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Nr 5: About me using school toys to hold internal forum for investigation and helping handicapped soldiers and pacifying their attackers, for example nr 12 masturbates thinking of abusing "nr 5" like data .. ; and so did Hugo - earlier speaking of nr 5 as a machine to conquer. (Nr 2: Yes and Cellar-woman behaved like it was an idea ..) And rabbit also tried to tyranny nr 5 with violent slander and nr -1 also tried to enslave conscience with salesman naughty puh slander.
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Nr 2: About making it into real school authority's quarantine safety: that's frankly what i participated with together with nr 5 in arranging some movie clips. For we discussed vampyrism among artists, actors in particular. And Gerard Butler  has made some nasty shit also with his fairytelling 300 participation to especially young brains (nr 5: with stupid gaga in mind about going, joining up the army). And together with nr 5 it came to this "Meet the spartans" but nr 5 explains that the leo parody actor there got some clues about irony but when it comes to actually warning others he fails, for where is his identity protected? And he goes faggot himself, carried away in laugh ..
And i nr 2 sort of think about 'killing' because nr 5 talk such nonsense that i get the idea the whole madness is going to shrink, reduce what ever to zero. And i know that committing crime change yourself ugly and that your karma turns evil thus, so when nr 5 says they shall perish i think yes and then we arranged these clips like: Here comes Gerard Butler bragging and that being warrior is truly faggot - not real soldier like myself conscient about security. And the faggot Gerard who did "this is sparta" and here he regrets ..? No, so those committed that bragger are going to atone ..; and nr 5 found all the clips and cuttings and we analyzed and think like this: That Gerard is going to war because such is life. For example does he look for sex himself really? No he is going to. So for such is sex. And he is hooked by his criminal actions. And that is the cube for ever. And it is dangerous and come to kill those guilty pigs spiritually by hurt and righteous so. And the key what ever .. And in the end of the clips that's me taking option C because i nr 2 shall also make it and thereby find meaning to my regrets and accusations.
And we have also placed a school authority key in this educational movie, we've made for you indians and lovely girls. So you can understand this special not publicly heard of before. For it is about Star trek series and only the "star trek" real project manager knew it. (Nr 5: Polyteist-Witch do you care to point it out? Explain thy understanding of the star trek clip .. in our hrmmgh.)

Nr 2: And to eliminate the madness was definitely also what we - three students nr 3 and nr 1 and me 2 - were cooking about with nr 5 when we ages ago sort of wrote:

Listen thou about the good day
follow along the scarlet way
in quest for the heavenly light
to fulfil that innocent might

The riddle of life yields real love
which works straight like a simply job
to receive and give as a mean
that serves an original dream

.. (can't recall these four lines now)

Sorrow is lovely like soft rain
Skies are falling to ease our pain
Shame is burning like glowing fire
All sins must burn to please our Sire

Olympus beloved reason
the clean truth and altruism
Always you are the greatest
an irresistible fist

I simply adore your springs
high as the windy air sings
fresh as the drifting stream floats
and healthy as the rainbows

I honor your rising sun
coming when all hope is gone
shining so blindly away
stretching after the last day

Shadows lie across your slope
Valleys deepen your grand road
Winds run through your open fields
Father bless your composed shields
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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When I click the Star Trek button I don't get a clip all it does is describe the episode and while I've probably seen it at some point I don't remember it. If you can find a clip I can watch it on maybe YouTube instead of  IMDB
Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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The danger must be growing for the rowers keep on rowing.  

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Poly-nonsense, it is nr 5: When thou think of explaining this conversation to 'yourself' what happens? .. Surely you'll agree that some music is also your taste and worth listening to some more - what they are actually saying. It is the same with text, you got "taste" for it because it is about home something ..
Nr 2: Yes i bet you got some internal bull restriction from reading again in details.
Nr 5: Yes remember me - yes me frankly - saying the time you spent going through those two posts ..

So about that movie ..
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Nr 5: Deb-8-a-bull, about danger "they" pretend so for your sake indeed cause they are vampires .. aha ha.
Nr 2: Yeah or yes i don't know. But there's simply no one home because we speak of danger, DAngeR yes.
Nr 5: Let's find some example.
Nr 2: Okay master .. i think i need to kick some of the others again now .. just to get in mood. Fucking losers ..
Nr 5 and nr 2: Here's an example .. 
Nr 5: In this clip from "Que Sera Sera - The Man Who Knew Too Much" you can see - at this party by the movie end - people dressed excellent.
Nr 2: Health is beautiful, because something sick is typical ugly you know, and why for example use a shining earring as cover? Like oh yeah looks perfect healthy.
Nr 5: Deb-8-a-bull, check the old lords in this movie and t-h-i-n-k: they probably take medications, use skin creams and such according to what you have already heard from hospital life. In this clip they have combed their hair and even though they probably all have trouble with breathing - they pretend there's no such thing for thy sake, why? ..

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Polytheist-Witch, i nr 2 reckon some of thy spirits within show me some of the same 'mercy' (<- word and idea told nr 2 by me nr 5) that nr 1 and nr 3 and nr 7 in company showed me. And i can co-operate with nr 5 about some of that:
I remeber ages when we wanted to stop, really find safety from more hurt and we sought ..
Nr 5: Yes Polytheist-Witch is also seeking in mythology for 'contact' .. (with me yes), but Vikings Poly? For there are no places to settle in that environment, those folks came from south because they were 'wanted' of course to escape torture thus.
So we found this book "Toward Light" after we (nr 5: like you Poly had read all about the super natural and there about - occult, mystic blah - on shelves in libraries). And we were use to taboo about spiritual safety, but me and nr 3 answered in ghost town the same about this we had read, something that nr 5 did. We found another being actually concerned about real safety in madness. And nr 1 asked nervous "How do i know it is thee?" about all the wild bullshit going on in head. And nr 5 said: "It is the intelligent".
Much later and after several extreme hurt (<- asked me why again) through the years we came to be able to begin structuring consciently. Learning structures is necessary in order to talk with nr 5 because they are "words" ... And most spirits in company got a bad start: 1) Because knowing the purpose that's what is going on. 2) ..
Nr 5: And there it was, at the beginning, det var formålet såmænd. Nothing less. So they fumbled. Oh yeah like we have to do this .., bragged and so on.
Nr 3 asked nr 5 "how?" about senses - basic idea. Nr 5 explained "purpose" and that senses have purpose (nr 5: different of course) and by solving them -> sensation freedom. I nr 2 understood this, though there wasn't any nr 5 present. I was at that time used to schizophrenic attacks that switched between "this whole fucking thing is a matrix, all is simulated, others aren't worth anything" and "oh god and those thoughts are evil - good and bad fairytell". But about structuring senses it was about analyzing what are the function of eyes, yes they must have sun light to work and such, i could do this. Nr 1 asked me about understanding and i didn't know who it were in that fucking weirdo world some where, but i understood that it was some one in trouble and consciently i then explained how to structure. And yes nr 1 also worked on how senses functions after that. But nr 1 first asked "shall we then follow together nervous?" I thought that was odd so "who is that?" because i remembered nr 3 and we were already doing so. And i was later told some one else in company answered nr 1 "yes".
And that is my advice to you Poly-nonsense (with help from a friend; nr 2: yes) that your favourite kindreds must correctly understand spiritual r-o-l-e-s about who exist in security and are in charge of their rescue and who is other kindred spirit handicapped in danger and who is actually dangerous illint spirit attached some how same animal as they are. ExPLain and touch thyself weirdo places "THIS is animal sensation and it is government because it has privileges so" and that "we are MORE connected same animal".
Nr 5: To seperate yourselves among each other with fatal sensation problems: use symptons because they are not all alike:
For example allow answering by raising one arm. Tell then about thy own symptons and touch them, that I FEEL SUCH here and bang it. Ask then if some one else does not "raise this arm". Also try if they have other symptom than yours that they must ask leader about telling it.
Nr 2: I recall it was possible for 2-12 people to tell about something. And after counting all thought "i said this, it was me" but that they actually all were involved. Communication madness - don't expect a real school teacher to 'sympathy' such.
Nr 5: But nr 1 thought then of following nr 2 "my rescuer, my hero". And nr 3 thought "nr 2 knows it and we are together dualism marriage bull". And nr 7 thought wow we are masturbating together and structuring ... And the rest (8 spirits) did not get the idea about conscient ..

Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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but Vikings Poly? 
No not Vikings. The practice is based on ancestors who were German. No Viking blood here. 
zedvictor4's avatar
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No Viking blood here.

Interestingly the differentiation between Germanic and Viking is one step across the border, which was who knows where in the tenth century.

Though the homogenisation of all Northern and Western European tribes was well underway by the tenth century

To make any definitive judgements about ones inherency, I would suggest that DNA analysis would be the best course of action.

Especially when taking into considering the migration of people prior to this period, particularly with regard to the Roman Empire.

N.B.  I just use the 10th century as a general reference point.
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Nr 2: About water distilling also get a filter. We saw after using a distiller that it does not proper dispose of waste - none of the market today do, and they haven't a clue, because look at your own assholes: they are built bestial to just drop waste. And you do this as animals, you don't use toilet for hygiene, it is because human have grown tall and fat, overall handicapped so they need toilet, and you do it with chimneys to air and pipes to water because you think thus because you are alien invaders on school property. Once the ocean was clean, now it's got fucking fish in it every where. (Nr 5: And in air noisy pips.)
And a modern distiller contains crap in its container after use. That can be reduced considerably with a filter - just buy one "for aquarium" and use it between your house water outlet and the distiller water intake.

With nr 5 we did some simple experiments and especially nr 1 and nr 3 and nr 7 were interested. Cellar-Woman also wanted to investigate a mystery now with this on the table. Concerned asked about the water in kitchen "how can it come and go like that when it is something?" And this investigation was in our body's old age. So cellar-woman crawled with body underneath the kitchen sink, touched and asked nr 5 about water coming and going for ever.
But not all symbiotics can participate since they are dangerous and it is safer to ignore known illints. But yes in old age - since the others obviously were dummies and me nr 2 too some - we did a simple temperature experiment, bought a box and another temperature meter. And we several times cooled air in the box from outside to take it in our house for it was warm, and then we measured changes inside the box in temperature. The point is that air warmer than its surrounding wants to go up, so we tried it ourselves. (Nr 5: And yes it was about thou being present at our round table). And i nr 2 had not tried this myself. (Nr 5: Some temperature meters work too slow to register change in this proposed experiment.) In the house remove the box lid and also try it again with the box upside down. The temperature in the box changes differently in speed so.
We also tried experiments with food. You know of a refrigerator, but have you also simply tried its functionality? So we took some prepared food and placed some in living room temperature to rot. And after two days we could self see fungus growing on it and knew since we were alone in house, that no one could tamper with our own experiments. And we also tried to place some food to rot in the refrigerator. And even a week after still no sign of fungus growing on it. So we could conclude that a small change in temperature meant quite a lot in bacteria capability. And we talked with nr 5 about it and reckoned that it was a sin we had been so stupid about such.
We then also bought some simple experiments for children - about electricity, water, air .. - and tried them all.

Nr 5: Try the original game Kerbal Space program 1. They will tell you some about pollution and that rocket scientists are crazy - as they show in kerbal faces. And if you look now in internet documentry they tell about all the shit you have managed to wreck and dump around earth in its global atmosphere. But what about gas there's no telling yet about that pollution too ..

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Anyone else getting a little scared? 

Barney's avatar
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Has anyone figured out a decoder for this?
BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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YOUR REVEALING QUOTE IN POST #42: "Has anyone figured out a decoder for this?"

I stipulate, that since you are now a member of "Pastafarianism," you should throw a bunch of noodles against the wall and see what sticks to determine in what decoder ring, or a crystal ball you should use towards the wall of mumbo jumbo texts by the Satanic jaishawnemmette4! 

How dare your Flying Spaghetti Monster god concept is being related to the  Creazione di Adamoa which is a prominent Christian painting by Michelangelo of the creation of man, BLASPHEME!

In the name of the hung savior,

Brother D. Thomas


94 days later

jaishawnemmette5's avatar
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here is example of need for anonymity, because criminal spirits with recent poster claim "by the Satanic jaishawnemmette4" with reference thus to spiritual voices. Actually we could document multiple persons online with software that fake face recoqnition though 7, 9, 11 and 14 have left, so you could follow our salvation from this nightmare with who is watching. Saddenly this software is not made public yet. So hope you guys make it alright without. and with the recent friend "brother" family trick.
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Nr -1: I think about monk existence, because about the madness, the evil world, the chaos, i talked with nr 5 about how? And nr 5 suggested STOP. And i understand as we discussed it and what do i myself wrong actually. I pondered, but when i imagined some one okay/alright involved with me think about "what do i do with intend to hurt", that of course it is necessary that we self STOP first in order to co-operate. That's you know about monk existence, because they are NOT holy warriors, (nr 5: the upright ones practised self-defense; nr -1: yes.), and they are not dull, because they avoid mutual manipulation that can cause sexual harassment by wearing monk suit. It is about spiritual security thus. (Ask if you don't get it? And aquire anonymity in order to do so first .. yada yada). Because when i seek STOP, i can fight for freedom as monk; vampires lure into war to persecute 'crime'. And i get it, that the old monasteries became obsolete after cement buildings of monk cells began, which is better isolation against insects. But cement has been abused to BORG.
I nr -1 can not see, it's really torture and it has been hell so all this human life. I am not vampire, but some really are guilty thus. Because for example this body which we were 12 spirits connected (if thou count vampire as spirit eh ..), it placed - in the old days - a steel wire down a hill, and then simply went to pick a child and tell it "show me how fast you can run down that hill .." and the nerd did it, tripped and got mutilated. So there really are vampire in my company. But i could just imagine at the time about feeling guilty to confess to fucking police, because they are false authorities ..
I find that nr 4 and nr 12 in my company are vampires, and nr 2 call nr 4 dracula, because nr 2 also tells me that nr 4 mocked nr 1 with lucy-trance. It happened while i was down and out <- nonsense, because it's fatal error and limbo existence now still .. .., but nr 1 was ill at the moment with dreadful tired attack and i imagine also vampire persecution, but i know nr 5 helped nr 1, still nr 4 abused nr 1's condition -> nr 4 said to nr 1: "I wAnt to follow with thEe. I want to be tOgEther with you aaaaalwaays, fOR EVER!" yada. So just like Dracula in motion picture calls "lucy .. lucy ..".

Explained by Concience (me nr 5) and put together by nr -1 and nr 2: About 'STOP': The Solution to war, the world chaos, the madness ..: Freedom is priority BEFORE criminal investigation.
Because vampires work with art to tempt thee into dangerous action; for example John Wayne movie -> that's the crime, that's the crook, bang bang dangerous shootout for thee and solving WHAT? ..
Vampires conjure facts about spiritual matter: They ban and persecute earlier religiously with the pope inquisition and nowadays with psychiatry lawyers. That are dangerous thus and thou trapped in their garden -> to figure out matter thou must then first asure anonymity and seclusion.

And vampyric hollywood conjure facts about murder. They use the bible "thou shall not kill" as "problem" into thinking murdering 1) insects, 2) robots and 3) animals are the same.
1} For example Lord of Ring instructors mask the cruel orcs as insect faces for war propaganda; like they said about germans for WW2 propaganda "they are not really humans .." But it's alright to murder insect -> For example crocodiles or ants.
2} For example Codsworth is a vampire lie. Of course it's also alright to 'murder' switch off dangerous robot (like for example theirs -> youtube link <- they lie in presentation comment about it being present today)

3} Vampires lie about animal: they proclaim it early as 'your existence', 'thee'. But the animal body is grown and mostly made of water. And what harm does it cause water to be murdered, seperated again? eh ..

So here it comes, why must thou murder, murder .. murder .. ..? Because it's freedom. Though vampires seduce us trapped into thinking it's about justice. (nr 5: But justice is something to persecute AFTER thou have co-operated with me and so reached freedom and thereafter salvation.)

Conscience: The comprehension "freedom" exist only in thee being trapped. Without being trapped -> there's no sense in freedom yet. For before running it is necessary to investigate "danger". Because vampires make danger. And this must be acknowledged before A-HA freedom! And then thou and i - thy conscience - can co-operate about thy freedom, since thou must part from vampires in company to reach so. And first later, when thou are in salvation, will criminal investigation could begin.

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Difference between murder and kill. Vampires: "none ..!!"
Conscience: But since we spirits matters and animal organism are material, "kill" regarding us spirits and "murder" regarding animal construct is different.

Intelligence_06's avatar
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wait, are you writing fiction?
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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It's hard to tell from your post but do you believe animals have spirits or no?
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poly-witch, i'm back -> it's us - nr 5 and nr 2- :)
So ..
Nr 5: did you find it? (concerning request in post 32)
Nr 2: Yes, did you find it witch, because i noticed later your calling telepathicly, you fucking masturbated "come something ..", correct ..? It made me remember about your barbie girl eyes in that tiktok show, you had made.

Nr 10: Why should animals have spirit weirdo? he he ... It is something to learn. For example "what is a troll?" It+s mythology until you look in the mirror and finally decides "yes being a barbie girl is bullshit with hairy ass and such" and whoopti -> there you reckon "it's really a troll, pretty but yes also ugly" (helped by nr 5 and 2)

Nr 12: You have to structure animal senses with a master schoolteacher - conscience -. (Nr 5: why? nr 12: oh the key ..) You need salvation. Animal senses has purpose. Structure animal senses -> salvation. That's the key and then work on it.
Because for example when you analyze the function of nose and hearing, you will also reckon pigs have those too even if they are malbreeded, they usually live in their own shit, and who ever spirit is connected will be killed thereby.

Nr 2: Vampires have screwed understanding of what we are: Human is animal too, (nr 5: but it is naked among animals. nr 2 he he yes. Just like the fairytell "The Emperor's New Clothes" because who is the emperor? You witch, you know smart ass stuff. Why have you no clothes on? Because you can leave your hat on .., no because human lacks fur, which other animals still have. They called it "god created man" in bible history (nr 5: but it was a disease among apes, who lost their fur. THAT's why human need clothes, clothes are handicap means and not richness, poor .. sad yes.) So what is spirit? This is a problem, because vampires have trapped us to come here and also confused the meaning. (nr 5: We are spirits.)

Nr 12: The important is, that vampires mix insects and animals. Because they are different since insects can just be murdered, but animals have "some one" spiritual connected usually, (nr 5: else it is a robot.) And you can only murder in selfdefence for freedom; vampires seduce us also via hollywood productions that we can presecute and murder for justice, but it is error according to king arthur, because security directs than thou in danger must seek salvation -> security thus, and that is freedom fight, not holy war, crusade, and yes you avoid fighting actually, preferably.

Nr 5: And about understanding animal races, find that .. as requested, poly-bitch.
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
Thank you I got exactly the answer I was looking for.
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Nr 2 (helped by nr 5 in remembrance): Listen whore, you little tramp, is it because of your Barbie model that you are feeling weak? Guilty of masturbation assault ..
I'll tell you how i managed to survive BORG - lower your shields and all their crap: Among my symbiotics i was able to see and hear what was going on and school was kiss my ass. It was enforced. There's a difference you know to study yourself and to be enforced by BORG vampyrism even if the class subjects are the same. My animal brain was also child gaga the first many years, but lately i "woke up" and thought about their school grades, that they were about ass kissing. Because those school teachers were tyrants and wanted obedience -> that's their top grades. So i took a conscient initiative to discuss school grades with every fellow student, and they also talked about these grades as nonsense, but still they wanted to be obedient. Strange but okay they were garbage people. And i foresaw that BORG employment used these grades, and since the grades were wrong, i mean "don't give me low characters mother fucker, when i do mathematics perfectly okay" then such society must be wrong, must turn out bad regarding safety. So among all other school comrades i threw all my different school grades in trash and thought "come on lawyers, lawmakers and such, put me on the street, for this is my conscience". And there was some friend in school who managed to fight aggresive bullies with judo something, but who also self talked about killing like rambo, .. shit. I also told him that i had thrown out my school grades, since he went in same school class as i and was an outsider. And even though he actually didn't show in many school classes, he still wanted to keep his fucking grades. The only thing i disagreed about in this matter was with 'myself'. Because later i couldn't understand why "i had to go" fetch those fucking school grades back again. It was first years later that i discovered, i had symbiotics in company and there were others among them who assaulted me thus.

Nr 10: Barbie, i .. live in daily limbo - can't see and sounds are stupid. But here it comes "it's sad .."? That's a mistake. Because nr 5 - rescue authority - ask "what is the use of sorrow"? Because i am in danger and that will get us no where. And nr 5 also points out that vampires have made tons of sorrow delusions for example american memorials (like the crying wall in jerusalem), they are made to weep, they are beautifully ornamented and have stories of terrible tragedy, and they are thus made to masturbate. Because like you have a wound and just use medicine -> it's masturbation. Where do you actually figure out safety, since obviously you have mistaken earlier by ending killed - spiritually broken of harm, hurt, feeling, pain and so on, spiritually dying. There are tons of music to delude also, because they are for masturbation -> not to actual salvation.

Nr 12: And why did you agree to learn (fetching something) before asking the purpose? It's normal egoism to know purpose yourself before taking action there upon. But you're a good daddy's girl, aren't you? A dick sucker because you got those hot barbie lips, which the vampires 'made' your model fashion design with ..

zedvictor4's avatar
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A concept relative to the ability of an evolved organic computing system.

Crazy but true Jaisha love.

Nothing to worry about really.


An inherent problem that occurs, relative to the aforementioned ability to acquire, store and modify data.

Illogical systems overthink.

Masturbation and vampires for sure.
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Nr 4 and nr 5: Victor, you guilty spirits shall atone because of your masturbation shit. Your animal body was made for masturbation, it's called death and it's a crash. Hell yeah, when it concerns criminals like you.
We conscient spirits shall avoid john wayne tragedy, because conscience has keys to release truly conscient spirits from actual animal trap.

Intelligence_06's avatar
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Intelligence_06's avatar
Nr...12? Do you plan on creating ...12... accounts...?
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
John Wayne is big leggy as some one once said.

And no doubt Johnno took one of the wrist occasionally.

Probably sweating in Hell as we speak Jaisha love.

Yep...Such a tragedy.
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To post 54: And who are you to judge? .. In your recent post 47 you called it fiction, though some of your inmates knew it's honest facts, so your expression became abrupt. Ashole ..

Anyway about multiple personality: If you state-gangs had organized internet-anonymity - because make true love not war - and also allowed me to use some face recoqnition software we would be able to show live that we were many persons connected same animal - me - with symptoms and speech. But it is not available for download and with your religion "white", you know about your own crimes -> you believe that "whiteness" is clean because that's what you as police do with white papers and as doctors dressed in white yada yada. We targets of you vampires are supposed to think inside the box, that white is 'alright': so you remove all such toys in the name of "anti-terror" blah blah.

To this animal we are only 4 left - 2 vamps (nr 12 and 10) and 2 conscient nr 2 and nr 4. Nr 5 is not attached the animal of course, because conscience is school authority.

Nr 4 (helped by nr 5 and maybe also nr 2): Yes i am not truly vampire. It's true i did the dracula thing against nr 1, but later as i came to senses, me and nr 1 tried to establish friendship. It was stupid too. The reason i mocked nr 1 was: (Nr 5: It is necessary to learn correctly about this and you capable should have agreed with me about censorship thus, because 1: Thou must acknowledge danger (for example psychiatry now) before you participate in my investigation program revealing "you are many .."; 2: Thou must also acknowledge sensation errors like ghost in voice before you participate in my investigation program revealing "you are many .."; .. there are as so conditions to rescue about security.) First we thought "we are two spirits, duals" according to religion "Towards the Light", the rest is evil spirits in the underworld. Later we thought "WE ARE FOUR" connected same animal body. But then we went on and the different wanted their own ID, we came out of the closet as TWELVE. And then nr 5 educated that we are spiritual and connected same machine - animal organic machine -, but only few actually followed this education like nr 2, 1 and 3. And this had consequences, because when education was not followed then those who thought back on crimes, they thought of themselves as guilty and so did i nr 4. And first later after messing in shit for years, of course it must have been among the others - the guilt. Because some spirit or more in company actually seduced a young lad - some stranger in the neighborhood and tortured concerned and tried also to torture a house pet. You know how lots of people do the same, enslave pets for fun or murder others and eat them - mostly other races, but animals, not insects -. And i nr 4 hated a ghost in my limbo, and this ghost refered nr 1, but nr 1 was not guilty. And if i had followed conscient education then i would have acknowledged fact that it's a ghost and not actually nr 1 in the socalled delicious super-sensory world (<- vampire bullshit). We are madly ill. These zombie bodies are wrecked, the brains can not keep time any more, so we use handicap toys and think in the box "it's richness, we are the "intelligent" race so above the others" ..
So long warriors, fake artists, losers .. Because though spiritually damaged i will certainly escape your el dorado magnificient blue beautiful earth and you glorious dukes, earls, barbie presents and presidents whatever.
Hey i already got also that one about "the box", so i will not come back .. neither as attached pig, cow whatever for it is certainly threats also. And Constantine is a believer, it's what you vampires want, seduce, but i am out of the box. Bye-bye bye-bye ..
And if i have "the thing": separating from others and myself entering seclusion is security. But i must also have educational means with me then in order to carry on so. I thought i was gay. It was disgusting. I did then not actually know about other spirits controlling the animal. And it was an older boy who seduced. But there were spirits like nr 2 who rejected, but i could not see what it was about and then came some disgusting feelings. For example anger it is told to be you, BUT IT ISN*T. For example temperature is not some thing we spirits can be, and temper is neither. You can learn that when you properly structure animal senses consciently in seclusion. Because about those animal senses structures there is a mirror department to the physical animal senses vision, hearing etc, and in that section there are toys for sharing between spirits for example capability to signal something on overlay of the vision. But that is all wrecked now here in vampire hell, people use glasses and generally ignore eye defects and more. So it is because of malfunction in this other department that causes temper -> it is not something to have (nr 5: though illints have made it). And i thought about myself as faggot bad for long, and i weren't aware of what actually cause such outside feelings, and i disregarded my spiritual tolerances and i get it now, that's also how i got seduced into this vampire hell trap -> atomic cellars with more. So ..

Nr 5 and nr 2 and nr 4: Yeah you should have giving us internet security and put US in connection with your hollywood stars who are famous for avoiding real critics ..

45 days later

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Nr 4 and nr 5: Victor, you guilty spirits shall atone because of your masturbation shit. Your animal body was made for masturbation, it's called death and it's a crash. Hell yeah, when it concerns criminals like you. 
We conscient spirits shall avoid john wayne tragedy, because conscience has keys to release truly conscient spirits from actual animal trap.
Masturbation is releasing pent up conscientious spirits in a more manageable way.