kill anyone that insult islam or muhammad
- You seem pretty alive & well, same as the other 2 billion Christians doing what you're doing...

only because I'm anonymous 

letting the murderer of a woman go since she deserves to die for the crime of insulting muhammad
- How about those 20 million for insulting USA? Actually not even. For simply being non-American!
would love to hear when did anyone was ever killed for insulting america
you should argue about this with christians , I'm not a christian I'm agnostic
- In that case, you have no moral standard to speak from. That explains the sick mentality.
my morality stems from my belief that god do exist it's just not the god/gods from organized religion and unlike you my morality comes from wanting to be a good person and not from fear of hell or whatever

1.how far they are willing to go to prevent people from offering any criticism or satire towards islam
- I read somewhere you have some 200k channels & 4000 anti-Islamic organizations & billions of USDs to that effect... You been doing this for 1200 years, give it a rest, it's unhealthy. I don't see Muslims so devoted & dedicated to criticize Christianity!!!
how many people died for no other crime than criticizing/satire islam ?
2.how willing they are to force reinterpretations and alter the meaning of words in their books just to forcefully include scientific discoveries  , I learned arabic since I was young along with other languages and I know that all the scientific nonsense you claim mentioned in the holy Quran is just misinterpreted words
- Since you have all that confidence about the topic, why not a debate? 
why not the issue is in the language we shall debate in arabic
one example wasaa
- Bruh! You are saying nonsense, you know Arabic my foot. I happen to be Arab, oops! Just type the word ('Musi'") in Google Translate, you should get: "expanded", "widened", "stretched"...
this is annoying I'm talking about the importance of "الحركات "  in the meaning of arabic words 
 them into terrorists -including :
- The greatest terrorist is the US government, they literally killed 1000 times more people than ISIS & the others combined. But you don't care because these victims, for they are not westerner. An American's life to you is worth 1000 Iraqi's. Keep you moral abyss to yourself. Very distasteful.
we are not discussing about the USA nor are we discussing conspiracy theories
1. don't fear death
- Is that a bad thing...?

2. defend allah and muhammad with your own lives
- Better than invading nations, laying waste to countries & massacring peoples, to protect the USD.

3. 72 vergins in the afterlife
- Fake news. You can't be this stereotypical! I'm gunna start to think you're dumb or something. 

4.you must love muhammad more than yourself, your money , your parents , your wife and children otherwise you will not enter heaven
- To a materialist person like you who loves money & sex, I'm sure this will fly right over your head.

5. the quran is the answer to everything and the quran can never be wrong
- I'm not sure about the first half, the Quran is a book of guidance. You will not find your exam's notes there. Just prove the Quran wrong & save the Muslims from it, how about it?

13 have the death penalty for homosexuality in their laws .
- Homosexual rape*.

5  have indefinite imprisonment for homos.
- Just like you did a couple of decades ago, & still do for other love practices, such as incest, polygamy, zoophilia, pedophilia...  

islam have the death penalty for homosexuality and mentioned the story of the people of lut/lot where allah punish those people for their sexual orientation mentioned in the holy quran
- Where is it mentioned? No such thing.

would love it if you could provide evidence supporting those claims especially the one about that no death penalty for homosexuality 

how about the story of lot/lut the holy quran ?
hadith :
"Whoever you find doing as the people of Lot did (i.e. homosexuality), kill the one who does it and the one to whom it is done, and if you find anyone having sexual intercourse with animal, kill him and kill the animal." Related by Ahmad and the four Imams with a trustworthy chain of narrators.
Sunnah.com reference: Hudud, Book 10, Hadith 12
English translation: Book 10, Hadith 1255
Arabic reference: Book 10, Hadith 1216

why did allah punished the people of lot/lut , I would love to hear that it wasn't for their homosexuality and why ?

Yassine's avatar
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islam is an evil cult , muslims are just victims of this evil cult, it's teachings and Ideologies  , sharea law is the law that caused the destruction of many muslim countries.
it's exactly the same  .
they have done it to the arabs and now they are trying to apply this to the west with Islamophobia 
but I would like to say Islam have a fear of everything that's not islam 
look you just mentioned how reading the hadith and quran should make one realize how bad islam is but they are accusing you of being an racist
- Instead of saying all this nonsense, why don't you prove your beliefs in a formal debate. 

if christianity had half the shit mentioned in islam those people wouldn't shut the f*** up about how evil christianity is 
- Islam doesn't have 1 in a 1000 the shit mentioned in Christianity, yet here you are. We all know you're just a hater. You got nothing intelligent to say.

yet fatima his daughter was too young for his friend abu baker to marry despite being older than aisha ?
- & his other daughters (Ruqaya, Zaynab & Um-Khulthum) married between 8 & 11. This does not help your case whatsoever. 

he also had no children with her , -note that muhammad had children with all of his wives other than 2 , one was too old to bear any while the other aisha too young to bear any , most of them died -
- First of all, no. The beloved Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) had children only with Khadijah, & with *NONE* of his other wives. So that's a lie. Second of all, I'm sure you think you got a clever argument, but it's just so dumb. I CAN'T! Even if Aisha was 2 years old initially, she would've eventually gotten pregnant in those 10 years together (if she had any ability to). But you got one thing right, Muhammed (pbuh) did not have children with any of his wives -except Khadijah, indeed because most were too old to bear any, combined with the fact that some were probably barren & the relatively short amount of time these marriages lasted (most in the last 5 years of his life).

it's mentioned in the quran just read the verse
- You're beating a dead horse. Moving on.

his first wife was hell rich and why didn't he built a harem back then ? while he is with her ? because she was his sugar mama , she was 40 back when you people are claiming that it's ok to marry a 9 years old kid you sickos 
- Is this supposed to be English?!

is this a new thing ? where incest is invented ? 
- What's your education level?

just read the text dude
- Dead horse. Moving on.

you're forgetting to mention a very important part here , they were his direct relatives , he also wouldn't want to distribute the females of his own clan and direct relatives as s*x toys,,,,,, cough right hand possessions for his followers now would he ?
- Your nastiness is ghastly, & your response is dumb.

only because I'm anonymous 
- You must be real nasty in rl.

would love to hear when did anyone was ever killed for insulting america
- Yet 20 million innocent people killed for not even doing that... Murica is too callous & vicious to care about such trivial things! Now, imagine Murica doing what the beloved Prophet (pbuh) did to Quraysh... like forgiving al-Qaeda or the Japanese Navy in WWII, or the Nazis, or the Cubans... wouldn't that be the joke of the century!

my morality stems from my belief that god do exist it's just not the god/gods from organized religion and unlike you my morality comes from wanting to be a good person and not from fear of hell or whatever
- So far, all I've seen is the most foul nastiness in this Forum from you. Case in point, Mr. Moral Abyss.

how many people died for no other crime than criticizing/satire islam ?
- I'm guessing probably 0.00000001% of those done in by Christians or your beloved atheists? This does not save your case from ignoring the horrible US did & is doing to those who criticized Liberal Capitalism then, or those who criticize the Liberal tyranny in the country today

why not the issue is in the language we shall debate in arabic
- You don't know Arabic. This is an English debate website. Debates are in English.

this is annoying I'm talking about the importance of "الحركات "  in the meaning of arabic words 
- You're free to embarrass yourself further...  

we are not discussing about the USA nor are we discussing conspiracy theories
- Yeah, life means nothing to you. Hate is a b*tch ain't it! Sad!

islam have the death penalty for homosexuality and mentioned the story of the people of lut/lot where allah punish those people for their sexual orientation mentioned in the holy quran
would love it if you could provide evidence supporting those claims especially the one about that no death penalty for homosexuality 
- Stop lying! There is no penalty for "homosexuality" or "sexual orientation" in Islam. 

how about the story of lot/lut the holy quran?
- Yes, public sodomy.

"Whoever you find doing as the people of Lot did (i.e. homosexuality), kill the one who does it and the one to whom it is done
- No, public sodomy*. 

why did allah punished the people of lot/lut , I would love to hear that it wasn't for their homosexuality and why ?
- For public sodomy.

Lunar108's avatar
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yet fatima his daughter was too young for his friend abu baker to marry despite being older than aisha ?
- & his other daughters (Ruqaya, Zaynab & Um-Khulthum) married between 8 & 11. This does not help your case whatsoever. 
non of which were consumated
he also had no children with her , -note that muhammad had children with all of his wives other than 2 , one was too old to bear any while the other aisha too young to bear any , most of them died -
- First of all, no. The beloved Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) had children only with Khadijah, & with *NONE* of his other wives. So that's a lie. Second of all, I'm sure you think you got a clever argument, but it's just so dumb. I CAN'T! Even if Aisha was 2 years old initially, she would've eventually gotten pregnant in those 10 years together (if she had any ability to). But you got one thing right, Muhammed (pbuh) did not have children with any of his wives -except Khadijah, indeed because most were too old to bear any, combined with the fact that some were probably barren & the relatively short amount of time these marriages lasted (most in the last 5 years of his life).

he had children with them they just died before their birth ,

it's mentioned in the quran just read the verse
- You're beating a dead horse. Moving on.
just read your holy book 

would love to hear when did anyone was ever killed for insulting america
- Yet 20 million innocent people killed for not even doing that... Murica is too callous & vicious to care about such trivial things! Now, imagine Murica doing what the beloved Prophet (pbuh) did to Quraysh... like forgiving al-Qaeda or the Japanese Navy in WWII, or the Nazis, or the Cubans... wouldn't that be the joke of the century!

your responses are extremely dumb are you comparing WW 2 with some stuipd religious war between muhammad and his clan , his entire clan doesn't amount to more than 14 thousand people , the scale itself makes your example extremely stupid
my morality stems from my belief that god do exist it's just not the god/gods from organized religion and unlike you my morality comes from wanting to be a good person and not from fear of hell or whatever
- So far, all I've seen is the most foul nastiness in this Forum from you. Case in point, Mr. Moral Abyss.
all I see in your comments is insults and empty claims that you're making up , and I'm the nasty one here

how many people died for no other crime than criticizing/satire islam ?
- I'm guessing probably 0.00000001% of those done in by Christians or your beloved atheists? This does not save your case from ignoring the horrible US did & is doing to those who criticized Liberal Capitalism then, or those who criticize the Liberal tyranny in the country today

I've yet to figure out what does the US have to do with this religious discussion since the us is a political country and NOT a theocracy   

why not the issue is in the language we shall debate in arabic
- You don't know Arabic. This is an English debate website. Debates are in English.

I see fear , fear of loosing the debate

this is annoying I'm talking about the importance of "الحركات "  in the meaning of arabic words 
- You're free to embarrass yourself further...  
I'm talking about diacritics in arabic and their effect on the meaning of the word 

we are not discussing about the USA nor are we discussing conspiracy theories
- Yeah, life means nothing to you. Hate is a b*tch ain't it! Sad!
I'm not discussing saudi arabia here nor iran , since most countries don't move due to religious reasons -unless they are theocracies- but move due to political reasons 

islam have the death penalty for homosexuality and mentioned the story of the people of lut/lot where allah punish those people for their sexual orientation mentioned in the holy quran
would love it if you could provide evidence supporting those claims especially the one about that no death penalty for homosexuality 
- Stop lying! There is no penalty for "homosexuality" or "sexual orientation" in Islam. 

no comment here for now

how about the story of lot/lut the holy quran?
- Yes, public sodomy.

"Whoever you find doing as the people of Lot did (i.e. homosexuality), kill the one who does it and the one to whom it is done
- No, public sodomy*. 

why did allah punished the people of lot/lut , I would love to hear that it wasn't for their homosexuality and why ?
- For public sodomy.

also no comment here
Yassine's avatar
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Yassine's avatar
non of which were consumated
- They were... Early marriages were pretty common in the world, up to a couple of decades ago, before all the UN interference. They still are in many places. A century ago, the age of consent in the US was as low as 7 years old. Today, early marriage in the West is replaced by early out-of-wedlock relationships instead. In the US, early relationship age did not change, over 40,000 Americans under 10 years old have sexual intercourse & over 20 million under 17, most out of wedlock - with only 600,000 in marriage. What changed is the 'marriage' designation, with the degeneracy of the Western society, where sex without marriage is glorified & marriage is frown upon. Disgusting! 

he had children with them they just died before their birth ,
- No. That was Aisha only, who reportedly miscarried. 

just read your holy book 
- Dude, you're a psycho. You need to be clinically checked.

your responses are extremely dumb are you comparing WW 2 with some stuipd religious war between muhammad and his clan , his entire clan doesn't amount to more than 14 thousand people , the scale itself makes your example extremely stupid
- You haven't made an argument, you made a concession. Thanks.

all I see in my comments is insults and empty claims that I'm making up , and I'm the nasty one here
- True.

I've yet to figure out what does the US have to do with this religious discussion since the us is a political country and NOT a theocracy  
-LOL! What a psycho. You lost your moral ground to talk about this buddy. You embrace the West acting with impunity & yet you dare talk about others. You're insane.

I see fear , fear of loosing the debate
- Don't be afraid, losing in not the end of the world. You'll get over it one day.

I'm talking about diacritics in arabic and their effect on the meaning of the word 
- Maybe you do this with others & it works, not gunna work on me. 

I'm not discussing saudi arabia here nor iran , since most countries don't move due to religious reasons -unless they are theocracies- but move due to political reasons 
- You mean like when the US invaded Iraq? Because Bush saw the devil & God told him to kill Saddam. In fact, daily briefings in the Oval Office during the Iraq Invasion started with Bible verses of war, on the lines of "the Wrath of God...". 

also no comment here
- Lots of concession this time, huh!