Interesting news of Russia and Ukraine.

Author: Reece101


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Europe has more to lose in this crisis than than the USA, so it is more inclined to appease Russia. Sanctions will hurt Europe more than America. Moreover, Europe is militarily embarrassingly weak compared to its economic power.

I agree. Despite the empty rhetoric from feckless leaders, Europe's objective actions prove they are much less willing to enter into a conflict over Black Sea access than the Biden administration.
oromagi's avatar
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-->@Dr.Franklin @Greyparrot @Mharman @oromagi
Here is a pro-Russian view from Russia Today on the crisis :
Russian State Propaganda is not a reliable or objective source for information.  Of course RT is pro-Russian, if RT reports something other than what Putin wishes them to report the organization gets shut down, its employees fired and bosses jailed.  I have no reason to give any report from RT any credit for truth or accuracy.
In Dombass (= Donetsk + Lougansk) the Russion population seems to be happy about the latest events. There have even been celebrations in the street.
Emphasis on Russian population.  Ethnic Russians were less than 20% of population one hundred years ago, before the mass extinction of the native population by Stalin's ethnic cleansing programs in the 1930's, then Hitler's deportation of Ukrainians to NAZI slave labor camps, then Stalin's re-invasion.  Ethnic Russians are still only 39% of the population and almost all of that first or second generation immigrants who arrived by force of brutal Russian occupation.  So yes there are Russian minorities celebrating yet another brutal Russian occupation by force there but their presence  in the region is fairly recent and of questionable legitimacy.  Let's also recall that the overwhelming majority of those Russians voted to separate from Russia in 1991 and will likely want to separate again in a few years once they re-learn the contempt with which Russian dictators treat even ethnic Russians in Ukraine.

Is making one minority immigrant population happy worth the mass death and destruction Putin will now inflict on Russia's favorite victim state?  Is the spectacular economic damage already underway across global markets a worthy price to pay to make one small violent group of recent immigrants happy?